Lazily Yours.

Chapter 137: Bronze Mirror

Chapter 137: Bronze Mirror

Lyca eyed her reflection on the bronze mirror in front of her. This world doesn't even have a good mirror. She had been used to the luxury that her parents, Huang Sheng Hong and Tang Nini had provided. Because of this, all these things inside this palace no longer interest her. The food seemed to bland, the mirror is not clear enough. Even the water is not the perfect temperature. She also felt that the bed was not very comfortable at all. Moreover, she found her clothes too complicated to wear. Why does it take too long to wear some clothes?

Of course, she knew the answer to this silly question.

"Your highness the Royal consort and other concubines are here to see you. Shall I tell them to wait on the "

"No," Lyca uttered. "Tell them I am not feeling well." It had been three days since she woke up into this world, and until now, she still refused to receive any visitors. This wasn't only because she hasn't decided what to do in this world, yet. It was because she hated interacting with these people.

The Concubines and consorts are all smart and scheming. They would always sound sweet and gentle. However, she knew this was all fake. Does she really have time for acting like this? All she needed is

Lyca paused as she continued to stare at her white hair and small little face that resembled Lyca's original one back on Earth. She couldn't help but wonder what happened to her body in that world. Did she die? Or was she only in a coma? What about Shen Qui? What did he do when he discovered her body? Did he panic? Did he did he cry? Did he ask a doctor to examine her?

Slowly, she bit her lips and eyed the layers of clothing around her body. As much as she wanted to stay in her own quarters and rest. Lyca couldn't really do that. She needed to find out where did Xu Ke put the moon necklace. She needed to go back.

She needed to see her family again. She missed her father and mother and the noisy Tang Ruyi. She missed Shen Qui and of course the food, the tea, and the comfort. She honestly doesn't want to stay in this world anymore.

Lyca sat towards her bed. In the past two days, she realized that she actually doesn't care about revenge anymore. She would, of course, do it if she had the chance. But right now, all she cared about was her body on Earth. Would she be able to go back? To answer this question, Lyca needed to get that necklace back.

She wouldn't hesitate to dig her own body just to get that necklace and see if she could still go back. She looked at the carpeted floor as she thought about her question before she came here.

That night, she asked herself about the meaning of Moving On. She had wondered if it was the forgiveness of the revenge or perhaps forgetting everything. Then she wished that she would come back here to fix all those things, to pick up all the pieces of her heart that she left her.

Who would have thought that fate would once again play with her emotions? She was given a chance to come back and do what she needed to do. However, traveling back also made her realize the answer to her question. Moving on wasn't about revenge or forgiveness. It wasn't about forgetting everything and pretending that it never happened.

It was acceptance. It was accepting the pain and getting used to it. It was living with it and accepting what she had lost. Then cherishing what she had found. This time, Lyca found her loving family. Her father Huang Sheng Hong and her mother Tang Nini were the two things that she found the moment her soul traveled to Earth. Then there was Shen Qui.

Right now, she couldn't really tell if she loved him. She knew that she liked him and that emotions grow from a simple attraction. She also knew that loving someone is not like a twenty-four-hour event. Love needed to be cultivated. Suffice to say, Lyca is still unsure where her emotions are going, but she is now willing to try.

Fate had given her a chance to come here not for revenge but for her to realize the importance of what she had lost. She then recalled Shen Qui's words about finding the light in the dark. His naivety and simplemindedness made her laugh at that time. She thought it was nothing but false positivity. 

However, coming into this world made her realize that what he was saying was true. She found her light in the middle of all this craziness. And she was excited to tell him this.

Slowly, a hopeful smile slithered on her face before she stood and went back to find some clothes that would suit her best. Wearing such heavy clothes wouldn't make her move. So, she needed to find something lighter.

After a few minutes of rummaging through her clothes, Lyca finally found a black man's clothing. If her guess was right, this is the clothes that General Bai would wear when she was not Princess Ye Bai. She didn't hesitate as she changed into the man's clothing. Then, she found some daggers that General Bai owned. After making sure that she is armed and her face had been altered to look like a man, Lyca used the window to leave her room.

She then started running towards the roof, jumping and evading the gazes of some guards that were stationed outside her palace. 

When she first arrived on Earth, she actually thought that she missed this place. However, now, the feeling was just different. Funny how she always seemed to want something then had the tendency to take it for granted once she already had it.

What a silly life.

After a few minutes, Lyca finally left the palace and walked towards the market of the Empire. She eyed the people walking on the streets as carriages passed by. It was still six in the evening, and many people are still on the streets. Eyeing the garlands that were used to decorate the stores, Lyca realized that there should be an event happening today. 

Perhaps a festival? She looked at the children running. "Hey you" she made her voice a little lower as she flicked a coin in her hand. "Is there some celebration happening tonight?"

"Ah? Young master, did you forget? It is the engagement celebration of the crown prince. Everyone is celebrating. People from other kingdoms are here to attend the festivities."

She frowned. "Isn't it tomorrow? The engagement?"

"Yes, Young Master. But the festivities already started two days ago. Some envoy of other Empires were already here. Some of them even came from powerful families. They are here to send their congratulatory gifts to the Prince and the future Princess Consort."

"Thank you," Lyca nodded and gave the child a coin. An engagement party means there will be a lot of people coming to the Empire to celebrate the event. These should include royalties from other kingdoms and envoys from merchant families. 

She had actually forgotten about the event! Lyca clicked her tongue as she lowered her head. Events like these are the favorites of assassins. It was the best way to kill someone influential and pinned it on other people. 

This would also mean that 

"Ah!" Lyca immediately rubbed her head when she felt it hit a hard she raised her chin and looked at the man that stood before her.

Seems like fate really wanted her to face her previous life.


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