Leave Me Alone, Heroines!

34 Chapter 34

The time was past midnight and the city was still full of people. Tania walked through the streets and reached the hotel where they stayed. She garnered a lot of attention because of the unconscious Acht but she couldn't care less about it.

"Excuse me, do you need any help?" One of the workers asked worriedly as he looked at Acht who was still bleeding profusely. But, Tania didn't speak and walked past him toward the elevator.

She then went straight to Acht's room which was on the 34th floor. When she reached the door of the room he resided in, she had to put a code in the door so she could enter. It was a normal security measure.

Then, without any hesitation, she tapped the number in as if she had already memorized it by heart. The door opened and she walked inside, then, she put Acht on his bed as gently as possible. She didn't want to hurt him or wake him up so she was very careful with her moves.

Then, she looked at the ring on her finger. It was a dimensional ring that looked extremely expensive and way better than the one Acht had. Instantly, a bottle full of green liquid appeared in her hand. The bottle was quite big and the liquid was extremely clear and delicious-looking.

Then, she approached Acht and lifted his head softly like a mother taking care of her kid and tried to make him drink the bottle. But, since Acht was unconscious and he couldn't move his mouth to take sips, the liquid just trickled down his face with barely any droplets getting into his mouth.

"Hmm?" She tilted her head cutely and pulled the bottle away. Then, she tried doing it again with another angle but the same thing happened.

"Hm?" She pondered again about what to do before looking at the bottle with an idea in mind. She then took a sip of the bottle and left it in her mouth before looking at Acht again.

She was feeling embarrassed and oblivious to how things should be done but she was also extremely worried about Acht who was in a very bad state and could be in a life-threatening situation because of the excessive loss of blood.

Tania saw that and immediately shook her head as she resolved herself. Then, she closed up on him until their faces were extremely close.

Acht still had the same long hair that covered most of his face so people couldn't see his features at all. But, now that Tania was very close, she could see everything clearly.

She kept staring at him for some time in a daze before making the last push as she closed her eyes.


Their lips touched lightly, Tania felt a shudder run down her spine as she felt the sensation of Acht's small lips touching hers. She didn't know why but the feeling was extremely good that it made her forget her purpose of this action and lose herself in this euphoria.

But, a few moments later, she regained her clarity and continued what she intended to do. She pried open his lips slowly and invaded his mouth with her small tongue.

Her tongue took some time to explore every nook and cranny of Acht's mouth and feel the sensation of his saliva. Then, she pushed the liquid in her mouth into his mouth in small portions.

The taste of the liquid coupled with the feeling of Acht's mouth made her groan in pleasure quietly. It was a weird feeling but she enjoyed it so much.

After the first gulp of the potion was delivered safely, she pulled away from him. A string of saliva was created between them before Tania broke it and then she licked her mouth a few times.

"More..." she muttered to herself. The sensation was simply addictive for her.

She then took another gulp of the potion and dived in again. This time, the kiss was even deeper and more daring.

She used her tongue to make sure she felt every part of Acht's mouth even more deeply. It was as if she was trying to clean his mouth with her tongue.

At this point, Tania was starting to feel some kind of weird feeling in her chest. Her heart was beating so hard that she felt as if it was drumming in her ears. Her breathing was erratic and her eyes were losing their focus on more than one occasion.

She didn't understand what was going on but she didn't hate it, she just wanted to discover more about what she was feeling and how to make it even better.

For the next 20 minutes, she kept taking gulps of the potion and kissing Acht non-stoppingly. She was unconsciously taking smaller and smaller gulps of the potions when she saw that it was almost over so that she could prolong this 'healing' session for longer.

When the potion was over, she took a deep breath and sat down on the bed to calm down. For some reason, the weird feeling she had was getting even more intense with each passing moment and even when she did all of those things with Acht she was still craving for even more of that.

"I want...more.." she looked at Acht who was still unconscious. He was already fully healed and all of the injuries he sustained disappeared as if they never existed. Even his face that was deathly pale before regained its healthy red color.

Then, with a gulp of a mouthful of saliva, she started crawling on the bed to his side. When she was close enough to him, she extended her hand and poked his face twice.

"Hehe." She laughed lightly and kept on poking him in the face multiple times. She found it fun to do so and play with his cheeks. His sleeping face was a total contrast to the cold and stoic face Acht had all the time.

Then, after having plenty of fun she lays down beside him with her hand on his chest.

"Mine..." she muttered as she unconsciously clenched her fist while holding a part of his clothes.

Tania was a weird child since her birth, she never showed many reactions to anything and always looked as expressionless as a doll. This made her parents worry and try to find a solution since they loved her dearly. But, no matter what they did, she never showed any reaction.

Then, one day, she discovered one of the servants in her house training, and for the first time in her life, she was interested in something. She found the way the servant moved in such a specific way to create a certain action, something worthy of her attention.

From that point on, Tania started training in all kinds of fighting styles and weapons. She was a genius so she didn't find any difficulties in learning anything and soon she learned most of the things the trainers could teach her and even beat them in duels.

No one could count how many times she sparred with her trainers and she won every one of those fights fairly easily. That was when she discovered another thing...

No one could beat her. It was normal at first but it slowly grew to become a problem for her since that meant that things would return to being boring again.

It was at that time that she heard about the hunter exam and felt that she could find fun again when she becomes a hunter so she participated in the exam even though her parents begged her not to do so.

That's when she met Acht. At first, she didn't show any interest in him since he looked like any other person there. But, when she saw him fight the muscular boy and beat him easily with moves she had never seen before, she felt captivated by his moves. An intense desire to see him fighting again started swelling in her heart and kept on getting more and more intense.

With that in mind, she asked him to fight her to make sure she really found the person she was looking for. Someone who could beat her, someone who could make her look at him day and night without getting bored.

And that's what she found exactly, he was able to beat her quite easily too. That was the first moment her heart beat faster than usual.

From that point on, she couldn't look away from Acht. The only thing she could think about was his silhouette. It was an amazing feeling for her who lacked feelings. It was as if her monochrome world had been dyed with a myriad of colors.

'I have to get closer to him.' she thought to herself. And that was what she did, even though he lashed out at her and didn't treat her nicely, she didn't dislike him at all. In fact, she felt that his cold attitude was amazing for some reason.

"Acht...Acht...Acht.." she muttered his name continuously as she felt her eyes become heavy and she started to drift to sleep. Her body unconsciously got closer to him until she was fully embracing him with both of her hands.

Then, with a small smile on her face, she fell asleep in the arms of the young man who was oblivious to all the things happening around him.


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