Lazily Yours.

Chapter 121: Quickest

Chapter 121: Quickest

"This is also one of the top auction houses in the whole Country of Xu. Just in case you needed to sell something, " The man said as Shen Qui gave an ID to the woman behind the black table. He then gave the woman two pieces of diamonds. As expected, the woman lifted an eyebrow and stared at Shen Qui. "Both of you? You sure you want her too?" Having an escort was, of course, pretty normal. But usually, they don't actually let the escort join them in picking ores. 

"Hm." Shen Qui wrapped his hand around Lyca's waist and nodded. "Two people."

"Good. Two people each will have ten ores. You can pick it out along with everyone else." The woman handed a red small ribbon pin. "Put this on so, the one near the ores will let you in."

"Alright, since you are already registered. I will leave you two on your own." The man said before leaving without sparing them another glance. Shen Qui and Lyca immediately went to the bar and presented their red ribbons to get some drinks. Sitting on one of the seats in the bar, Lyca roamed her eyes around the area.

This place is like a haven for illegal activities. It is not only a place for gambling but also for prostitution and, of course, auctioning stolen items. Because of this, many gang leaders frequent this area.

"Eh? What a pretty woman. You wanna sell her to me instead?"

Shen Qui and Lyca ignored the voice that sounded behind them. The two just sat closely, eying the guests that are now starting to crowd the hall.

"He is ignoring me."

"Hey, Qui'er" Lyca leaned towards Shen Qui's ears. "Can you tell me about the rules?"

"People who try to offend other people will be banned. People who do not respect a woman will be escorted and banned." He answered.

"Then don't move."


The two looked as if they were whispering against each other's ears. This made the man more irritated. Not only did the two ignore him, they even dared to flirt in front of him. "You two " Again, Shen Qui and Lyca ignored him. He gritted his teeth and grabbed his beer. He then walked around in front of Shen Qui and raised his hand intending to throw it in Shen Qui's face. But how could Shen Qui allow such a thing to happen? He moved his foot and kicked the man's shin, making sure that it was hidden from the camera. He then pulled Lyca in his arms as the man fell on the floor, accompanying this was the sound of the glass of wine breaking on the floor. 

"You "

Shen Qui only lifted an eyebrow at the man, as if silently challenging him to tell everyone about what happened. Of course, the man didn't open his mouth to complain. How could he act like a cry baby in front of other influential people? The man gritted his teeth and stood up. He then eyed one piece of broken glass that was lodged in his hand. 

"Mr. Li, are you alright?"

"Yes. Yes. I am fine." The man named Mr. Li looked at Shen Qui and walked away without saying anything.

Lyca only smiled in response. Of course, she wouldn't blame Shen Qui for trying to defend her. 

"Mr. Li is a man that holds grudges." The bartender who saw what happened said. She smiled at Lyca, her two deep dimples appeared, making her look cuter. "I hope you brought bodyguards. I am sure he would be waiting for you after this."

The plan is to amaze people and established their names. Of course, Lyca immediately came up with another peculiar way to make their names known out there. And to be honest, Shen Qui was slowly loving Lyca's plans. First, it was very effective. Second, she always finds the best and quickest way to do something. Of course, this was only because she wanted to finish it as fast as possible. Lyca loved to relax and would want to spend most of her time doing just that.

So, she always came up with an easy plan a little risky but definitely easy. For instance, Lyca told him that they needed money to establish their own operation and group. Of course, she wasn't willing to touch her own money that was probably being monitored right now. However, Lyca was also too lazy to rob or steal from someone. She said it was too risky.

Thus, she suggested gambling with ores. Lyca was pretty confident that she could identify which ores have jades and other expensive gems inside. She even told him that this had something to do with internal energy. Of course, she taught Shen Qui the trick so he would do all the work for her. 

He remembered her say, "To survive in the world of criminals we must act like one. We don't need to become like them. Blending in is find." Lyca's words echoed in his head. It was quite reasonable, and Shen Qui clearly understood Lyca's point. 

"Let's go?" Lyca said. Her words woke him up from his stupor. He noticed that there are already people on the stage. "Starting." Lyca held his hand as he nodded, and together, the two of them walked towards the stage. 

"So? Mr. Li is talking about that couple?" Lyca heard someone say. Her hearing and other senses are really sharp so, it was easy for her to overhear conversations like this. This can be very overwhelming. So, it would take her a couple of seconds to identify the speakers, especially in a place with a lot of people like this. 

"Good Evening ladies and gents!" A man wearing an all-white suit stood in the middle of the stage, a smile was plastered on his face. "I am your host, Ben." Obviously, a fake name just like that man's fake smile. But Lyca and Shen Qui turned their attention to the man as they listened to the rules of the gambling.


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