Legendary Hero is an Academy Honors Student

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Everyone went around trying to keep each other in check, building friendships, and so on.

A strange atmosphere flowed among the candidates.

[It looks like everyone has gathered.]

A voice rang out.

A man was standing on the podium before anyone knew it.

Light blonde hair with golden eyes, and roughly dressed.

[Im Alby.]

The students took a breath.

Could it be that Mystic-Eye Mage Alby?

Celia was also shocked by his appearance.

He was a Wizard Hero whose name has been listed in Hero Records.

'Is this the person referred to as Hero in this era?'

Leo watched Alby carefully.

He observed carefully at the left eye.

He felt a strange Power stored in his left eye.

'Is that Mana?'

Amidst Leo's astonishment, Alby took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

[This year, a total of 569 students from the western region are participating in the entrance exam]

Adjusting his glasses, he continued.

[The type of test will be interpersonal combat and monster subjugation. Normally, you're supposed to take the test one by one. And I'll be honest with you. I don't think like that....]

Alby burned the paper in his hand with magic.

[It's annoying]

murmur- murmur.

People were taken aback by the sudden announcement.

[It takes too much time and is inefficient. So I thought How about we test everyone at the same time.]


Celia was taken aback.

The same goes for other students as well.

[Seeing everyone is ready. I will start the test right away.]

Alby took an old book in his hands.

[Hero Records open. Alby's world. Chapter: Prologue - The Devil's Forest.]


A huge pattern appeared on the floor.

It was the language of gods that the inhabitants of the human world could not read.

Soon, a bright light enveloped the surroundings.

When the light faded away, the surroundings of the candidates changed.

They were in a dense forest.

It was as if they were summoned to another world.

'It's really a different world.'

[It is Devils Forest. The content of the test is survival. You are free to do anything. It makes no difference whether you work together to defeat monsters or competitors. Those who give up on the test halfway should break the bead in their arms.]

Devils Forest.

A forest that existed in the southern part of the continent.

But the place they were standing was not someplace that could be visited.

This was a place in the Hero's memory.

To be precise, it was a world embodied from the memories of Hero Alby.

'Its definitely not an illusion.'

It was a virtual world, and everything that happened there was real.

This was the miracle bestowed by God to the human world.

This was the true power of Hero Records.

The power to reproduce the Hero's ordeal.

'The world of heroes.'

It was 3,000 years ago that this power of the Hero Records was known.

They call it the resurrection of disaster.

Until then, Hero Records were nothing more than the record of Heroes.

However, it was revealed that the [World of Heroes] could be materialized through Hero Records, and this discovery transformed the world.

Some say.

3000 years ago was the true beginning of the Heroic age.

In [world of heroes], rewards were given to those who conquered the trials of past heroes.

That's right, inheritance of power.

It might be a weapon or a skill... Or maybe a special ability that only the Hero possessed.

If you succeed in the trial, you can inherit the power of the main character of that world.

'It's a ridiculous ability.'

It was also the reason why God gave Hero Records to the Human World.

'Its a system that can literally nurture heroes.'

It was the power to prevent the world from destruction like the one 5000 years ago.

The four Hero Academies, including Lumeln, were also created for this special reason.

Human Hero Academy Lumeln.

Elven Hero Academy Seirun.

Beast Hero Academy Azonia.

Dwarf Hero Academy Demian.

These academies keep their own race's Hero Records.

And Leo's main goal was to see the Hero Records in the Four Hero Academies.

A miracle of God that can reproduce the past as it is.

'If there are Hero records, then what happened to the sealed Erebos? Tartarus may know what exactly happened.'

Leo unknowingly clenched his fists.

For now, lets take care of the exam first.'

He then opened his eyes and looked around.

Celia, who was next to him, was nowhere to be seen.

It seemed as soon as they entered the world of Heroes, they were scattered.

'Anyway, it's Devils Forest.'

This place was an existential terrain and it was also a famous place.

The southern part of the continent was covered by a vast desert.

The Devils Forest was a huge forest at the center of the desert.

If there was a huge forest in the middle of the desert, neighboring countries covet the forest.

However, the Devils Forest still remains an unexplored territory.

Most of the monsters that inhabit the forest are low-level monsters such as Gnolls, Goblins, and Orcs.

Trolls were the strongest race in this forest.

Their level was also so low that they could be conquered just by sending an army.

However, due to the number of monsters that never decreased no matter how many they killed, people gave up on conquering the forest.

'Looks like the curse of this forest still hasn't been lifted.'

Leo has been to this forest before.

This forest was Kyle's friend Luna's hometown.

5000 years ago, this was the forest of Elves.

However, this forest was corrupted after being cursed by Silatuna, the Demon Queen of Tartarus.

5000 years ago.

The punitive force defeated Silatuna, but failed to kill her in the end.

Hence, the Queen's curse persisted even after thousands of years.

Leo smiled bitterly as he remembered Luna, who believed that one day, her descendants would kill Silatuna and relieve her hometown from the curse.

"The curse of the damn b*tch seems to have weakened a lot."

5000 years ago this forest was one of the most dangerous places on earth.

The place where heaps of monsters from the abyss kept appearing endlessly.

A monster army that threatened the lives of all living things began to appear in this forest.

Compared to then, now it appears to be heaven.

'Let's think about the test first. Didn't the examiner say that we are free to use any means?'

Whether to defeat the opponents or monsters.

'Anyone in their right mind wouldnt fight in this forest unless they have a mental illness.'

Even if you are a beginner, you never knew when and where the monsters would appear.

Fighting in that kind of situation may put your life in danger.

"Well, I think there are still people who don't care about their life."

A typical example was Celia.

