Knights Apocalyptica

Chapter 59: End Approaches

Chapter 59: End Approaches

Erec and Olivia scrambled back through the subway system—only stopping when they met the Knights rushing out. Some had marks on their armor, torn pieces of steel hanging loose and fresh blood on their metal. The sound of fighting echoed not far behind, from the subway tracks and station itself.

Most among those gathered were other initiates. That and the odd Knight Commander or Knight Lieutenant set to organize and distribute the supplies hurried out for transport.

It was a complete evacuation.

Erec stared past the worried initiates. Beyond them was a fight, a battlefield filled with death and foe. He caught a brief understanding from the conversations of the other initiates.

It hadn’t been the stone giants which broke through. No, the two monster encampments from beyond the city joined them. All of them merged into a single force; they timed an attack for when the barriers went down to recover and then overwhelmed the defenders.

In a rare yet fascinating display of tactics from the silent beasts, they targeted the Silver Flames Knights capable of maintaining the barrier first.

Over twenty knights perished in the swift and ferocious attack. Unable to hold off the stronger host.

Injured were carried in and ready for transport as the priests worked to salvage the situation.

Erec kept still as his ears focused on the noise. How many were dying out there? If only he could—

"Erec?" Colin asked, limping up. The Duke's son's left leg dragged across the ground, and a nasty gouge tore through the metal and severed the servos. It would slow him down, but considering they had Knights unable to walk, Colin was better off than them, at least.

"Ah." Erec shook himself out of it and denied the beast its control. Olivia was twisting and turning next to him. "Where's Garin? Is he safe?" Erec asked.

"Indeed, he was with me during the evacuation; We fought off one of the Renders—I believe that's the term they used. Awful creatures, far too quick. One of the Knight Commanders kept crying about them being an 'ideal shock troop.'"

"Right, good." Erec let out a sigh of relief. "How about Gwen?"

Colin shrugged. "Could be here. But it's not like I keep my eyes out for such a low-class wench. She's likely out here. We're not allowed back in the subway system; they're stalemating the monsters and plan on collapsing the tunnel."

"Sir Erec," Olivia shook his shoulder. "I'll locate Garin. You need to find whoever's in charge of the retreat and inform them about our discovery."

Erec nodded slowly. He ought to do that, even with the call of battle. Even knowing that in his current state, and with his current abilities, he was more likely to be a liability in that field than a help.

It was better to be of use in a way that would help with their escape. With a nod of understanding to Colin, he sought out someone in charge.

Dame Robin was the first person he came across; her thin armor contrasted the regular Vallum model in the order and made her easy to spot.

"Ma'am," Erec strode up, nearer to the head of the tunnel. Robin paused as she looked at one of the Commanders, who excused her. The two returned to their logistic planning as Erec pulled her aside to deliver his report.

As she swayed in her spot, Erec saw the same thing as he saw in Boldwick the last couple of days. That haunted presence clung to her, even though she maintained a facade of calmness to raise morale.

Erec paused.

And then considered.

To be someone like Boldwick—or her. Perhaps it was better to be someone who led and saved those below them, to help contribute in an emergency and direct their forces. His own goal brought an odd bit of guilt. He still wanted to lose himself in the wasteland and find his mother…

Was that… Just?

Erec shook his head as the thought flitted like a bird, clearing his throat. There wasn't time to dwell on such things, not right now.

"We've located a better exit," Erec cut in, trying to keep the report brief. "Olivia utilized her prayer to confirm the exit to be safe."

Dame Robin tilted her head. "Did you now? Why is it better than the one we'd mapped out previously? Boldwick mentioned such a task, but under these conditions, we need to be sure."

"Mainly, it's further away and far closer to the western outskirts. From here to it, accounting for the obstructions and twists in the sewers—"Erec checked the visual display on his Armor, scanning the helpful map VAL provided. In his head, he ran a quick estimation. "A total of six miles. Given the limited time scouts had and the tunnels' nature, it makes sense why it'd be difficult to locate. It'll take us to the surface a few miles from here—like I said, right at the western outskirts."

