Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 928 Tying up Loose Ends (1)

Chapter 928 Tying up Loose Ends (1)

Cyneah did not mean to bear grudges. But she admitted feeling disappointed when Kyran did not appear the first time she called for him in her time of need. Eventually, after she tided through her predicament and calmed down, she reasoned to herself that it was unfair of her to be disappointed when it was impossible for Kyran to come to her aid since they were planes apart. No matter how potent Kyran's warping ability was, he could not possibly warp through planes. At the very least, she was convinced of this.

Nonetheless, the joy Cyneah felt after Kyran arrived could not be described in two or three words. Moreover, the fact that she was out of that pitch-black darkness meant he successfully defeated the enemy and saved them.

Nahir, lying a couple of meters from the right, slowly regained his awareness. The moment he did and propped himself up the floor, he caught sight of Kyran and Cyneah at the corner.

A huge hole was punched through the ceiling of the underground shelter, allowing the natural light from the outside to stream down inside.

With no enemy in sight, the streams of light seemed to symbolize hope. But to Nahir, who was not focusing on the light and could only see the Kyran and Cyneah at the corner, its effect gave off a melancholic feeling.

Nahir shook his head with a deprecating smile.

Long before suggesting protecting Cyneah from the Sovereign of Somuli through an engagement pact, Nahir knew that his one-sided feelings would not bear fruit. She might not have rejected him, but he knew she never considered being romantically involved with him.

To Cyneah, the engagement pact was only a means of protection— which it was— and she treated Nahir with respect but never as a real fiancé. Proof of that was how she constantly forgot she was engaged.

Inwardly heaving a sigh, Nahir looked at the two once more. The more he looked at them, the more he got curious about their past. As far as he was concerned, he had been with Cyneah far longer than Kyran did.

How did they even forge their bond?

'Forget it. I am not in the habit of self-torture,' Nahir thought with a slight snort. He then stood up and checked on the others since someone could not be bothered because he was too busy comforting his Mistress.

Nahir snorted again before walking over to the nearest Eidum, who seemed to have not recovered his awareness yet.

As for that someone, who was obviously Kyran, he did not rush Cyneah to calm down. Still, he kept track of the time limit of his temporary fix; else, that gigantic automaton, along with its fellow automatons and Aran's Knights, would be released from that place, and all hell would truly break loose.

At least to them.

But Kyran did not wait long.

Cyneah reigned in her emotions because she knew this was not the time to wallow in self-blame. There were far more urgent matters they had to address, after all.

As she pulled away, she immediately asked, "Where is sir Malek?"

Kyran's brow twitched involuntarily. He was not the jealous type, but somehow, it rubbed him the wrong way that the first person Cyneah would ask for would be Malek. He could understand if she asked for Nahir, but Malek, why?

Oblivious to Kyran's internal chagrin, Cyneah hastily explained, "I tried to alleviate the deterioration as much as I could, but he practically burned himself dry after Flos arrived."

The moment he heard her explanation, he did a quick scan of everyone in the underground shelter with his enhanced senses and found Malek.

At the same time, Nahir, who went to check on everyone, was already beside Malek and exclaimed, "Something's wrong with Malek!"

Cyneah grabbed Kyran's arm as her complexion paled, "No..."

Kyran's eyes flashed silver, and in an instant, he and Cyneah were already beside Nahir. He immediately noticed Malek's labored breathing and pale complexion.

Cyneah did as well, resulting in her complexion to pale further. She reached out for Malek's hand while rousing her magic energy and started transferring her energy to him.

Upon seeing her movement, Nahir shook his head and said, "It's no use. I already tried transferring my energy to him."

"Keep trying... don't stop," Cyneah told him, her voice quivering slightly.

Kyran's brow furrowed as he looked at Malek. They might not be on good terms, but that did not mean he did not care about his well-being. Besides, Malek was Stella's right-hand man. If something happened to him, how would Kyran explain it to her?

"Neah," he started. "I could tell that you and Nahir exhausted quite a lot of your magic energy already. If you transfer your magic energy over to Malek, you two will likely suffer an energy depletion."

"I'll stop before that happens," Cyneah replied stubbornly.

"He's right, Sisi. I don't think transferring our energy to him is helping him either, so—."

"No! As long as we prevent his magic core from running dry, I'll heal him! I know I can!"


"No! Even if it's you, I'm not stopping!"

"I won't stop you," Kyran assured her with a sigh. "But you have to recover your strength first—"

"There is no time—."

"— In the meantime, I'll do something about his magic core, alright?"

Cyneah stopped and turned to look at him, "Can you... really prevent his magic core from running dry..?"

"I can," Kyran replied. He then added, "But I'll have to keep him with me for the time being. After I'm done dealing with Aran's trump card and his knights, I'll help you patch him up."

"Wait, you mean the matter with King Aran is not over yet?" Nahir asked with a frown upon hearing Kyran's words.

"No," Kyran replied with a slight shake of his head. "I only did a temporary fix to deal with them because I can't let Flos and Obstruction take Neah."

"Flos and Obstruction—?"

"Oh~ you forgot about me~ I'm also here."

Kyran felt a cold shiver run up his spine the moment he heard that familiar voice.

"Ruin!" He growled as he turned to look at the person who appeared out of thin air.

"Stop. Right. There~," Ruin immediately said after seeing silver scales filling up Kyran's body and turning into full armor. "I came in peace~."

"Like hell you are."

"I really do!" Ruin insisted with a shrug. "You know, if not for me, Obstruction would not have summoned his Domain and trap your woman."

He then paused after making sense of what he had just said and chuckled, "I just made things worse, did I?

"Anyway, I really have come in peace," Ruin hastily added when Kyran did not stop covering himself up in armor.

Immediately changing the subject, he said, "That b*tch Layla already talked to you, right? And you're considering her proposal."



Nahir and Cyneah asked respectively. Initially, the two were shocked that Ruin had returned. Then again, when he appeared earlier, and Obstruction summoned his Domain, there was a good chance he got imprisoned in that dark space as well. If that was the case and he truly meant harm, why did he not make a move while they were fussing over Malek?

Kyran did not respond, but his silver armor did stop midway from covering his whole body.

Ruin smiled cheekily and said, "You owe me for saving your life that day, Dark Sage. So, how about we call it quits since I put your woman in danger just now?"

"She's not his woman," Nahir could not help but blurt with a scowl.

"Not yet," Kyran replied with a deadpan expression.

"Can you not speak as if I'm not here?" Cyneah reprimanded them, but the slight red tint on her cheeks betrayed her supposed tough facade.

"Whatever~," Ruin snorted. He looked at Kyran and continued, "You said you haven't dealt with Aran's trump card and his knights yet. I can help you out, and in return, let's talk about that proposal, shall we?"

"No, thanks."

"Oh, come on~. You know I can easily deal with those machines with just a snap of my finger."

"I need them intact."

Ruin raised his brows in confusion. But then his smile grew as he realized something and said, "Oh~ I see... I suppose you will need your own army before going there."

Kyran did not reply. But his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Fine~ how about those knights? Ah! Don't tell me you also plan on taking them in. Ahahaha!" Ruin burst out in laughter. "To think you and that b*tch will have the same idea. Are you sure she's not your realwoman—?"

A purple light flashed past Ruin's check, removing a half-centimeter-deep chunk of flesh. The smile on his face froze as the mirth in his eyes slowly vanished.

"That's not a very nice thing to do, Dark Sage."

"Then stop talking nonsense."

Ruin's eyes narrowed. A tense silence ensued, but ultimately, he did not pursue the matter and said, "Fine~. So, shall I lend you a hand?"


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