The owner of overwhelming skills, and the one who refuses to give up no matter how great her adversary is.

Just a week ago, Leo knocked her out in just two shots.

But that was because she let her guard down.

If she had fought with all her might, she would not be an easy opponent even for the current Leo.

'I can't beat her in real battle.'

Leo shrugged and drew his sword.

'Anyway, shall we look for Celia now?'

Since it was said they were free to cooperate, Leo decided it was safe to move together for the time being.

After making the decision, Leo jumped sideways.


An arrow came piercing the wind and stuck where Leo was just a second ago.

When he looked around, he saw a familiar girl standing alone with a cane.

It was Chelsi Llewellyn, the younger sister of Abad who participated in the war of nerves with Celia earlier.

"We've met before, haven't we?"

"Yes. So why did you suddenly attack?

"We're competitors, aren't we? Also, I didn't expect you to dodge the attack just now.

Chelsi shrugged.

You show yourself in front of your competitor. Arent you being too relaxed?

"It's fine. I have prepared enough.

Chelsi had a relaxed expression.

She definitely had prepared, since a wind scythe could be seen flying around her.

If Leo approached her carelessly, it would cut him in half.

'It's a magic that didn't exist in my time.'

With a hint of interest, Leo stroked his chin.

If there was a field that had changed beyond recognition when compared to the past, it was the Magic field.

There werent many changes when it comes to Aura or Summoning.

But Magic was different.

Magic was a knowledge that was constantly being explored beyond the realm of power.

All spells have been studied and refined through endless effort.

As a result, the magic system of that time and the magic system of today were completely different.

Most of the spells Leo knew were now treated as ancient magic.

'Still, the basics don't seem to have changed.'

Chelsi narrowed her eyes when she saw Leo exuding a relaxed atmosphere.

Arent you too relaxed with me in front of you?

Chelsi had skills that far exceeded the average level of Wizards who were taking the Lumeln Academy entrance exam.

She was a participant who possessed enough skills to run amok without paying attention to the situation Leo pointed out earlier.

"I have a suggestion."


In this test, the one who survives the longest gets a good score, right? So why don't we cooperate? Since you're a wizard, wouldn't it be better to team up with a potential fighter?"

Chelsi smiled at those words.

Thanks for the offer, but Im fine. I'm a 'Battle mage'. So I don't need a fighter.

Battle Mage.

It refers to a Wizard who participates in battle rather than memorizing spells and fighting from behind.

"Also I have no intention of collaborating with a Gerdinger."

"I'm not really a Gerdinger though."

Still, you stood next to Celia Gerdinger as if you were close, right? So there is no reason for me to cooperate. Bleeee-!"

Chelsi stuck out her tongue.

There seems to be no intention of cooperating with people who were all close to the rival family.

So there is no room for negotiation?

"Of course."

Chelsi responded firmly and pointed her staff at Leo.

At her signal, the wind scythe flew toward Leo at an alarming speed.

Leo thrust his sword forward.



The sound of the clash of metal and wind made sparks fly.

'How did he stop it? There was clearly no sign of using an aura?'

Chelsi was on guard.

'It appears to be an Aura that is difficult to detect! I'll have to be extra cautious.'

Chelsi mistakenly thought that Leo was using an invisible aura.

It was inevitable after all it was impossible for a non-aura user to block a 2nd circle magic without using an aura.

But Leo didn't stop the wind scythe.

'It's powerful and splendid, but it's one pattern.'

Leo read the trajectory and twisted the direction of the attack with the sword.

It was possible to respond this way to magic that causes physical damage as long as it was not an unmanageable power.

Of course, it was not possible for everyone.

To do that, one must read the trajectory of Mana perfectly.

However, it was difficult to do unless one was a Hero.

Wind scythe! Wind Arrow!



A gust of wind blew around Chelsi.

Chelsi said, shaking her hair.

Why don't you surrender before your blood gets spilled? It wont be easy to block this attack like the last one?"

I will admit the power of your magic.

Leo shrugged.

But your attacks are too much one patterned for wind magic.

Hearing Leos words, Chelsis face burned with anger.

YOU How dare you preach about magic to me, a direct descendant of the Llewellyn family?

Chelsi snorted looking at Leo.

"Goodbye. I won't see you anymore. I will eliminate you by force!

When she swung her staff, the waiting magic was released.

A Scythe and an Arrow in the shape of wind rushed toward Leo.

Wind magic was the most visually subtle magic.

Invisible to the normal human eye.

So, along with fire, it was considered a powerful attack-type magic.

However, in Leo's eyes, the magical wind was clearly visible.

Leo curled up the corners of his mouth and put strength on his legs.

I told you. Its simple.


Leo's body disappeared.

The magic that lost its attack target for a moment stopped.

'Fast! where?'

Chelsi urgently used mana detection magic.

Like a wizard who prides herself on being a Battle Mage, she responded quickly.

However, there was something that Chelsi was not aware of.

The point that Leo doesn't use aura.

So, of course, the reverberation of mana that should flow from the aura was also absent from Leo.

So, in an instant, Leo got close to Chelsi.


Seeing Leo appear in front of her eyes, Chelsi tried to respond urgently.



However, Leo's fist hit Chelsis stomach quickly before she could respond.

Leo murmured as he watched Chelsi fall unconscious.

Well then, its time to use my Master persuasion skills.

Monsters like Orcs don't matter.

However, Leo lacked the firepower to deal with large monsters like trolls.

'Just in time, a wizard with powerful attack power appeared. Wouldn't it be nice to cooperate?'

Leo cut the vines around him.


He tried pulling the vine.

"Hmm. Looks good.

Satisfied with the firmness of the vine, Leo looked down at the stunned Chelsi and smiled wickedly.


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