Lazily Yours.

Chapter 11: Personal Fortress

Chapter 11: Personal Fortress

Following the director's instructions, everyone including Shen Qui and Lyca's father left, leaving Lyca alone with her grandfather. Silence immediately filled the room.

"Sit." The old man instructed as he sat on his leather chair. "Granddaughter you must be wondering?"

"Yes." She answered. Of course, she was wondering a lot of things right now. However, she was too lazy to ask her questions. Thus, she looked at him and waited for him to explain certain things that she did not understand.

"Then let me explain." The old man nodded. "I am not going to conceal anything to you as you will be the one that can replace this old man."

"Competition." Lyca said. Prompting the old man to chuckle.

"You will defeat her. That is something I already know." He then stood from his seat and faced the picture frames on the shelves. "Our Huang Family is one of the strongest families in this country. People like to associate themselves with us. Other clans worship us. However, this is nothing but a false pretense. These people know that we are growing weaker and weaker as the days pass by." His eyes were glued to the image of his wife. "My sons, although competitive, do not have the talent to become the next leader. They simply do not qualify."

His words made Lyca frown. The three sons of Old Man Huang were all brilliant and talented in martial arts. Were there any more qualifications aside from this? Moreover, Lyca always knew that their family was rich, why was the old man talking about growing weaker everyday? Of course, Lyca maintained her silence.

"My dear Granddaughter I want to ask you one thing." The old man made a deliberate pause as he turned and met Lyca's eyes. "What is your goal in life."

"To live a happy and carefree life." She answered without batting an eyelid. This answer surprised the old man so much that it made him laugh. The more he looked at this granddaughter of his, the more pleasing she became in his eyes.

"And to achieve that what are you going to do?"

"Become rich and live a secure life away from people."

Another boisterous laughter echoed inside the room. Not long after, his face turned serious. The old man went back to his seat and stared at his silent granddaughter. Not a trace of amusement could be seen in Lyca's eyes. It was as if she was really serious about her statement. "Granddaughter, are you serious?"


Hearing this, the amusement in the old man's eyes vanished. "But you accepted the position."


"Tell me why." His voice was stern yet it wasn't enough to hide the questions inside him.

"This granddaughter is lazy. The CEO orders people to work. Thus, this granddaughter accepted the title so I can order more people to work for me."

"" The old man was speechless. How could a reasoning like that exist? However, he decided to ignore this and thought that Lyca was only acting like this so he would no longer ask any further questions about her wealth. "What is your future plan?"

"To save enough and leave the company to live in a house with servants and live lazily until I die." Her monotonous answer was already expected. In the end, the old man shook his head, dejectedly.

"Let me tell you something about our Huang Family and then you decide whether you still want to live a carefree life just like you wish." He said. Without waiting for Lyca to nod her head, the old man continued. "Our Huang Family is not as wealthy as it looks. As I said, we have trained countless numbers of people and yet, not many of them excelled in this world. Mostly they were only average. Our family needed someone that could bring the family back to the pedestal. This was not a small matter. Doing this will not be easy and you will not be able to live the carefree life that you wanted."

However, Lyca's face didn't change. Instead of reacting, Lyca listened attentively, her eyes would casually glance at her grandfather's necklace as her mind thought of a few things.

"What do you mean?" After a few minutes of silence, she asked her grandfather. "We have money, servants and company. Why do we need to compete for this pedestal?" In her previous life, Lyca had been one of those people who tried her best to compete against everyone. She was the best, the heir, the most beautiful. She was feared.

However, in the end, she still met her match in the hands of the man that she loved.

In this life, she would not allow that to happen again. Lyca only had one goal. And that was to live a carefree life away from schemes and distrust. To do this, she could not attract attention to herself. Thus, she had secluded herself from her family and lived the way she wanted to live.

However, the position of the CEO was also quite tempting to her. It wasn't because she thought she could earn money but it was actually because she had planned to create her own little army to defend her in times of need. Lyca Huang, the next heir, wanted to use this opportunity to build her own base and army using the technology of their security company.

Once she succeeds in building her personal fortress, Lyca was planning to retire at a young age. Sleep, enjoy food and live. Wasn't that a happy future? But, how could her grandfather not understand her real goal? After she expressed her real goal, the man Huang already thought that she would use this opportunity for her own self. A sighed escaped the old man's lips.

It seems that this time, the Huang Family stumbled into a truly peculiar heir. "Granddaughter Do you really believe that this world is as simple as you perceive it to be?" He met her granddaughter's eyes. It seems that he would be forced to explain everything to Lyca for her to understand his words.


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