Lazily Yours.

Chapter 73: Home. With her.

Chapter 73: Home. With her.

"You're too heavy." Lyca's words brought him back from his stupor. "I think it's better if I stay on top from now on." She grunted when she felt him move and sat next to her.

"You "

"Yes you didn't have to catch a bullet for me." She already saw him stand before Shen Qui turned his head around. When Shen Qui ran towards her, Lyca already threw a knife towards Zach's forehead, killing him instantly. She sat next to him, eyeing the blade on his shoulder. "They are coming."

"You killed everyone."

"They just tripped and killed themselves." Shrugging, Lyca stood. "Can you walk?" She turned her attention towards the corpse that littered the floor around them. Slowly, she walked towards Zach and slit his throat an action that surprised Shen Qui. Clearly, Zach was already dead. Then Lyca walked towards the other corpse and slit their throat one by one. "Just to make sure." She said coldly.

Shen Qui nodded, lips thinned. He followed Lyca out of the building.

"Does it hurt?" Lyca asked.

"Like a mosquito bite." Compared to the pain in his chest that he would experience if the weather were too cold, this knife wound was like a mosquito bite. The two sat on the van that Shen Qui and Zach were riding earlier. Shen Qui immediately noticed the driver, who was still sitting in the driver's seat, dead. With his throat slit. He eyed her side profile. "You saved me."

"This is the case of the beauty saving another beauty." Lyca answered. There wasn't a hint of humor in her voice.

"Thank you."

"If you want to thank me. Then.. Just give me your body." She turned towards him, looking at his pale face. Obviously, he already lost a lot of blood. "Take it." She handed him a pill. "For your blood loss. Don't tell anyone about it."

Shen Qui accepted the pill and swallowed it without asking any more questions. "I might just give you my body someday." He said while chuckling.

She stifled a laugh. Her hand were stroking the row of small daggers on her legs. These people targeted him because of her; it was only natural for her to save him. What she never expected was for him to try and save her even in his wounded state. She tried to recall the last time someone tried to sacrifice themselves to save her. That's right. It never happened before. Not in her past life and not in this life. "Just so you know I like the kiss." She immediately decided to clear up the misunderstanding between them. "No need to feel guilty about it."

"" Is this really the time to talk about a kiss? Shen Qui wondered how can Lyca be this calm. He never knew that she was adept at killing people; he never saw it in her file. Lyca was only twenty-one, and as far as he knows, she didn't have any experience in the field. And yet, here she was, calmly talking about a kiss after killing a lot of people. He stared at her face wondering if she felt a little bit of guilt from killing those men, just like how he felt when he first had his first kill at nineteen.

Shen Qui remembered not being able to sleep for days after that. Will Lyca feel the same? A tinge of worry flashed in his eyes before he remembered that he was the one full of wounds and bruises. Shouldn't he worry about himself instead?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she met his gaze, an eyebrow lifted.

"I just think you were beautiful, earlier."

The coldness in her eyes eased. "Hah Qui'er is becoming bolder." She smirked and turned her attention towards the building. "Aside from my father and you, no one else will know that I am the one who killed those people. They will know it's you even grandfather will think it's you."

His jaws clenched.

"Are you scared of me?" Lyca's question made him look at her. She was already staring at his face, and he wasn't surprised to see how cold it was. Not an iota of fear lingered in her eyes. Despite the darkness, he could feel her eyes scrutinising him. Was she expecting him to say yes? He fought the urge to hug her and give her the assurance that she needed.

"No." He answered.

"Then good since you already know some of my secrets. I think it is best that you just marry me. Or I might have to kill you too."

"Talking about marriage next to a corpse." Shen Qui chuckled, ignoring her threatening words. "That's a first."

"Oh? Are you scared of the corpse? Kick him out of the car then."

"" Yes. This woman is indeed crazy. But for some reason, he had started to anticipate the things that he will soon discover about her.

Soon, the sounds of cars approaching reach their ears. Instead of moving, Lyca just sat on the van's entrance, calmly looking at the buildings. After a few seconds, Huang Sheng Hong arrived with three of his trusted men and a medic. Seeing corpses inside of the building, Huang Sheng Hong only gave a meaningful gaze towards his daughter before instructing his men to tend to Shen Qui's wound and clean the area. He didn't even bother asking any questions He knew this was not the time for questions. They needed to leave this place as fast as possible.

"Ride with me." Lyca said as she motioned Shen Qui to follow her towards the car that she was using earlier.

"I can't drive." He immediately said. "My shoulders."

"Hmmm." She quickly glanced at his injured shoulders and nodded. Afterwards, she went inside the driver's seat. Seeing this, Shen Qui gave a wry smile. Who would have thought that the lazy Lyca would decide to drive a car one day?

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"Home." One word was enough to warm his chest. He turned his attention towards the road, trying to ignore the new emotion inside him. The silence inside the car was enough for him to realise how fast his heart was going.

Home. With her.

The beauty who saved him.


Surprise chapter for being contracted!

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