Leave Me Alone, Heroines!

40 Chapter 40

When Acht uttered that word, the golems that just appeared in front of him and were about to attack stopped moving altogether. Then, they started crumbling down as if they were killed by him.

In a few seconds, all the golems disappeared out of existence. But, they left piles upon piles of rocks that filled the whole room.

'So even when you skip a level, the next batch of golems could take advantage of the piles of rocks. What a fucking bastard.' Acht thought with a sour mood. He was already pissed off and his anger seemed to get stronger and stronger with each passing moment.

Then, as he was indulged in his own train of thoughts, the 9th round started. The number of golems this time was 124 golems. The number was so big that some of them were literally standing over each other. Because of their sheer number and size and also the piles of rocks from the previous round, the room became a chaotic mess of rocks and golems where no one could even move let alone fight.

Acht even questioned the fact that this could be beaten by someone for a second but he shook his head.

'I'm just like a frog in a well. There are all kinds of monsters out there.' he sighed audibly at his own thoughts.

Then, he immediately skipped the level again. He had already given up the idea of fighting any further and was just skipping levels now.

The same thing happened and now even more rocks filled the room. They now were close to the ceiling and even blocked most of the ways to the other side of the room.

'What's going to be the last level?'

He was curious to see what could be the hardest thing in this test. it could be just another multiplication of the golems' numbers but he also remembered the blue golem in the fifth round and thought that maybe it would be the last boss fight.

Then, the tenth round started and one silhouette landed in front of him. It seemed to be a boss fight as he initially thought.

The golem that appeared was golden in color with the same size as the blue golem. But…

"What…" Acht was speechless. The golem was just standing there, but the sheer pressure from its aura made his jaw almost drop.

It was insanely strong to the point where it rivaled that of Thyrus. He felt Thyrus's aura and he knew that this golem could rival that and even beat it quite easily. This didn't mean this golem could beat Thyrus since it was just a comparison of two auras. Also, the fact that Thyrus didn't even use half of his power should be taken into consideration.

,m The golem stood silent for a solid second looking at Acht. Then, it moved.

Acht immediately felt it. A suffocating feeling that filled his lungs and reached his throat. It was a horrifying feeling that makes someone lose control of their body and freeze in their place. It was the feeling of nearing death.

"Skip!" Acht shouted with a slight wavering in his voice. His eyes closed for a second and then they opened again. There it was. The golem was a few centimeters away from him with its hands extended toward Acht's face.

The fist was barely one millimeter away from his face and he could even feel it touching his face slightly.

He was that close to imminent death. If he didn't say the word skip at that exact moment and with that exact speed, his head would have exploded into pieces of blood and bones.

'I couldn't even feel its presence until it reached me.' He thought as one droplet of sweat fell down his face.

This was just stupid. If he had any doubts before about whether this was set up solely to make fun of him then he was now 100% sure of it.

There was simply no way for any hunter that is in the orange soul or even above to beat this golem. Its speed was so high it broke the sound barrier. Its power was so outrageous that it could probably blow this place into smithereens if it wanted to.

'I should leave. There is no point in thinking about it.' He ignored the dead golem and jumped over the piles of rocks before passing to the next room.

The scenery of the tight corridors returned. He walked for a few minutes before he saw another source of light in the distance. It was stronger than the other ones so he saw it clearly.

When he reached it, he found himself in a wide hall that was as big as a football stadium. The floor was made out of high-quality marble. The high ceiling was held by countless pillars made out of some unlike material and decorated with all kinds of drawings.

It was a whole that resembled a church in the medieval eras or fantasy fiction.

He took a look around him but there was no one there. He thought this was the end of the first test but he wasn't sure so he kept on being alert even while walking in there.

When he reached a random pillar in the middle of the hall. A voice spoke to him from a close distance.

"Hohoho….Our first contestant is finally here~...Lucky me~"

The voice was so playful and careless that it seemed to belong to some clown from a circus. Acht looked behind him and spoke calmly while hiding his emotions.

"Who are you?"

The person he was looking at was tall, extremely tall. He was probably 2 meters tall and as skinny as a twig. He wore a black costume and held a cane in his right arm.

His most noticeable feature, however, is the weird mask he was wearing. It was a white mask with a huge smile on it and two eye holes that looked like two crescent moons.

The smile on the mask was by no means funny or cute. It gave off a very uncomfortable feeling to the onlookers.

"Yaaa~ Scaryyyy~" the man-made an exaggerated scared reaction with his body while keeping the same playful tone.

Acht didn't respond to his stupid plays so the man continued.

"You can call me Smiley~ because I wear a smiling mask~ get it? I'm called Smiley because of the smile on my mask. Oh, my humor is way too good~" He spoke while moving his hands left and right in an exaggerated manner.

'Who the fuck is this clown?'

He only talked to Smiley for a few moments and he already couldn't handle his stupid character.

"Now, Now my little friend~ We can leave the small talk for later~ What is important now isssss"

Then, he pulled out confetti from his pocket and blew it open.

Suddenly, the whole place is covered with confetti papers that covered Acht's hair.

The man then started dancing around Acht as he sang like an idiot.

"You are our first contestant~ So we should celebrate~ Because you are our first contestant~" His voice was rather unpleasant, to say the least. The lyrics of the song also didn't sound like lyrics but some random words were put together.

This made Acht close his ears with an annoyed look.

"Stop it. Your voice is horrible."

"Aww~ that's mean. I'm going to cry now~" the man stopped dancing and sat down on the ground with his legs pulled to his chest like a ball.

Then, he started making fake crying noises.

"Buhu~ I'm sad…buhu~"

"Sigh, could you please stop this and tell me what am I supposed to do now?"

"Oh! Right…Right…Well, what was I about to say~" He started tapping his chin as he looked up.

A few seconds later, he looked down and added.

"Ooops~ I forgot. Silly me~" He tapped his head with his fist acting like a clumsy girl.

'I really want to punch him so badly for some reason' Acht held his fist near his face and fought the urge to start a pointless fight with Smiley.

With that, Acht lost all of his energy and decided to ignore him for now. He went to the nearest pillar and leaned on it then closed his eyes to rest for a few minutes.

"Heyy~ don't ignore me~ Heyy~" the man didn't leave him alone and kept bugging him endlessly. It was like listening to the sound of a loud alarm but one hundred times worse.

"If you don't leave me alone. I will fucking break your neck." Acht warned him as he leaked a little bit of his killing intent. He knew that this Smiley guy wasn't weak by any means, but if he kept annoying him like that then he was more than glad to fight him.

"Psst~ Boring. Smile like me, my little friend~ I can give you a mask if you want."



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