Letters to Romeo.

Chapter 43 - Hallow In Veteris Ground

Chapter 43 - Hallow In Veteris Ground

When the day of Hallow finally arrived on the campus of Veteris, the teachers held classes only until noon before the students were dismissed from the classes. Most students had skipped classes, leaving only the studious ones like Julie and Melanie attending the classes.

"They might as well have declared a holiday instead of conducting three classes," stated Melanie when they made their way through the almost empty corridors.

"I would have slept more or skipped classes if I knew this was going to happen," agreed Julie, holding the strap of her bag on her shoulder. Tonight she was going to the forest and meet the letter thief, the last thing she needed was falling asleep before she met him.

"True, but this might be their tactic," said Melanie with a thoughtful look on her face. "Even though they extended the curfew time, some of us will feel exhausted and then head to bed early," Melanie came up with the reason, and Julie smiled.

"Maybe it would be a good idea to go back and get some sleep," replied Julie. "Do you need any help in tying together the pencils for your wand?"

Melanie shook her head and said, "I was actually thinking of going near the forest and picking up a stick. Would you like to come to the forest? Please?"

"Yeah, I want to check something there too. Let's go," said Julie. She noticed the pumpkins placed at the staircase, and it seemed like they were waiting to have lit candles inside it. "Halloween seems really fun here. Would it be weird if I say this is my first one?"

"Really?" asked Melanie in surprise.

Julie nodded her head, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose with her finger. They reached near the end of the stairs. "My father found it to be an unnecessary event to be celebrated, so we used to never have any decorations or costumes."

"I am so sorry to hear that," Melanie looked suddenly sad hearing this.

"No no, it wasn't so bad. I mean you cannot feel about something that you have never experienced. I used to hear about it in school. But my mother used to keep candies below my pillow." Remembering the memory, Julie smiled because her mother didn't want her to feel that she was missing something.

Melanie put her arm around Julie and said, "Let us make your first Hallow to be memorable! I overheard some of the students in the restroom mentioning about bringing drinks and smoke. Conner said he knows one of the people and we'll be getting it to drink, though we haven't picked our spot yet."

"That sounds exciting," replied Julie, and from the corner of her eyes, she felt someone standing at the end of the corridor. When she turned her head, she noticed it was a statue of the plague doctor. With all the statues placed on the campus, it could give anyone a good scare.

Stepping out of the building, both the girls made their way towards the forest in search of a stick.

"Found it!" said Melanie, picking up an arm's length stick from the ground.

"Mel, do you know where the forest warning posts are? Number fifteen to eighteen," asked Julie, looking around and noticed pumpkins hanging on the trees. If she wasn't convinced before, she now could tell Hallow seemed to mark something important in Veteris for students and the faculty of Veteris.

"Hm, I think it is somewhere on the right side from here," replied Melanie, breaking the twigs that were attached to the stick. "Why?"

"Tonight I will be meeting someone here at the postings," said Julie. "Though I cannot remember which posting I am supposed to go and wait at."

"Tonight? Do you want me to come with you? I can stay there until the person comes," Melanie offered while swinging the stick in her hand as if it was a real wand.

Did the letter thief mention meeting him alone? Not remembering it, Julie nodded her head, "Yeah, I think it would be better to have both you and Conner so that you don't have to walk back all alone by yourself."

If it was she and Melanie together, they weren't scared, but the same couldn't be told if they were alone.

"Alright, let us head back to the dorm. Maybe grab something to eat before that so that I have time to see how to wrap the bandages," said Julie.

"AH!" Melanie suddenly screamed, and it startled Julie. Melanie cleared her throat and said, "I am sorry I am just too excited about today."

On their way back to the Dormitorium, Julie noticed the helpers of the Veteris, who were in their brown uniform, were still busy decorating the campus. Her eyes fell on the four skeletons with black hoods placed not too far from the building that held the lunchroom.

"What are those?" questioned Julie.

"Those are the statues of the four founders of Veteris University, because of which this educationational institute has come into existence. During this time of the year, the administrators kinda like to have them set up here for everyone to see," replied Melanie.

"During Halloween?" questioned Julie, her eyebrows knitted together. Remembering the dead during Halloween was strange. Maybe it has something to do with superstition, she thought to herself.? People in the past followed strange ways when it came to celebrating and appreciating things, she thought in her mind.

