Law of the Devil

Chapter 22

Chapter 022 – Terror Illusion Goblin

This was really a bizarre scene.

Duwei just stood there with terrifying injuries, that gaping hole in his chest stretched practically from the front to the back, but it was as if he didn’t even notice the flowing blood!

Just like that, as Duwei had staggered a few steps forward, a Lion Condor charged at him again in front of everyone’s stunned gazes. Duwei was bowled over, the slashing sharp claws immediately sending out sprays of dark red blood……


Robert recklessly charged forward with reddened eyes, but Duwei’s tiny body was already crawling up, swaying, yet he still seemed to be smiling…… That Duwei could actually still smile at a time like this made everyone nearby feel indescribably strange!

This tiny youth raised his head and laughed loudly at the Lion Condors filling the sky: “If this is your illusion, then I’ve already had enough of dreaming. If you can, let the dream end!”

Robert charged forward, the longsword in his hand becoming a brilliant streak shooting at the Lion Condor that last attacked Duwei. This loyal knight didn’t hold back any of his battle qi, even to the extent that it exceeded what his body could support. Every muscle on the knight’s imposing frame burst, as if blood was seeping through the surface of his skin!

The longsword wearing that battle qi cut the sky, even impaling the solid plumage of the Lion Condor and sending it tumbling from the air!

Robert threw himself at Duwei, embracing him with all his strength while showing his own back towards the sky……

“Robert.” Duwei gasped for breath in his arms, still smiling while blood streamed from his mouth: “Listen, we’re being played, this is all fake.” He pointed to his own wounds: “Look, with wounds like these, an ordinary person would have died long ago. But……”

Robert wasn’t an idiot, and finally caught on to the discrepancy. The feeling Duwei gave him…… Such a small and weak youth hadn’t died while suffering such fatal wounds! Such wounds might have long since turned even a powerful warrior into a corpse.

“My spirit power is stronger than ordinary peoples’, that’s why the illusion can’t completely affect me.” Duwei gasped for breath: “Unfortunately, I don’t know how to break it…… This might be a kind of mind magic, or maybe an illusion spell.”

“Illusion spell……” Robert thought deeply, then roared in a loud voice: “Thorskei! Mister Thorskei!”

Thorskei, protected at the very center of the soldiers, heard the call and responded.

Robert exerted himself to carry Duwei as the attacks from the Lion Condors fell like hail. His back was injured several times, and even his armor was shredded, mangling the flesh underneath.

“Think of something! Master says it’s some kind of illusion magic!” Robert roared.

Thorskei sweated freely. He wasn’t after all any true magician, and the alchemical tricks he used to emulate magic only extended to fire magic. He hadn’t even cursorily dipped into mind magic.

Robert had already quickly come running back with Duwei, and Thorskei shouted: “I don’t have any way to break the illusion…… Maybe if we could get rid of these creatures. Just like we got rid of that rhinoceros and magic wolf.”

Robert couldn’t help roaring: “No kidding! If we had the ability for that we’d have already done it!”

Duwei in his embrace suddenly smiled and said in a low voice: “Robert, let me ask you…… Listen, every knight with imperial training in battle qi will have a qi valve weak point, where is your weak point?”

“…….” Robert stared blankly, he hadn’t expected his master to ask such a question at this moment.

“Tell me quickly.” Duwei continued: “I have a plan.”

Each knight training in battle qi would have his own qi valve weak points. When the knights used battle qi their strength could reach several times that of their muscles, or even more. But their weak point was each knight’s most closely guarded secret! How could he speak of it lightly?

But Robert’s heart trembled as he bowed his head to look at his master covered in blood, and gritted his teeth: “At…… The right side of my stomach, below the fourth rib……”

As he spoke, Duwei’s expression showed a bizarre light! Nobody knew where this weak youth got the strength, but he suddenly rolled, struggling free of Robert’s grasp, swiftly drawing the dagger tied to the knight’s leg and stabbing Robert in the chest!

Robert should have been able to dodge, but as a loyal clan knight, a steadfast Rawling clan retainer, he hesitated a moment too long. After all, this was no enemy attacking, but rather…… his own master!

