Last Shelter Online

Chapter 216 Swordmaster

The unknown player suddenly stomped the stick he was carrying on the ground, and the wand instantly transformed into a greatsword with a pitch black blade that wasn’t shiny.

Swish! Clank!

He dashed to attack Hiro who had just shattered his clone body, and the two swords clashed violently.

Swish! Clank! Clank!

Both of them had sword skills with the same technique. It looked like the opponent Hiro was facing also had Hachidan level like him. Even so, this wasn’t the real world… but a game world where the sword skills and techniques of Hachidan’s class didn’t make too much of an impact. Everything still depended on how high the progressive point they had. And Hiro certainly had a higher progressive point than the unknown player.

Swish! Splat!

One long slash managed to tear apart the man’s robe, and he fell to the ground. Blood spurted out from his torn waist.

Hiro didn’t hesitate to swing his sword at all. Instead, he felt very lucky because his opponent was so stupid to choose a sword as a weapon to take him down.

“Enough! Leave this place or I’m gonna kill you,” Hiro hissed threateningly. He couldn’t bear to see Liberty, who was brimming with tears in the air. The girl looked very eager to approach her brother and check on him directly. Although it actually was not needed anymore, because Alaric had already provided assistance to heal Ace.

“Tch. Who do you think you are? Just winning the launching event made you this arrogant.” The man dashed again towards Hiro with an angry look on his face. He did not let his men approach him to provide any assistance. He wanted to beat Hiro with his own hands.

Hiro didn’t move from his place. He just stayed silent to guess where the sword slash would come from. Was it from above, from the side, or was the opponent using a trick technique and would attack him from behind? As one who had wielded a sword from day one, Hiro knew what his opponent was going to do just from a quick glance.


The man bolted past Hiro, but he immediately twisted his body. He turned around while thrusting the tip of his sword into Hiro’s back. For Hiro, such a trick technique was something very easy to guess.


At the same second as the enemy’s sword came, Hiro turned the Vampire Blood-eater like a light drumstick to blow the enemy’s sword, and he succeeded.

The enemy’s sword was successfully thrown and fell on the ground not far from the two of them. The unknown player was surprised when his hand suddenly pulled to the side like it had been sprained. However, he didn’t have time to dodge when Hiro threw a hard sidekick right in the neck.


[Fatal damage]

The man fell to the ground, and he didn’t move again. He was still alive, but he was too shocked to be able to retreat back quickly.

“Get lost. I won’t finish you here if you take all your comrades away from here right away,” Hiro said coldly. However, before he got an answer, the opponent’s sword that was stuck near Hiro’s feet suddenly transformed again. This time, the sword did not change into its original form, but it turned into a king cobra that stood up and hissed at him.


The King cobra hurled its highly acidic venom three times at Hiro. Two of them managed to make a hole in the robe Hiro was wearing, while one of them hit Hiro’s shoe and made a hole in it.

[Veteran Boots has been damaged]

[All effects of the boots will be lost]

[Bonus set cannot be obtained]


Hiro slashed the king cobra’s head and managed to kill it in one hit. However, he lost his valuable asset, and as a result, his stats immediately dropped.

Hiro had to replace his boots with the boots that were still stored in his inventory right away.

[Adventure Boots has been equipped]

The downgrade boots that could at least provide some additional basic stats that had been lost due to the broken Veteran Boots.

Hiro sighed. He must immediately get the forbidden one boots in the near future. His resolve was firm.

After the snake was killed in a gruesome way, the object finally returned to its full form. A stick, but this time it was broken and split in two.

“No, my precious stick!” the unknown player groaned and crawled to pick up the two pieces of stick and held it tightly. He raised his face to look at Hiro with a look full of hatred.

Hiro clenched his jaw. He was ready if the man suddenly attacked him again. He was determined to cut the man’s body in half this time. However, before an unbalanced fight broke out, the two robed people who were hiding their faces behind the black masks like a ninja walked up to the unknown player’s side and pulled him to his feet.

“Don’t worry, WynterRain will fix it for you,” one of them whispered. It sounded so clear to Hiro’s ears that he reflexively grabbed the man’s wrist, stopping his footsteps that had decided to walk away from that place. Hiro’s action startled him.

“What do you want?” the man hissed while trying to release Hiro’s hand from him, but he failed. His STR points were clearly still far behind Hiro’s.

“What is your relationship with WynterRain? What are you guys planning?” Hiro asked, looking straight into the man’s light grey eyes.

“It has nothing to do with you,” he replied, still in a displeased hissing voice.

However, that answer failed to satisfy Hiro. This time, Hiro went from gripping the man’s hand to tightly strangling him. It was so strong that it made the man’s face turn blue right away.

Hiro lifted it up in the air with one hand, looking so lightly, as if he had no limit on the weight he could lift.

“Let me ask you one more question. Did he order you to do such a thing as this?” Hiro asked curiously whether his brother turned out to be involved with the troublesome terrorists in the game. He was even more curious whether his brother turned out to be their leader and planned all the crimes they had committed so far in the game. He could never accept that if it was true.

Killing other players just to get the title of player killer and ending up paying a heavy price for their heads… Hiro really didn’t like players who did something like that. Fighting monsters and enemies in the story game was not over yet, but they started a war with other players instead, even though the safe official war and pvp features had been provided.

The man slapped Hiro’s hand and tried to kick the empty air. His feet were no longer on the ground.

“Did he? Just nod your head if he did,” Hiro added, still not letting go of the man.


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