Last Shelter Online

Chapter 143

Hiro dashed towards the source of the scream he had just heard. He hoped no one had been killed when he arrived there. His feet stepped on the surface of the green slime that had piled up in the long, dark tunnel. Until finally, he could see a bright light in front of him, indicating that he had arrived at the end of the tunnel.

When he was getting closer to the end of the tunnel, Hiro stepped on something very sticky and managed to trap him. He fell and rolled on the ground.

“Damn it!” He tried to free his feet from something that looked like white soft webs, but it was very difficult to get his feet out. It also stuck to Hiro’s hand as he tried to release it.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Noah, who had run with all his might, finally managed to reach the place where Hiro was. He was more careful. Noah didn’t want to fall like Hiro, who was cutting the sticky webs with his sword.

“Holy shit..” Noah didn’t speak to Hiro. His eyes quivered at seeing something that was not far from him. It was at the end of the tunnel. Hiro, who was still busy with the webs, checked what Noah was looking at that made the man stupefied like that. When he did that, his eyes dilated in disbelief.

About 10 meters in front of him, there was a giant ball? No, it was an ovoid shaped thing that was hanging down by the millions of strands of the same white webs that trapped Hiro. It looked like a giant cocoon hanging upside down.

Hiro’s throat felt dry when he saw the monster hanging on that webs. It had four giant legs on each side of its body, and its body was three times bigger than its head. The four pairs of the jointed legs were covered with hideous looking fur.


[Jorogumo (Boss)]

[Race: Demon]

“Should we defeat that giant multi-legged boss?” Noah had already pulled out his Mystic Tome and activated it. Two black and white lights were moving around the book that floated by itself.

Finally, Hiro could free himself from the spider webs. He pulled out his vampire blood-eater. However, he didn’t immediately attack the monster because Hiro wasn’t sure he could win with his current strength.

The spider-like monster that was hanging above the ground didn’t look easy to beat. It was almost three times the size of the Minorous that Hiro had defeated along with the others.

“I saw them!” Noah pointed at the group of players. Hiro didn’t even notice it because the boss blocked his view.

From where the two of them were standing, they could see that their raid party members were in a corner covered with the green slime and spider webs.

They seemed to be ready to attack with their weapons. From the party status Hiro had just checked through his HUD system, not a single one of them had been killed.

It was a relief. However, they couldn’t stay there for too long or else they could be killed in a matter of seconds. If Hiro and Noah don’t do anything to distract the boss who had cornered them, they might be dead meats pretty soon.

“We have to do something.” Hiro racked his brain. He had to find a way to attract the monster’s attention, but also not let himself become a target.

“Launch a blast of flames at the monster after I jump!”


Tap! Tap! Tap!

Hiro ran with his sword raised high. He slightly slowed his pace, but he didn’t find a better idea.

Meanwhile, even though Noah didn’t really understand Hiro’s sudden and ambiguous order, he had already opened the page on his Mytsic Tome, looking for explosion-making magic. He wanted to make himself useful.

“I won’t let you get all the spotlight, NightFall!”

Noah began to babble, reciting an incantation written in the letters that only mages in the LSO world could understand.

[Fire Explosion]


Boom! Kabooom!

Noah shot at the belly of the giant spider monster from behind. After creating a magic circle full of runes that he wrote with his bare hands in the air, he fired flames that could explode.

The explosion managed to make the monster growled in pain. The flames created by Noah burned the webs that kept the monster hanging upside down in that spot.

Everyone who was tensed up was shocked because of the deafening explosion. However, when they looked in the source’s direction of the bursting flames, they saw a shadowy figure running with a large sword raised high in a puff of smoke from the aftermath of the explosion. He ran at high speed. The smoke didn’t bother him in the slightest.

“Hiro!” Jacob realized it first. He immediately jumped forward, using the sword and shield he had strengthened. He would not let his friend fight alone. However, Cara, who could move like blazes, suddenly shot ahead of him.

The explosion created by Noah became the first attack that made the boss fall to the ground. It squirmed with its head down. However, with four pairs of legs that were highly elastic and could move 360 ​​degrees, the gigantic monster could stand back quickly.

Hiro jumped up and aimed at the head. The monster glared at him with eight terrifying black eyes gathered at the front of its head.

However, suddenly, before Hiro could slash its head with his sword, the monster hissed and the four pairs of valves in its mouth vibrated simultaneously


Hiro, who didn’t know the skills used by the monsters, decided to use his sword that was stuck on one of the monster’s legs to turn around before something bad happened. And his guess was right. The moment Hiro changed his direction, the monster shot a large amount of green liquid at him.


“Watch out!”

It was just an inch away from his body. Hiro saw the last green slime dripping right next to his feet. Instantly, the rock in that place melted and emitted smoke.

‘Strong acid,’ Hiro thought. He didn’t know that the green slime would be very dangerous when it just came out of the monster’s body.

“Attack!” Dominic exclaimed, giving orders from the other side. Meanwhile, Jacob and Cara had landed by Hiro’s side.

Boom! Kabooom!



They all started to attack using various types of physical and magic based attacks from the rear. It made the monster instantly twist its head to them while hissing angrily. The monster even lifted itself up on its two hind legs.


“Hiro, are you okay?!” Jacob looked worried.

“We have to destroy it!”

And they joined with the others. They attack the spider monster mercilessly.


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