Lackey's Seducing Survival Odyssey

Chapter 41: Chocolate and Cookies

Chapter 41: Chocolate and Cookies

"M-madam?" Aether stood up with respect when he saw the bluish-black haired girl.

"Sigh, What are you doing here in the middle of the night? Lying down in the open yard?" She questioned him, folding her hands under her bosom, her expression a mix of concern and irritation.

"W-what was that?... heh" Instead of answering her, Aether asked with a terrified face, his eyes still wide with shock from the encounter.

"..." Selene's lips twitched when she felt ignored, but she then shrugged and said, "Those are Void Eyes... they often appear around to observe any wandering souls lurking nearby. Don't worry, they won't harm you or anything. However, staring at those eyes might cause you to experience a brief mental breakdown."

Aether's mouth formed an 'O' shape as he digested this knowledge. 'So it's normal here... hehe,' he thought, trying to alleviate the tension with a nervous chuckle.

"So? Why are you here?" She brought him back to her initial question, her tone softening slightly.

"Hehe... I wanted to experience the outside world," Aether offered a lame excuse and was about to retreat, feeling uncomfortable under her gaze.

"Do you really not remember anything?" Selene's voice carried a hint of pain, her concern for him evident.

"???" Aether looked at her with a questioning gaze, confused by her sudden change in demeanour.

"Here..." Selene took out some chocolates and cookies, attempting to lighten the mood and offer him some comfort.

"M-Madam?" Aether was truly taken aback, surprised by her gesture of kindness after their previous encounter.

How was he supposed to react now? She was the girl who initially punched him in the gut like he was nothing, and yet here she was offering him food...

However, Selene seemed to pay no mind to Aether's internal turmoil. Instead, she gracefully settled onto the ground, patting the spot beside her, silently urging him to join her.

"I... I am sorry, Madam but I ca--"

"Ether, I ordered you to sit down!" Selene's tone was firm, her fist clenched with unknown emotions.

Aether complied with her 'soft' request, although inwardly, he felt a twinge of irritation at being ordered around.

It's not like he was afraid of being punched again by her!!

Selene nodded in satisfaction and handed him the cookies and chocolates, her expression softening slightly.

As Selene handed him the cookies and chocolates, Aether hesitated, 'It smells delicious...' he thought. The treats looked delicious, but he couldn't shake the nagging suspicion that there might be something more to this gesture.

Aether hesitated, eyeing the snacks warily. Despite his hunger, he couldn't help but feel a sense of mistrust. Was this a ploy to get him to lower his guard?

'What if she's planning something?' The thought gnawed at him, his mind racing with suspicions. He couldn't afford to let his guard down, not in this place filled with intrigue and deception.

'Is she trying to poison me?' Aether's paranoia grew, his eyes darting between Selene and the treats.

Completely forgetting that she was the only one who had shown any kind of sympathy towards him in this unknown world.

Selene, with her soft blue eyes, watched the internal struggle playing out on Aether's face. She could sense his hesitation, his guardedness.... a hint of disappointment flickering in her gaze.

'Looks like he truly doesn't remember anything!' She couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at the realization. How different things would have been if he just remembered....

"Am I not trustworthy anymore?" she asked softly, her voice tinged with hurt.

As Aether observed the tears welling up in Selene's eyes, a pang of guilt struck his heart. It was as though he had inflicted some deep wound upon her, though he couldn't quite fathom how....

His instinct to comfort her kicked in, overriding his lingering doubts and suspicions. He couldn't bear to see her cry, especially when it seemed to be because of him. The thought of being blamed for causing her distress filled him with unease... Velc surely would do something to him!!

"N-No, M-Madam, it's just...." Aether's words stumbled out in a rush, his voice tinged with a mix of apology and concern. He scrambled for an excuse, grasping at straws to alleviate the tension between them, "You know, I don't think Master would be happy if he knew his sister was giving these handmade chocolates."

