Level Up Legacy

Chapter 11 - Agreement

"Sier, what did you see in him?" Under the moonlight and the gazes of endless constellations, Master Ronin's voice breached the silence of the night. It traveled slowly to the ears of the young man sitting in front of him, who had his eyes closed as he enjoyed the tea in his hand. Sier opened his eyes, and they reflected a serenity unbefitting of his age.

"I know what you saw, old man. That young man's fate."

"I told you to stop doing that." Master Ronin's brows furrowed as the uncomfortableness was genuine. The young man in front of him was someone he feared and cherished even though he was a lot weaker than himself. However, his ability was a peculiar one.

Sier shook his head and placed the cup on the rock in front of him. He met Master Ronin's eyes, and for the briefest moment, they turned bizarrely violet. The latter's body shook as his hand trembled, clearly losing his composure.


"I don't have much time left until it happens. The ability is already activating on its own." Sier's voice was weak yet alienated. Master Ronin felt the familiarity of the boy he once raised and the unfamiliarity of something far more horrifying.

He wanted to say something but Sier's words didn't stop there. "These eyes… Whatever lies inside of them… It feared that young man."

"Then, are you going to ask him?"

"Well, it'll depend on how far he's willing to go for the truth." Sier smiled as he remembered the report that he received this morning. With it, he'll be able to gain a reliable ally and maybe even avoid a terrifying enemy.


"Is it another nightmare?" A woman he didn't know asked him after he opened his eyes crying. He looked around absent-minded, trying to figure out where he was. As he studied the woman further, her gentle appearance struck a chord in his heart. As she began to worry, he finally remembered the love of his life, Elisa.

"I don't know. It feels like… I was just crying about something." He looked around as he remembered his room. Their room. His wife, the one he married three years ago, Elisa. Someone he felt grateful just to be with. She was the only person who stayed by his side even after the death of his parents.

"Jizo, this has been happening a lot lately. Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" Elisa asked, her hand trembling as she held him and whispered his name. He felt warmth rush in as he smiled and hugged her tightly.

"There's nothing wrong, darling. Everything is just fine. Lily is about to wake up, let's make some breakfast." Jizo stood up and got dressed. The two then started making breakfast before Elisa went over to Lily and woke her up.

"Good morning Papa!" Lily rushed and hugged him as she woke up. He could see she was still half asleep, so he carried her and washed her face. She struggled as she felt the cold water, but he didn't get angry, simply finding her too adorable with her puffed cheeks and twin-tails hairstyle.

As the three sat down and started eating, Jizo looked over the affair of his village. As it held no more than 300 houses, it wasn't that complicated to address, only some issues listed by the people he needed to resolve.

"Chief! Chief!"

The door flung open, and a man came rushing in. Elisa grabbed Lily and held her, frightened by the burst of an unknown person. Jizo stood up from his seat, displeased by the intrusion. However, as he saw the face of someone he knew being deathly pale, he knew something was wrong.

The man fell to the ground and pointed toward the door gasping to say something. Failing to say the words, the man's snot and tears began pouring out before he fainted. Jizo bolted toward the door as he stood there in the horror of what he saw in the distance.

A giant monster stood next to the mountain, with the mountain being half its height. It had black rocky skin as if it was a golem. Engraving of purple shined on its body as it emitted a pressure capable of crushing them.

"What in the Seven Guardians is this…" Jizo muttered as he witnessed the giant throwing his fist toward their village. He knew none would survive its fist. Jizo turned around and dashed toward Elise and Lily to protect them, but he was too late as the monster destroyed the whole village in seconds.


"HAAAA!" Arthur gasped for air as he woke up. His heart wanted to rip itself out of his chest as it was beating wildly. His eyes were wet with tears as it seems he was crying in his sleep.

The dream he just saw, where he was Jizo himself, made his heart shatter a million times. He knew what happened even if he didn't see it. He knew it by the aching in his heart. They died.

As he stood in front of the mirror and he saw himself, his eyes staring back at him. He felt like they contained loneliness and sadness beyond this world.

"Don't worry. History won't repeat itself." Arthur calmed down after he said those words. He breathed in and out as he realized that Jizo's emotions influenced him. What if he loved someone that much and still lost them?


After he decided what to do, Arthur went again to meet Master Ronin. He was surprised to meet Si there as well, as it looked like he has stayed the night over there. As the three ate breakfast after Arthur reluctantly agreeing, they went down to business.

"So why are you guys helping me?" Arthur was straightforward and concise. He didn't like to play games and wanted to hear what the other person wanted. If he felt like they were hiding something, he would pull out of this whole thing.

"First, let's tell you what we have to offer. Right now, you're a nobody. You're a rookie who has just awakened. Yet my ability can show me the potential people have." Si said after he finished his meal and wiped his mouth.

He then continued after standing up. "I was banished, forsaken, and treated like a monster by my family." He said as he gazed at the horizon. "I seek no pity, I only seek to take back what is rightfully mine." His eyes glowed, and Arthur realized this man held ambitions towering the skies.

For a brief moment, Arthur could also see it. The indomitable spirit Sier had. He stood proud and clear of what he is and what he wants.

"How am I to help you?" Arthur asked.

"Lend me your strength when the time comes. I won't ask you to throw yourself into a volcano. If you grow with the potential you have, I know you'll be someone capable of helping me with ease. At that time, I'll pay you back for your help.

What I," Si paused and looked toward Master Ronin, "What Master Ronin would offer is to earn your cooperation in the future. I would still pay you back for your help. That is after you grow." Si then turned silent.

As Arthur mulled over it, he couldn't see the harm it would bring him. As they discussed his end of the bargain, it was favorable. Master Ronin would teach him how to control and increase his mana. He would give him the foundations he missed establishing at an earlier age.

This way, he would be able to compete with others for Jerano College. In return, he would have to help Si after he grows stronger. Arthur knew it was only a matter of time before he did. Furthermore, Si said he would help Arthur to grow.

"Very well. You have my word." Arthur stood up and extended his hand. Si grinned widely and shook his hand. This simple scene was the first step leading to a world-shaking event.


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