The closer they reached the four skeletons, the spookier it looked they appeared. A small fence surrounded the statues, and stones were placed around with their names written on it.

"Oscar, Marudas, Sterling, Donovan," Julie read their names. "Wait, doesn't Maximus share the same last name?"

Melanie nodded her head, "One of the founders was Maximus' great great uncle or something. The boy's Dormitorium once used to be the manor that belonged to Maradus' family."

Julie nodded her head. She was aware that people who attended this university mostly came from wealthy families. But she would have never guessed that she would meet students who were related to people who once owned the entire manor.

Returning to her dorms, the first thing Julie's eyes did was look at the window, which was left empty. Her letter had been picked, but the letter thief had not replied to her as if he were busy. Since last night, the nervousness had started to build, and she hadn't been able to sleep in the night.

Walking to her closet, Julie pulled out the bag that had bandages, and she carried it to Melanie's room so that they could help each other in getting ready. Most of the girls had already started to paint their faces, and there was a loud chatter where girls borrowed each other's stuff to get ready. Julie first helped Melanie with her makeup, and once she was done with it, Melanie helped Julie wear the bandages, starting from the legs.

"You can borrow my body suit if you want," offered Melanie, and Julie waved her hands.

"These should be good enough," said Julie, looking at her pj's which were shorts and a tank top.

"Alright, let's hope these bandages don't come off," laughed Melanie, and she continued to wrap Julie with the bandage. It took two failed attempts before the bandages were successfully wrapped. "How do you want me to wrap your head? Or just leave it as it is?"

"Probably just a bit," replied Julie, staring at herself in the mirror. The mummy costume hugged her body tightly, and one could easily see her body shape. Looking at her reflection, she turned red. "Yeah, I think covering my face would be good." By doing this, at least people would not know who was in the mummy costume.

Once Julie was completely wrapped up in bandages, she tried to sit and stand, stretching her hands and legs while jumping to make sure the bandage wouldn't come off because it would be awkward if the bandage turned loose and her costume fell apart in front of others.

"What about your glasses?" asked Melanie, and Julie looked at herself in the mirror and then at Melanie.

"I think I will not wear it today," replied Julie and looking at her hands, she asked, "Do you think it looks weird?"

"I think it looks pretty fun. So much better than the sexy nurse or bunny down the hall," said Melanie, but Julie felt if she turned into an insect, Melanie would still find it to be the best costume. "Before you ask who is wearing a bunny costume, that would be Eleanor. It's like a swimsuit with a poofy tail and ears."

Hearing this, Julie frowned, "Are they not worried about how cold it is going to get later?"

Melanie shrugged her shoulders, "They will probably be the first ones to return to the dorm, you know what that means? Less trouble outside and more fun time for us." Turning around, she wore her hat and grinned wide.

"Give me a moment, Mel," said Julie, stepping out of her friend's dorm. She went to her dorm and saw the letter waiting for her. Taking it, she read— 'Ready?'

Taking her pen, she replied— 'Ready. See you near the postings.'

Folding the paper, Julie placed it back at the window. Stepping out in the corridor, she locked her dorm and saw Melanie had stepped out too. She noticed most of the girls had chosen to wear appealing costumes that looked cute or sexy. Melanie then said, "It is time to headout!"

At the centre of the campus, techno music blasted from the speakers that turned faint as it spread out and towards the forest and the restricted area of the forest.

Suddenly the place looked less like an educational institution and more like when this place was still a town many years ago. With the sky changing its colour to paint itself with orange, pink and purple in the existing blue sky, the students started to step out of their dorms and Dormitoriums in their Halloween costumes. Candles were lit inside the pumpkins to give an orange glow.

While walking, Julie could feel people's gazes on her, and the more they stared at her, her legs turned stiff. Even though most of her skin was covered, she still felt naked.

"Maybe I should have dipped the bandages in black paint," said Julie to Melanie. While Julie's costume was pristine white, Melanie wore a black witch costume.

"Don't worry, no one is going to know it is us. Not many can recognize who the other person is on Halloween," replied Melanie.

"Melanie! Julie!" Conner shouted their names from afar, making his way, while the other students who heard him shouting turned to look at them.

"I think now they do," Melanie awkwardly smiled.

