Later, He Became A Royal Healer

Chapter 130 - He means what he says.

Chapter 130 - He means what he says.

Sincerely, thank you for your Ko-Fis, Cliella!

The situation was truly odd. No matter how unrestrained Kang Shengzhe was, he did not dare to address her according to her suggestion. Bai Yan stared at him for a long moment. Seeing his complicated expression, she stopped teasing him and laughed: “Fine, let’s eat, let’s eat. Since it’s the first time you’re visiting, the chefs did not know your preferences. However, the benefit of having numerous dishes is that we have every flavour of food; pick the ones you like, when you come back next time, I’ll ask them to make the ones you prefer.”


The fact that she even stated that he could come and visit again made Kang Shengzhe feel overwhelmed by the immense favour she had granted him. For him, Bai Yan was not just the lady who represented the starlight and resplendence of an era, she was Liang Liang’s mother. While he could joke with Bai Yao, he only had a heart full of veneration and apprehension for Bai Yan.

After that particular conversation ended, the four people in the dining room picked up their chopsticks one after another to use their meal. However, at this time, the impractical aspects showed; there were too many dishes on the table and the table was too long. Rather than a family gathering, it was more similar to that of a self-service buffet suited for a rich and powerful family where you had to stand up and walk a distance to grab the food that you wanted to eat.

Bai Yao was well at home; she was not stingy with herself as she walked everywhere. You Liangxing had matters in his heart so he only picked some of the food in front of him and ate a few mouthfuls. On the other hand, You Ming and Bai Yan did not eat at all as they stared at the unmoving Kang Shengzhe. Under their stares, Kang Shengzhe trembled and faltered as he received the full plate that Bai Yan had grabbed for him but he could not swallow his food.

Basically, it was human cruelty.

With a pair of delicate and beautiful eyes which was constantly glittering like it was a reflection of moving sunlight, Bai Yan stared at him insistently. Noticing that he was eating little, she assumed that he did not want to eat anymore and she could no longer hold herself back from asking: “Xiao Kang, where do you come from? A native of City A?”

Kang Shengzhe said: “Yes.”

“I heard you were Xiao Liang’s schoolmate, what do you study?”

Kang Shengzhe replied: “Chinese Language and Literature.”

Bai Yan said: “Chinese language is good. When I was schooling in the past, there was a period of time where I thought the atmosphere in the Liberal Arts College was excellent, and it was a lot better than those science and engineering faculties. Xiao Liang is studying Economic Management you see, and now he’s just like his father, pulling a long face every day.”

You Ming interrupted her, “When have I pulled a long face in front of you?”

Bai Yan pretended not to hear him as she continued to speak: “How are your studies usually? Students admitted into A University have good results for the most part, right, is the food in school palatable?”

Her conversation topics concerned domestic trivia that an ordinary family would talk about. While the assortment of inquiries in its bits and pieces overwhelmed Kang Shengzhe, the intimacy in her tone could not be feigned.

You Liangxing and Kang Shengzhe would occasionally exchange gazes during the feast. While they had relaxed silently, they were still confused. Compared to the terrifying scene of interrogation at the door just now, the overly swift acceptance gave rise to equal amounts of fear and trepidation.

Kang Shengzhe responded: “En, it’s all quite good. University A has a very conducive environment, and Liang Liang frequently takes care of the people in school.”

Bai Yan queried, “Xiao Liang takes care of people?”

Kang Shengzhe said: “He does. He might not speak much, but the things he does have never been little. In the months I’ve entered the school, what I hear the most are praises about how You-xuezhang was good in this aspect and good in that aspect.”

Bai Yan was very much interested. “Is that so? Tell me more about it, Xiao Liang hardly tells me about the things that occur in his school.”

As people, parents were dissimilar and naturally, their children’s personalities would be different too. Bai Yao was flippant and impudent in character and expressive about it; ever since she was young, she would take every tiny trifle and put it in front of people and torment them with it. Meanwhile, You Liangxing was the exact opposite; no matter what happened, he would not voice it, and no matter how difficult a problem was, he would continue to keep his mouth shut. However, the latter child had always been outstanding, and everything he did was always done to its utmost best. But for Bai Yan and You Ming, it also meant that they would occassionally feel like there was no place for them to apply themselves in his life.

Hence, they could only prepare all the material things for him and cultivate his spirit.

Back when You Liangxing enrolled into A University, he had left without any hesitation. Afraid that he would live somewhere inconvenient, Bai Yan had specifically bought him an entire apartment building.

