Let you join the army to quit Internet addiction, but you create the Matrix

Chapter 20 - On his day off, he went to the soldier's activity room to play a game!

Chapter 20 - On his day off, he went to the soldier's activity room to play a game!

Chapter 20: On his day off, he went to the soldier’s activity room to play a game!

Chen Ming was serious as he addressed He Dong, “If you perform well, I won’t cause you any trouble. However, if your performance is poor, I’ll turn a blind eye. The squad leader won’t come asking questions, right?”

Chen Ming knew that having power wasn’t always a good thing. If he indulged his teammates in the squad leader’s absence and got caught, not only would he be in trouble, but his teammates would also face consequences.

Soldiers’ ultimate goal is the battlefield, even in times of peace. Indulging them now could harm them when they are on the battlefield. Despite the peace, no one can guarantee that war wouldn’t erupt.

Upon hearing this, He Dong sighed immediately. He had hoped that having a good friend in power would allow him to slack off.

“However,” Chen Ming’s expression softened, a sly smile appearing. “While the squad leader is away and there’s no training tomorrow, I’ll take you guys to the canteen to buy some snacks and satisfy your cravings.”

The group was delighted, standing up and getting ready to leave. They had been craving snacks since arriving, which was a welcome opportunity.

Aware of the risks, Chen Ming knew that being too conspicuous was not a good idea. Indulging in snacks during training could lead to trouble if caught. Nevertheless, he decided to treat his teammates on the day off.

He Dong, upon hearing the plan, immediately agreed. “Great! We’ve been wanting some snacks for a long time.”

After pooling their money, Chen Ming and three others carefully approached the canteen. They observed any sign of pickets and, seeing none, quickly went in for a shopping spree. Two large bags were filled with soda, potato chips, spicy sticks, and more. They cautiously made their way back, wary of any picket soldiers.

The journey back was nerve-wracking, but they safely returned to the dormitory. Relieved, they shared their snacks and chatted about their adventure.

The next day, during their day off, He Xue asked Chen Ming about any plans. Chen Ming mentioned that while they had a day off, there might still be assignments from the squad leader or higher-ups.

Expressing his desire to play games after a month without access, Chen Ming acknowledged the challenge of finding time for leisure activities during the first week.

He Dong, also eager to play games, concurred. Glancing at the group, Chen Ming sighed, “Let’s see the specific arrangements tomorrow.”

Chen Ming opened a soda and downed it, contemplating the possibility of sneaking into the computer room for half an hour tomorrow. The group swiftly dealt with the snacks, eliminating evidence of their indulgence, fearing the squad leader’s anger upon discovery.

After taking care of this, they proceeded to shower and sat on their beds chatting as they awaited lights out. When the squad leader returned just before lights out, he casually dressed and laid down. As the lights went out, they gradually entered dreamland.

The next morning at six, their internal clocks had them awake even without a wake-up call. After realizing there was no morning exercise, they attempted to go back to sleep but found it impossible.

The squad leader suggested making a call home in the duty room, prompting them to rush there after getting ready. Chen Ming dialed the village head’s number, and the call brought joy to both ends. A brief but warm exchange followed, ending with an announcement of safety.

Others followed suit, calling their families and reporting their well-being. After all calls, Chen Ming checked the time on the duty room wall clock – both hands pointing at 6.

“It’s still early, only half past six,” Chen Ming remarked. “What do you guys want to do now?”

With free time before breakfast and no morning exercise, the group pondered their options.

Chen Ming, sensing their uncertainty, suggested, “Do you guys want to play some games?”

The group, looking confused, expressed their desire to play but questioned Chen Ming’s intentions. A week of monotonous training had left them eager to return to the virtual battlefield.

Chen Ming grinned, “Let’s go to the computer room in the recreational area. While the squad leader and company commander haven’t given today’s orders, we can sneak in a game!”

Excitement filled their eyes as they were eager to indulge in some gaming. Without hesitation, they followed Chen Ming’s lead.


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