"You think so?" asked Julie, a soft sigh escaping from her lips.

Behind Conner stood some of the boys, and they waved at Julie before whistling at her, "Sexy costume!" she heard one of them say.

"Hey, that's my wife!" Julie heard another familiar voice and her eyes looked at the group of boys before she noticed Caleb, who waved at her. He wore scarecrow clothes with a sickle in his hand and a hat over his head.

"Wife!" the other boys shouted, looking at her.

"Now I wish I was truly dead and in the coffin," Julie muttered under her breath.

Conner reached where Julie and Melanie were waiting for him. He was in his zombie costume, where only half of his face was painted. When the girls stared at his face, he said, "So it seemed like I didn't have enough paint, but I decided to leave it as it is. I am a half zombie and half human. The person who shifts from zombie to human. You guys look good."

"I like your costume," commented Julie, looking at the way Conner had torn or ripped out the material to make his costume look more ragged.

"Thank you! I used the old clothes that I wasn't going to wear. Tada!" Conner raised both his hands before dropping them. "Brody is selling liquor near the bonfire. From what I heard, it is expensive. Let us go there."

On their way, Melanie said, "Conner, do not call us by our names, it will be easier to camouflage ourselves in the crowd."

Conner gave a confused look and asked, "Why? Are you you-know-who?" a smile cracked on his lips. "

"That was a good one," said Julie, and Conner nodded his head with a smile on his lips.

"I know right," he responded as they made their way inside the forest.

Julie stretched her bandaged fingers while she walked, that was slightly awkwardly that made it look like she was a mummy. Girls and boys were in their costumes, standing with their friends, while some gathered around the bonfire. Her eyes swept through the people, wondering if Roman was sitting there with his friends. But he was nowhere to be seen.

She hadn't seen him since yesterday, and it made her wonder if, by chance, he had stepped out of the campus, breaking the rules and celebrating Halloween outside. Her eyes fell on another plague doctor statue that was positioned next to the tree. There were other figurines like skeletons, scarecrows and fake crows that had been used as decoration.

They reached the place where a boy stood with a large box next to him. Students crowded around him, and it took five minutes for Conner to return with two bottles in his hands. He handed one bottle to Melanie, and they both opened the bottles and took a sip and Melanie nodded her head, "It tastes like berries," and she handed it to Julie.

Initially, Julie had not planned to drink alcohol, but then she thought, why not? It was Halloween, and it was time to try things where nobody would judge her. One because her two friends were cool, and the second reason being, she was a mummy, and no one knew! At least not yet.

When Melanie passed the bottle to her, Julie brought the bottle to her lips and took two sips. Her eyebrows subtly furrowed, and she said, "This actually tastes good." And she took two more sips before passing it to Melanie.

Julie turned her gaze to look around and noticed the plague doctor's statue missing from its spot. God, was alcohol already messing her head? Her head turned left and right, but it didn't seem like anyone had carried it away.

"Who are you searching for?" asked Melanie, who had gulped a mouthful of the alcohol.

"Did you see the plague doctor statue standing over there earlier?" asked Julie, her brown eyes searching for it.

"Statue? I don't think I took note of it," replied Melanie, shaking her head. "There are so many people with different costumes. Probably one of the students wore the costume of the plague doctor."

"Yes, maybe," murmured Julie to herself. She remembered it because it felt like the statue was looking in her direction. This was her first Halloween, and she decided to not think too much about what she saw or heard. Taking the bottle back where they were taking turns to drink, she took a large sip before gulping it down her throat. "So is there any trick or treat here?"

"You mean like games or candies? I am not sure about candies but someone in my class mentioned that some of the seniors have arranged for some games," said Conner with a thoughtful look, "But I think it would be better to not attend it. It is being held by some of the notorious delinquents. Griffin, Mateo."

"Ah, I see," replied Julie.

But the truth was that there was trick or treat— where the humans had been tricked, and they were going to be a treat for the vampires.

"But we do have a scary manor which the administrators allow the students to make use of during the time of the annual celebration. Unfortunately, Melanie refuses to step inside and I haven't gone to get inside because it is too lonely," said Conner.

"I do not want to voluntarily get scared by things popping or jumping out from the rooms. And that building is spooky without any decorations," frowned Melanie.