"Snort" Selene's response was unexpected. Instead of chastising him or pressing further, she emitted a derisive snort, her eyes twinkling with amusement. It was a stark contrast to the sombre atmosphere a moment ago.

"You don't need to worry about that. Just eat!" she reassured him, her tone lightening considerably.

"O-Okay," Aether nodded, his voice muffled by the cookies filling his mouth.

As he savoured the delicious taste, a genuine smile spread across his face,

"Hmm! It's really good... Little gi--ahem Madam!" he exclaimed between bites, his eyes bright with delight.

'Ba-Dump, Ba-Dump'

As Selene watched his joyful expression, her heart skipped a beat. It was the first time she had seen him smile so genuinely, and it sent a flutter of warmth through her chest.

"I-Is that so..?" Selene's voice faltered slightly, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her dress.

"Yes! This is my first time eating cookies this tasty" Aether confessed without realization, his enthusiasm evident as he devoured the treats with gusto.

Perhaps it was the contrast to the charred meat and tried bread he had grown accustomed to, but the simple pleasure of the cookies was really too good to him.

A blush deepened on Selene's cheeks as she watched him eat, her heart fluttering at the sight. Gathering her courage, she made a bold offer,

"I-If you like it, I will make it for you next time" Her hands hesitantly reached out, landing softly on Aether's thighs, which were covered by the simple sack dress he wore.

She couldn't help but notice the worn fabric, a stark reminder of his status as a slave....

Sensing the sudden closeness, Aether tensed, shifting uncomfortably. He couldn't shake the feeling that Selene had ulterior motives.

Aether's sudden flinch startled Selene, and she quickly withdrew her hands, offering a gentle smile as she redirected her gaze to the darkened sky,

"If you ever need something... You could ask me right away," she offered softly, her voice filled with sincerity.

"..." Aether froze for a moment, uncertainty flickering in his eyes as he processed Selene's words, 'She up to something...' He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her offer than met the eye.

"'Gulp' I am sorry, Madam... But as I am a slave, I cann--" Aether's words were cut off as Selene's grip tightened on his collar, her face dangerously close to his.

"....." Selene's intense gaze bore into Aether's, her expression tinged with a mixture of longing and frustration.

Caught off guard, Aether tensed, unsure of how to respond to Selene's sudden assertiveness.

Should he break her hand?.... He wondered.

Yet, in Selene's eyes, there was a flicker of pain, a silent plea for understanding. It was as if she lamented that he didn't remember her, or..... the memories they once shared.

Relenting, Selene released her grip and stood up, smoothing out her dress with practised ease. With a stern warning "Don't stay late!" she left Aether alone in the yard, his mind swirling with confusion.

"What just happened?" Aether muttered to himself, perplexed by the unexpected encounter. Shaking off his bewilderment, he decided to head for the bath.

While Aether bathing peacefully, somewhere in the universe,


In the depths of an enigmatic realm, where the fabric of reality wavered and time held no sway, a commanding voice resonated with authority,

"Did you find the person who obstructed the path of samsara?" The voice, elegant yet authoritative, reverberated through the boundless expanse.

"My grace" A subordinate began, bowing deeply, "According to our reports, the first instance of energy interference occurred within one of the temples in the Aquaris Naiadae Realm... However..."

"However?" The commanding voice-prompted, its tone betraying no emotion.

"However, E-Empress Marisandra Naiadia utterly destroyed the temple, leaving no evidence behind," the subordinate explained, a hint of apprehension in their voice.

"...." The silence that followed was heavy with implications.

"B-But, My grace," the subordinate continued hastily, "We have discovered that the Duke Frostblade Household held a baptism on that very day!"

"...." The commanding voice remained silent, its thoughts inscrutable.

"I-I-If we send our spies, we might be able to uncover the culprit," the subordinate suggested, their voice tinged with urgency.


"M-My Grace?" The subordinate hesitated, awaiting a response.

"... Do what you must. But I demand the return of the souls that were taken," the commanding voice finally spoke, its tone resolute and unwavering.



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