Legacy Firing

Chapter 74 - Valuable Asset

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Charlus was smiling at Denise, who was in the audience watching Charlus wipe the floor with Lucie. She had her mouth open in shock. Charlus winked at her and then went off stage. He was following the medical staff who were taking Lucie somewhere. 

Obviously, the staff weren't aware that they were being tailed. Charlus was not sure who he was supposed to trust and who he wasn't supposed to, so he decided to play it safe. The last thing he wanted was to be led into an ambush full of people.

On second thoughts, he would actually prefer it. It would give him a ton of Exp.


Charlus suddenly clamped his hand on the shoulder of the medical staff.

"Is the gal okay?" He asked the man.

"She will be awake in an hour. She will be taken to her room."

Charlus gasped. "She has her own room? I have to see it." 

Charlus followed the person to Lucie's room. He sat on the couch in the room while Lucie was lifted and put on the bed there. The person who had carried her looked at Charlus.

"If you do anything to the fighter, her owner will get angry. Madame Fehari is not someone to be angered. And you should stay here. I will call someone to receive you."

The person left the room. Charlus heard a click sound, which was the sound of the locking of the door. Charlus looked at Lucie who was still on the bed.

"You don't need to pretend. I didn't use any force on that blow." Charlus spoke. He was staring at Lucie.

Lucie turned her head to look at Charlus.

"Why are you even here? Don't you have a life of your own?" Lucie was very angry at Charlus.

"Why are you so upset? I came here to save you. And your 'brother'. How is he by the way? Is he doing well?" Charlus asked Lucie.

Lucie turned away. "This information will not do you any good. You should go away."

"You have known me for 2 weeks. When have I ever displayed anything less than what is required to free you from these shackles?!"

Charlus turned around and took out his Angel of Death Scythe from his inventory. He sliced through the wall. The scythe passed through the wall and came back, stained in blood.

"AAAHH!" A loud shrill scream was audible. Lucie was very shocked. She was unsure of Charlus' motives.

The door of the room opened with a bang and four men with guns surrounded Charlus. They saw the scythe in Charlus' hand that was now dripping blood on the floor and gulped.

"Well, looks like you have guests," Charlus commented.

The four men gave way and a middle-aged woman came to the front. She was wearing a luxurious robe and far too much make-up for her age.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" She asked coldly.

"I am here to see the person behind my opponent. Obviously, I am interested in seeing the person who groomed this valuable asset."

Charlus said this while going towards Lucie. He sat on her bed and caressed her neck. Lucie was pretending to be unconscious and she slightly shivered.

"Could you give her to me?" Charlus asked the woman.

"Are you out of your mind?!" The woman screamed.


Charlus gave a quote.

"That would be a profit to you I am sure. I don't think she will ever be able to make such a huge amount of money."

Charlus' quote made the woman in front of him quite interested.

"I can just kill you and take the money in your bag. It's very simple for me." The woman said.

"Or I can kill you and take the gal."

Charlus raised his scythe to his eye level and wiped the blood off his scythe.

"How is the boy? First job and he is missing an arm? He will never work for you again." Charlus added.

"I will make you pay for that." The woman coldly warned Charlus. "I don't need to have this discussion with you. Kill him. I am sure the arena will understand."

The woman walked away. The men waited for the woman to leave before pointing their guns at Charlus. They were about to fire but Charlus stunned them.

Charlus banged his scythe to the ground, shaking the blood off. When they looked back, Charlus was gone. They saw a long chain lead behind them.

When they looked back, the scythe was coming back to Charlus' hands, passing through them in the process. Two of them were killed in an instant. The other two men started firing their guns put Charlus spun his scythe, deflecting all the bullets.

He then swung his scythe in a circle, cutting through the necks of the two men. Everyone was now dead. Charlus looked at Lucie who had witnessed the entire ordeal.

"Well, do you want to stay here? Or do you want to break your brother out?"


Charlus looked outside. The woman was so confident that her men would take care of the job that she had left the arena. She was a very arrogant person.

Charlus was guided out of the arena by Lucie. She was properly dressed and she was taking Charlus to the place where her brother was locked up. She was now full of hope that her situation could be resolved.

"You know, I only assumed that it was your brother that is being held captive. You never actually said anything about it." Charlus initiated a conversation with Lucie. They were walking on the road to the main road. They were very far away from LA due to the heavy policing there.

Lucie sighed. 

"My brother and I were adopted from an orphanage when I was 10. We never knew our parents. My brother was a year older than me but he was always sick. They promised they would cure him if I learnt how to fight so that was my entire life. I was sent to Whitney High for some reason, I don't know. But I was told that something was going to happen there and I needed to give them information about it. That was last year. It was also the time they started holding my brother hostage and barely let me talk to him."

Charlus nodded. He understood one thing - every goddamn person and their mother was linked to the Whitney High School incident which probably involved Eva.


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