Leave Me Alone, Heroines!

6 Chapter 6

A few moments before Acht left the room, the men heard the sound of gunfire, and they noticeably grew paler as they looked at each other.

"S-Should we go…inside?" One of them asked.

"I don't know…The boss told us to leave them alone…he should be fine…I think." Another one said with clear hesitation

"But, what if he killed him?"

"Then, we could only accept it." One of them said with a slightly sad voice. They were fully aware of their boss being a weirdo but they didn't hate him because he was not mistreating them that much. He would give them rewards when the task is fully done and he will reprimand them when they mess up, just like any other boss would do.

However, they weren't that loyal to him as to risk their lives. The kid they saw was far from being a naive child as he looked more like a veteran warrior who smiled in the face of death. It was a reckless revelation…but this world is already plenty crazy, adding another crazy thing won't change things that much.

As they conversed with each other, the door for the room opened and Acht appeared with his same cold gaze.

He was still holding the gun in his hand with his finger on the button.

"Gulp…" one of the men gulped audibly as he looked at the boy.

"Your boss is resting now after I asked him a few questions. He said to not bother him for the time being."

"But, what about the sound of gu-"

"I SAID that he is resting and he doesn't want anyone to bother him. Understand?"

"YES!" The man shouted in fright.

"Now, I want you to get me some clothes and food. You have ten minutes." Acht continued with the same tone.

"Why would we follo-"


One of them tried to shout in protest but before he could even complete the sentence, a bullet had already penetrated his forehead, killing him instantly.

"You have 5 minutes now."

'What kind of aim is that? He didn't even look at him?!' They all thought with a horrified look.

They were all now certain that fighting this kid would mean their death wish. He was a monster in human form.

The fear made them run away as fast as they could, leaving their comrade swimming in his own blood.

"What a bunch of lowlives." Muttered Acht before walking in the corridor towards the library.

He was eager to know more about this world since it tickled his desire for power. He was not a suicidal maniac, but he enjoyed a fight on equal footing with another person. It made him feel alive and excited since his life was never something he enjoyed. It was pretty shitty from start to end.

The house was extremely quiet and only Acht's steps on the wooden floor could be heard.

He checked out multiple rooms on his way to see where the library is, most of the rooms were empty while others were made for dining, bathing, and many other things.

Soon enough, he found the library. It was considerably bigger than the rest of the rooms as it contained rows and rows of bookshelves stacked with books.

"Now, let's refresh some memories."

Acht still had a rough idea about important elements that made this world but he needed to acquire more knowledge about the many details.

As he walked between the rows, his eyes caught a book on the highest shelf. It was a very thick book with a layer of dust on it indicating that it wasn't touched in years.

The title of the book was 'History of the Lower World'. The title was intriguing, to say the least.

'The Lower World? That was the name of this planet If I recall. Let's see.' He thought.

Acht then used a ladder and pulled the book out. It weighed at least 7 pounds.

Then, he sat at a table and started reading. He was quite worried that he wouldn't be able to read this world's language but it seemed his worries were for naught. The goddess gave him the ability to understand and read the language as if he was a native of this world.

A few minutes into the reading and Acht heard a knock on the door. The men had already prepared the clothes and the food.

"Leave the clothes and food there and leave. I will call you when I need you." Said Acht without bothering to look at the guard.

He was totally engrossed in his reading, page after page, and word after word more and more things became clearer.

Without him knowing, hours passed quietly as he kept on consuming the information like a famished creature.

Finally, when the night fell and it became hard to see, he closed the book and made a long sigh.

"It's already night. I should probably eat." He said while grabbing a fruit from the tray.

After reading most of the book, he found many interesting things about this world.

First of all, this world was called the Lower world. The reason for that name is the existence of two other worlds just like this one that were called the Middle and Higher worlds. They were also in an orbit around Ecrasia or what people also call 'the central world'. These three worlds could be considered as 3 moons turning around one single massive planet.

Just to put the size of Ecrasia into perspective. If we combine the size of the three worlds, they will only be equivalent to 1% the size of Ecrasia.

"The book didn't mention anything about the other worlds. I need to research more on that since even the novel didn't mention them a lot." Muttered Acht as he took a bite of the fruit. He checked the fruit that resembled an apple thoroughly before taking a bite since it could've been poisonous.

Anyway, one thing that actually made him slightly excited was the date. He calculated that he's in the year 3002 by this world's calendar. This meant that it was still at least 10 years before the events of the real book transpired. That also meant that…

"I could meet the protagonist of this story…That sounds exciting." Acht smiled slightly at his thoughts. But, for now, he shook his head to forget the idea and concentrate on what was on his hands.

Looking at the lower world from one single perspective, it was a moderately large planet that was made out of 4 continents. Each continent is considerably bigger than the earth so the population of each one of them is large. The four continents were located in each main direction: North, east, west, and south.

Acht understood from the book that he was on the southern continent which was the smallest out of the four.

His exact location, however, was still a mystery considering that the book didn't mention every single kingdom or city in the Lower World. It just gave a rough idea about the terrain, the main locations, and some other things.

Then, after digesting all of the information and eating some food to shut his nagging stomach, he stood up and went to clean himself. His smell was horrible and he needed a shower as soon as possible. Luckily enough, technology was advanced in this world, so taking a shower wasn't hard.

'It's weird how obedient these insects are. I guess I overestimated their courage.' He thought as he didn't see one single man in the entire house. The fear he planted in them seemed to work properly.

After a long and relaxing shower, Acht walked out and entered a random room to rest.

"What a hectic day it was. I didn't have time to even think properly about my plans for the future. I have to be careful, this world is not earth and this is not the old me. I can only take one step at a time without a hurry."

Acht had no idea about what the future held for him. Was he going to succeed in reaching the peak of this world after reaching the peak in his previous world? Or will he get trampled on by the secret powers of this mysterious place?

Frankly, he didn't care. As long as he didn't do something idiotic, No one would be able to stop him from paving his way to the top. He was an ambitious and tenacious person when he set his mind on doing something, that is why he was able to become the strongest before.

"I hope I won't be disappointed." He muttered before closing his eyes and falling asleep.


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