Lazily Yours.

Chapter 233: Innovations

Chapter 233: Innovations

Trigger Warning: Mention of Drugs and Overdose.


The group of four men looked at her hand before one of them chuckled. Then the small chuckle was followed by everyone laughing at her.

"Ah? Didn't know that you love playing with those things," someone uttered.

"I thought it was fake?"

"If it's real, we can use it on her," someone from the group added. 

Lyca sigh. Seems like playing with high people was no fun at all. She eyed the drug on the table and put her hands behind her back as she returned the daggers on her jacket and got some powdery liquid from her bracelet.

Seeing her approached the table, Luis leaned towards her. "You want some?" Lyca didn't say anything, instead, she put her hand on the powder and held her hand against her nose. She frowned. Seems like the purity of the drug is about seventy percent. Lyca was certain that this wasn't just some drug that they got from the streets.

"Where did you get this?" she asked.

"Why do you want to know?" Luis' eyes were glued at Lyca's chest before he dragged his gaze back at her eyes. "If you want, I can make a deal with you. But you have to give me something in return first."

"How much was it?" she asked.

"Not telling." This time, Hao Fen answered her. The man was still chuckling all by himself. Lyca couldn't help but wonder if it was because of the knife.

"Is this the highest quality that you can get from the market?"

"That should be of the highest quality. You know chemists who knew how to make higher than that are really in demand." Luis beamed at her. "If you know what I mean."

"Come on Luis! I am getting impatient. Can I have her now? Why don't you get the two women from their tents? You know we can have some fun together."

Lyca looked at the man who spoke. The man seemed younger than Luis and the others. His lecherous face doesn't fit his perfectly combed hair and jade-like skin. Judging from everyone's skin alone, Lyca could say that this man should be the newest member of the group. Or at least, the only one who just started using the drug. 

"What if I know someone who can make something better?" she asked. As expected, her words attracted everyone's attention.

"You know someone that could make more than seventy percent?" Hao Fen straightened and looked at her, his eyes filled with suspicions. 

"I do." Lyca shrugged before she showed them the small plastic packet that she got from her bracelet. "This is one of her products. You can enjoy this tonight next time I will make you pay for it. This is extremely expensive and " before she could finish her sentence, Hao Fen already snatched the drug from her hand.

The packet was really big. It was only about the size of a tea. And the powder inside was just enough for one greedy person like Hao Fen.

Lyca watched as the man tore the packet and immediately snorted the powder.

"How was it?" one of them asked.

"Hmmm, This is " Hao Fen made a deliberate pause. "Good. Good." He then looked at Lyca and tried to grab her arm. However, Lyca was fast enough to take a step back and avoid him. "Where did you get it?"

"Was it that good?" Luis chuckled. "Hey, Fen'er stop being too greedy!" His words were followed by his laughter. Then he suddenly stood from his seat and approached Lyca. "Give me one more." He held his hand towards one of the men. Almost immediately someone handed him a gun. "One more, or I will blow your brains out!"

Lyca squinted. Seems like greed is also a problem with these people? She sighed inwardly. "I only have five of them I can give you "

"I want everything!"Luis hissed. "Give us everything, and maybe, we will let your girls leave this place alive."

Lyca pursed her lips and let out another sigh. "Alright alright just don't point that gun on me."

"Hmph! At least she was smart enough to know that we could kill her!" Someone from the back said. "I thought she's training people? Why was she so docile? I don't like meek women, you know." He added, and the group once again fell into a puddle of laughter.

"Aiyahyah" someone said. "Just give him what he wants. Luis had the tendency to you know accidentally pull the trigger sometimes. Especially when he is mad."

"Just let them leave this place safely," Lyca muttered, trying her best to look convincing enough. She looked at her watch and realized that not much time had passed since she arrived here. "Here this is all I have. I don't carry that much. That is just for personal consumption."

Luis grabbed the packets and turned towards his friends. He wasn't really worried that Lyca would attack them as his people already checked her for weapons. She had no guns nor knives. This was why they laughed when they saw her with some small knives earlier.

Just like his friends, Luis thought that they were hallucinating. After all, they were all high. Moreover, they were always aware that Luis' guards would not make her come inside without checking her for weapons. They even made sure that she doesn't have her phone with her or any other device that she could use to record everything. 

Lyca just stood there and watched as the group busily snorted the powder that she personally made. These had the same components as ordinary cocaine except this was a bit concentrated. Lyca personally picked the coca that she wanted to use to make these. She had to travel to that place to personally picked the leaves and learned how to processed them.

Of course, Lyca added her own twist with the drug, making it dangerous instead of giving them the satisfaction that they needed. She watched as Luis and the others laughed in satisfaction and finished everything like a greedy pig. Lyca let out another sigh. She couldn't help herself. 

She was feeling a little aggrieved right now, ah. Lyca felt that she had wasted some good products for pigs that she was about to slaughter. Lyca looked around the tent and found herself a chair. Next to the chair were a few long firearms, some equipped with high-end telescopic sights. She was certain that they were military grade. 

A few other weapons were also on the table to her left. Knives and some handguns.

These people were really clumsy and stupid, and yet, they are still alive, until now. What was wrong with this world?

Lyca turned her back towards the four men who were now laughing all by themselves. Funny how different drugs could easily mess up someone's system. She could only hope that these people wouldn't die of an overdose. Or everything would become a waste.

Well, it wouldn't really turn into waste if she would give them something that would balance the effects of the drug on their system. But she wasn't planning to waste another one of the precious resources that she made when she studied abroad a few years ago. That was just a big No-No.

Seeing the men ignore her, Lyca walked towards Luis and tapped his back. As expected, the man just continued laughing and ignored her. His body must have started to go numb right now. Lyca nodded in approval. Her own drug was designed to react to another drug in someone's body.

Meaning, it would work best when given to people that were already high. Lyca already had her suspicion earlier that these people would do some drugs right now. After all, they had the guts to take two women in front of witnesses during the day. It's either, Luis was already high when he made the order, or he was just stupid.

Lyca guessed it was both.

Lyca then grabbed Luis' phone that was next to the remaining powder on top of the table and used the man's fingerprint to open it.

This wasn't originally part of Lyca's plan. Her plan was actually to kill them kidding. Shen Qui would never agree to that stupid plan. 

Her plan was to torture them until they confess their crimes while she recorded everything live. It would have been good to let the public watch how his nephew would use his name over and over so he could get away with his crimes. Sadly, these people were already high when she arrived here, she doubts they would still feel any pain from her torture.

So, she had to innovate.

This was an impromptu plan. 

She beamed as she recorded the men started laughing and snorting drugs. She even made sure to focus on each of their faces as they snorted more of the drug. After a few more minutes, Lyca called Shen Qui using Luis' phone and asked him to make Ronan hack this phone, get all the files, and transfer it to a computer.

Since Lyca was already innovating and doing something that wasn't a part of her original plan, she was already planning to use it to earn more enemies. Scratch that.

She meant connections. Not enemies.


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