Legend of Dragon Son-in-law

Chapter 83 - 82 Dustless Makes a Move_1

Chapter 83: Chapter 82 Dustless Makes a Move_1

Translator: 549690339

“Speak up, who sent you here!”

After Quella Radcliffe had left, Julius Reed stood with his hands in his pockets, looking at the murderous Taoist priest before him.

The other party was very strong, he could feel it.

“Throughout my life, I have acted according to my own heart. The one looking for you today is me.”

Dustless smiled faintly, but the smile did not hide the murderous intent.

“If, as you claim, we have no grudges between us, why come looking for trouble with me?”

Julius Reed slightly frowned, sensing that this Taoist priest was definitely not simple. Moreover, he couldn’t recall any conflict with a Taoist priest in his memory. So what was the purpose of the visit today?

Fortunately, Quella Radcliffe had already left, so he could fight freely.

“Master Julius, you really CIO nave a snort memory!”

Dustless flicked his horsetail whisk and asked sternly, “Do you remember injuring a man with your own hands?”

“I’ve injured many people, and killed quite a few too. Sorry, I don’t recall clearly.”

Julius Reed asked bluntly, “Are you friend or foe? If you’re here for revenge, then let’s get on with it and not waste time.”

Although he couldn’t be entirely sure, he felt that the Taoist was most likely there to deal with him.

But who had sent him? Thinking of all the people he had offended recently, Julius Reed couldn’t help but feel a headache coming on.

With Gonzalez City combined with Five-river Province, he already had a whole lot of enemies.

“Master Julius is indeed straightforward! The reason why I’m looking for you today is because you seriously injured my disciple!”

Dustless looked straight into Julius Reed’s eyes and said, “As his master, I must do something.”

“Master, no need to waste words on him!”

Just then, a voice came from the woods.

Although it was already dark, Julius Reed could still guess who the speaker was just by the voice and silhouette.

The Steward of the Potter family, Harlan Potter!

“So it’s you! I knew it, with your exceptional skills, you could not be an ordinary person.”

A hint of disdain appeared at the corner of Julius Reed’s mouth. ‘With a disciple so weak, you, as the master, are also responsible.”

Back when he had fought with Harlan Potter, he had noticed that Potter was adept at using a berserk state, which hinted that there was an expert guiding him from behind.

But he had not expected Harlan Potter’s master to be a Taoist priest.

“Humph! Julius Reed, you’re too arrogant! I lost to you because I was indeed no match for you. But for my master to kill you, it would only take one move!”

Harlan Potter’s face burned with pain from Julius Reed’s words. Since he had left the mountain, he hadn’t encountered an opponent he couldn’t handle until his first defeat, at which point his hands were broken.

But now that his master was here, he could finally release his pent-up anger!

The skills of Dustless were incredibly high! Harlan Potter had only learned a fraction of his master’s skills, and even that was enough to sweep most opponents.

Just thinking about how powerful his master was felt terrifying.

“Since you’re here for revenge, let’s get started, I’m in a hurry! After I deal with you, I still need to dine with my wife.”

Understanding their intentions, Julius Reed no longer wasted words with them since a battle was inevitable.

“Young man, you’re a bit too arrogant. That’s not good, being impatient and rash will inevitably reveal your weaknesses.”

Dustless did not get angry but patiently pointed out Julius Reed’s faults like a mentor.

Harlan Potter, on the other hand, laughed out of extreme anger: “Julius Reed, what time do you think it is? Do you really believe you’ll leave this place alive today? On the brink of death, and you’re still thinking about having dinner with your wife!”

With Dustless here, he was convinced Julius Reed was as good as dead!

That’s why Harlan Potter, enduring severe pain, had followed Dustless here.

He wanted to watch Julius Reed die and make him kneel and beg for mercy in front of him! He would torment Julius Reed so thoroughly that he would long for death!

Thinking of his own broken hands, Harlan Potter’s heart flared up with rage “Hurry up and act! My wife is waiting for me to have dinner!”

Julius Reed, growing impatient, turned around and said to Dustless, “Are we fighting or not? If we are, let’s do it now; if not, I’ll leave!”

After saying this, he prepared to leave.

“Hold on a moment, Master!”


Seeing him about to leave, Dustless quickly swung his horsetail whisk forward!


With a whooshing sound, Julius Reed dodged backward, barely evading the deadly strike!

The supple horsetail whisk, in Dustless’ hands, was as sharp as a steel knife!

“Not bad! You’ve got some skill! Harlan Potter’s defeat at your hands is not unjustified! ”

Seeing his own strike fail, Dustless chuckled and nodded. If Julius Reed hadn’t dodged just now, he would have been disappointed.

“Finally can’t hold back anymore? Then let’s make it quick.” Julius Reed’s eyes narrowed as he fiercely launched a punch!


Dustless didn’t evade but instead met the punch head-on!

The two exchanged blows like lightning before each retreating a few steps.

“Quite capable.”

Dustless’ right hand trembled slightly as he strived to conceal the shock in his heart, maintaining a smile on his face.

That strike just now—he had almost used his full strength! Yet even so, he was still shaken to the point that his hands tingled!

And it seemed that the bones in his right hand were somewhat fractured.

In the past, such a thing would have been unimaginable.


Seeing Dustless retreat, Harlan Potter was shocked! He knew full well what his master was capable of—could Julius Reed really be that strong? “No matter, today I will convert him!”

As he spoke, Dustless’ horsetail whisk suddenly slashed forward!

This time, his move was lethal!


Julius Reed’s body leaned back as the horsetail whisk directly severed the streetlight behind him!

Immediately after, the horsetail whisk swept towards his face again!

If this strike hit, it would undoubtedly be lethal! “The game ends here!”

Julius Reed’s eyes narrowed, and he lunged forward!


His right hand transformed into a chopping palm that landed directly on Dustless’ wrist!


The clear sound of breaking bones transmitted to everyone’s ears.


Dustless groaned, his mouth trembling slightly. The horsetail whisk in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter, and he looked somewhat unsteady on his feet.

But Julius Reed did not give him a chance to catch his breath, as his fists, accompanied by the sound of wind, fiercely pounded again!

“Disciple, it’s time for you to repay your master!”

Seeing that there was no escape from the impending strike, Dustless grabbed Harlan Potter and violently pushed him forward!


“Master… you…”

Julius Reed’s fists directly smashed a huge dent in Harlan Potter’s chest.

Until his death, Harlan Potter’s eyes were filled with disbelief! He couldn’t believe that Julius Reed was so powerful! Even more unimaginable was that his own master would abandon him!

Seizing this moment, Dustless stamped his foot and leaped into the air! “Think you can escape? It won’t be that easy!”

Letting a tiger return to the mountain leads to endless troubles!

Julius Reed would definitely not let Dustless leave, as it would be very dangerous if the latter turned against him from the shadows! For Quella Radcliffe, he couldn’t allow Dustless to go!

An enemy with such profound cultivation must die!

He bent down, lifted the streetlight that had been severed in half, and, like throwing a javelin, hurled it forward with all his might!

The hundreds of pounds worth of streetlight, in that moment, soared through the air like a sharp sword!


In mid-air, Dustless, having no leverage, was impaled by the streetlight and crashed heavily to the ground..


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