Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG

Chapter 22 - 22 - Help Me! I’m Innocent!

Chapter 22: Chapter 22 - Help Me! I’m Innocent!

Elincia emerged from Alora's tent with a beaming smile on her face. "If I manage to accomplish this Grand Quest, I'm certain I'll be at the top of the leaderboard. It's been a while since Immortal Legacy was released, and this will be the first-ever throne battle event. This time I'm sure I'm on the right side; I'm certain that only Princess Alora deserves the crown."

She then strode among the knights standing sentry at the site. Princess Alora truly had high-level knights, including two Imperial Knights. The strength she commanded already surpassed what Elincia's guild could offer.

The battle would have been more balanced if players were pitted against each other, especially when the Divine Champions were on the opposite team. It would have been a tough and formidable challenge.

Elincia's guild had a small number of members, but they were all high-level players with great potential, though none were Divine Champions.

While she was considering this, she suddenly heard screams coming from inside Princess Alora's tent.

"What's going on?"

Remembering the player killers roaming near the area, she exclaimed, "Is Princess Alora in danger?" and hurriedly activated her aura.

Immediately, blue lightning crackled around her body, and she swiftly dashed back into the tent.

Just as she feared, there was a man standing inside, only in his underwear. It was clear that he had come to sneak a peek at Princess Alora while she was taking a bath.

Elincia's fury boiled over as she cried out, "How dare you disrespect Princess Alora in my presence!"

She was not going to let anyone get away with treating Princess Alora with such disrespect.

She reached into her inventory and retrieved a powerful item, a token that would allow her to cast a potent spell instantly. She had heard that not even five high-level players could defeat the man, but she was determined to end him in one swift attack. With a flick of her finger, she activated the coin-shaped token and uttered the spell's name. In an instant, her body was surrounded by a vibrant burst of blue electricity, causing her hair to stand on end as if it had a life of its own.

[Celestial Lightning Bolt Lv. 15]

"Elincia, please stop! He's under my protection!" Alora cried out, her voice filled with desperation.

But it was too late. Elincia had already unleashed her powerful lightning skill.

Broken's heart sank as he realized that he was about to face a devastating magical attack in a matter of seconds.

"What are you thinking? This is madness!" he shouted, fully aware that he wouldn't stand a chance against such a high level and tier skill.

The stillness of the night sky was suddenly rent apart outside the tent as a tumultuous explosion of lightning streaked down from the heavens. As if answering a higher power's decree, the lightning struck the tent in the clearing with devastating effect.

A deafening blast shook the ground, instantly obliterating the tent. Shards of soil were sent flying by the force of the explosion, creating a fissure in the earth that quickly sealed back up. The knights who had been stationed outside the tent sprinted to the scene, forming a circle around the epicenter of the assault.

What remained after that was the figure of Princess Alora, standing tall with an aura shield surrounding her and her two nearby servants. Elincia stood there with a baffled expression while Broken had vanished from before them all.

"Elincia!" Alora sighed, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"Princess, he was a player killer, and he targeted young women for harassment."

"No," Alora answered firmly, "he is my friend. But, yes, it appears that he died from your lightning skill."

Elincia was in shock. "What? A friend?" she gasped. She struggled to grasp the situation before her. Just moments ago, she had witnessed a man standing in only his underwear before Princess Alora. Even the servants had screamed in panic, mistaking him for a pervert and intruder. Was this man someone Princess Alora knew? Who could he be?

Princess Alora assured Elincia that the man was indeed her friend. This surprised Elincia and made her curious about who the player was. She couldn't believe that the Princess would be friends with a player she didn't know.

Elincia wanted to know more about the player who had earned the Princess's trust. However, she couldn't wrap her head around the fact that he had died from being struck by her lightning skill. But yeah, after all, it was only natural for someone not to survive such a massive attack.

"I think I made a terrible mistake," she said sadly.

"Your Highness," Elincia said hastily, "Players revive when they die, so I will find him and apologize for what I have done," she continued, her voice filled with urgency. "I am so sorry, this happened out of my control. I was afraid something had happened to you, and I released my lightning skill too intensely."

Alora sighed, intending to converse with the man earlier, but the situation had escalated due to Elincia killing him. "I believe I need your assistance, given that you better understand your fellow players. Please locate him, and I'd like to meet him. Let me know immediately if you make any progress," the Princess replied.

Elincia took a deep breath, feeling the weight of her mistake. "I might have just ruined my chance of participating in this great event," she thought to herself.

"Please allow me to excuse myself, Princess. I will bring that man back to you as soon as possible," she said.


Leon cursed loudly as he was killed immediately after logging into the game. He had to log out and wait for the penalty time to pass before he could log back in and continue playing.

Lily hadn't even left his room yet when she asked, "Leon? What happened?"

"A stupid girl cast a high-tier magic spell and killed me!" he said, looking annoyed.

"Stupid girl?" she pondered. "Is that the goddess or the princess?"

"Let's call this one the crazy mage girl," he replied.

"Woah... So you've met another girl, huh? Is she hot? Is she beautiful? Come on, Leon, tell me."

"She's a complete idiot!" Leon fumed, frustrated that his anticipation for a fun game had been met with numerous roadblocks.

If a player dies in-game, they must wait six hours before being able to log back in. If they die a second time that same day, the wait is increased to twelve hours. Consequently, Leon's plan to stay up late playing games was foiled, and he opted to rest early, giving himself enough time to greet the morning the following day.

When a player dies, they are resurrected at the Temple of Resurrection, found in each city.

The next morning, as Leon had activated his resurrection point in a town near the coast known as Deadbay City, he logged back in and woke up at the temple there.


Broken opened his eyes to find himself resurrected back in the temple he had visited long ago when he had first played Immortal Legacy. He noticed several other players there who, judging from their appearance, had just begun playing the game.

"It's the infamous player killer!" one of them yelled in alarm.

"Everyone run, there's a player killer!"

"He's here to reduce us all back to level 1!" someone else cried out.

Immediately, the temple was filled with the sound of players frantically running away, desperate to escape.

Broken couldn't believe it. "What the hell? How did my bad reputation spread so quickly?" he thought to himself.

Broken turned to one side and spotted a player huddled in a corner, looking scared. "Please don't kill me," the player pleaded, "I'm just a newbie. Please spare me."

The player was dressed in an elegant gray suit consisting of gray trousers and a long white coat embellished with golden accents. From his outfit, one could conclude that he must be of the Priest class.

"Take off your clothes," Broken commanded.

"Huh?" the Priest exclaimed, shocked. He quickly removed the clothes he was wearing.

Broken grabbed the garments and put them on. "Ah, a beginner's outfit for a Priest. Not bad," he said approvingly.

Broken took out five silver coins and handed them to the Priest. "Use this coins to buy yourself some new clothes," he said, then stepped outside the temple.

From a distance, he saw several city guards running toward him.

"Mr. Priest," one of them asked, "we heard there's a player killer running around here. Did you happen to see him?"

"May the Deities of the Sins always watch over you all. I'm afraid I didn't catch what you were asking." Broken said quickly as he walked away from the guards.

Someone sprinted out of the temple, completely naked, screaming, "Chase him! He's the player killer!" He pointed frantically toward Broken.

The guards, however, were distracted by the sight of the naked player before them.

"That's the player killer! Beat him!" They immediately started to pursue the naked Priest and proceeded to beat him.

"That's not me!" the Priest cried out pleadingly, his voice echoing in the distance. "Help me! I'm innocent!"


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