Legacy Firing

Chapter 48 - Khione

[Damsel in Distress]

[Chain Quest]

[Difficulty - E]

[Eva is being socially isolated at the behest of a person named Juan. Investigate.]

[Find the reason behind Juan's intervention into the life of Eva]


[End of Tutorial]


Charlus was finally going to exit the 'tutorial'. He noticed that he was unable to get Exp no matter what he did after levelling up. He had just checked before coming to LA itself at the forest in Lewisville. He would finally be able to figure out what was wrong.

"I just want to know what your problem is with this lady. Surely she hasn't done anything to you." Charlus smiled at Juan, the boy who he had attacked.

Juan suddenly looked at Eva who was starting to twitch. The rest of the people who had come with Juan suddenly rushed forward. They took out strange papers from their pockets and pointed them towards Eva. Charlus saw a strange golden light that blinded him. In this time he felt a jab to his stomach. He was able to see who punched him before falling unconscious.

[Juan Lvl 89]


Charlus woke up and found himself in a strange room. He saw that he was surrounded by similar beds and figured he was in the infirmary. Charlus got up and looked around.

The room was empty. Charlus just sat down and took something out from his inventory. It was a book. He started reading, waiting for someone to come and check on him.

20 minutes later, someone came in and noticed that he was awake. It was a middle-aged man. He quickly left the room. When he came back, he was accompanied by a similar-looking young man who seemed to be in his twenties.

"Hullo. Did I scare you off?" Charlus asked the middle-aged man but didn't get a response. The young man looked coldly at Charlus and spat out a question.

"Who are you? Who sent you?"

"Me? I am a transfer student at your dau- Whitney High School. I came yesterday and got into this mess."

Charlus slipped up. He saw that Eva and this person had the same last name and he assumed that they were father and daughter. The young man was able to catch it. He immediately brought his hand to Charlus' neck.

"How did you know the relation between my daughter and me? Which of my enemies sent you?"

Charlus paled. "None of them! You look a lot like Eva, that's all. And I met Eva today, that's all!"

"Lock him up in the basement and get the truth out of him." The middle-aged man suggested to the young man.

"This is the 21st century. I'm sure you can't lock me up like that. Please, I had no idea your daughter was into something strange like this. I just asked her to show me around the school." Charlus tried to prove his innocence.

The young man sat down at the bed next to Charlus' with his hand clutching his head. He sighed deeply.

"Sometimes I wish things were more peaceful. You can go after swearing an oath to forget this happened. You will leave the city after this." The young man said to Charlus.

"Oath to forget? I'll do it as long as you can tell me about those people who were after your daughter. Were those guys hired by you? Cause your daughter looked real scared of them. Especially that Juan guy."

"You do not need to concern yourself with the affairs of our family boy!" The middle-aged man shouted with a low voice. Charlus flinched slightly.

"I'm going to forget about this anyways. Why not have a moment of understanding?" Charlus wanted to finish his quest before forgetting it existed because he desperately wanted his tutorial to end.

The young man stood up. "I will take the boy from here. You can go ahead by yourself." He spoke to the middle-aged man who grudgingly stood up and walked out of the room.

The young man looked at Charlus. "I assume you know my name."

Charlus shook his head. 

"I must assure you that I am aware of your little secret." The young man looked coldly at Charlus.

Charlus paled. He had never told anyone about his system and he never thought that someone would find out about it.

"I know you were the one who messed up the KKK God's Avatar. You probably have a piece of that god, which means a big family must have already recruited you."

Charlus shook his head. "How did you know about the KKK? I thought no one knew about it. And what family?"

The young man laughed.

"You are truly clueless. Well, I am Ian Boreas. My daughter, Eva is the inheritor of the clan. She will be taking her inheritance when she turns 18, this winter actually. Unfortunately, she will no longer be my daughter after that, but I do not have a say in that matter. Anyways, who are you?" Ian Boreas said in a sad tone.

"Charlus Black sir. Nice to meet you." Charlus extended his arm for a handshake. He was ignored. 

Ian stood up and Charlus stood up after him. They started walking out of the room.

"My daughter will have to be kept safe until her 18th birthday, else she will become the entire city's worst disaster. I tried to give her a normal life but the last time she tried to make friends at this Whitney High School, her wonderful friends triggered her transformation. Now she is in danger of transforming into our ancestor prematurely, which will lead her to her death. I have a team there to stop that from happening and your interference almost stopped them from succeeding in sealing her today."

Charlus looked down with shame.

"Is there anything I can do sir?"

"No. You will forget everything anyway. It's not like you can do anything. The one's responsible for this, the pesky Chiones who want my daughter to turn into Khione!"


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