"The one that comes after all the other buildings and is kept closed?" asked Julie. She had entered almost all the buildings on the campus except for that building, where the double doors were locked with a thick chain.

"Yes, that's the one. I think the administrators didn't have any use for it as the other buildings are sufficient. But they open it for the scary house thing," explained Melanie.

"That sounds actually interesting," chimed Julie, a spark lighting up in her eyes, and she now looked forward to entering the building. She then turned back to Melanie and asked, "But you are watching a scary movie, aren't you?"

Conner snickered at this, and Melanie shook her head. She said, "I believe this is extreme. I have seen some girls faint and crying. Girls mostly from freshman year. Watching on the screen and actually experiencing it are two different things."

"I think we should all enter the house. Maybe it will be scary if you go alone, but as a group, it will be more fun, right, Conner?" asked Julie, and Conner nodded his head in approval.

Hearing some students speaking about the dance floor arranged on the football field, they decided to go there. While heading there, they came across Dennis, who was going somewhere.

"Dennis, man!" Conner called him.

"Oh, I didn't identify you there," laughed Dennis. He stopped walking and looked at everyone. "You look-uh-" his eyes looked at Conner's and others' costumes, "-uh different. Julianne and Melanie, you look good too."

Dennis wore a black looking long robe but nothing more than that. Julie asked him, "What are you today?" her eyes staring at the loose length robe.

He smiled at her question, looking down at his dress and said, "I am the exterminator."

"Of what?" she continued to ask him because his costume seemed too vague.

"Evil spirits," he answered, and Julie nodded her head.

"You will be helpful to Melanie in the scary house, Dennis," said Conner, only to be jabbed by Melanie's elbow in his stomach, "Ouch!"

Dennis looked confused but politely smiled. His gaze shifted to look at Julie. He asked her, "Aren't you cold? I have my jacket if you want." he offered.

"I am fine, really," Julie assured him. More than her, Dennis seemed uncomfortable by seeing her in such a costume where her body shape was clearly visible. "Are you going somewhere?" she inquired.

"I was looking for a friend of mine, but he seems to have gone missing. I will catch up with you all later? Have fun," said Dennis with a smile and then walked away from there.

Julie and her friends reached the open-air dance floor that had a different music being played compared to the one placed at the centre near the Dormitoriums. There were white spotlights that blinked on the floor where students were dancing. She caught sight of a group of bunnies at the centre, where Eleanor was one of them.

Melanie dragged Julie along with her, entering the floor and walking through the crowd of people. But before they could move farther away, more students came from the other side, which blocked their way, and they decided to stay where they were.

Julie couldn't help but laugh at everyone's unique moves, including hers on the dance floor, as everyone was trying to keep their moves related to the costumes they wore. There was a smile on her lips as she had fun with Melanie and Conner. Somewhere, her bandage had loosened around her head.

When her eyes looked around, it fell on someone she had looked for earlier.

Black tousled hair, who wore a beige coat over his famous black shirt. There were red lines of paint on his neck, and wait… was that black eyeshadow around his eyes?? He looked like a demon, and she had to admit, a pretty good looking one, thought Julie to herself. It seemed like he had dropped his aloof self outside the dance floor and now wore a faint smirk that she had occasionally seen on his lips.

He was with another girl who wore a catwoman's outfit, his hands around the girl's waist. When she looked back at him, his eyes met hers, and for a moment, she froze. Thankfully, Melanie held her hand, and she moved her hands.

The smirk Roman had on his lips lowered down as they stared at each other from where they were. Julie didn't know if it was because of the lights or the makeup around his eyes, but there was something very intimidating about him. It was like the bar of arrogance and smoulderness had increased around him.

The music continued to blare, and the light blinked on and off. Julie saw Roman lean to the side of the girl's neck before he placed his lips on it as if he was about to make out, and she looked away. She felt discomfort in her chest, but she put up a smile when her eyes met Melanie's eyes.

Seconds passed, but she could still feel Roman looking her way, and she felt her heart starting to race, not knowing why.

When her gaze slowly moved back to look at him, her eyebrows furrowed as the white light blinked around. For a second, she saw his eyes turn red before they turned back to black. Julie blinked her eyes, not knowing if she really needed glasses or if it was the flashes of light that were distorting her vision.

