Land Sword Immortal: Eighty Years as the Guardian of the Sword Pavilion

Chapter 10 – Outer Sect Disciple, just so-so

Chapter 10 – Outer Sect Disciple, just so-so

Moments later, Liu Wei picked up a sword and swung it around in the hall to see if it felt right in his hand.

"The Returning Wind Brushing Willow Sword."

Meng Fan had heard of this sword technique, but as a menial disciple, he had never had the chance to learn it.

Yet, watching Liu Wei practice, he instinctively guessed that this was the Returning Wind Brushing Willow Sword.

Even more astonishing, he could see through the flaws and weaknesses in Liu Wei's technique.

It was outrageous!

Despite never having learned the technique, he could spot its shortcomings at a glance.

He even unconsciously used his finger as a sword, making a casual gesture, and improbably improved upon the flaws in Liu Wei's swordplay.

Just for this alone, who would dare say Meng Fan had a Mixed Spiritual Root?

In the grand hall of the Sword Pavilion, Liu Wei's brow furrowed.

While wielding the sword, he always felt something was not quite smooth, but he couldn't pinpoint the problem.

As an Outer Sect Disciple ranked within the top fifty, he only had one chance to claim a free sword.

To change swords, he would need to hand over three Spirit Stones.

So, Liu Wei was quite cautious in choosing his first sword!

"Not satisfied?" Meng Fan asked Liu Wei.

Liu Wei nodded and said, "I've tried several swords just now and thought this one suited me best, but when I used it, something felt off, and I can't figure out what the problem is."

Meng Fan glanced at Liu Wei and smiled, "Actually, your arms are not the same length; your right arm is half an inch shorter than your left, so you should use a slightly longer Sword Weapon.

Moreover, the way you grip the sword is different from most people; your little finger tends to slip off the hilt and rest at the end.

Therefore, you're better suited to a sword with a shorter hilt.

This sword is more suitable for you!"

Meng Fan took a sword from the rack, casually drew it from its sheath, and glanced at it.

He unsheathed the sword to feel the aura within it, which could aid his cultivation with a warm current.

He hadn't wiped this sword before, so naturally, he wouldn't waste it!

After the aura from the sword flowed into his body, Meng Fan tossed the sword to Liu Wei.

Liu Wei caught the sword and swung it experimentally.

Instantly, his face lit up with surprise.

Meng Fan's choice was spot on; this sword indeed suited him perfectly.

After practicing the sword technique once more with the new sword, Liu Wei was thoroughly satisfied.

He sincerely bowed to Meng Fan and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother!"

In truth, he didn't know whether Meng Fan was a junior or senior brother.

But this address of 'Senior Brother' was a mark of respect.

Wholeheartedly convinced!

"Don't mention it. You shouldn't linger in the Sword Pavilion. Now that you've chosen your Sword Weapon, register it and be on your way," Meng Fan said calmly to Liu Wei.

Liu Wei quickly began to register, then left joyfully with his beloved sword.

Senior Disciple Luo appeared before Meng Fan, holding a wine gourd, and looked at him with some surprise, "Kid, you've got quite the eye and insight!"

Meng Fan gave a bashful smile, "Senior Brother flatters me."

Senior Disciple Luo shook his head, "It's not flattery, but genuine praise. It's a pity for someone like you to be in the Sword Pavilion; you're meant for greater things."

Meng Fan quickly said, "Actually, I feel the Sword Pavilion suits me well."

"That's true. If you can endure here, your achievements will be higher than outside!" Senior Disciple Luo patted Meng Fan's shoulder and said, "Keep cultivating diligently. Once you reach the fifth level of the Qi Cultivation Realm, I'll take you to meet Elder Lin."

"I'll do my best," Meng Fan nodded earnestly.

Then he glanced several times at the wine gourd in Senior Disciple Luo's hand, asking uncertainly, "Senior Brother, isn't that the wine gourd from my room?"

Senior Disciple Luo rolled his eyes at Meng Fan, discontentedly saying, "You have the nerve to ask. I gave you a gourd of wine with a heavy heart, and you didn't drink it. The aroma is almost gone; what a waste!"

"Uh, I'm not great with alcohol; I only took a sip."

Hearing that Meng Fan had only taken a sip, Senior Disciple Luo, undeterred, continued to drink from the gourd.

"Such a divine brew, and you don't know how to enjoy it. Boring."

Senior Disciple Luo scorned Meng Fan, then walked out of the Sword Pavilion, off to wander who knows where.

To be honest, Meng Fan was a bit envious of Senior Disciple Luo.

He hadn't left the Sword Pavilion once since his arrival.

When Senior Disciple Luo returned, he'd have to ask if he could go out too.


That afternoon, Meng Fan continued wiping swords.

After cleaning forty Sword Weapons, he finally stopped.

Since the Dark Wind Sword, none of the following swords contained a Malevolent Aura, which was a relief to Meng Fan.

The Malevolent Aura of the Dark Wind Sword had slightly injured his vital energy, and he hadn't fully recovered yet.

As the sun set, Senior Disciple Luo returned to the Sword Pavilion at closing time, just like before, reeking of alcohol and with a wine gourd at his waist.

