Lazily Yours.

Chapter 69: Nightmare

Chapter 69: Nightmare

When he realised that she had been staring, Shen Qui shifted his gaze away, avoiding to meet hers. What was she doing? He couldn't help but wonder.

"Qui'er if you keep on acting like a cute little boy around me. I will keep on treating you like a little boy."

His jaws clenched at her words. He dragged his gaze towards her, meeting her eyes. "What do you want?"

"You." Her lips turned upwards.

He returned her gaze but said nothing. He continued staring as if itching her face into his brain. "I'm done." He eyed his bandaged arm and stood up. His mind was telling him to leave, or he won't be able to withstand the temptation. He was about to say something and go, but he noticed her already lying on the bed, fast asleep. Frowning, Shen Qui immediately knew that something was wrong.

This was the second time that she slept like this in front of him. He knew Lyca was not like this. He checked her pulse but immediately realised nothing was wrong. Shen Qui didn't remember her do anything strenuous earlier. Why would she become this tired? Shen Qui sat next to her and checked her temperature. She didn't have any fever either. Confused, Shen Qui decided to stay next to her until she wakes up, maybe even asked her what the hell was going on with her body.

If Lyca wanted a partnership, the least she could do is tell him if she was experiencing some sort of sickness. He stared at her sleeping frame, wondering if she would say to him a single thing once she wakes up. This woman seemed to hate explanations a lot. She would rather have people misunderstood her than explain why she did what she did.

Slowly, seconds turned minutes and minutes into hours. Shen Qui started to feel a little thirsty. However, when he was about to stand and leave the bed, Lyca's hand snaked towards his wrist, gripping it hard.

"How dare you." She whispered. He was stunned to see her eyes open.


"I will not forgive." Anger laced her voice. Shen Qui immediately knew something was wrong. Her voice was too different. He had never heard her this angry before.

"Lyca?" He sat back down, his free hand cupped her face. "Are you alright?"

Suddenly, her hands pushed him away. "I will kill you."

"Hey!" The creased in his forehead deepened as he caught her hands and pinned them lightly on the bed. "Look at me." He knew Lyca wasn't seeing him. "Hey!" She is having a nightmare. But why does her voice sound so real? "Lyca? Look at me?" She didn't. Instead, she started to struggle as she closed her eyes.

How often did this happen? He couldn't help but wonder. Worry laced his orbs. "Hey you're safe." His voice was soft, gentle even. He hoped it was enough to calm her down. "Lyca?" This is breaking him.

"Let me go." She whimpered. Tears fell from her eyes.

"Lyca!" A low growl of frustration accompanied his words. What was happening? "HeyIt's me. Calm down." He stared at her pale face, curious at the kind of thing that would make her cry, and make her angry. Seeing her continue to struggle under his arms, Shen Qui did, the only thing that he could to try and wake her up he kissed her.

Her lips were soft against his. He felt her stiffen for a few seconds. He immediately wondered if she would push him away, perhaps curse at him for taking advantage of her while she was sleeping. Yet, she didn't. For a few seconds, her lips parted in surprise. The kiss must have been enough to wake her up.

Instead of pushing him away, Lyca did the only thing that he never expected to happen she kissed him back.

When he let her wrist go, her hands immediately folded around his neck, Lyca parted her lips, giving him silent permission to slid his tongue into her mouth. The desire within him surged.

Lyca was kissing him back. This was not the usual kiss that she gave him. No this was different. Shen Qui struggled to control his emotions as his pulse raced, his heart hammered against his chest. He wanted more.

He wanted more of her.

Unable to contain himself, Shen Qui's hands started exploring her curves as his lips trailed kisses down her neck. He wanted her out of the tank top that she's wearing, he wanted to caress her skin.

"Shen Qui?" Her voice woke him up from the intensity of his own emotions. He froze and jumped out of bed.

"I I'm sorry." Regret surged inside him. How could he take advantage of a woman like that? Shen Qui immediately turned his head away. "You were having a nightmare.. I I will leave for a while." Clenching his jaws, Shen Qui didn't wait for her to say anything as he left the room. He shouldn't have stayed, he thought.


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