Leveling through Lust

Chapter 126

“Such an inconvenient timing,” Titania murmured in frustration even as she grabbed my shoulder and stood up, her legs trembling despite her impressive physical capabilities, which wasn’t negligible despite her magical specialization.

“Why exactly is inconvenient,” I asked with a teasing grin. “I’m here, and your mana is full, that’s literally the best time for them to attack.” Then, I paused slightly, then my eyes widened in fake shock. “Unless you’re talking about something else!”

“I- you-” she stammered, her naked body blushing spectacularly. How she could feel self-conscious about desiring more after the rather spectacular moment we shared —not to mention the spectacular threesome that happened just a few days ago— I had no idea, but that didn’t prevent me from teasing her. “You!” she gasped in a surprisingly innocent fit of anger after she noticed the meaning of my ever-growing grin, and slapped my naked shoulder.

“You want to play rough,” I whispered gutturally even as I grabbed her wrist while standing up, and pushed her toward the nearest wall while locking her lips in a searing kiss. My tongue slipped inside her lips even as my shaft slipped inside her wet entrance, pumping furiously.

[+1000 Experience]

Despite the upcoming battle, she was no less enthusiastic responding to my aggressive touch. With her breasts pressing against my chest and my shaft invading her repeatedly, she was quick to react. “You’re so thick…” she moaned. “It feels so good.”

She hooked her legs around my waist to maintain balance as I leaned back slightly before leaning down and sucked on her nipples hard, making her wiggle and squiggle in seconds. I propped myself by putting my hands on the wall, allowing her torso to move as I pumped, her tits bouncing as I pounded into her. I wasn’t sweet about it.

I didn’t have time to be sweet.

It turned out that even that level of aggressiveness was not enough to make her shriek hard enough to shatter windows despite the way her slit was tight around me like a vice. Her muffled moans were tempting, but unfortunately, they didn’t have the priority compared to the furious knock on the door. “The army is about to arrive in two minutes!” the warning came with a desperate tone.

“Pity,” I murmured even as I pulled back, leaving her panting and moaning, leaning against the wall. I caressed her cheek even as I cast a water spell, a bubble of water appearing around our bodies to clean before evaporating.

[-21 Mana]

Even with my previous displays of magic, her eyes still widened, because while the spell wasn’t power-intensive, the intensive control I had displayed suggested a lot of things about my power, especially since it was an element I hadn’t used when I was with her, mostly leaning on earth and fire to deal with the undead.

“You’re evil,” Titania murmured a moment later, her fascination about the display of yet another magical ability unable to match the frustration created by my latest move.

“It’s good to be tense,” I whispered as I caressed her naked hip while she was busy putting on her underwear. “It’ll help to finish the battle quicker and come back to visit me.”

She tried to act coy, but a playful step toward her was enough for her to abort that. “I need to leave before they panic and start to desert the walls,” she said, her distaste clear. Her attitude was understandable. Despite her power, she still forced herself to develop new skills constantly, and faced death on a regular basis. Most of the students, however, lacked the same attitude due to their sheltered forced growth, facing no risk, protected by the stronger groups.

Titania, as someone over level thirty, lacked that luxury. She had to battle for her experience, for every single measly point.

At least, she did before my appearance. I represented a much more interesting source of power for her as well.

Despite its reputation, the number of faculty over level twenty wasn’t all that impressive, and most of them linked to the noble families one way or another, more interested in protecting the students of their own clique rather than improving further even if their level cap hadn’t been reached.

I stood behind, examining her beautiful body as she hid it behind layers of clothing, slowly transforming from a sexy yet innocent brunette to the deadly head librarian of Silver Spires, her existence enough the enemies to modify their invasion plans several times just to make sure she was taken out.

I couldn’t help but be nostalgic as I stared at her, remembering the times where I first discovered my leveling ability, scared to be discovered by her. Just a month ago, I could have never believed I would stand in a superior position, standing in the same room, watching her beautiful body contort as she hurriedly dressed up after a spectacular sharing of joy.

I leaned against the wall and folded my arms across my chest, enjoying the show. That finally allowed her to realize unlike her, I wasn’t getting dressed frantically. Her gaze met mine. I watched as her cheeks blushed yet again.

[+300 Experience]

The woman standing in front of me might have been the scariest mage they would ever see for most people, but for me, she was meant much more.

“Aren’t you getting ready?” she asked with a small, cute voice.