His chest armor had already been torn ragged in the fighting, and the ice cold dagger pierced the right side of Robert’s chest, just below the fourth rib! Robert could even feel that peculiar sensation of the cold dagger slipping into his flesh……

Everyone saw their master abruptly draw the dagger and stab the knight, and stared blankly!

Robert was the most shocked, looking at the little master close by his side with amazement. It had never occurred to him that the target of his devoted protection would suddenly turn on him at a moment like this! But Duwei’s expression was serene, and even a bit consoling.

“Don’t worry, Robert, I wouldn’t harm you. It’s just a nightmare.”

At Duwei’s muffled voice, Robert made a dull groan, his body going limp, abandoning his resistance……

Robert closed his eyes and fell to the ground……

Duwei slowly stood up amidst everyone’s cries of alarm, the dagger in his hand still dripping with blood. As all the Rawling guards stared at him with shock, Duwei just laughed and dropped the dagger, smiling slightly:

“Dreamland, end!”

When Duwei’s dagger pierced the knights chest, the Lion Condors filling the sky suddenly issued a mournful howl! The countless Lion Condors immediately diving towards Duwei from all directions at the same time!

It seemed like those sharp claws and beaks would tear the young Duwei to shreds!

Everyone shut their eyes, all of them believing that this time they were truly screwed!

But at this moment something fantastic happened.

The first Lion Condor to charge at Duwei suddenly exploded into countless motes of light…… All the following Lion Condors stiffened in midair! All of their bodies seemed to show countless cracks, and through the cracks burst an intense light……

With a final cry……

Everyone couldn’t help but lower their heads in the countless rays of light, not daring to look at it directly. Duwei alone still stood with his back straight, raising his head to look at the extraordinary scene in the sky, still with a cold smile on his face……

One by one the Lion Condors were gradually smashed into light, dissolving, becoming countless specks of light scattering in the wind……

In the brilliant radiance the evening sky seemed to become daytime! Duwei could even feel how the air around him, right, the very space was distorting. The surrounding trees, underbrush, comrades, even the corpses and blood on the ground, all of it distorted……

Finally, with a bang, everything became quiet……

The forest, was still the same forest.

The sky, was still the same sky.

The distant mountain, was still the same distant mountain.

The sunset, was still the same sunset.

But the blood on the ground disappeared. Those mangled pieces of corpses disappeared.

In their place were people in complete disorder on the ground. Sir Spann, his subordinates, those Rawling family guardsmen ‘casualties’, were all lying on the ground with their eyes closed, but they were clearly alive.

Only unconscious.

Duwei looked at himself, the fatal injuries he had suffered had already disappeared without a trace.

Robert lay at his feet…… Astonishingly, the knight didn’t actually have any injuries!

Whether it was the injuries from the recent battle or from when Duwei stabbed him…… They were all gone!

His armor was intact, with only a scratch on the right side of his breastplate, approximately at his fourth rib. That was where Duwei had stabbed him with the dagger just now, but how could a feeble youth without martial skills have pierced the armor? At most he could leave a mark on it.

Duwei made an effort to pat Robert’s face, rousing the knight from his sleep.

Robert opened his eyes and found his master looking at him. Afterwards Duwei said with a smile: “Sorry, I didn’t have a choice just now…… Because you were the source of that whole situation. All those Lion Condors were based on your memories of the most terrifying time of your life, manufactured from the delusions in your heart…… So I could only knock you out in the dreamland, and once you were unconscious, the illusion didn’t have a source and naturally disappeared.”

As for Duwei stabbing Robert just now…… He had only stabbed him in the dream.

The Rawling family guards still standing also looked down on themselves with astonishment, then at the companions around them. The couldn’t comprehend what kind of strange method this little master had used to make those terrifying magic beasts go away…… And the wounds they had just now as well.

Those already dead comrades, even those whose corpses had been torn apart, all lay unharmed on the ground.

The only one still injured was the lady knight Rolynn.

The wound on Rolynn’s hand was real! What she had used was the Moon clan’s secret technique…… Magic breaking field.

