Last Shelter Online

Chapter 62

[Next main quest: Create or join a guild]

Hiro opened the description of the main quest he had just received.

‘Create or join a guild?’

Of course, he was very excited to finally get the quest he had been waiting for.

Just like in online games, the formation of a guild could be based on the vision and mission of the guild leader. A guild could be a casual type guild or a hardcore type guild.

According to the vision and mission of the leader who formed a guild, the members in the guild must work hard to become the strongest guild through hardcore playing or members in the guild could play casually in the game and the guild continued to develop with slower progress.

Hiro, who always had high ambitions to become the strongest in a game like his older brother, his role model all this time, wanted to create a guild that would let any player who heard its name know the strength of the guild.

However, to achieve that goal, Hiro also knew that he would have to sacrifice a lot of time and energy. Especially when recruiting guild members because he couldn’t just let anyone in.

In LSO games, guild formation started from scratch. All new guilds formed will start from level 1 with a member capacity of 20 people. The creation of a guild needed a fairly large fee that was charged to the leader, which was 5,000 LSC.

After paying enough LSC, a leader would receive a guild certificate, title, and guild base level 1 which required a vacant plot of land as much as 1 slot and could be placed wherever the leader wished.

The advantage of having a guild was that there were additional guild quests that could be used to farm EXP, special drops, mysterious items, and also LSC.

However, the guild system in the LSO game was unique because guild quests were determined based on the fame level of the guild.

The higher the fame of the guild, the more interesting quests the guild will receive, and the rewards were much greater.

But, the way to gain fame for a guild was not easy.

It stated that the fame would be given by the system every time a guild member successfully completed a dungeon either solo or in a party for the first time. Thus, their name and guild name would be broadcasted by the system.

However, that was not all.

Not only clearing dungeons would give the guild fame, but also events and other achievements that were worth being broadcasted by the system to global servers. Yes, all servers. Not just the server where a player was playing at that moment.

Simply put, more broadcasted achievements of guild members would be directly translated into guild fame.

That meant popularity mattered in this game.

[Find NPC Guild Administrator to create a guild]

Hiro had marked the location of the NPC Guild Administrator through his special GPS system.

NPC Willie had already left him alone in front of the entrance gate of Underworld City. And the GPS on his HUD system directed him to enter the city of the demon bloodline.

Hiro then walked following the directions from the GPS to reach his destination. A line of half-demon warriors guarding the gates of Underworld City glanced at him, but they didn’t stop Hiro in his tracks.

“They will just let me in?” Muttered Hiro, who was slightly anxious as he passed the strong-looking guard NPCs.

Their bodies were enormous, over two meters tall with prominent muscles. They had red eyes just like Hiro and they had horns on top of their heads that vary in shape.

“Will my appearance also be like that if I upgrade later?”

The atmosphere within the Underworld City was desolate. Indeed, no players were roaming the city yet because their level was not yet qualified to complete the main quest to be like Hiro. Even the players who owned the plot or settlement were not there at that moment.

The physical appearances of the Underworld City resident NPCs looked quite intimidating. Thus, Hiro preferred to see the appearance of NPC Asvesera, which was a paradise for the elves, rather than staying at his bloodline’s city.

The ground within the Underworld city was red as if it was land from hell.

Even so, Hiro didn’t feel the slightest bit of hot temperature in the city. It was very different from the cold that bothered him so much when he visited Moonspire City.

The buildings in the city were made of shiny black stone. The shape of the buildings had the same design, they were towering and had several floors. They were different from Beginner Town which had a building with a first floor but a wide area.

Even though the volume was very low, Hiro could hear the background song from Underworld City which sounded like sad and gripping death music. The sound of the death bell, giving the final ‘rest in peace’ message. It gave him goosebumps.

He indeed felt a bit unlucky because the main city of his bloodline was not as beautiful as other cities.

After walking for a while, Hiro reached the town square, very close to the giant tower that was in the center of the city. He finally saw the NPC he was looking for.

An NPC Guild Administrator stood in front of a large building that had an inscription on the stone wall, ‘Training Area.’

Hiro approached a male two meters tall NPC with a pair of long curved horns sticking out on either side of his head. His red eyes immediately looked at Hiro scornfully, slightly startling him.

“What are you looking for, Wanderer?” His voice was heavy and hoarse.

And a transparent panel suddenly appeared in front of Hiro after the NPC spoke to him.

[Create a guild]

[Join a guild]

[Guild Level Upgrade]

[Guild Rank Information]

[None, just browsing]

“Create a guild.”

The NPC Guild Administrator told Hiro the same information he had read from the previous create/join a guild quest description.

Information about the benefits of having a guild, how to increase the guild rank, and so on.

Hiro just listened in silence, and there was no information that had not been conveyed in the description he read.

After all, everything he heard from the NPC Guild Administrator was the same information he got before. There was no new information. Except for one thing.

[Current number of guilds in the global server: None]

A new panel appeared before Hiro again.

[5,000 LSC is required to sign up a new guild]

[Balance 7,250 LSC]

[Are you going to proceed with the transaction?]

“Yes. Please proceed.”

Hiro knew that 5,000 USD was a huge amount of money for him. However, a sacrifice should be made to achieve his goals. And he was certain of his choice.

Indeed, from the beginning, Hiro’s target in the game was to become the strongest.

However, since connecting with Anonymous, he had another goal in playing the game, which was to investigate the username ‘WynterRain’ that appeared during the CBT version. The player they suspected was his older brother who had mysteriously died, because that username had been Yuujin’s signature for years.

His new goal made him even more convinced that he had to become the strongest player in the game, no matter what. He would sacrifice anything to reach his goals.

[5,000 LSC has been consumed]

[Balance 2,250]

[A Guild has been successfully signed]

[Guild Number: 1]

[Please input a name for your Guild]



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