Julie was so focused on his eyes that she missed seeing him licking his lips subtly when he pulled back from the girl who was in front of him. Leaning his head slightly back, he sent her a wink, and she quickly snapped from her daze to look back at her friends and hid behind Melanie.

The damn boy!

Julie was sure Roman was drunk! So were most people, which was why some of them were acting weird.

As the needle of her watch was moving towards twelve, Julie decided to go to the forest. Both her friends had drank another bottle of liquor, and they seemed exhausted. She made them sit at the stairs in front of the Dormitorium,

The bandages around her face had come loose, and now her face was visible for others to look at.

"Why don't I come with you, Julie?" asked Conner, who looked like he was about to fall asleep.

"That's okay. I don't want you tripping over stones which you already have," she smiled looking at them. They were still tipsy. "I will be leaving now."

"Don't forget that the curfew time starts at two, be back soon," he said to her while having Melanie next to him, whose head was on Conner's shoulder as if she had fallen asleep.

"Let me help her get to her dorm," said Julie.

"Don't worry about us. Go on," and on Conner's word, she nodded her head and waved.

Julie made her way towards the forest. The music that had been earlier blaring had stopped so that the others who wanted to sleep would not be disturbed. There were still students in the forest as there were still two hours before they had to go back to their dorms.

As the postings of warning were near the edge of the restricted area of the forest, Julie continued to walk away from others. When she reached the eighteenth posting, there was no one there, and she decided to look at the seventeenth one. But there, she found a couple who were intensely making out.

Julie continued to walk without disturbing the couple, and when she walked a considerable distance, she came to see the fifteenth posting.

Wait, where is the sixteen posting? Looking at her wrist watch, she noticed there was still ten minutes from the mentioned time in the letter.

Turning around, she walked back when she noticed a student who looked like a senior who had squatted on the ground. She recognized him to be one of the students who was part of the play. There was a paper on the ground on which she caught sight of powder on it.

Looked like this person was busy smoking all by himself.

"Um, excuse me?" Julie called him.

The boy stood up, who seemed taller than her. He turned around to face her. Wow! Thought Julie in her mind, on seeing the person's makeup. He had worn a red contact lens and had intricately made designs near his eyes while having two sleek-looking fangs to complete the whole vampire getup.

Remembering why she had disturbed him, she asked, "Do you know where the sixteenth posting is? I seem to have missed it and found only the fifteen and seventeenth one."

The person stared at her before baring his fake fanged teeth, while Julie had a confused expression on her face.

"Yes, they are very very nice," said Julie, appreciating his costume. "Maybe next time you should wear a black cape, you know, like Dracula? It will look much better, not that this is bad," she added when she heard him growl.

This guy seemed to be too into cosplay, and she didn't have time for it. She was trying to find the sixteenth posting so that she could meet the letter thief and get her letter back. He started to walk towards her, and Julie walked backwards, a gasp escaping her lips when her back hit the tree trunk.

Remembering she had seen him with some substance before she had spoken to him, she awkwardly smiled and cleared her throat, "I was just curious about the sixteenth posting. It is perfectly alright if you don't know about it, I will find it myself. I am not into these cosplays, I am sorry but I need to go. Thank you!"

To Julie's dismay, the senior turned angry and continued to behave as if he was a vampire. He made a gurgling sound before coming right at her. But instead banged his head on the tree as she had quickly slid down from her spot and moved to another side.

Julie started to walk backwards, and jokingly, she said, "What substance are you taking? I would like some of that later."

"I am going to drink from you!"

"What you need is water!" so that whatever he had taken would pass out of his body!

Hearing this, Julie started to sprint like a ghost haunting through the forest because of her bandaged attire. The creepy guy was right behind her.

The thought of if this forest was haunted passed her mind. Where did everyone go?!

Ten more steps and that was as far as she got before the crazy guy got hold of her and turned her around. Before he could fulfil his Halloween fantasy, a fist flew straight into his face, and Julie heard his bone crack as he fell back on the ground because of the impact.

"Fucking shit!" cursed the person on the ground.

Julie's heart was beating like a fish that had been pulled out of the water because the boy had? suddenly turned aggressive.

Turning, she saw it was Roman standing there, subtle anger in his eyes, which had narrowed at the person who was on the ground.


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