Leveling through Lust

Chapter 293

The linchpin of our success was in creating a domain in Silver Spires.

Even in ruins, with its old luster lost, Silver Spires was still the closest thing I knew to a pure center of learning and research, with a focus on more. The intense action of studying created Divine Spark.

Of course, even the most focused mage lost in the studying generated only a fraction of the concept that could be termed as Knowledge Spark. Despite the students counting in thousands and the total population in tens of thousands, we would be lucky if we could reach a two-digit Knowledge Spark harvest daily …

“… the fourth section has a problem with the subsection, it’s breaking the whole structure. Correct it,” Helga cut in my work, her attention intense.

We were working on the collection array to make sure we could collect Divine Spark from the students before the System could devour, made out of a mixture of Arcana wards and Darkness mana. The initial ward had been established in a hurry, and therefore imperfect, barely able to pick a few points of Divine Spark every day, less than a point could be defined as Knowledge spark.

Of course, looking back, it was a happy accident. If that hadn’t been the case, Helga probably would have met with an unfortunate end even with the suppression of the crystal platform.

“Why don’t you fix it yourself then, goddess,” I growled in mock anger as I slapped her ass — her naked ass, as we missed each other far too much to bother wearing clothes, which was pointless considering we ended up entangled with every couple of ours.

“Why should I bother when I have my servant with me to deal with that trivial things. Anyone could handle those mundane things.”

She was smiling teasingly as she said that, and I chuckled as well. Naturally, she knew just how difficult was to create such a complicated control ward. Even with all the practice I had outside the System — which created a much more delicate warding tradition due to the absence of the system’s constant devouring — the only reason I was able to create the delicate ward she had designed was my immense stats.

And the fact that, under the layer of Darkness mana, the System didn’t drain its mana completely and ruin its structure.

However, no matter my casting capabilities and my Intelligence stat, I couldn’t have come up with that design. Intelligence and Wisdom were excellent at supporting rapid learning, and they allowed me to adapt the things I had known to other traditions … but inventing completely new methods was far more different.

Helga had always been better at that, and it only got better once she merged with the Knowledge stat. Together, we made an excellent team.

Not to mention, it was fun to work with, I decided as I suddenly stabilized the ward and stopped working, and pushed Helga on the same huge desk we had the plans, putting our nudity to the best usage once more.

“You’re insatiable,” she moaned, her hips responding already. “We need to work.”

“The first stage is already complete, and the second stage could wait a few minutes.”

“Minutes,” she chuckled. “Don’t tell me the great Caesar finally exhausted and turned into a quick shooter.”

I laughed. “You asked for it. Hours it is,” I said as I slapped her ass, she giggled, and we started ruining the plans on the desk once again…

The reason I was quick to stop was because we had managed to complete the first stage of the ward, which was the urgent aspect.

The first part focused on the Knowledge Spark. Based on several incredible leaps Helga managed to come up with, we had managed to enhance the identification capabilities of the ward several times, so it only collected what could be converted into Knowledge spark, and didn’t target any other spark.

That way, we were able to collect the majority of the spark Helga needed and store it, feeding into a ward of purified mana to soften slightly so Helga could absorb and bond with it. That way, she would be able to receive several points of Spark every day … likely doubling her Knowledge Spark stores in ten days, from a hundred to two hundred.

Of course, ultimately, it was nothing. For us to even have a hope of making a stand against the Eternal, she would need hundreds of thousands of Spark, not just a hundred … but it was to be concerned for the future.

For now, we were happy with the linear growth.

The second stage of the ward was different. It was mainly for my benefit, which was the reason I was willing to delay a couple more hours for fun. Essentially, the aim was to create a secondary collection mechanism with its own filters so it could convert the other Divine Sparks, purify, and store them for my convenience.

Unfortunately, that was only a marginal benefit, as the amount we could collect was limited. Even if we collected everything the school produced, it would probably mean a hundred sparks, and we certainly didn’t dare to collect all of it.

We had no idea whether the System could track the source of the Divine Spark it collected — but I certainly suspected there was, even if it was not too accurate — and if it did, the sudden dip of the Divine Spark would be noticed.

Pity we couldn’t just spread that ward under every single city, but that was not possible. First, and the simplest reason. We didn’t have enough Darkness mana. The ones that had been collected for months were barely enough to serve our needs.

Not to mention, multiple locations increased the risk of being caught. One location, we could defend … multiple, we could not, and I didn’t want the Eternals to have any purified spark.

Who knew how they would use it.

I wished I could use the various types of other Sparks that were being generated, but it was impossible. Because, every single fragment had a slight difference, and required a central mentality to focus and channel it, allowing it to coalesce into a coherent piece of spark.

If that had been the case, I would have been far more enthusiastic about collecting the fragments through that ward.

I might have been able to use it to grow my current Companion crystals, but even then it would have limits. Doubling the size might have been possible, though even that would have been a stretch. Anymore, and it would lose its coherence and I would be forced to purify it.

I experimented with Nature Spark many times during my lengthy stay to get a better understanding of Divine Spark.

With both paths closed, I focused on empowering the sexy blonde who was currently riding with reckless abandon, her huge tits dancing with each push to send tingles through me. The pleasure that filled me was incredible…

However, the melding of our souls as I slowly guided her Divine-infused soul was even more impressive.

It was the other part of my strategy of empowering her. By carefully leading her external senses, I was allowing her to bond with the area that was under the darkness ward, creating an absolute Divine Domain.

By that way, her Divine Domain would be established where she had near-absolute power, the Darkness was keeping it safely out detection.

At first glance, it seemed like a terrible choice. After all, other gods and goddesses had world fragments to themselves. What was the benefit of such a small domain to rule, when the enemies could easily surround … or ignore considering it was even tucked underground.

Worse, she would be bound to that small area, unable to leave unless she uprooted herself, which was only possible by a terrible price, reversing her complete divinity. Together, no other god or goddess would actually do such a thing.

But, Helga was certainly a special case.

Her Divine Spark was unique, and even if she had a huge domain to herself, I doubted she would be able to defend it successfully against another avatar …

Instead, we had to find other ways to use her advantages. But, those exact plans for the future. First, she needed to establish her Divine Domain and complete her Apotheosis, which required some time.

And, lots and lots of sex.

“Move faster, my whore goddess,” I moaned as I spanked her tits, making them dance as I enjoyed the tingling sensation it created. Her moans rose higher and higher, resonating with her surroundings, and that was not just a figure of speech.

I could feel that she was slowly assimilating the surrounding area into her divine domain, some of her Divine Spark dancing outside her body. It was the one advantage of creating such a small Divine Domain, that she was able to afford the consumption of the Apotheosis.

Taking a comfortable step into the divinity.

Now, it was my turn to support her…

{Strength: 45 Charisma: 45

Precision: 45 Perception: 45

Agility: 45 Manipulation: 45

Speed: 45 Intelligence: 47

Endurance: 60 Wisdom: 45}

{Purified Divine Spark: 33275}

{Pseudo-HP: 700 Mana: 2000}


Light - Chosen 7.4

Nature - Chosen 10}



Elven Goddess

Goddess of Knowledge}


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