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7 months ago
Legend has it that Ye Peitian’s blood has the miracle effect of saving the almost dead. The strong... Read more Legend has it that Ye Peitian’s blood has the miracle effect of saving the almost dead. The strong human beings swarmed like ants and insects under the banner of justice, just to achieve their ulterior purpose.Using Yellow Sand to crush all the coveted people, Ye Peitian let his broken body soak in the pool of blood.A woman appeared on the edge of the battlefield and approached him quietly.Ye Peitian lightly pulled the corner of his mouth with a little effort, drawing a sneer. Even a low-level saint dared to take the opportunity to take his blood and flesh.He closed his eyes, however, the woman stooped down and put a warm coat on him.Ye Peitian:? ? ?When Chu Qianxun was dying, she saw what happened in another parallel world.In that world, the big demon that made the world fear him was not a demon, but smiled softly and shyly at her.For that smile, she stepped on the bloody sea of ​​corpses and carefully approached the brutal bloodthirsty demon.But she heard the person say: Go away. If you get closer to me, I will make you die badly.When she really turned around, the corner of her clothes was pulled.Even if the whole world spurns you, I will hold your hand.If everyone is afraid of you, then let me love you. Collapse Aliens, Apocalypse, Beautiful Female Lead, Caring Protagonist, Character Growth, Charming Protagonist, Cruel Characters, Demons, Determined Protagonist, Devoted Love Interests, Doting Love Interests, Female Protagonist, Friendship, Futuristic Setting, Handsome Male Lead, Hard-Working Protagonist, Helpful Protagonist, Honest Protagonist, Human-Nonhuman Relationship, Inferiority Complex, Loner Protagonist, Parallel Worlds, Past Trauma, Power Couple, Proactive Protagonist, Quiet Characters, Second Chance, Shy Characters, Special Abilities, Stoic Characters, Strong Love Interests, Strong to Stronger, Unconditional Love As I delved deeper into the chapters, a strange feeling crept over me and I could not quite wrap my finger around as to what it may be. However, honestlyrube' review served a clarion call to my heart and I thoroughly agree with the take in writing. It is to me perfectly neutral, giving no flair unique to one's style. By no means does it equate to terrible. Only, it makes the enjoyment one may have more subjective in comparison to others. The details after all, are entirely filled up by the imagination of the reader. I for one was entertained in prosing the missing blanks which I did not realize I was doing until I read the aforementioned review. Perhaps that in itself is proof of a magic the author has woven into textHowever, the most important thing is of course yes, the fluff is nice. You will surely have a good time if that is what you seek to find (Disclaimer, this is my personal opinion. How I feel may not be how you feel, try the book out nevertheless)Ok so my honest take? It definitely has potential..This book gives me the feeling of reading topic sentences only in an essay, so you know the general story and stuff but the details are missing. A lot of details are missing. And ive read a lot or tried to read books like this before but i could never get over how empty they were feeling, but this book is good enough with the topic sentence like chapters which says something..I hope the author can go over this book, the world building was like a 1.5/5 for me, there were so many plot holes and stuff that should've been explained but weren't. I liked the romance, i liked it a lot. It's a refreshing change from the typical domineering male lead who manipulates the fm into dating them and doesn't know what 'no' means. It was definitely cute, so if you want to read something cute, read this. Good story. Recommended. I binge read it for 2 days.Starting was abit shakey, but it gets better as the story progress.One of the better novels out there. Reviews from NovelUpdates: (Average rating on NU: 4.5; Total votes: 226; 160 5-stars)Quote: User: theliongirl; Status: Ch85; Rating: 5/5; Likes: 45This is a sweet romance between the most feared man in the world, the man that everyone calls a demon (in a world where actual demons exist!) , and the first human to show him kindness.The male lead is very gentle and utterly in love; throughout the story he heals from his trauma and finds his own place in life. Though this doesn't mean he's a pushover. Or an a**hole! It's actually shocking to think back to the beginning and how he was basically a corpse, and realize how far he's come.The female lead is very bold, which is something I don't see a lot and I appreciate, and has great character development. She's his guiding light and he's her steady support.If I were to describe their relationship it would be "perfect househusband who intimidates people behind his wife's back" and "inspiring adventurer whose cleverness and kindness get incredible results." They spoil each other.I love how they both improve and how they support each other's growth. I think they have a very healthy relationship once they get together, and like how they both make friends and have support systems. Also half of the story is just their fluff and dog food lmao.This doesn't have most of the misunderstandings and drama common in a lot of romances. Though there are certainly one or two characters that try to get between then, they don't doubt each other.There are quite a few good subplots. It involved some dark stuff but it never felt too heavy, as well as some humor. There are some small questions that never really get answered, but I felt satisfied with the ending. The MTL is pretty good--the only think that's a bit messed up is some of the pronouns.Overall this story is part fluffy romance, part apocalypse, part alien fantasy, and part superpower au. It has beautiful, subtle themes about recovery, love, human nature, what makes a monster a monster, bettering yourself, and one of my favorites - how powerful kindness can be.Quote: User: Midori; Status: Completed; Rating: 5/5; Likes: 23It is I, the self-proclaimed MTL professional! Since this story already has a lot of good reviews! I'll make mine jsut about what I like in the series!a cool and admirable female lead! While I don't really care about character development much, she has it, so that's good!a male lead who is gentle and soft to the female lead, and to other people who are nice to him, or weaker than him. Gentle man, YASSS!I ship the main couple so much! Aaahhh!! A sailing ship, whoop!!Quote: User: Honey B; Status: Completed; Rating: 4/5; Likes: 8This story is TOO D*MN CUTE!Just when I was giving up hope on webnovels, this story entered my view.The MC is the right balance of bad*ss plus good girl. Not to arrogant, not to sweet, not too merciful, not too tough. She works hard for her OP.Though the ML is OP, he's really sweet and fluffy. I loved him! And I love how the MC dominates him. It gets quite hilarious!The action is good. And there are parts that are heart wrenching, but not so bad that it makes the story depressing.Even the side characters are fascinating.Why I didn't give it 5 stars?SpoilerThe ML who is believed to be a villain by most people. But because of one public act of kindness, a city suddenly stands to fight with him. It would be more realistic if it took time for them to accept this like it took the powerful city lords, but this all happened in less than a day.Also, the ending seemed a bit rushed to me but it was still great!RECOMMENDED!! Rank C- Hmmm... Original = 85 Chapters | Translation = 200+ chapters... My elementary third-grade math skills tell me that something is wrong... some translators end up splitting chapters into multiple parts, cuz the original chaps can get long