It seemed that Senior Disciple Luo was indeed a man who lived for his wine.

This made things easier; if he needed Senior Disciple Luo's help in the future, he just had to get some good wine to make things go smoothly.


That night, Meng Fan continued to practice the Spirit Wind Profound Art.

After wiping so many Sword Weapons during the day and absorbing so much aura, a warm current appeared again in his lower abdomen during cultivation.

Relying on these warm currents, Meng Fan believed he would soon reach the second level of the Qi Refining Realm.

He persisted until dawn before the warm current was fully consumed.

As usual, Meng Fan got up early.

And as usual, Senior Disciple Luo didn't emerge from his room until the sun was high, bleary-eyed.

"You don't have to be so diligent, kid. Even if you sleep until the afternoon, no one will care," Senior Disciple Luo yawned.

Meng Fan said awkwardly, "What if disciples come to claim swords in the morning?"

Senior Disciple Luo said nonchalantly, "Then let them wait. We open the doors whenever we feel like it.

The rule of the Sword Pavilion is to close at sunset.

As for opening, it's entirely up to our mood!"

Hearing Senior Disciple Luo's words, Meng Fan gained a new understanding of the Sword Pavilion.

"Alright, Senior Disciple Luo, I have a question, not sure if I should ask."

"Ask!" Senior Disciple Luo said indifferently, always appearing laid-back.

"Senior Disciple Luo, if I have something to do, can I leave the Sword Pavilion for a while?" Meng Fan asked tentatively.

After all, he had only been at the Sword Pavilion for a few days.

It was like a new employee at a company thinking about skipping work.

Senior Disciple Luo, however, said carelessly, "Of course, you can. Just make sure to return before the Sword Pavilion closes. If I'm here, you can just go out. If I'm not, remember to lock the Sword Pavilion's door before you leave!"

Meng Fan was stunned by Senior Disciple Luo's casual response, which was beyond his expectations.

Meng Fan continued, "Senior Disciple Luo, Outer Sect Disciples of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect can cultivate in the Training Hall for an hour each day. As a Guarding Sword Disciple, my status is equivalent to an Outer Sect Disciple, so can I also go to the Training Hall to cultivate for an hour?"

"Of course, you've just entered the Qi Cultivation Realm; it's indeed beneficial for you to spend more time cultivating in the Training Hall," Senior Disciple Luo told Meng Fan.

For someone like Senior Disciple Luo, a place like the Training Hall was clearly of no use.

If Meng Fan hadn't mentioned it, he would have forgotten such a place even existed.

The Training Hall had a small Spirit Gathering Array set up.

However, it was generally only useful for disciples in the Qi Cultivation Realm.

And after surpassing the sixth level, the effect was minimal.

"Then, Senior Disciple Luo, may I go out now to check out the Training Hall?" Meng Fan asked, thickening his skin.

Senior Disciple Luo smiled, "Go ahead, I'm not planning to leave the Sword Pavilion today."


Meng Fan stepped out of the Sword Pavilion's door, feeling refreshed.

He had been cooped up inside for several days, and the air outside felt fresher.

Soon, he arrived at the Training Hall of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect.

The Training Hall was vast, capable of accommodating thousands of disciples without a problem.

A small Spirit Gathering Array had to be shared by thousands of disciples, which was quite insignificant.

That's why someone like Senior Disciple Luo had long forgotten about such a place.

But for a martial artist like Meng Fan, who had just entered the first level of the Qi Cultivation Realm, the Training Hall was still a treasure trove.

Meng Fan took out his Guarding Sword Disciple's Token, registered, and entered the Training Hall.

He found a spot, sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to cultivate.

After a while, he frowned.

The warm current in his lower abdomen had been fully consumed the night before.

He was now dry cultivating; even in the Training Hall, it wasn't very effective.

He could barely sense the operation of the Spirit Wind Profound Art, and the speed of cultivation was almost the same as when he was in his room at the Sword Pavilion without the warm current, with no improvement.

"I'd be better off polishing a few more long swords to accumulate some warm current."

Meng Fan lost interest in the Training Hall, and there was no doubt he wouldn't come back the next day.

For other Outer Sect Disciples, a slight increase in cultivation speed was better than nothing.

But for Meng Fan, it was truly a waste of time.

Meng Fan stood up, ready to leave the Training Hall, not wanting to waste any more time.

But he ran into someone familiar.

Well, not too familiar; in fact, they had only met once.

Yang Shi!

Ranked forty-first among the Outer Sect Disciples.

This guy was still cultivating in the Training Hall, which meant he hadn't reached the sixth level of the Qi Cultivation Realm.

Once reaching the sixth level, disciples generally stopped coming to the Training Hall.

Meng Fan now had a general understanding of the Outer Sect Disciples.

The top fifty Outer Sect Disciples hadn't even reached the sixth level of Qi Cultivation, which was frankly a bit embarrassing.

Previously, Meng Fan thought the Outer Sect Disciples were lofty beings, worlds apart from menial disciples like himself.

But now, it seemed the Outer Sect Disciples were nothing special after all!


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