However, the difference in their material needs and daily lifestyle proved to be too big; although it had been two and half years since he entered university, this was honestly the first time Bai Yan heard detailed information regarding You Liangxing’s life in university.

Since she wished to hear it, Kang Shengzhe spoke about everything without holding back. Fortunately, he was not a bootlicker; rather, he was exceptionally good at flattering especially when the subject matter was You Liangxing. Thus, his expression and tone became particularly real and genuine.

Dozens of minutes passed like that and Bao Yan’s mood was exponentially better after hearing all his words. She patted Kang Shengzhe’s hand and said in a rush: “Is that so, really? Xiao Liang even participated in the Double 11 party, I always thought that this child took after his father, disliking places with a lot of people.”

Kang Shengzhe said: “There’s no way around it, Liang Liang is like a shining point; there’s always a lot of people wherever he goes.”

Bai Yan replied, “Yi, this child~ you’re very good at talking.”

While the Lord Mother was coaxed to the point of giving a flowery smile, Bai Yao was short of rolling her eyes up to the skies. She cut in, saying: “Mom, Kang Shengzhe might speak well in front of you, but when he talks outside, he infuriates; he has two faces and three knives, pei!”

The main point that Bai Yan caught was marvellous. “It turns out that you’re this familiar with Xiao Kang.”

Bai Yao’s voice rose in volume, “Mom, are you listening, I said he infuriates me!”

Bai Yan replied, “I’m just joking, are young people this thin-skinned these days?”

Almond-shaped eyes widening, Bai Yao exclaimed: “Mom!”

“Yaoyao, don’t speak to your mom loudly,” said You Ming faintly.

Reprimanded, Bai Yao pouted her lips and issued a particularly loud ‘hmpf’.

Personality wise, Bai Yan did not care for anyone and she left Bai Yao alone, not even looking at her as she continued to chat with Kang Shengzhe. The longer they talked, the more it was impressed upon her that while Kang Shengzhe was taller than most and rougher in physique, he was pretty and his person was decent. Ever since he entered the door, Xiao Liang would glance at him every ten seconds, making it abundantly clear that their feelings were genuine at a glance.

As she digested her observations, Kang Shengzhe said something and Bai Yan was teased into laughter again. “Xiao Kang is too interesting, what is this called, good-looking people are stereotyped and repetitive...”

You Ming chimed in, “And an interesting soul is two metres tall.”

Bai Yan’s mouth curled, smiling at her husband’s behaviour of trying to curry her favour all the time.

And it was in the midst of that exquisite and sweet-sounding laughter that You Liangxing placed down his chopsticks and said: “Kang Shengzhe, come here.”

Kang Shengzhe stilled, for what greeted him was You Liangxing’s chilly expression and there seemed to be a cloud gathering at his forehead. His own brows furrowed and he was about to walk over when Bai Yan abruptly pulled him to a stop. Simultaneously, You Ming said, “What are you being hostile for?”

You Liangxing kept his expression before he raised his head and declared solemnly, “I was not joking!”

You Ming said: “What?”

You Liangxing said: “The words I said at the door just now, none of them were jokes, I was serious about them.”

You Ming was neither angry nor gratified when he asked: “Do you think I’m joking?”

You Liangxing did not answer. He could not understand why there was a sudden rise in ardency in his parents’ attitude, and because he could not be certain about it, he was incapable of sitting there steadily.

“I like Kang Shengzhe, I brought him here because I want to tell you that I chose this person, I want to be together with him. He’s sitting here not as my schoolmate or my friend. He’s my future marriage partner, I hope you fully process the fact that...”

Kang Shengzhe gazed at You Liangxing, deep in trance, but You Liangxing’s eyes were completely affixed on his father. “He is male.”

Instead of answering, You Ming asked: “Do you feel like my eyesight has deteriorated?”

You Liangxing: “No.”

You Ming said: “Do you think my listening comprehension is poor then?”

You Liangxing said: “No.”

You Ming said: “It’s an issue with my memory then?”

You Liangxing paused slightly and said slowly, “... No.”

You Ming said: “Then what are you suspecting your parents of? You brought him back, told your parents he’s your lover, he’s your boyfriend, he’s your marriage partner, which is why your parents are treating him with the attitude reserved for their son’s lover, boyfriend and marriage partner. Which of these are you dissatisfied with? What makes you find it inappropriate!”

Naturally, he was not dissatisfied with his parents’ attitude, it was just that it happened too suddenly and he could bring himself to believe it. Similarly, he never thought that You Ming would say those lines to him.

Facing his father, it took You Liangxing a long moment to ask: “Why?”

