Level Up Family

Chapter 9: Ria Wakes Up, A Passionate Assault

Chapter 9: Ria Wakes Up, A Passionate Assault

It was a world of blood-red, one such that it would seem no different from the fabled hell, often told in fiction to many as bedtime stories. The atmosphere carrying a dark intent, as if below its dark clouds, was a nefarious will that shrouded all things.

In this world, a young girl was seen wandering its dismal boundaries; she had long green hair, dazzling purple eyes, a long dark red horn, and wore a red dress, one that seemed as if it were dyed with blood.

Looking at her closely, one would even notice that her face had a cold and ruthless expression, filled with the blood of many unknown foes that she licked away with a pretty pinkish tongue, moistening her somewhat parched but juicy red lips that were curved into a cruel smile.

Still, as if she was overcome by something, this young girl's eyes had abruptly changed, her expression turning to shock and horror, even more so as she looked at her palms stained with blood and the myriad of human corpses around her.

"No... not again, I can't live like this again!" The young girl said in a panic as if driven by grief, she gripped her head and raised it as she screamed out loud in a cry of anguish, "Ahhhhhhh!"

Following this cry, the world around her shook, as it broke to pieces like shards of glass, everything faded into darkness as now only a single source of light remained.

It was a sinister red light that seemed as if it loomed over all things; it formed into the figure of an indistinct giant with horns, one that looked down on the girl kneeling in this dark space with her arms holding her head.

Following a moment of silence, the giant spoke in a familiar but ruthless tone that resounded across the world, "You have failed us!"

The green-haired woman hearing this, had a sad look on her face, one that became filled with utmost terror and regret, but as if she determined something, she bit lips and clenched her fists tightly when she spoke with sharp eyes, "Never, I will never give in to your demands! NEVER AGAIN!"

As she said this, the dark space began to fluctuate as bright lights erupted from everything, seeming to be able to destroy everything.

The giant frowned as he saw this, it grew angry and yelled back in a resonant tone, "Truly disgraceful! Mark-my-words, child! You will pay for your betrayal!"

The green-haired woman looked at this but said nothing; she knew that she had to face this someday, so she no longer complaint, she only cared about one thing, and that was her family.

"Maybe someday, but that time isn't now..." The woman said in a cold tone, her eyes having both a mixture of sadness and firmness.

The red giant said nothing more, as it only stared at her in silence, both looking at each other as if between them were countless stories and sadness at the same time. Soon, the world was annihilated, and the brilliant white lights engulfed everything.


Marius, who had already dozed off in the simple wooden house, had only now awoken from his sleep. Previously, he had felt a bit tired from his strenuous battle against the Blazing Ice Black Tiger; as such, he instantly fell asleep the moment he sat by his wife.

His back still leaned against the bed's headboard as he crossed one arm over his bent leg and dazedly stared outside, looking at the brilliance of nature.

'It's a beautiful world, much different from Earth, there's no earthly pollution or filth in the air, but based on what the old man hinted, it would seem that underneath its beauty is far more dangerous than I'd ever expected. I can't let up, I have to carve out a place, for everyone to live as they please,' Marius thought as his eyes showed resolution.

After fixing his thoughts, he prepared to get up and read some books in the Mountain Ax Senior's study, but right at this time, he felt a strange power.

"Hmm, what's this?" Marius ushered, but he soon noticed that it was coming from his wife at his side.

He quickly looked at her and saw that her body floated from the bed before it burst into purple flames that seemed as if it was trying to devour her, but in a mere flash, a few white lights flickered, and everything returned to calmness.

"Ria!" Marius exclaimed as he didn't know what the hell happen just now, he hurriedly grabbed her out of the air holding her as a prince would do a princess as he stared at her face with worry.

"Ria, are you okay? Hurry and wake up!" Marius said, hoping to rouse his wife from her slumber.

As if Marius had finally come through, Ria's eyes twitched as she opened it weakly before staring at her handsome husband's face.

At first, she was a bit confused, but when her eyes grew clearer, they showed regret, fear, anxiousness, and then determination, as streams of crystal-like tears ran down her cheeks when she spoke, "Huzy, I'm sorry, It's all my... all my fault!"

Marius stared at her deeply and sighed; he gently rubbed her head as if coaxing a child and spoke, "My dear Ria, don't worry, it's okay now. It doesn't matter whose fault it was, what matters is that we are in this world together, and no matter how dangerous it is, so long as we have each other, nothing will hinder us from having a good life."

When Ria heard those words, her body trembled as she firmed wrapped her arms around his neck, and placed her head against his chest as she spoke, "T-Thank you... thank you for not hating me!"

Marius sighed as he gently caressed her and said, "Don't worry, even if you were a devil, I can never hate you, my dear wife..."

Ria felt happy hearing those words, her face flushed red, and her body started to heat up, Marius feeling this change felt his heart sped up, he knew what it meant when her body started to act in this manner.

He looked down and saw that Ria had stared up at his face, with a red appearance, her eyes showing a passionate look as even her breath grew unsteady when she opened her cherry red lips and spoke in a mesmerizing tone, "Husband, I... I'm feeling hot..."

Marius hearing this had a jolt, no matter how many times he was unable to calm down when she got like this, it was almost as if it were the ultimate kind of poison that can stir his soul and body.

Before Marius could even speak to placate her mood, Ria pressed his body down with incredible strength straddling him from above as she placed her juicy lips on top of his firm and manly lips.

She began to wildly suck as if trying to draw out his soul, causing Marius to almost lose himself into the moment of bliss. He savored the taste of her tongue that danced in his mouth, much like a seductive dancer doing her best to enter her man.

Ria's eyes became even crazier as she began to moan when she slid her mouth from his lips onto his neck, opening her mouth and showing a sharp set of teeth. She then bit onto his neck, causing blood to leak as she licked him over with her tongue.

Marius was already used to this; he initially wanted to hold back as this was the room with children. However, it seemed that Ria's 'poison' was especially potent today, making it too much to endure, he gripped her firmly, squeezing her against his body as he prepared to trash her violently.

"Ahh~" Ria mounted due to the excess use of force, as it was only when Marius acted like a beast that she felt most excited.

It was a pity, however, as the couple was about to have a wonderful moment, the door opened with a bang. This sound startled them both from their activities, killing the passionate air.

"Oh, I... please excuse this old man, I... I wanted to speak with Sir Marius, but I might have intruded at the wrong time. Do please continue..." The Mountain Ax Senior said in a strange tone, as his aged face showed embarrassment when he hurried closed the door and runoff.

Marius and Ria, now losing the mood, stared at each other before they both started to laugh, showing no embarrassment at all, waking both Little Grevlin and the previously exhausted Little Rose from their slumber. The family now fully awakened, as they finally began their first day in this brand-new world.


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