Lazily Yours.

Chapter 110: Steam

Chapter 110: Steam

R18. Mature readers only. :)


"When I think of hot spring, I always thought of hot water and steam." She smiled and let her head fall back. Closing her eyes, letting her body enjoy the perfect temperature of the onsen. "I was wrong," she mumbled. "The steam was still there, but the temperature was just perfect."

"You are perfect," His words brought her gaze back to his.

"I think so too," a mischievous smile was already on her face as she decreased the small distance between them. "Well at least you didn't leave when I told you to leave." Or she would be lonely now. Alone in this place. Not that it mattered really, she would probably spend her time here then sleep before sending some bacteria to the students in the school, making everyone sick and forcing the Long Founding School of Elites to close for a short period of time.

"Did you really think I would leave?"

She pursed her lips and snaked her arms on his neck. "Good things are nothing but shadows, and once darkness fell, they leave and disappear."

He chuckled in response. "Darkness shows you the stars while the light will guide your way. You just have to learn how to appreciate everything around you. Not everything is black and white."

"How did you become like that?" She lifted an eyebrow. This man's life was nothing but a tragedy too. How did he become a man with a bright outlook in life? A man who believes in romance and fireworks and stars. 

"I should ask you the same." He smiled, his hand grazed her cheeks. "I believe that people needed to experience darkness to appreciate the light. Some people tend to take advantage of what they have because they never experienced the pain of losing it." Having a wound in his chest made him appreciate health. Losing both of his parents made him value relationships more. "It is about perspective. You can think that the world hated you for taking away what you love the most or think that maybe the world wanted to teach you the value of things." He stared at her eyes. "I know you think that's naive."

"It is naive." And stupid. But she didn't dare say it.

"I told you life is not just about light and dark. It is about finding the light in the middle of the darkness. Both can't exist without the others. You just have to learn to make peace with it."

"You sound like some motivational speaker."

He shrugged in response. Without his own morals and personal values, he would have drowned in his thoughts of revenge. He would probably die before he turned twenty-three. That was not a life that he wanted. "Just so you know shadows don't leave you."

"Hm?" She lifted an eyebrow. Seeing this, Shen Qui added.

"They temporarily disappear, but they never leave you."

She fell silent before she smiled. He was the exact opposite of her. A walking light that could illuminate her dark one. Funny how they were clearly opposites yet, they were now married to each other. Fate was indeed a mysterious thing. "Clearly, our thoughts are different. How could you like someone who had the exact opposite as your personal thoughts?" she asked.

"Why does that matter?"

"In the long run, it will. Relationships are fragile."

"Relationships " He uttered the word slowly. "Relationships built of lies and pretensions were fragile. One speck of truth, and it would collapse." He had been honest, and he would stay that way. Of course, he knew that Lyca was hiding a lot of secrets, but that didn't matter. He knew that she would tell him everything once she is ready. 

He was not in a hurry.

"Hah " Lyca uttered. Shen Qui is too bright it is blinding her. She closed her eyes and pursed her lips. She could hear her own breathing against him. She could feel his gaze on her.

When Lyca opened her eyes again, she smiled and said, "Kiss me."

Saying nothing, Shen Qui lowered his head and kissed her. The insatiable hunger blazed inside Lyca. She held the back of his head as his hands captured her breasts. His possessive fingers caressed her already hard nipples, encircling them before his palms skimmed across her stomach, down to her thighs.

A moan escaped her lips.

His hand soon traveled down to her legs, hooking them behind her knees. Then he pulled her closer, hoisting her leg towards his waist, wedging his thigh in between hers. Her body burnt with need when she felt his erection pressing against her sex. He was letting her feel him, all of him. Unknowingly, her hips started gyrating, grinding her core sensually against his hardened shaft. 

She felt him move. He slowly walked towards the edge of the onsen until her back hit the rock-like structure. Surprisingly, It wasn't something uncomfortable or maybe she had been too engrossed in her own pleasures that her body refused to recognize any other sensations other than the ones on her stomach. 

Her core felt swollen, and she wanted him inside her with the hot water surrounding them. She wanted him to take her, right there and then, make her moan and screamed for more. "Give it to me." She managed to say in between her kisses. Her voice was hoarse and erotic that probably matched how she looked right now. Yet, she never had the time to think about it.

She heard him grunt as he pushed his full length inside her. Lyca let out a low guttural sound of pleasure. She immediately pushed against him, wanting him to delve deeper within her. "Shhh. Relax.." That deep voice seemed to increase the electrifying sensations inside her body. He started thrusting. This time it was unhurried and slow and deep. She moaned and let her head fall back, pulling away from the kiss. The thrusts were controlled as if he was careful not to hurt her back from the rocks behind her.

She wanted to tell him to go faster. But no real words came out of her mouth, aside from the moans and words of begging. Lyca's mind seemed to shut down.

When his mouth started teasing her nipples, she let out a primeval groan, a low cry of ecstasy followed as she immediately felt herself approached the peak. She ground her hips, urging him to go faster. His hands found her hips, locking them in place, reminding her that he was the one in control. And just as she was about to burst, Shen Qui suddenly increased his pacing, pumping vigorously as his hand found her nub in between her thighs.

Lyca didn't hold back. She met his thrust as she felt her body approached the edge. When her legs started shaking around him, Shen Qui finally gave in and burst inside her. Their cries of pleasure filling the atmosphere.

Both sank into the water as they tried to catch their breaths. Both of their bodies still shuddering from the aftermath.

She felt him caressed her cheeks using the back of his fingers. Her closed eyes snapped open, and immediately regretted that same gentleness in his eyes. "Thank you for letting me stay," he uttered.


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