"Which was further away from our enemies. Given they've merged at our position, it's prudent to choose an exit which takes us the furthest away." Dame Robin nodded. "If your report is accurate, it'll provide much-needed breathing room from their ranks. Are you certain of this information?"

“I’d stake my own life on it. I’ll lead the way there and be the first to show you it’s safe.” Erec said.

“Your word is enough; I don’t require risking yourself. Coordinate with Dame Juliana. We’ll be moving in five to ten minutes. You’ll know because you’ll hear the rubble collapsing from above behind us.” Dame Robin paused, looking him up and down. “…Look at you, Armor, a mess, and I know you’re still injured under all that steel. Mayhaps Boldwick taught me to see like him, I see why he chose to take you under his wing. But never forget, you can’t grow if you’re dead.”

Erec gave her a firm nod before running off. Finding Dame Juliana was a bit more complicated. After explaining to her, and Dame Robin’s agreement, the Knight Commander, was receptive to his instructions. With the help of VAL’s map, he gave her directions through the sewer tunnel.

He only finished explaining when he heard a loud explosion. The entire tunnel shook as a cascading crash came the subway connection.

After a brief skirmish at their flank, the expedition fled down the sewer tunnels.

— - ☢ - — - ☼ - — - ☢ - —

A couple of hours later, the expedition burst out of the sewers and found themselves under that great blue sky. After days trapped underground, Erec felt a flush of exhilaration. The fear and worry aside, this—this was why he became a Knight. They worked quickly to haul the supplies to the surface as scouts scanned the nearby area.

Once more, they’d transitioned to a smooth operation after an emergency.

But as Olivia’s prayer showed, this location was fairly safe. Right near the outskirts of the city, an ideal point to flee into the wastelands.

Boldwick’s voice called above the growing crowd at the surface as all of the supplies were divided for transport. The scout must have given him the clear. He took position on a pile of rubble so everyone could see him point at the vast landscape of dust and dirt, right at the wasteland. “Get moving, go!”

With that abrupt call to action, everyone got to moving. A long train of injured, damaged, and still functional Knights playing flank, trod into the wastes. Erec carried two bags—despite his injuries, he managed it with minimal pain. They were emergency supplies.

Boldwick pushed them at a fast pace.

But a mile out, the march came to a halt.

Hushed whispers dominated the deadlands as Boldwick stared at the city of Worth, as they all stared at the abandoned old-world city.

Even with his lower level of perception, Erec knew what he was staring at. Miles sat between them and that thing. Yet its pure hate hung in the air, choking his lungs like dust from a storm.

A massive glowing white stag perched on the top of a building on the city's outskirts; Its long antlers stretched ten to fifteen feet from its head—thrice the size of a mute-stag. The sun almost blinded his eyes as it reflected off a pure white coat. Even if he couldn't see it from here, he felt those blood-red orbs trained on their expedition.

"It's real," Erec said, his voice filled with an awed horror.

Monsters spilled free into the city's outskirts as it gazed at them. From this distance, the Stone Giants were the clearest—but the quickest were four-legged dots kicking up dust as they ran towards them.

There were only a few miles of distance between them and an approaching army of horrors; their enemy rushed across the wasteland to tear them apart. A silent army of death, with the White Stag overlooking it all. Cold fear ran through Erec, tempering the excitement of battle with absolute certainty that against that force, they would die.

"March!" Boldwick screamed, his voice hoarse as he pointed in the opposite direction. "Keep marching until your lungs scream, and then march more! We won't be stopping until we reach our allies! Move it!"

With that, Knights broke out into jogs the strongest—carrying stretchers between them and shifting positions as they began a full-scale run into the barren and deadly wastes. Though, as they dropped packages of supplies to increase speed—it was as if they were running from certain death to uncertain death.

The brutal wasteland loved to kill unprepared Knights. If they didn't find their allies…

Boldwick had made a decision that left their lives on the line. They'd die if they got lost—if they couldn't keep outside of the Monster's reach.

Erec tried to keep his head clear, but he couldn't help but keep glancing over his shoulder as they moved.

It was impossible to look away from that staggeringly beautiful stag. As if his mind was pulled toward it. He wasn't the only one who couldn't help but take a second look, even if it meant seeing the host of vicious monsters determined to slaughter them.


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