Lazily Yours.

Chapter 115: Sinners

Chapter 115: Sinners

Santa gulped the tears of happiness away from his eyes when he ended the call with the lawyer. He just received the news of his grandfather's death. All dead. That was the lawyer's words.

He looked at Shen Qui, who was calmly sitting while reading the magazine. Santa let out a long sigh of relief as he walked towards Shen Qui. Without saying anything, he signed a piece of paper and handed it to the man. Then he handed him the documents that contained the ownership of the club. "Thank you." This time, Santa didn't hide the relief on his face. He eyed the hole on the wall and smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Q. I will definitely help you out whenever you needed my help." This was not only because he was grateful but because he wanted to build connections with a man like Mr. Q.

"Hmmm," Shen Qui lifted his head. "Then I needed a few of your men to set up this place first. I will gather my most trusted people and come here after two weeks. For now you can take care of this place," he accepted the paper and stood in front of Santa. He smiled. "Remember I am not a big fan of Christmas."

"" Santa could only shake his head as he smiled and watched Shen Qui leave the place. Then he eyed the large clock on top of the door.

Five minutes.

Just like what Shen Qui said, he killed everyone in five minutes. Just the thought of the lawyer's words made him tremble. The lawyer told him that it was a very nasty fight. People lost their limbs, and blood flowed like a river. Many people heard the gunfight, but when reinforcements arrived all twenty people inside the mansion were all dead, massacred. It was a very horrible situation.

The authorities immediately declared that it was another one of the gang fights that had been going on for decades now. However, Santa knew that this was not a gang fight. This wasn't someone who wanted to get their revenge. No. This was someone who wanted to own a club.

Just like that, one of the biggest gang leaders in Kong City had fallen because someone wanted the 'Conspiracy'. Santa's eyes darted towards the door, and sigh. Mr. Q was a very mysterious existence. He could only wonder what kind of miracles the young man would bring to Kong City and even perhaps the Xu Country. 

Shen Qui, on the other hand, was already inside the car outside of the club. He wasn't surprised to smell the thick smell of blood around Lyca. 

"I suppose, we now own the club?" There was mirth in Lyca's voice. He nodded in response as he leaned towards her, capturing her lips for a long, hungry kiss.

"Everything good?" he asked.

"Hmmm," Lyca said before she added pressure to the accelerator. The two left the club and checked themselves in one of the most expensive hotels in the City. This time Lyca told him that no one would look for them in a place like this as everyone would think she would prefer to check herself in a more remote place to avoid detection. 

When Lyca arrived inside the suite room, she immediately took a bath and changed into another set of black clothing.

'Where did you get the info about that man?" Shen Qui hugged her from behind as she brushed her teeth. Her hair was wrapped in a towel while a robe covered her naked body.

"Ruyi." She uttered. "You take a bath and change too. Let's go somewhere. Running away is making me so stressed."

"" He chuckled and immediately complied. They have been traveling for days now, and both were really exhausted. However, half of him was actually excited about what was to come.

Shen Qui quickly finished his bath and dressed in casual shorts and some shirts that made them look like young college travelers, enjoying the city. 

"You sure we are still leaving? It's already four in the morning." Lyca just killed a bunch of people. Logic dictates that she needed her rest. Her one-word answer shut him up.

"Sunrise." There wasn't a hint of emotion in her voice as she drove the car silently. He clenched his teeth in response. He wanted to touch her face, assure her that everything was fine, but he also knew that this wasn't what Lyca needed right now. This was only his naive self telling him to follow all the romantic scenes that he saw in the movies before. 

The two maintained their silence until they reached a known hiking spot that should give them the view of the sea and the sunrise. Lyca got out of the car and waited for him to follow her. Then they followed the trails as the sun was slowly showing itself. It didn't take them five minutes to arrive on a cliff with a huge tree. Sharp rocks littered below the cliff as the sound of strong waves against the rocks filled the atmosphere. The air was crisp and salty.

"You wanna talk about it?" He broke the chilly silence in between them. He then watched as she turned her head towards him. She lifted her lips into a smile, but he didn't miss the coldness in her eyes. Her cold orbs meet his gentle ones as he gave her a smile full of assurance.

"Do you believe in god?" Lyca suddenly asked. 

"I do," he answered almost immediately. When he was but a child, that man tried to kill him, injuring his heart. The injury was supposed to kill him in less than a minute. He was weak and small. He wasn't supposed to survive, and yet he was still alive. "You?"

"No," Lyca turned her head towards the sun that was starting to illuminate the sky with its rich hues. Tangerine with a cast of crimson and gold was slowly making their way into the white clouds. It was mesmerizing.

Lyca bit her lower lip. In her previous life, she had killed hundreds, and yet she was still alive. She sighed.

Sometimes death is a better ending for sinners like her. 


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