Within her secret technique all magic was eliminated. When she used it she actually already broke out of the illusion, and therefore her injury was “real”.

There wasn’t enough time to explain, and the only one who understood what had happened was the magician Thorskei. Even though he didn’t have much ability in magic, he was exceptionally erudite in magic lore. He immediately pulled out several medicines and started applying them to the unconscious lady knight’s hand.

Duwei picked up the dagger from the ground and gave it a look: “As expected, not a drop of blood.”

Holding the dagger he walked forward. At this moment everyone discovered that there seemed to be a small creature squirming through the underbrush in front.

It was a creature about the size of a big rat, its light green fur making it really difficult to discover in the underbrush…… If you didn’t look carefully.

Duwei’s approach made this small creature immediately emit an alarmed shriek, but it moved too slowly. When it tried to escape through the underbrush, the dagger in Duwei’s hand shot out, stabbing into the ground in front of it. Duwei placed one foot on it……

Everyone clearly saw that this little creature’s plump body, under the green fur, seemed mostly like a sphere of meat, but unexpectedly with a long massive tail…… Sort of like a squirrel.

In fact, the creature’s appearance was practically just that of a squirrel —— except for its weird green fur!

But what was different was the tiny, sharp horn protruding from its forehead. Unlike other animals this horn wasn’t made of bone, but of bright crystal.

Duwei was stepping on its tail, and as the little creature struggled to get free it made tweeting screeches. Baring its teeth to screech at Duwei, the horn on its head suddenly shone with a bright ray of light that struck Duwei……

This bright light didn’t cause Duwei the slightest harm, he only felt countless memories float up within his mind, as if he was swiftly recalling all sorts of things……


Yes, it seemed he was recalling the most terrifying moments of his life!

He felt as if something was scanning his memories, but those dusty things in his mind weren’t part of this world, and as those terrible memories were brought out one by one, Duwei shook his head hard……

He was infuriated!

Duwei who since coming to this world had always worn an apathetic smile now had a furious complexion, anger bubbling up to his face!

Duwei looked coldly at this little thing, then suddenly bent down and used a harsh low voice to say: “What, are you looking for the things I fear…… Then I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed!”

Holding out a hand to grab the little creature, Duwei’s fingers wrapped tightly around its neck and pulled it up, pulling it close before saying in a low voice: “If you can understand the fear in peoples’ hearts, then shouldn’t you be able to understand my words? Let me tell you…… Don’t think to play that game with me…… While there is fear in my heart, the things I fear do not exist in this world! The illusions you can make should be limited to only those things that are within the rules of this world…… Then, I’m sorry to say…… I don’t belong to this world!”

The little creature struggled to get free, the horn on its head constantly shooting out light at Duwei, but the expression within its eyes finally showed fear and despair…… Because that light was the source of its illusion magic, and to this human across from it…… It was completely ineffective!


Just as Duwei’s anger erupted, from behind him came the surprised voice of the magician.

Thorskei had swiftly run up to Duwei’s side and carefully studied the little creature held in his hand for a long time before joyously calling out: “My God! This is a ‘terror illusion goblin’!! According to historical records, this creature went extinct several centuries ago!! Heaven! Look at its forehead, the horn is already the length of a finger! This little creature is still an infant illusion goblin, it should be less than a century old!”

Duwei’s voice was very cold: “What, it’s also a magic beast? Illusion goblin? Is it rare?”

Thorskei’s face couldn’t help showing a greedy expression as he licked his lips: “This terror illusion goblin’ can use the fears in the hearts of men to deal with its enemies. It’s a superlatively intelligent magic beast that can’t even be compared to those common magic beast creatures! And, and……”

“And what?”

The magician’s eyes shone: “Several hundred years ago, this creature was a treasure that every magician yearned for. As long as it was captured, killed, and the horn on its forehead ripped out and carried on one’s person, it granted immunity to the majority of mind magic! It’s horn is the material for making a first class magic defense item.”

As if the terror illusion goblin could understand the magician, when it heard him talking about killing it to take its horn, its fat body immediately trembled and started struggling more and more violently, as if its life depended on it. The tiny bean-like eyes grew wide and filled with fear.

