Last Shelter Online

Chapter 138

After he purchased several items from the merchant NPC, Hiro walked to where Jacob and Noah were waiting for Cara at.

Looking at the total LSC he had at the moment, Hiro suddenly felt rich. He didn’t expect that it would increase so drastically just from executing some player killers a few hours ago.

His LSC balance was currently at 14,515 LSC. He already earned back the capital he used to purchase a regular plot and a guild license, and he felt that it was already time to start the guild he bought.

From afar, Hiro saw that Cara had joined Jacob and Noah. The three seemed to be talking, but Hiro couldn’t hear them clearly due to the loud music in the lively city square.

When Jacob saw that Hiro was walking toward them, he quickly ran to approach Hiro with the other two behind him.

“Great, we’re all here.” Hiro didn’t realize that he had a smile on his face.

He didn’t expect that he would be able to get them all together again despite initially doubting if the plan would work.

“I can’t wait to get a rare item.” Cara expectantly said. She seemed fired up as usual. Even though she had just finished something in real life, she didn’t seem exhausted at all

“Let’s go!”

The three ran leaving the crowd with Hiro leading the way.

The four reached the forest area in just ten minutes, very close to where the members of Immortal Knights were waiting.

“We’re back.”

The number of people gathered in front of the cave had increased. At just a glance, it was easy to see that 11 people were there.

Dominic walked toward Hiro and nodded to greet Noah and Cara, who just joined.

“Welcome, everyone.”

Dominic briefly explained that he and the others already knew the way to the boss area hidden in the dungeon.

And no matter what happened, they had to successfully defeat the dungeon boss.

There was no information about the type of boss that occupied the room. The only clue available was the type of monsters in the dungeon.

The small monsters that had to be defeated before they could reach the boss area were of the demon race. Because of this, Dominic guessed that the dungeon boss was also of the demon race.

No player should have completed a party raid-type dungeon prior to this. There was no information about it in the leaderboard of conquered hidden dungeons.

When Hiro personally checked to confirm the information, he found that Dominic was indeed telling the truth.

The dungeon in front of him might be the first party raid-type hidden dungeon to be recorded by the system. And due to this, Hiro found a possible answer as to why those black-robed players also wanted it so much. Apart from the item drops that would most likely be very promising, of course.


[You have received a party invitation]

[You have joined the party]

Hiro was trusted by Dominic to be the leader of the sub-party he made. As a party could only consist of five members at most, a person from Immortal Knights joined Hiro’s party. He was a ranger with automatic rifles.

[Level 40. DemonHunterz. Ranger. Oneshot-Onekill]

“Let’s cooperate well, pal.” A man that looked to be around 30 years old offered his hand.

Hiro accepted the handshake with an awkward bow. He just realized that the members of Immortal Knights in tonight’s agenda consisted of those around 30 years of age. Only he and his friends were young.

“Are you guys ready?” Dominic was already standing in front of the cave entrance while the others were preparing their weapons.

Hiro checked the members of his party. As usual, only Noah seemed reluctant to communicate with the others. He only had his head high while waiting for the cue to enter.

‘At least he hasn’t caused any trouble so far.’

At 9 PM sharp, the giant snowball that blocked the cave entrance in front of them glitched and melted into water in seconds, allowing them to enter with ease.

“Let’s go!”

They took turns walking in.

When they stepped in, tens of torches on the cave wall suddenly lit up together, showing a seemingly endless straight passage in front of them.

“Get ready to run, the first monsters are fast centipedes.”

Hiro raised his brow. “Centipedes? Didn’t you say that they would be demon-type monsters?”

“That’s right. Take a look for yourself.”

At the end of the extremely long path was a square-shaped space, and at the other end in front of them was another passage to go deeper into the dungeon.

Hiro and the others were about to rush to the next passage, but they immediately halted when hundreds of palm-sized centipedes started falling from the ceiling at the center of the space.

The centipedes squirmed and emitted a putrid stench that inflicted damage on players.

[HP -120] [HP -175] [HP -225]

“Hold your breath. Don’t inhale too much of that foul gas,” Dominic warned before running toward the pile of squirming centipedes without hesitation.

On the other hand, Hiro wasn’t in a rush. He had to understand what was going on before taking action.

In the meantime, three mages in the party had begun to cast fire spells to burn the bugs. The fire attacks were very effective, much more effective than melee attacks.

After paying attention to the pile of centipedes for longer, he found that they looked like dead centipedes. Looking at the different features like missing eyes and broken legs, Hiro realized that they were zombie centipedes.

Moreover, even though the damage that afflicted them through the stench continued to increase, it seemed that those monsters had weak physical attacks.

[HP -350]

Now that he knew what to do, Hiro finally dashed forward. He began slashing with his Awakening Sword Combo Skill to defeat tens of monsters with one slash and controlled his breathing to avoid breathing in too much.


Swish! Splatt!!

Even though they were a group of 15, everyone knew their respective duties and worked well. In 10 minutes, all the centipedes were finally exterminated.

“Great! This is faster than our first attempt,” Dominic commented.

Val, who had been dancing with his sword next to Hiro, gave a thumbs up to him. He liked Hiro even more and didn’t bother to hide it at all.

“Your combos are awesome,” he complimented in awe.

Hiro put the Blood-Eater Vampire back on his back. “This is nothing.”

The group continued to walk toward another passage and were quickly greeted by more rows of torches. The next space was filled with monsters of the nocturnal bug Hiro hated in real life: Cockroaches.

Even their demon version was still really disgusting.

Because these monsters could physically fight, it took them a little more time to exterminate the tens of zombie cockroaches in the second space. They could even move and fly in the air, which made it somewhat more difficult for them.

After wiping out those two type of monsters, they finally arrived in front of a giant wooden gate with two lit torches on its sides.

“We’re here,” Dominic said while putting his hand in front of the gate.

[Current Party BR is lower than recommended]

[Recommended BR: 300,000]

Dominic’s brows furrowed.

“This isn’t right… Last time, it was 230,000 BR, is there any bug or something?”

The guild leader was clearly perplexed and displeased.

Seeing the notification also pop up in front of him, Hiro began to think. Could it be that the minimum BR requirement rose? Was that really possible?

Val also looked at the wooden gate with his brows furrowed. “What should we do now?”

“We have to get in,” Hiro immediately said while walking toward Dominic.

“If you cancel it, the minimum battle rating might increase again.”


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