Legacy Firing

Chapter 81 - Unbelievable Harvest

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Charlus woke up the next day quite early in the morning. He had made sure of it with alarms. After all, he had some flying to do.

Charlus was planning on checking where the people in the warehouse were being sent. He wanted to see what was going down there and maybe earn some Exp on the way. 

Charlus got out of the mansion and started making his way towards the abandoned Mental Hospital. He already found the sole Mental Hospital in the area when he searched the internet.

Charlus made his way towards the mental hospital. He soared through the dark sky and landed right in front of the enormous mental hospital.. Charlus was shocked by its size.

Charlus entered the gate of the Mental Hospital slowly and immediately saw movement. He saw various guards suddenly surround him. Charlus immediately got on guard. He did not expect such a quick response.

[Security Guard (Guard) Tier 1 Lvl 82]

[Security Guard (Guard) Tier 1 Lvl 89]

[Security Guard (Guard) Tier 1 Lvl 84]

Charlus counted 6 guards. He took his Scythe out and immediately dealt with them. He did not have any time to evaluate whether they were guilty or not - he could only kill them directly.

Charlus was able to finish the guards in a matter of seconds, but he had already alerted the people in the building. Charlus heard some sirens inside the building.

Charlus knew that he had to hurry. Charlus immediately rushed into the mental hospital as fast as he could. He couldn't let anyone escape.

Charlus was able to rush to the centre of the mental hospital that was a dome without any obstruction which made him doubt himself. Were they able to escape this quickly?

They weren't even planning on escaping. Charlus saw that he was surrounded by guards who had guns pointed against him. Charlus saw a person walk up to face him.

"Well, look who we have here. Some person who we can use as an experiment. Shoot."

Charlus was attacked by a barrage of bullets before he could even react. Charlus looked down and saw his body was riddled with bullets. Charlus fell to the ground. The man laughed.

"Funny how people think they can just enter my laboratory whenever they want. Let's see if this guy lives."

Charlus listened to these words while closing his eyes. He felt nothing when he closed his eyes. Charlus felt like he was in a dark room where no one could reach him.

Charlus felt a warm sensation. He looked and saw a bright light in the distance that was closing in on him. Charlus reached out to the light.

[You have received 10000 Exp for being in close proximity to a similar energy source]

[You have received 10000 Exp for being in close proximity to a similar energy source]

[You have received 10000 Exp for being in close proximity to a similar energy source]

[You have received 10000 Exp for being in close proximity to a similar energy source]

[You have levelled up]

[You are now Lvl 150]

[You are now to proceeding to Class Ascension]

Charlus suddenly found himself on the scale being judged. He couldn't comprehend how he had reached this place. How had he gained those many levels? Charlus was confused. 

Charlus suddenly felt a familiar fear when he started becoming judged. Charlus saw as he barely balanced with the feather on the other side.

"Thy have been deemed worthy!"

[You have started Class Ascension]

Charlus immediately felt himself burning up. The pain was even more intense than the previous time. He clenched his teeth and tried to distract his mind. 

Charlus suddenly felt a soothing sensation. When he opened his eyes, he saw the same light in the distance that he had seen before. Charlus felt all his pain disappear.

When Charlus opened his eyes, he was more powerful than ever.


Name - Charlus Black

Age - 17

Lvl 150

Exp - 0%

Class - Principality of Death Tier 2

Sub Class - None

Title(s) - Trouble Maker, Interrogator, Bane of Undead

Active Skills - Observe, Soul Shock, Death Field, Soul Reaper, Sword of Death

Passive Skills - Shadow Walk, Scythe Mastery, Wings of Death, Strong Body I, Agile Body I, Immortal Body I, Wise Mind I, Smart Mind I, Balanced Body I

HP - 5000/5000

MP - 5000/5000

EP - 5000/5000

Str - 500

Vit - 500

Int - 500

Wis - 500

Agi - 500

Lck - 250


Charlus opened his eyes and found himself bound to chains. Charlus looked around and saw where the energy that made everything that just happened happen. Charlus saw a greenish-white crystal that was thrice the size of a human in front of him. 

Charlus felt a slight attraction towards the object that was the source of the warm energy that made him Level up till Tier 3. Charlus wanted to break free and go to the crystal but he stopped himself.

The only reason that Charlus was like this was that he had rushed like an idiot. Charlus needed to think carefully.

"Well, you have woken up. How did you like getting treated?" Charlus looked up and saw the same person who had ordered all the guards to shoot him there. Charlus grit his teeth.

"You are angry? Well, I guess you will become angrier when I say that you must be killed. This power cannot be revealed to outside powers. I am sorry Mister... what's your name again?"

Charlus observed the person in front of him. 

[Ubaid Diaz (Researcher) Tier 1 Lvl 53]

Charlus chuckled. He then looked around and saw that there was only one guard around whose level was only 92. Charlus burst out laughing, 

"Have you gone mad? You have come to the right place then." Ubaid joked. He came close to Charlus.

The chain binding Charlus to a pillar beside him suddenly broke. Charlus' arm that was bound was now free.



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