Lazily Yours.

Chapter 231: An Evil Plan

Chapter 231: An Evil Plan

"Five men, it seems that they were all trained. They tried to take number nine, but Junqi intervened. So, they took her too," Rue uttered.

"Did anyone saw this happened?"

"I was about fifty meters away when it happened, I was trying to catch a snake so we could cook it for lunch. I tried to fight, but one of them tried to shoot me in the head. Luckily, he missed." Gu Cheng showed Lyca the bloody left side of his head. "It grazed my head, and I stumbled, falling into a small cliff."

Lyca squinted at Gu Cheng's current clothes, it was torn and shredded. If her guess was right, he didn't just fell on a small cliff. "Did you break something?" she asked.

"I " Gu Cheng lowered his gaze, avoiding Lyca's eyes.

"Take him to the first aid personnel, his right arm is dislocated." Lyca stood and walked out of her tent, the first thing that she immediately saw was number one's furious face. Ma Ping. The known troublemaker would stab people who bullied his friends. 

It was only reasonable for him to get angry knowing two of his friends were taken.

"Luis Tan wanted you to join the competition with him. Alone." Cleo's voice echoed behind her.

"Bold," Lyca said, she walked past the tents and into the few people who were now sitting on the floor, exhausted. "The others?"

"Still on their way. About fifteen people are already here." Hogan joined them. "Listen, I think we should let the boss handle this. Q is close friends with Santa. And we all know that Santa could easily fix this."

"Why fix something not broken?"

Lyca's words made Hogan stopped walking. He furrowed his brows and looked at Lyca's back. "Miss Xi, this it is extremely dangerous. We can't just go in there and Miss Xi "

"Not we. I." She stood in front of the trainees and smiled. "I guess everyone knew what happened?" She watched as most people nodded their heads. "Number one!"

"Yes, Maam!" Ma Ping stood as still as a statue a few feet away from Lyca. Even though he was carrying forty kilograms of weight, he didn't show any signs of exhaustion at all. Lyca stared at his straight posture and now define muscles that she could clearly see under his wet white shirt.

"Form a team of five people a total of six including you. Then you will rescue number twenty-three."

Silence followed her words as the soft breeze of December made its presence known. "Number fifteen will also form a team of five people and rescue number nine."

"Maam, Gu Cheng is" 

"His shoulders were dislocated. He will live." Lyca interrupted him. Moreover, Gu Cheng was smart. He doesn't really need to personally go with them to accomplish this mission. "Rue will equip you with cameras. Everyone will be recorded. You go in, go out and rescue. No killings."

Ma Ping looked at Lyca for a few seconds, wondering if she was serious. Seeing this, Lyca continued. "Rue will give you the map of their camp. You have to determine where they took the hostage and rescue them."

"Maam forgive me for asking this, but they took one of ours. Why are we not allowed to kill them?"

"Because it's daytime." Lyca shortly answered.

She placed her hands behind her and looked at Rue then to Hogan. "I will give you an hour to formulate a plan, I will leave here after one hour to go to Luis and join their competition."

"Miss Xi! That is a horrible idea! The boss will- " Hogan chimed in but Lyca only held her hand in front of the older man's face.

"Take me to Gu Cheng," Lyca said. After a few minutes, she finished explaining to Gu Cheng her plans, and just as she expected the latter didn't have any complaints when he heard that the one in charge to rescue Yan Junqi is Ma Ping. After all, he was aware that Ma Ping is indeed the top of the class.

However, he was surprised to hear that Lyca wanted him to join this operation.

"Do you understand what I was trying to say?" Lyca asked him after she told him that she would need him to use his brains instead of his body this time.

"Yes, miss." Gu Cheng nodded. Seeing this, a satisfied smile slithered on Lyca's lips.

"Ah, that was quicker than I thought," Lyca said the moment she left the tent where Gu Cheng was staying. She was expecting to hear some questions from Gu Cheng but it seems these people have clearly changed when she was away. Gu Cheng didn't even show any signs that he was doubting Lyca's orders. It seems that the man had developed trust towards Ma Ping too. 

"Miss Xi "

"Hogan." Lyca nodded at the old man. "This is part of the training."

"But the boss "

"Do you think I would lose in a shooting competition?" she halted her steps. 

"No, it's just that I have heard rumors about this group of people. They love playing with girls, making fun of them before they they would torture and r*pe them. There has been a lot of cases that involve them, but they came from rich families. With Luis' uncle being the mayor in this city, their sins go unpunished. "

"So, no one tried to offend him and his friends?" she asked.

"They tried to file cases, but no one would act as a witness because of the Tan Families influence. Each case was dismissed."

"Oh." She nodded and turned towards him. "So, they are just like me, huh. Bad people whose sins go unpunished." She chuckled at her own words. "Thank you for letting me know." Lyca continued walking towards her tent. Then she opened her phone and dialed Shen Qui's number. "Hey, lover." she stated the moment he picked up the phone. "I have an evil plan. You wanna hear about it?" she asked, a sinister glint flashed in her eyes.


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