Lazily Yours.

Chapter 117: Blackmail and Business

Chapter 117: Blackmail and Business

"You wanted us to work for you?" Rue scoffed. She couldn't help herself. The man in front of them looked just like a sheltered young master. How could he speak about something so nonsense?

"Yes. That is right." Shen Qui nodded. He sat comfortably on one of the working chairs inside the small studio apartment. He looked at the scowling Rue and his twin brother Ronan Chu. These two were not really famous criminals, but both of them were good at computers. 

A little part of Shen Qui was actually doubting this decision. After all, these two people don't really have a good track record of working with other people. However, Lyca assured him that he was talented enough to recruit them.

"You think the gun in your waist was enough to convince us that you are someone powerful?" Ronan asked. "We don't work well with other people Mr. Q. I suggest you leave now."

"Well I am planning to recruit a group of criminals like you to work for me."

"I said we can't work for you!" Ronan hissed. "Leave now."

Shen Qui's lips pressed into a thin line. He looked at Ronan then to Rue. "Do you really want to stay in a place like this forever? Then move the next month because you can't earn enough to pay for the rent?"

"You "

"If you are here to insult the way we leave then, just leave us alone," Rue uttered.

"I can give you money."

"And so was every people who offered us a job." But it always fails. Those people would only harbor bad intentions of his twin sister, and they would be forced to leave and run away. "I won't work, Mr. Q."

Shen Qui smiled and nodded. "How about the kids that you are helping each month? Once I call the police and tell them that the stolen money was donated into their orphanage what do you think will happen to those kids?" He lifted an eyebrow.

"This is blackmail!" Rue uttered.

"Oh. No" Shaking his head, Shen Qui added. "This is business."

"You " Ronan narrowed his eyes as a long stretch of silence filled the atmosphere. "Do you think we can work well together after you blackmail us?" How could he let someone like Mr. Q get close to his sister? Ronan was a man, and he knew that most men would soon like his sister. If this person would His gaze darkened as he met Rue's gaze.

Seeing the two look at each other, Shen Qui smiled and opened his phone. "Hello is this the police "He didn't continue his words when he saw Rue pull a knife and threw it on his way. Shen Qui beamed then moved his body, letting the knife miss him by a few inches. Then he removed his gun and pointed it at the woman.

The same smile was on Shen Qui's face as he ended the call. "I see so you want to play it that way."

"You think we are afraid "


Shen Qui pulled the trigger. There was no hesitation in his gaze.

Rue's loud scream followed, her hand covered her left ear, face paling as she glared at Shen Qui. "Don't ever point a knife at me, lady." Shen Qui said. His tone was calm, gentle even, but the sinister glint in his eyes was too apparent, it made the twins feel as if a predator was in front of them.

"Are you fucking crazy?" Ronan immediately approached his sister, anger apparent in his eyes.

"The bullet grazed her ears." Shen Qui said. "It wasn't enough to kill her."

"You are insane? She's a fucking woman!"

"And?" Shen Qui uttered. "Should I let her knife hit me because she's a fucking woman? Or did you think I would make an exception because of her appearance?" Rue and Ronan were both very beautiful people. They grow up in an orphanage after their mother who had an affair with a foreigner, died. 

"You "

"Your twisted thinking was the reason why men are afraid to report their physically abusive partners." Shen Qui said. "She tried to hurt me so I hurt her in return. Too bad she wasn't fast enough to avoid my bullet." A smug smile slithered on his face.

Rue whimpered. The small cut in her ear was indeed small, and won't be enough to kill her. However, the fact that Shen Qui didn't hesitate to hurt her was truly unbelievable. All her life, men lined up to adore her. Not hurt her! She glared at him.

"Now Now" Shen Qui crossed his leg over the other. "Here's what I am willing to give you. The first is salary. You will have a monthly salary and bonuses just like regular employees." He started talking about the benefits that Lyca would offer to all of her 'employees'. "You will be given a home, a place to stay. Rent-free. No more running from the authorities. We can use our connections to change your last names and erase your data in Kong City. You will live a new life and would stop running away from the police. You can go out at day time without being scared that someone will spot you."

Using Santa Rivers' connection, Shen Qui can do all these things with ease. Now that he thought about it carefully, Lyca was truly smart. First, her demands for Santa Rivers was minimal. Two million was considered a small price for his grandfather's death. Lyca made Santa owe them, she made him unconsciously fear them and made him think that he needed to build some connections to the influential and strong Shen Qui. 

While all of this started with a facade, the influence that Santa Rivers could give them was enough to really make them powerful in this city.

"So? What do you think?" Shen Qui raised an eyebrow at the twins. "I know I know you can't make your decision now. So if you make up your mind, just go to this place two weeks from now." He put the card next to Ronan's laptop and beamed. Then he stood and walked towards the door. "One more thing" Shen Qui stopped walking and turned his head towards Ronan.

"Don't look at me like I will take your sister from you. I am married. Your sister cannot be compared to my wife." He said before leaving. "Not even a strand of her hair is comparable to my wife. So get your thoughts straight."


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