“No need,” I said, which made her freeze for a moment. “The same thing with the previous attack,” I said. “Clearly, they are attacking for one of two reasons. They are either betting that I’m still here with you after dealing with the assassins, but wanting to confirm my existence through the attack before attacking somewhere else, or they are assuming I’m not here, and want to take you down while you’re exhausted. Regardless of the case, if I reveal myself, it’ll be of their advantage,” I explained in detail. If there was one thing she lacked, it was thinking strategically, thanks to a combination of her divine-touched status making her act more straightforward, and the impressive power that allowed her to bulldoze most challenges directly.

“I see,” she murmured. “How exhausted I should act?” she asked. “Maybe I should stumble in exhaustion.

“Try to look fresh, but don’t use anything too mana intensive,” I corrected.

“Why, isn’t it better if they see me look exhausted?”

“Not necessarily,” I corrected her thinking. “If you look too exhausted, it’ll make them suspect there might be something amiss.”

“But what if they think that we realized their plan and trying to counter it?” she asked. “Then, wouldn’t it be better to look exhausted.”

I shook my head, smiling in amusement even as Titania buttoned her robe, getting ready to go out. “There’s no need to complicate it. After all, even if there wasn’t a ploy, you would try to look fresh to make the defenders maintain their morale. Sometimes, the best way to deceive the enemies is to do nothing. The more cards we hold in our hand, the stronger our position will be. There’s no harm forcing them to make the first move when we hold all the advantages.”

“I see,” she murmured, no small amount of distaste in her tone. Still, it was proof of her respect toward my abilities that rather than trying to argue, she just nodded and accepted my recommendation.

“Just make sure to keep your eyes open for a sudden ambush from behind,” I said to her before leaning in for one last kiss. I would be next to her, defending her from the shadows, but there was no harm in her being alert.

After the talk with the headmistress, I was even more vigilant about the mysterious assassins of the Eternals, especially since they didn’t attack Titania immediately. They had two assassins that could deliver a surprise attack, and a mage that, while not as strong as Titania, was strong enough to counter her spells while the other two delivered their attacks. There was no one in the town that could prevent the assassination if they wanted to escape.

The fact that they didn’t prove that they wanted to kidnap her, and my talk with the headmistress revealed a lot of reasons for such an activity. They might be just trying to get the Divine Spark that gave her her light magic abilities, of course. Or maybe, they just wanted her to use it as evidence to make sure the headmistress had a Divine Spark.

After all, the headmistress went a long way to hide the Divine Spark behind the wards infused with darkness, and I doubted it was just to prevent the System from devouring it. It would make sense for the Eternals to use Titania to investigate rather than invading the school directly. Even that was an assumption, however. Maybe they were already aware that the headmistress was in possession of the Divine Spark of light, but needed Titania’s node as a sample to develop counter-measures.

I ignored these thoughts as Titania leaned in for one last kiss. There was no benefit to the spiral of assumptions I was forcing myself to make. In the end, their reason didn’t matter, and not just because of my lack of reliable information.

Their reason didn’t matter, because I had no intention of letting Titania be captured by a nebulous —and possibly nefarious— organization.

As she leaned my body to extend the kiss, I felt her body pressing against mine, her beautiful tits firm enough to make their presence known despite the layers of clothing in between. Her bosom may be lacking in size, but it was certainly not inferior to anyone else.

The desire to rip her robe off was strong. It would leave the defense to the others, which probably fold under the aggressive offense of the undead army without Titania there to stabilize the morale, but was it really important compared to the feeling of caressing her beautiful breasts squeezing her nipples.

Pity that it was far too selfish, even for me, so I watched as she left the room, her hips with a sway that she didn’t have just days ago.

After all, there was always a post-battle celebration.

[Level: 31 Experience: 489893 / 496000

Strength: 46 Charisma: 58

Precision: 40 Perception: 42

Agility: 40 Manipulation: 45

Speed: 39 Intelligence: 49

Endurance: 39 Wisdom: 51

HP: 6324 / 6324 Mana: 7595 / 7595 ]


Master Melee [100/100]

Master Tantric [100/100]

Master Biomancy [100/100]

Master Elemental [100/100]

Master Arcana [100/100]

Master Subterfuge [100/100]

Expert Speech [75/75]

Expert Craft [75/75]


Mana Regeneration

Skill Share

Empowerment (1/1)



[Cornelia - Level 21/25]

[Helga - Level 17/21]


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