Leave Me Alone, Heroines!

82 Chapter 82

A surge of energy filled Acht's whole body and made every fiber of his being shudder with excitement. It was such a new feeling that he could never expect coming from this absorption process.

With just one single soul stone, he was able to feel his soul force make a huge leap that could've taken 20 from the other soul stones to make. This was definitely a happy surprise for Acht.

'This is amazing. I guess it should be expected if you hunt down strong monsters.' He thought to himself with a satisfied smile.

Then, he immediately went back to absorbing the soul stones with a happy smile, his hands kept on moving and grabbing one endlessly and soon enough the huge pile vanished completely.

In his hand was the last soul stone, it was the one he got from the orc lord. The size of this stone was double that of a normal orc and it was so rich with soul force that Acht could even see a translucent veil of energy surrounding it.

'I didn't break through to the orange soul with those orc soul stones. I guess this required so much Soul energy.'

He was a little bit worried that this soul stone might not be sufficient for him to reach the next soul level but it was his last one and he had no other choice but to hope for the best.

'Ok, all or nothing.'

The moment the energy of the stone invaded his body, he felt a slight burning sensation that didn't last long. Then, his soul which was as white as a sheet of paper started transforming.

Cracks started appearing on the surface of his soul as if it was starting to shed its skin. Bits and pieces of the surface of his soul started falling down and a new color started appearing from the depth.

It was a very bright orange color that resembled that of a ripe orange. The light that was emitted from his soul was strong, way stronger than when it was white.

'It's happening!' He rejoiced inside his mind and concentrated on the absorption, even more, ignoring everything around him.

The cracks kept on getting bigger and bigger and the light was getting stronger and stronger.

Simultaneously, his body was also changing and morphing slowly. His muscles were getting destroyed and restructured like a building. His bones were turning into hard steel.

Even his blood and heart were becoming stronger and more effective in doing their jobs. He was basically turning into a new person.

Minutes passed in a flash and the energy inside the soul stone didn't seem to be diminishing. It was like an endless sea of energy that Acht could take from as much as he could.

Then, after an unknown amount of time, his soul finally shed all of the surface parts and turned into a clear orange that didn't have any imperfections. It was so beautiful that it could make anyone gasp in admiration.

But, he didn't stop and kept draining the soul stone.

It took him an extra 20 minutes to be able to finally end the absorption and turn the stone into a dull grey color.

'This is ama- Ugh!'

Suddenly, a strong pain attacked his brain. The pain was sudden and very intense. It was as if someone electrocuted his brain with a 200-volt wire.

He grabbed his head and tried to take deep breaths so as to not make any painful groans or screams.

He laid bent down and clenched his teeth as he fought this hellish pain. His face turned bright red and his eyes threatened to pop out of their sockets.

But, even with that, he didn't make a fuss or show any signs of breaking down. Throughout his life, he had to suffer a lot of painful things, physical and psychological, so a mere pain like this won't make him lose his composure.

After more than a minute, the pain finally subsided and he regained control over his actions to a certain extent.

'What…is this?' He touched his forehead with a shocked look.

Ignoring the fact that this sudden pain had no origin whatsoever, there was an, even more, stranger thing that happened.

"What is this new information inside my head?" He muttered.

Inside his mind, he could see a shadow-like figure that was doing certain things that although looked mysterious and incomprehensible, he was able to understand it completely.

'This is about gravity manipulation!'

The shadow was doing certain things that required gravity manipulation to be achieved. They were things that never thought of or to be more precise, things he couldn't do with his current mastery of that element.

So, with an excited look, he eagerly stood up to try one of them.

He extended his hand and aimed it at a vase that was on the other side of the room. He then tried to make it float and come to him.

In normal circumstances, he would've not been able to get it since it was way out of his range. Now, however, it was a totally different case.

The vase started immediately floating before flying through the air and resting in Acht's palm quietly.

"The speed of casting also increased a lot." He remarked quietly.

Then, he looked at himself with a complicated gaze before he put down the vase.

He was thinking of doing something that he thought was impossible when he first started training his element. Lifting other things was considerably easy since they were foreign objects, but controlling his own body was a whole other matter.

'Could I make myself float?' He thought.

It was a question that he had for a long time. Even though he was quite mature, the thought of flying would make him and any other human jump with excitement. He does not only have to take into mind his own weight and other important factors, but he also needs to channel his own soul force while keeping it inside his body which will create tension inside his body and could make him burst like a balloon if the pressure reaches a certain point.

In a nutshell, any small mistake during that and he will certainly be dead. In the most stupid way that is.


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