Leave Me Alone, Heroines!

71 Chapter 71

For Acht, Scarlett was a straightforward and kind person. She didn't seem to be the type to deceive people, Acht was sure of that.

He even remembers how the book portrayed the GoldKnight family. They were this righteous and heroic family who always involved themselves in everything that interests the well-being of the citizens and their protection. In a nutshell, they were a bunch of heroes without capes.

But, it seemed that her family was rotten to the core. To have such a business running and still keep that righteous facade in front of people. How laughable!

Acht closed the envelope and looked at the man who was now smiling slightly. Seeing Acht's reaction made his faint hope of survival grow bigger and bigger. He felt that Acht was indeed interested in the real and secretive owner of this business.

"Here, take the envelope." Acht then casually threw the envelope to the man.

His smile widened even further and he extended his hand to catch. However, he didn't feel the paper in his hand, what welcomed him instead was a sharp and pointy knife that penetrated his hand.

"Ughhhh!!!" The man held his hand and screamed loudly while blood dripped down his arm and on the ground.

He didn't comprehend what happened at all. Didn't they have a deal? Didn't he accept it?

"Why did you attack me?! We had a fucking deal and you accepted it." He shouted in a frenzy.

Acht looked at him with fake confusion and asked back.

"Did I? My memory is bad, you see so I can't remember things very well." He scratched his head and grabbed his sword again.

It was already set in stone that these scumbags will die today. Even if Livia herself came down and tried to stop him, he would still kill these bastards just like he decided to do when he saw what they were doing to children.

"You know…I'm also a very bad person. Rotten to the core, just like you. But, I will never stoop so low as to harm innocent people that didn't do anything bad to me. On the other side, you lot used small children like some fucking animals and cut them open to extract their soul stones. You think I will fucking care about some stupid deal? To hell with that."

The man started retreating slowly with his face drenched in sweat.

"You have no right to ask me to keep my end of the bargain. I don't give two shits about it."

With each sentence he said, he kept closing up on the man with steady steps.

"Now, you have to deal with the consequences of your actions and accept your fate. If you prey on the weak then expect yourself to become the prey too."

Now, only a few inches away from him, Acht plunged his sword into his right thigh.

The blade pierced the whole leg and exited from the other side.

The man felt his mind go numb from the extreme pain as he squirmed around like a dying fish.

"So…In this case, I'm the predator," Acht said without blinking.

"UGGHHHHHHHH!!!!" The man shrieked as he saw one thing in the pupils of this young man….death.


"Mm?" A small boy opened his heavy eyelids and mumbled some incoherent words in a daze.

The moment he woke up, an intense pain from his chest attacked him again and he groaned with his dry throat.

The last thing he remembered before losing consciousness is those scary men doing the same thing to him. He had to go through that pain countless times and with each one of those times, the pain seemed to become even more intense than before. He simply couldn't grow accustomed to it no matter how much he tried.

"Brother! Brother!" He suddenly heard a familiar voice from his side.

His eyes were drawn to the silhouette of someone he loved a lot. It was his twin brother who looked identical to him and someone who shared the same pain as he did.

"B-Brother? Did they send us…back?" He asked with a clear sadness in his voice.

"No! We were saved! Those bad guys aren't here now! We are gonna get out!" The boy shouted with clear excitement.

"H-How?" The little boy couldn't believe his ears no matter how much he tried to.

How many times had he dreamt of his freedom? How many times has he dreamt of getting out of this place and looking at the blue sky? Countless times he cried and wept as he saw his and his brother's bloodied states after each surgery.

He even tried to take his own life more than once but ended up with a failure.

Now, he was told that they were free and you expect him to believe it that easily?

"A big brother helped us! He's over there."

The boy rose up from his place and looked at the boy. He seemed to be slightly older than them. His eyes were looking at some rectangular object that emitted light.

"Mm?" The boy didn't know what to say.

"Save your words. I already called the authorities. You will be out of here so stay quiet." Acht said with a flat tone while taking pictures with his phone of the inside of the cells and the room in general.

He needed evidence for his mission so he took it now so as to not forget it later on.

'I was lucky enough that they were unconscious when I had to deal with the people inside the lab.' He sighed inwardly and shook his head to dismiss these thoughts.

The boy seemed to freeze in his place as he looked at Acht.

Those words didn't seem that friendly but for the boy, they were akin to a blessing from god. They were his salvage from such a hellish shit hole.

Unbeknownst to him, a tear trickled down his face. Then another one followed it before he completely broke down into tears.

He fell down on his knees and cried loudly. The others saw how the boy cried and also started crying too.

They all cried out their misery and pain as if there was no tomorrow. They didn't even have the opportunity to cry since they had all lost all hope of getting out. Now, when they were presented with it, they had no other choice but to break down.

"Thank you…Thank you…Thank you…" the boy kept saying the same words like a broken record.

He was beyond grateful for Acht. In fact, he felt as if this boy was a god or an angel sent by God, heeding his prayers.

The other kids followed suit and started thanking Acht relentlessly.

As for the latter, he didn't know how to react when he was bombarded with these words non-stop.

He forgot the last time someone said those words to him. They were like a foreign objects he didn't know.

But, deep inside of him, those words made him feel slightly satisfied. Just so slightly.

So, he turned around and started fiddling with his phone so as to not face these small kids.

"Stop it." He said with a quiet voice.

But, they didn't want to.

"I said stop it." He repeated his words louder.

'Sigh, how can I deal with these kids?' He shook his head and tried to ignore them.

Then, he heard the sirens of the police outside. He didn't leave yet and made sure they found the door before he disappeared inside the laboratory as they would not see his face.

He also made sure for the kids not to blurt out any information about him.

As he walked inside the corridors of the laboratory, he saw the tens of corpses that riddled the place and colored the walls with a deep crimson red color.

Most of them were killed with one swipe of the sword while others were murdered after much resistance. Anyone who saw such a place will think it was some kind of a set for a horror movie.

He had killed every single person inside this lab without exception and he didn't regret it. It was all for the best. In fact, this was by far the best thing he had done since coming here. He had no reason to regret it at all.

After walking for some time, he found the room he was looking for. It was the place where most chemical experiments were done for the drug.

He ignored all the bloody mess inside and walked to one place where some red powder was put in a glass tube.

He held the tube and looked at it with a complicated expression.

"I guess my meeting with Scarlett will be sooner than I expected."


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