You Ming raised his volume as he said: “Because I’ve raised this son of mine from when he was young, I know that he means what he says, I know he has the courage to take responsibility for his actions, and there has never been a time where he hadn’t accomplished something he said he would do. Since that is the case, it does not matter if he chose a man or a woman; as long as he declares it, then as his parents, how could we possibly choose not to believe him and treat it as unimportant!”

You Liangxing’s entire body stiffened. He never had a lengthy talk with his parents before, but because of these few lines, he was incomparably touched. His relationship with his parents was flat at best, but he had never felt more clearly than this moment that, a parent’s love was more precious than a thousand pieces of gold and it had never been far from him, not once.

You Liangxing had nothing left to say but You Ming’s anger had yet to dissipate. “What are you in a daze for, apologise!”

You Liangxing snapped back to his reverie and recomposed himself. Towards Bai Yan, he said: “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have spoken loudly.”

Satisfied, Bai Yan smiled, “Good, Mom knows you didn’t do it on purpose.”

Kang Shengzhe: “......” Emmmm.

He made a silent ‘wow’, the reason why he had to apologise... was because of this???

The delicate turn in events caused everyone to become taciturn and the latter half of the meal was eaten in an extremely quiet atmosphere. Having heard the speech You Ming made just now, Kang Shengzhe finally understood the reason for Bai Yan and You Ming’s attitude towards him. But even though that was the case, it still left him perturbed and he kept feeling like there was another talk waiting for him.

It should come as no surprise then that not long after the meal, You Ming turned to him and asked: “Let’s go out for a walk?”

November 11 had just passed and the weather outside was freezing. Going out for a walk right now required a lot of courage but Kang Shengzhe had an unshrinkable duty. Thus, he said: “Sure.”

You Ming grabbed a jacket and both of them went out. After standing at the door for three seconds, You Ming shivered and said: “... It’s a little cold.”

Kang Shengzhe responded: “En.”

Alas, a bigshot was a bigshot; even though he was so cold his body was shaking, he did not bat an eyelid as he said: “Let’s talk while walking.”

Kang Shengzhe said: “Okay.”

The pair walked forward, and when they took an occassional glance back, they would see that the door was slightly agape. You Liangxing was standing at the door, staring, which made You Ming sigh: “We’ve already talked about this and yet he remains unassured. He must really like you.”

Kang Shengzhe did not dare to randomly answer and he measured You Ming’s expression instead. Very quickly, You Ming’s line of sight turned towards him, stare unswerving. He said: “Do you know of his ambitions?”

Kang Shengzhe’s heart lurched quietly even though he had been waiting for the inevitable question. He replied, “He wants to be a businessman, and strive for the World’s Top 500 to pass his time.”

You Ming said: “And as he walks down the road of becoming one of the Top 500, what can you do for him?”

When it came to helping him in his business, Kang Shengzhe was cognizant of the fact that he could provide no assistance. Furthermore, with his lazy personality, he was not suited for what was deemed as a rich and powerful family. In spite of that, Kang Shengzhe’s expression did not change in the slightest when You Ming issued the enquiry. He said: “I can make him laugh more every day.”

You Ming: “On what basis?”

Kang Shengzhe said: “On the basis that he is not lacking in any aspect, and he only lacks someone who can be his sunshine, which is me.”

You Ming stared at him for a long time before he abruptly laughed. The reason why he laughed was unknown, but when his laugh faded, You Ming said: “Well-spoken. Do you like him?”

Kang Shengzhe replied: “I like him most.”

His answer probably satisfied You Ming immensely because he did not question him further as they walked. The quiet stroll lasted for more than ten minutes and when neither of them could stand the cold any longer, You Ming said: “Enough, let’s go back.”

Kang Shengzhe was nodding silently when You Ming thought of another question. “What do you plan to do in the future?”

Kang Shengzhe said: “Actually, I’m working as an anchor right now.”

You Ming: “... Anchor?”

In an instant, numerous and very complicated words and phrases emerged in You Ming’s head, and one of them, by the name of ‘workplace unwritten rules’, left a particularly deep impression.

“You’re an anchor from Ah Liang’s company?” He did the rules with you???

Kang Shengzhe was more dumbfounded than You Ming, “Liang Liang’s company? Liang Liang has a company?”

T/N: This is my favourite chapter in the entire novel~ It’s also one of the reasons why I desperately wanted to pick it up. I just... love their family dynamics, and how it revealed that Liang Liang is flawed in his own ways. It was absolutely wonderful to be able to translate this!


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