Lazily Yours.

Chapter 169: Upcoming Turbulence

Chapter 169: Upcoming Turbulence

"You Did someone send you to kill me?" Santa was a man who had many enemies. In fact, if this woman would tell him that someone sent her to kill him, he wouldn't be able to guess who would do that. Perhaps he would mention all of his enemies and would still miss the name of the one who sent this woman. 

"Aish Santa This is what happens if you sleep with a lot of married men."

"" He frowned, wondering what was this woman was talking about.

"Alright, enough talking. I am only here to have a decent conversation."

"Then stop bullshiting about things and say what you want to say!" he hissed, his impatience clearly showing to try and hide his fear. 

"I heard that you are one of the four great lords in this city?"

He nodded and watched Lyca went back to the seat near his bed. 

"And I also heard you are quite ambitious?"

"What does this have to do with anything else? If you want to kill me. Then do it!"

Lyca held the man's gaze before she sighed. "It seems that your fear has clouded your judgment. I would change that tone if I were you. After all, my patience is not as big as my boss."

"Boss "

"I wanted to make you the mayor of this city."

A long silence followed his words as Santa stared at her, his face unfathomable. For some reason, this felt like the conversation that he had with Q before. 

"Well do you want that?"

"You think you can just hand me the seat of the mayor? You think it would be that easy?"

"It is easy. We can kill everyone else in the council and "

"Whoa Whoa! Stop right there!" Santa finally moved. This time, he walked towards his bed. Sitting, Santa stared at the woman's nonchalant expression. "You wanted to kill the mayor? Are you perhaps one of Q's people?"

Lyca's eyebrow lifted. "Hm? I guess the mayor's actions against my husband is public "

"Whoa! Whoa! Stop right "

"Can you stop saying whoa, whoa like a child?" she asked. Lyca didn't hide the irritation in her voice. Of course, she had already researched this man's famous personality beforehand. 

"So you are Q's wife?"

"I am." She smiled and held her chin a little higher.

Santa frowned. "And you wanted to kill the mayor?"

"That's not your concern anymore. What I wanted to ask if you Santa Rivers would be willing to become the next mayor."

His lips pressed into a straight line. "Why are you asking me? What about Q?"

"He already had his hands full in trying to manage me. And I think he is too nice."

Santa opened his mouth. He wanted to ask her if she really just said that her husband is nice. Q had been chaos havoc within this city. Santa and he practically changed the status quo of the criminal organizations in this city. However, the woman's eyes made him shut his mouth. The woman's smile was enough to make him utter a small 'huh'. 


"And what's the catch?"

'There is no catch, Mr. Rivers. This will be the start of your career. You have us behind your back while you make our lives easier. It's a win-win." Lyca beamed. 

"Are you really capable of that? If you kill "

"I killed your grandfather in seconds, Mr. Rivers. His security is certainly higher than every politician in this city."

Her words shut Santa up. Now he understood why she would say that it was already taking Shen Qui everything to control. So this woman this woman was the person who killed his grandfather more than three years ago. "So what am I going to do?"

"Tonight, a fire will rock this city. Use your money and donate. Become everyone's saint."

"You are planning to kill innocents?"

"Gang members. Not really innocents and before you asked, yes, I would kill innocents without batting an eyelid." She smiled and tilted her head. "Of course, I wouldn't do that. At least, I don't want my husband to think that I am some sort of monster. A beautiful monster."

Santa's face had been serious since this woman started talking about killing people. However, the casual tone that the woman was using is making him doubt everything that she said. Was she joking? Should he laugh?

The woman's unpredictability is confusing him. "That's all?"

"Of course, more problems will arise in this city and youthe future mayor of Kong City would always find a way to help its people."

Santa turned silent as he lowered his head. If the mayor dies now, the person that would become the next mayor should be the vice mayor which is backed by another criminal organization. If the vice mayor would win the person that would take over is the person from a council. 

Killing a mayor or perhaps the whole council is just something so impossible and would definitely catch the attention of a lot of people. They could, of course, use terrorism as an excuse but that would attract the attention of the national government. And once the national government intervenes, it would limit also affect the black market in this city. 

If that's the case

Santa lifted his head to look at Lyca but to his surprise, the woman was no longer on her seat. The gun that she put on the side table was no longer there too. On top of the side table was a single note that says 'I'll see you soon, Mr. Mayor.'

Goosebumps littered his body when he read the message. He didn't even notice the woman disappear from his room. Then the cold air made him shiver. His eyes immediately landed on the open door that would lead him to the balcony of this room. He sighed as he stood and closed the door.

"Xi" What a mysterious person. Then a smile lingered on his face. It seems that Kong City would have some upcoming turbulence.

He better prepare for it. 


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