Last Shelter Online

Chapter 66

Hiro reappeared in the Beginner Town square. He was immediately surprised when he saw how crowded Beginner Town was when he just logged in.

Everyone who already had a VR LSO machine seemed to be logging in right now, that was why the Beginner Town was packed with players.

From the crowd of players, Hiro could see some strange-looking players wearing black robes.

The black-robed players were followed by an object that looked like a fly at first glance. The object had the size of an index finger with the ability to fly around.

When Hiro narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the flying object, he finally knew what it was.

A device that could record. And those suspicious players were none other than the investigators who handled Yujin’s death case. They were interviewing several players in Beginner Town.

Meanwhile, Hiro immediately walked away. He tried to hide behind the gap between the two buildings, looking for a shady place.

According to what Anonymous said, he shouldn’t be involved in the investigation carried out by the authorities.

The reason was that Hiro was Yujin’s brother.

If it was true that Last Shelter Online had something to do with Yuujin’s death, and that the results of the investigation revealed that Yuujin had a younger brother who was playing in their game, they could also plan evil things to get rid of Hiro.

It was better to avoid any bad possibilities for now.

Even Aunt Yuma didn’t publish to the public that Yuujin had a younger brother who was also a game freak like him. It was as if Aunt Yuma had a hunch that Hiro’s identity should be kept a secret for the sake of his safety.

The more he thought about it, the more Hiro got angry. It seemed that someone had been after him from the start, and maybe that person already knew about him being Yuujin’s younger brother.

And if such a person did exist, then there was no mistaking it. The leader was from the agency where Yuujin worked, because they had been working together for a long time, it was likely that Yuujin had told his colleagues about his brother.

Hiro understood now why the man in the black suit was trying to catch him that night in Yuujin’s old apartment. They must have something to do with Yuujin’s death.

Remembering that, Hiro regretted it again. At that time he should have tried his best to beat them, even though he was alone.

“System Call.”

[NightFall] [Barbarian] [CBT King]

Base Level 24

Job Class Level 22

Health 14160/14160

AP 2120/2120

Energy 250/250

Fame 5510

BR 14120

Basic Stats (Points 0)

STR 83

AGI 42

INT 22

VIT 44

DEX 26


Skill Stats (Points 0)

Sword Combo Skill Level 5 Max

Bloodsteal (passive) Level 5 Max

Martial Combo Art Level 5 Max

Hiro smirked seeing his basic stat increase from the last time he checked it before logging out. His decision to take a short jog, eat nutritious food, drink lots of mineral water, and take B complex supplements managed to increase the bonus points on his basic stats. Looked like he made a good decision to prepare himself for the game.

“Supplement B complex extends your lifespan is indeed an accurate slogan.”

Hiro still had time to finish his daily quest before tonight’s event started.

He already knew what kind of event needed to be played tonight. And no matter what would happen tonight, he must win the event.

Even when Hiro didn’t know who Anonymous was to be asking to work together to investigate Yuujin’s death, he didn’t care about the Anonymous identity anymore.

Something was clear that Anonymous knew a lot about LSO games. He even knew what event would appear tonight and how to win it. For the rest, it depended on how Hiro would execute it.

Anonymous’ knowledge of LSO made Hiro think that this person was one of the game’s creators. Although it was very unlikely that the suspicion was true.

Hiro rushed to finish his daily quest first. Starting from The Bandit’s Lair dungeon which was just a repeat quest.

Because he already knew what to do in the dungeon, Hiro also managed to finish the same dungeon in a faster time.

Today’s record was clearing the dungeon within 1 minute.

And even though many players had already reached level 20 and could access the same daily dungeon, none of them could reach Hiro’s dungeon clearing speed.

Meanwhile, in the world chat discussion forum, many of them were talking about Hiro.

[GreatMage: NightFall who defeated the PK was one of the 1000 CBT players]

[LordGrim: His title is CBT King! He must be the best of the CBT players!]

[Lost_Queen: I’ve seen the person firsthand. He is so cute! I want to make him mine! ,]

[LilRainbow: Right! He’s so cute. Cute Asian boy!]

[PinkBell: But he’s so strong! Does he have a partner?]

[Leonard91: I want to make him my partner!]

[Lost_Queen: Wait a minute @Leonard91, aren’t you a boy? -_-]

[CutePie: Goodbye all of you! I’m already friends with @NightFall]


Hiro got a notification because someone tagged him in the world chat. This surely annoyed him.

[PinkBell: @NightFall I want to be your friend too!]

[FavBitch: @NightFall, lemme suck your cute d**k! :*]

“What on earth are they doing? Stop tagging me geez. This is really annoying” Hiro muttered to himself. And type a single emoji.

[You: -_-]

[Lost_Queen: OMG! It’s really him!]

[LilRainbow: OMG!! MY CUTIE!]

[PinkBell: OMG! It’s him!]

[NightFall01: Hello Ladies! Let’s hook up]

[Nightfalll02: Come and suck my cute d**k @FavBitch]

Hiro massaged his head which instantly felt pain after reading the commotion going on in the world chat. Even some players had changed their nicknames to imitate him.

“Don’t they have better things to do?”

Hiro decided to turn off world chat notifications and at the same time prohibit anyone from tagging his name in world chat.

He had to focus on the game now.

Those who were making noise in the world chat were amateurs, people who were just looking for attention. Or they might be playing just for the sake of entertaining themselves while trying to find a partner.

Hiro wasn’t interested in those things at all. Usually, players like that only survive playing the game for a matter of months before retiring and moving on to play other new games.

After completing the daily dungeon, Hiro again completed the battle arena quest, and this time he was serious about choosing his enemy.

Although Liberty reappeared as an opponent’s choice once again, he decided to ignore it because he knew that Liberty had a weapon that was a counterattack to kill him.

Finally, Hiro got full points with three wins in the battle arena.

He then went to the tavern in Beginner Town to take part in the minigame.

However, just as he entered the tavern, his eyes met with the investigators who turned out to have made the Tavern a place of investigation as well.

Hiro immediately turned around, but one of them held him back.

“Wait, Player NightFall!”


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