Legend of Dragon Son-in-law

Chapter 332 - 332 Traffic Accident_1

Chapter 332: Chapter 332 Traffic Accident_1

The convoy heading to the Ridge Family villa was somewhat scattered; many vehicles couldn’t keep up with the Saint Heir’s car due to the congested traffic.

Skyfire had originally planned a route to the Leopold Family villa, but after the Saint Heir landed, he changed his course directly, causing the previously arranged route by Skyfire to be completely abandoned.

The road to the Ridge Family villa had not been prepared at all, safety could not be guaranteed, and even the traffic route seemed a bit hasty.

A subordinate in charge of the convoy’s route was frantically busy inside the car, only then choosing a route that tried to circumvent the urban area as much as possible.

As long as they didn’t make their move in the bustling city, there was really no place they feared.

After all, this was the Central Plains, with its stringent laws. If they wanted to do anything against the rules, they had to do it where no one else was around.

Acting violently under the public eye might prevent them from leaving this land.

Passing through a sparsely populated road, the convoy entered the midst of the city area.

This stretch of road was approximately ten kilometers, and it was impossible to avoid.

“Why are we entering the urban area?”

Upon seeing the brightly lit city ahead, the Saint Heir was somewhat displeased.

They preferred to keep their movements secret and hated appearing in busy places.

That’s why the Saint Heir would rather take a ship and travel at sea for several days than take a plane to Five-river Province.

“Saint Heir, this is an inevitable path, we simply can’t avoid it. Moreover, the original plan was to go to the Leopold Family villa, which is not far from the old town area to the Leopold Family villa, and the whole journey is sparsely populated,” the subordinate replied carefully from the passenger seat.

The recent death of his colleague was still fresh in his mind; he dared not be careless.


The Saint Heir shook his head and closed his eyes again.

According to the plan, in about ten or so minutes, the convoy would leave the urban area, then race along a highway and quickly reach the Ridge Family villa.


But before the Saint Heir’s eyes could fully close, the car suddenly shook and stopped urgently in the middle of the road.

“What happened!”

The subordinate in the passenger seat instinctively placed his hand on the weapon at his waist.

“Don’t act rashly; this is the urban area!” The Saint Heir frowned slightly but remained relatively calm.

In this place, it was unwise to take any action, or they would get into big trouble.

“I’ll go take a look.”

The subordinate opened the car door and found a Maserati that had just crashed into the rear of their vehicle.

“It’s a car accident, I’ll handle it.”

The subordinate reported back to the Saint Heir through the window.

“Hmm, give him some money; we need to hurry on our way,” the Saint Heir gestured with his hand. As long as the problem could be resolved with money, it wasn’t a problem.

Although Skyfire had been through a calamity, it was still immensely wealthy, with a fortune of tens of billions.

In this foreign land, the Saint Heir didn’t want to cause trouble but preferred to calm things down.

“Fuck, how the hell do you drive? Your eyes on your ass?” A man in sunglasses got out of the Maserati, swearing up a storm.

“A damn Mercedes dares to crash into my car? Can’t recognize yourself, can you?” The man glanced at the car that had collided with his own and became even more arrogant.

“Mister, please show some respect when you speak.” The little leader was also fuming; he held a high position within Skyfire, usually being the one who scolded others, no one except for Saint Heir and the like dared to point fingers at him.

Now, this Maserati owner dared to point at his nose and curse him, which made him extremely irritable.

If it weren’t for Saint Heir’s orders, he’d have tossed his darts and left already.

“Respect? Sure, I’ll give you respect!” The man with sunglasses nodded, walked up to the little leader, “Speak, what now?”

“How much money do you want? I’ll pay it,” the little leader, holding back his rage, tried to negotiate calmly with the man in sunglasses.

If it were a regular car owner, not only would the man in sunglasses not succeed in extorting them, but he would also have to pay up.

It was a rear-end collision after all, no matter where, it was entirely the Maserati’s fault.

But Saint Heir’s time was too precious, so consider it giving a break to the car owner.

“Hey! Let me tell you, I’ve just bought this car, costs more than a million and a half, look at this collision, it’s got to be worth seven or eight hundred thousand, right?” The man with sunglasses went over to where the cars had collided, crouched down, and wiped at the paint: “Fuck, this is at least a million right here!”

“Are you robbing me?” The little leader was taken aback at first, then walked over to the spot where the cars collided, pointing to the slightly deformed car front: “This is just a few coats of paint, adding up to a hundred thousand at most. Here, I’ll give you two hundred thousand, get going! If this blows up at the traffic police, you’ll be completely liable, not only will you not get a dime, but you’ll also have to pay for my repairs!”

This was simply extortion!

A car worth over a million, casually demanding a million for a bump, people dare to extort as much as they have the audacity for.

“Are you out of your fucking mind? This is a Maserati!” The man with sunglasses grabbed the little leader’s hand and walked to the front of the car, pointing at the emblem: “See the Trident? This emblem alone is worth a million!”

“I’m the one who’s crazy? Really can’t say who among us is insane! Your car hardly took any hit, just need a few touch-ups, you’re scamming people, right?” The little leader’s eyebrows were tightly knit, and his fists clenched.

If this weren’t happening in a bustling area, the man in sunglasses would already be dead.

The crowd of onlookers was growing, with everyone pointing and whispering. The honking of cars stuck in traffic was incessant due to the congestion.

“Alright then, call the 4S shop, let’s find out how much they will charge for repairs.” The little leader suppressed his fury, trying to find a solution.

Saint Heir was still in the car; too much delay, and there’d be hell to pay.

“Me call? Alright! But I’ll tell you my call fees are expensive, let’s get that settled. How are we dealing with the call fee?” The man with sunglasses was relentless, showing no sign of letting up.

“I’ll reimburse you! Is a hundred enough?” The little leader pulled out a hundred yuan note from his pocket and handed it to the man with sunglasses: “Make the call, now!”

“You think you’re giving alms to a beggar? Do you know how much my phone bill costs? A hundred thousand a minute!” The man with sunglasses knocked the hundred yuan from the little leader’s hand, boasting arrogantly: “Driving a damn Mercedes, did you not know to give way to my Maserati?”

“You’re the real lunatic! Desperate! What call fees are a hundred thousand a minute?” The little leader’s patience was on the brink, fire almost spewing from his eyes.

“Hey! That’s my value, nothing less than a hundred and eighty a minute, far beyond what a poor fuck like you can comprehend.” The man with sunglasses became more overbearing, almost making the little leader spit blood.

He instinctively reached for his waist, but the countless eyes around him made him reconsider.

“Four hundred thousand, and get the fuck out!” The little leader gritted his teeth and offered the amount,

This clearly was an accident for which the other party was fully liable; it wasn’t about the money, it was just too frustrating.

The little leader simply couldn’t swallow his pride!

“A million, no room for negotiations!” The man with sunglasses walked up to the little leader and pulled out his phone to call the police: “Didn’t you say I’m fully liable? Let’s call the cops, have the traffic police assess the fault! If it turns out to be my fault, I’ll give you a million!”


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