At this moment behind them the majority of the Rawling family guards had all gathered around, the others occupied with waking up their unconscious comrades and sir Spann.

Duwei looked at the little creatures in his hand and said in a grim voice: “Immunity to the majority of mind magic? So it’s actually such a precious creature…… How is it used? Can the horn be pulled out right after it’s killed?”

The magician was practically drooling: “Yes! That’s right! And not just its horn, even its fur, they’re both precious magic materials, it’s also a precious ingredient for alchemy! With it I can make……”

Before Thorskei could finish speaking there was a sudden whistling sound from the distant mountain, immediately followed by a fireball bursting in midair. That was the signal from one of the other search parties, apparently something had happened.

As everyone were stunned, suddenly a flickering light could be seen far away in the woods, precisely from where the other search party’s flare had originated!

That light flew through the air and immediately shot down directly in front of everyone! On the ground it transformed into a jade green flame, and from within the flame a person stepped out!

“Careful! This could be the high level spell ‘jade flame teleportation’!” Thorskei was nervous.

The person who stepped from the green flame was dressed in an official magician’s robe and a tall pointed hat, and the robe was actually golden! On the chest hung a golden three leafed mugwort badge!

Duwei who was already familiar with general knowledge about magicians recognized it with one look: this badge was the emblem of an ‘archmage’!

Magicians on the continent were split into ten levels: Below the fourth level were low level magicians, the fourth rank to the eighth were generally called mid level magicians, but the eighth level and above were people adressed as ‘archmagi’.

And this three leafed mugwort badge clearly stated that this magician’s status was of the top layer of all the magicians on the continent! This fellow was at least an eighth level magician!

The somewhat short and thin stature was completely covered in the golden robe, appearing incomparably luxurious in the setting sun, and the magicians face was completely hidden by the pointed hat, and even the high collar was turned up so that not even a hint of skin could be seen.

Even though the face couldn’t be seen, Duwei clearly sensed that the other side’s gaze was fixed on the little terror illusion goblin in his hand!

A high level magician suddenly appearing here left both Duwei and Thorskei stunned. Thinking of what Thorskei had just said about the value of the little terror illusion goblin, Duwei naturally thought of what the other side coveted……

“Who is it!” Duwei calmly shouted.

Sir Robert reacted very quickly and waved his hand, and numerous Rawling clan guardsmen formed up to protect Duwei.

So much had already happened today! A formidable high level magician suddenly showing up left sir Robert somewhat nervous…… Whether it was an enemy or a friend, only heaven knew!

“I am a knight of the Rawling clan, distinguished magician, please tell us your purpose in coming!” Robert spoke up while covering Duwei behind him.

He first made clear their side’s identity before asking the other side, this was the most adequate plan. He also hoped that the Rawling clan’s name might make them think of the consequences.

Before the magician spoke, they first raised their wide sleeves to pull off the pointed hat, expsing their face.

Everyone were immediately stupefied!!

“I, I, I’m s-s-s-sorry……” The magician’s voice was tender and pleasant to hear, even a bit nervous and timid…… Most importantly, the magician actually stammered ferociously!

“I-I-I’ve come to l-l-l-l-look for it…..” Raising a slender finger to point at the terror illusion goblin in Duwei’s hand.

This magician didn’t just have a pretty voice, her appearance was pretty as well. After pulling off the hat, this high level magician with the golden three leafed mugwort badge was actually a girl with a shy expression! Her smooth and round cheeks were bright scarlet, as if blushing with shame from all the stares. Her nose and mouth were both small and exquisite, and her eyes were large and clear. Only, the expression in those eyes was pleading.

“I-I-I’m s-sorry…… I-i-it’s m-my teacher’s p-p-p-pet, I-I-I’ve come to b-b-bring it b-back.” It seemed that the more nervous she was, this sorceress’ words stuttered more fiercely, and she looked about to cry: “C-c-can you r-return it? I-i-i…… If I don’t b-bring it back, t-teacher will p-p-punish me.”


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