Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 874 Acquisition (14)

Chapter 874 Acquisition (14)

The last moon of the Somuli's four moons had yet to disappear when a massive magic fluctuation crackled outside the Armakea Castle's main gate.

Every Knight and Officer on patrol was alerted at once and acted accordingly. During emergencies like this, each would have to take their designated position around the castle. These positions were actually energy points connected to a large array formation that was located below the castle grounds.

As a matter of fact, the large array formation was one of the first lost technologies inherited by the Armakea Royal Family from their ancestors. Over time, they decided to build the main castle above it since they could not relocate or replicate the array formation. This was pretty much the same case with the array formation at the Armakea border, where the HQ was built.

The array formation below the castle was activated in just over five minutes. The first formula triggered by the array formation was its defenses. A thin, semi-transparent veil spread from below the castle walls and formed a half-sphere, completely enclosing the castle. After that, several array formulas appeared on the surface of the veil as the array formation's second sequence was triggered.

The second sequence was the activation of the array's offense. Several one-meter-wide lock-on targets appeared, forming a circular formation on the surface of the veil. Magic energies were gathered into the center of these lock-on targets as if preparing to shoot at any moment.

While these were happening, the massive magic fluctuation that appeared right outside the castle's main gate finally tore through the space, creating a thirty-meter high and seven-meter wide fissure.

The moment the fissure appeared, all lock-on targets aimed at it. At the same time, the accumulated magic energy at their center whirred to life and got ready to launch.

Within the fissure, a figure approached, seemingly unaware of the threat of those lock-on targets. The figure continued to walk toward the fissure's opening. However, when it stepped out of the crack, all lock-on targets released the concentrated magic energies they accumulated and aimed at it.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of explosions reverberated in an instant within the capital of Armakea, Larkring, as the lock-on targets bombarded the fissure.

The Armakeans residing in the residential area of the capital, as well as those already in the commercial district, opening their business establishments, were shocked at the unexpected commotion.

They never imagined a day when someone would dare attack the castle in broad daylight. Actually, the time of day did not matter. They never once considered someone would dare attack the castle at all.

It was common knowledge that the King's castle was the most fortified structure in Armakea. The array formation hidden below was complete with defensive and offensive formulas that could easily withstand and fight back any sneak attack at the same time. It was even more robust than the array formation at their border because the latter only focused on defense.

The Armakeans in the capital were then reminded of the rumor circulating these past few days, which mentioned Prince Achim and Princess Kesiah's supposed rebellion.

None of them believed those rumors simply because they knew no one would dare rebel against the King. However, hearing the commotion at the castle now, they could not help but be reminded of the rumor.

Alas, none of them actually considered the possibility that the attack at the castle was not a simple rebellion but an invasion.

Meanwhile, when the castle's array formation was activated, the King's army in the capital's military district was also alerted. The two heads of the remaining two knight divisions gathered their members and immediately prepared to go to the castle. As for the two divisions of the low-ranked and high-ranked officers, they also prepared to dispatch their people all over the capital to ensure the safety of the civilians.

While the knights and officers were preparing, a powerful pressure suddenly assaulted their senses. Before they could even react and summon their Divine Armaments, a colossal array formation appeared several meters above the military district.

Several pillars of light descended from the array formation, barricading the knights and officers in the blink of an eye.

Everyone inside the military district was shocked upon seeing the array formation. After all, they only saw such formation written on the ground, not hovering in midair. How was it possible?

.cοm The knights and officers recovered from their initial shock the moment they understood the gravity of their current situation. It appeared their enemy was aware that the military district did not possess any countermeasures against a lost technology.

This was not because they were being arrogant or complacent. Instead, it was because no one in Armakea, or even Somuli, could replicate a lost technology. Not to mention something as massive as the one above them.

As soon the knights and officers recovered from their initial shock, they summoned their Divine Armaments and prepared to destroy the array formation above. They all believed that as long as the array formation was destroyed, the pillars of light would disappear.

However, they soon realized their mistake.


All knights and officers inside the military district were shocked after learning they could not summon their Divine Armaments. Not only that, they also noticed how they could not exert any magic energy and summon magic.

Some officers close to a pillar of light tried to attack it but realized they could not even get near it. Apparently, the pillars of light served as a foundation of some sort that supported an invisible barrier that prevented them from stepping outside.

Outside the military district, only a few knights and officers, numbering a hundred, who were on patrol and were only returning to join the rest, were the only ones not caught by the array formation's effect.

They acted immediately when they saw their fellow knights and officers' predicament.

Those with range-type Divine Armament immediately aimed at the array formation above, while those with melee-type Divine Armament attacked a pillar of light close to them.

One of them, a Legendary-level knight, summoned his Divine Armament, a flaming great sword, and rushed at another pillar of light.

Raising his hands that held the Divine Armament, he leaped and cleaved at the pillar. He did not hit the pillar directly; flames surged from the great sword's blade and rushed toward the pillar.

Whoosh! Shaaa!

Unfortunately, before the attack could even reach the pillar of light, its momentum dissipated along with the flames.

The other knights and officers who aimed at different pillars of light also encountered the same thing and were left dumbfounded.

They had initially believed that the effect of the pillars of light prevented their comrades from leaving the district. It seemed that was only one of its effects.

While they were feeling lost, a fissure appeared a few meters from the military district's entrance, and several figures stepped out.


Another Legendary-level knight shouted as he took the initiative to lead the hundred knights and officers. All of them immediately gathered and took on a defensive formation.

The ones who stepped out of the fissures were Noir, Sigma, the rest of the Conclave members, and a few Knights under Kesiah's group.


The Legendary-level knight ordered, and his group quickly changed their defensive formation to offensive.

The reason he called a change to their formation and attacked those people that came out of the fissure was simple. Their side had the number advantage. Before the enemy could assess the situation, they had to take the initiative to attack and gain momentum.

The seven members, two knights and five officers with range-type Divine Armaments, released a long-range attack toward the enemies, while ten officers with melee-type Divine Armaments were the first ones to rush forward.

Seeing the advancing enemies, Noir and the rest remained calm.

Noir raised his hand, and a miniature version of the array formation he invented that could allow their surroundings to be filled with magic energy appeared.

Sigma took action as soon as Noir took out the array formation. Magic arrays appeared and circled his wrists as thick gauntlets formed and covered his fists.

These gauntlets were not merely molded using Earth magic. They were crafted using Earth magic and array formula to reinforce their durability and destructive prowess.

This combination was something Sigma developed while in Somuli. As a matter of fact, he got the idea from how Kyran, as Tyr, reinforced his supposed Strengthening magic with Array and created a completely different combat style they were used to.

Sigma slammed his fists together before raising them above his head and hitting the ground.


The moment his fists hit the ground, thick boulders of earth shot up and surged toward the approaching officers.

The officers were caught off guard. After all, they initially believed Sigma's gauntlets were his Divine Armament and were meant for fist-fighting. Still, the officers' surprise did not appear on their faces. Using their Divine Armaments, they hacked at the incoming boulders.

Clang! Clang!


Unfortunately, they underestimated Sigma's Earth magic's durability and failed to scratch their surface.


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