Level Up Legacy

Chapter 2 - A Debt

"Alright, everyone. Let's assume formation and tackle the first layer together. The first layer is filled with draconic lizards, so we'll have no problem clearing it in two hours. Let's opt for a better time so we can have more time for conquering the third layer."

Alan explained, and the group moved about. Arthur dashed toward the luggage, and he carried the two bags on his shoulders, and they almost cracked his back. They were heavy but not too heavy to make him fall or be unable to keep up with his group.

His position was the middle of the formation while the others each assumed their assigned position. Alan took the vanguard position with his mace and shield, Juan and Beatrice took the upper flanks both on each side, Yuran took the rear, and the petite woman, Alan finally saying her name to be Rosie, took Arthur's side at the middle.

"Advance!" Alan roared in an obvious attempt to lift their morales. The group followed behind and started heading toward the door of the first layer. It was a 10-meters tall door with engravings all around that caused one to be dizzy just by looking at them.

The door would open every ten minutes, and only five people can enter at a time. The reason porters didn't count in that number is that they usually have no magical energy; thus, the dungeon wouldn't reject their presence in the group. That was also why being a porter was a risky job, as one of its main qualifications was being mana-less and non-awakener.

"Hey, is it true that The White Fangs are challenging the boss today?" A conversation entered Arthur's ears and his ears perked.

The White Fangs were one of the best parties in the Union. They were warriors and mages who were, at minimum, Deme-rankers, making them an idolized party among the common masses.

Their white armor and glistering weapons only served as a PR material for both equipment enthusiasts and celebrity fans. However, that didn't mean the group lacked ability. It was on the opposite because they could back it up. The government chose to promote them to induce safety among the citizens.

"Yeah, I read about it on their official website. That's why I came here today, to get a glimpse of The White Fairy." Another person answered, and Arthur found himself even more intrigued. However, the duos drifted away, and he didn't get to hear anything more.

It seemed the rest of the group also heard, and they started to discuss it feverishly. Especially Juan as he talked about The White Fairy, a beauty and a powerhouse of the Union.

Since Arthur didn't notice, everyone was interested in the topic, even the usually quiet Rosie. However, only Yuran grew unusually quiet as if he was displeased about something. Arthur took note of that and kept his mouth shut about it.

The group's turn arrived and the door opened with a usual hiss of a snake before they entered. The architecture of the first layer greeted them. Bricks lined the walls, and pillars linked the ceiling and the ground.

The walls had many engravings and words of an unknown language that gave the place an aesthetic yet ominous ambiance. Patches of green mold molted the place, bespeaking of its age. The rest of the group wasn't as shocked as Arthur as this was the first time he entered one of the Sins Dungeons.

As the group advanced, Alan kept his shield leveled with his chin as he surveyed the surroundings. With a low voice, he signaled their scout, Yuran, to report if there was an enemy. Arthur learned that magic gunmen were more perceptive than others, and that's why they acted as scouts.

"Three draconic lizards, two o'clock." Reported Yuran.

The group took their stances and advanced toward two o'clock. As their view cleared of the giant central pillar, they saw a group of three draconic lizards feasting on an earth-rabbit. With his head signaling Juan and Beatrice, Alan and the others started surrounding the monsters. The first battle of today commenced shortly after.


His breathing came in heaves as if it would stop at any second. Arthur looked at the deep gash in his stomach, and he could see his internal organs through it. A Cerberus has clawed him, a monster resembling a hell-dog. His head spun as he lost too much blood.

He has realized why the pay was so good with few qualifications needed. The others would get a scratch at most from such a claw. He, however, was dying. He could hear the others talking as they surrounded him after they took care of the other Cerberuses.

"We should just leave him. The job was clear about such dangers." That was Juan's voice, and Arthur wanted to kill the bastard for spouting such things. He felt stupid that he ran here at a moment's notice due to his despair. He should have taken another loan from someone he knew.

"But…" Alan's voice was hesitant.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Surprise dyed Beatrice's voice. Arthur then felt someone getting closer, and he opened his eyes slowly. It was Yuran who held a flask in his hand that contained a red liquid. The liquid glowed magically as if it was alive.

"Are you really giving him such a high-tiered potion? To a porter?" Juan was now shouting at Yuran. The latter ignored him and opened the flask. He then proceeded to gently open Arthur's mouth and pour the potion in it.

Arthur felt like his body was burning. However, clarity was being brought back. After five minutes of resting, the wound was gone, and he was back to normal. He examined his body as if it was the first time he saw it. Even though the potion worked more effectively because he has not an awakener, he still found it wondrous.

"Are you okay?" Yuran came over and asked as the group was resting. He seemed genuinely worried about Arthur's wellbeing, something the latter failed to understand the reason for.

"Yes, I'm fine thanks to you. I… I almost died. I can never repay enough." Arthur's voice cracked as he escaped the clutches of death.

"Forget it. I did it because I felt like it was the right thing to do. That's all that matters to me. Furthermore, that potion was useless to me. Why did you take the risk of becoming a porter?"

Arthur proceeded to tell him how he used to work as a scavenger and how many scavenging abilities came to light lately, robbing him of his job. Yuran sighed and patted his shoulder in a warm gesture of consolation. Arthur felt a warm feeling at this unexpected friendliness, reminding him that there are good people in the world.

Since Yuran appeared to be older than him by at least five years, Arthur wondered if this was what it feels like to have an older brother. Someone who would look after him and save him. He then remembered his younger brother at home and how Arthur had neglected him due to work and worries.

He made a mental note to treat him better. As the group was drinking water and resting, a rumbling earthquake shook the ground and the whole dungeon.

"It seems to have started." Alan's face grew solemn as he stated. He was referring to the boss hunt happening at the sixth layer. The dungeon had seven layers in total, with the boss residing in the sixth.

The seventh layer had the gate to the other world and creatures venturing from there unrestrained by rank. Alan turned around and sent Yuran a questioning look, and the latter shook his head. This went unnoticed as the rest were too busy with the earthquake.

The group resumed their hunting, and they arrived at the third layer after another four hours. The third layer had a passageway-shaped structure allowing the group to ignore their rear defense. Therefore,? the group asked Arthur to stay at the back since it got dangerous. He gladly complied, and he stayed to rest at the back as the group fought against the beasts of the third layer, Earth Golems.

As they advanced, the group finally found their goal in the third layer, the Regeneration Golem. It was a mutated type of Earth Golem that had a regenerative function. Potion masters used its mana core to make regenerative potions, a medicine of higher grade than a healing potion.

It seemed that the group was aiming for this, and from how Alan treated Yuran, Arthur guessed the latter was the one in charge of this party hunt.

"Assume formation!" Alan roared as the giant Golem started dashing toward them. Each step sent shockwaves shaking the whole passageway, proving the enemy in front of them was no regular monster but the boss of this layer.

Although The White Fangs have already killed this monster before their party, it was a rule that the Sins Dungeon would recreate the monsters in each layer every hour. Meaning they couldn't outnumber the monsters to conquer this dungeon. However, their party didn't plan on clearing this dungeon but only harvesting the regenerative core.


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