Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG

Chapter 6 - 6 - Domain Boundless Access

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 - Domain Boundless Access

[New Passive Skill "Domain Boundless Access" has been Unlocked.]

[Domain Boundless Access (Passive Skill)]

[The user can traverse any realm and bypass any form of barrier or restriction, allowing access to any domain with fewer limitations or constraints.]

[The user can enter any dungeon up to 100 levels higher than his level.]

[The user can enter any local or private domain up to 100 levels higher than his level.]

"Domain Boundless Access," Broken read aloud, a mix of awe and anticipation in his voice.

His current level was only 25, but with this skill, he could participate in dungeon expeditions up to level 125. This was an incredible upgrade to his potential in the game. By accessing higher-level dungeons, he could acquire significantly more valuable resources.

Additionally, he could easily enter and exit any local or private domain. This refers to areas restricted by barriers that are usually created to trap or protect something from others. Now, he was unrestricted by anything other than level, making the potential of this skill immense. If used strategically, he could navigate domains effortlessly, bypassing traps or barriers set by other players.

However, this new skill also presented a challenge. He couldn't reveal his current level to others just yet. A level 25 player entering high-level dungeons would undoubtedly attract attention and jealousy. It was best to keep this advantage under wraps for now.

"If I can somehow catch up in levels," he mused, "I could access dungeons that no one else in the game has reached. The potential of this skill is truly extraordinary."

The realization of his newfound capabilities filled him with excitement. With Domain Boundless Access, he could explore areas and gather resources far beyond what his current level would typically allow.

Shaking his head in amazement, Broken couldn't help but feel that his path in Immortal Legacy had taken an exhilarating turn. The blend of his unique skills created a gameplay experience unlike any other, and he was determined to make the most of it.

As he looked around at the spirits, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. It was time to continue their conversation and choose the spirit that would best complement his abilities.

But then another notification appeared on his vision.

[New Passive Skill "Quest Advancement" has been Unlocked.]

[Quest Advancement (Passive Skill)]

[There is a possibility to advance the rating of a Quest by introducing new challenges and increasing the rewards.]

[There is a high chance of receiving an upgrade on the Quest rating received.]

[There is a normal chance of receiving an A-rated Quest.]

[There is a low chance of receiving an S-rated Quest.]

Ah, yes, Broken had forgotten that he was to receive a total of five passive skills from the Blessing. He had been so euphoric with the extraordinary skills he had gained that he felt overwhelmed by their magnitude. And now, here was the final skill he was granted from the blessing.

It seemed this last skill was yet another incredible one. High-rated quests were coveted by all players. The higher the quest rating, the more challenging it became, but the rewards increased significantly as well.

With this new skill, Broken could easily receive high-rating quests, boosting the potential for greater rewards. He had now completed his collection of five passive skills and had already begun planning the optimal way to use them. He couldn't wait to experience the full extent of the blessings he had received.

After meticulously going through the descriptions of the blessings and skills bestowed upon him, he felt an overwhelming sense of fortune. The abilities he now possessed transcended any realm of sense or fairness.

With a clap of his hands, Broken couldn't help but revel in the numerous gifts he had been granted. It was then he noticed the subtle murmurs around him, a reminder of his initial mission in this realm.

Spirits, drawn by his elevated status and divine favor, floated closer, each expressing a desire to form a contract to aid him on his journey.

"I'd be honored to be your spirit and make a contract with you."

"With me by your side, you'll achieve unprecedented strength and power."

"He's so admirable; it would be my pride to partner with him."

The irony of the situation wasn't lost on him; he had ventured here to forge a pact with a spirit yet found himself under the grace of a deity. And still, the spirits remained eager to align with him.

A chuckle escaped him, and a wide smile spread across his face as he contemplated the potential.

"Now that I'm under the Goddess of Sloth's favor, it seems I'll attract even more distinguished spirits eager for a contract."

Just then, a notification chimed, breaking his train of thought.

[You have received an email from Akidia, the Goddess of Sloth.]

Upon receiving the unexpected email notification, Broken's curiosity was piqued.

"Email?!" he exclaimed, opening the inbox to discover the content.

[Dear my cute champion, Broken

I must apologize for my abrupt departure earlier. It seems I left without bestowing upon you the additional reward I had promised.

Please accept this gift, crafted with great affection and care.

Warmest regards,


[Claim your reward!]

With a mix of excitement and anticipation, Broken clicked the 'Claim the Reward' button. Instantly, a new notification materialized before his eyes.

[Congratulations! You have claimed 2 High-grade Spirit Contract tickets.]

[These tickets grant you the privilege to force contracts with high-grade spirits up to Unique-grade, thereby extending your capacity for spirit contracts beyond your normal limit of one.]

"To force a contract?" Broken furrowed his brow in contemplation. "To be able to force a contract with spirits up to Unique-grade... isn't this gift exceptionally valuable?"

Swallowing hard, he realized the depth of Akidia's generosity in bestowing such an incredible reward upon him.

The grade hierarchy for Spirits and Items in Immortal Legacy was Common, Rare, Elite, Epic, Unique, Legendary, and so on. If he could force a Unique-grade spirit to form a contract with him, this ticket held immense value.

Although finding a spirit of such a high grade wouldn't be easy, he now had a significant advantage. He just needed to strengthen himself and venture out to find a suitable spirit to contract with.

Normally, a player could only contract with one spirit unless their class allowed otherwise. However, with these tickets, he could contract with up to three spirits.

This realization filled Broken with a renewed sense of determination. He was now equipped with unparalleled skills, blessings, and an incredible opportunity to form multiple high-grade spirit contracts. The possibilities were endless, and his journey had only just begun.

"I should have expressed more gratitude toward her," he thought. "Everything I've received feels like too much, considering how little time I've had to play the game."

But then, with all the blessings and skills he now possessed, Broken began to consider focusing more seriously on the game. Earning money should become easier with his current status. He decided to think this through more carefully after completing his current mission.

The spirit orbs, which had been gently swirling around him, now intensified their movements, converging in greater numbers. Their excitement seemed to peak, buoyed by the potential that Broken's new capabilities represented.

"Goddess Akidia, thank you so much! I love you!" he shouted, his voice filled with joy and appreciation.

"I need to finalize this contract and then log out of the game immediately."

Just then, another notification chimed, breaking his train of thought.

[You have received an email from Akidia, the Goddess of Sloth.]

"But then, another email?" he thought to himself. "Could this be another reward?"

He opened the inbox, curiosity piqued once more.


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