KLRXO Stories

Chapter 29: Chronicles of the Baby Making Factory_1

Chapter 29: Chronicles of the Baby Making Factory_1

Valerie was crushed when the results of her husband's sperm count came in. The sterile silence of the small clinic room seemed to magnify Valerie's disappointment. She stared at her husband, John, who sat beside her, his face ashen with disbelief. The doctor's words echoed in her mind, each one a weight upon her heart.

"I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Shotwell," the doctor had said, his voice tinged with sympathy. "Based on the results of the sperm count, it seems highly unlikely that you will be able to conceive naturally."

Valerie could hardly comprehend the news. All those dreams of having another child together felt shattered in an instant. She clenched her fists, trying to find solace through the pain that threatened to consume her.

John reached out and took her hand, his touch offering a flicker of comfort amidst their shared despair. Their eyes met, silently affirming their love and commitment, even in the face of this unexpected obstacle.

Together they left the clinic, stepping out into the bright summer day. The world around them felt like a cruel juxtaposition to their current state of despair. They were the proud parents of two teenage children, but for years they had been trying to have another. Valerie couldn't help but notice the joyful laughter of children playing in a nearby park. Each sound, each carefree giggle, served as a painful reminder of what they might never have again.

As they walked towards the car aimlessly, Valerie felt a surge of determination rise within her. She refused to let this setback define their future.

Valerie was a sight to behold, her platinum blonde hair cascading down her shoulders in soft waves. Her curves were accentuated by the tight-fitting dress she wore, hugging her body in all the right places. Her huge tits and full, round ass caught the eye of every man who passed by.

With a renewed sense of purpose, she turned to John and spoke softly, her voice filled with hope.

"John, I know this news is devastating, but we can't give up. There are other options out there for us," Valerie said, her eyes shining with determination to have another child.

John nodded, his grip on her hand tightening. "You're right, Valerie. We've always been a team, and we'll overcome this together."

Their journey towards building a family had taken an unexpected turn, but Valerie refused to let it deter her.

"You're home late," said Valerie as she stood in her son's doorway just after midnight.

Zane stood in front of his mirror, half-dressed in nothing but his boxers. Moonlight streamed in through his open shades, casting a soft glow on his well-toned chest and chiseled abs. His mother's hourglass figure was silhouetted in the doorway, a look of surprise etched onto her face.

"Sorry, mom...things have just been crazy at work."

"Are you sure you wanna keep that job at the pizza place? It seems like they've been requiring you to do a lot of extra hours."

Valerie stepped further into her son's room, her eyes sweeping across the cluttered space. Posters of bands and sports teams adorned the walls, contrasting with the stacks of textbooks and

papers scattered on the desk. She could sense his fatigue, the weariness etched in the lines of his face. Zane turned away from the mirror, finally noticing his mother's presence. He ran a hand through his tousled hair, sighing softly.

"I know, Mom," he replied, his voice tinged with exhaustion. "But I need the money right now to save up for college."

Zane loved it when his mom came into his room late at night. The middle-aged, platinum-blonde's nightshirt clung tightly to her curves, the fabric barely reaching the bottom of her rounded ass. Her bare, toned legs were on full display, accentuated by the soft moonlight streaming through the room. Valerie's humongous, unfettered breasts bobbled heavily on her ribcage as she took a step closer to her son, her maternal instinct kicking into overdrive.

She reached out and gently placed a hand on his arm. "Zane, I understand how important it is for you to secure your future," she said, her voice filled with empathy. "But don't forget to take care of yourself too."

Zane nodded, his eyes meeting hers. "I won't, mom. I promise."

Valerie smiled softly, her heart swelling with pride for her son. She knew how hard he was working to achieve his dreams, and she was determined to help him succeed.

As they stood there, mother and son, in the quiet of Zane's room under the pale and gentle moonlight, Valerie couldn't shake the feeling that something else was weighing on his mind.

As if reading her thoughts, Zane spoke up, his voice gentle and confessional. "Mom, can I ask you an odd question?"

"Of course, you can, honey. What is it?"

"I know this might seem like a random question, but I'm curious - does wearing briefs instead of boxers, like the ones I have on, affect a guy's sperm count?"

Valerie let out a giggle. "You're right, that is an unusual question for you to ask," she remarked.

Zane could see the curiosity in his mother's eyes, but he knew it was important not to reveal too much. He took a deep breath before continuing.

"There was this one time when I was doing some research online and I came across an article about how wearing certain types of underwear could affect a guy's sperm count. It got me thinking about what might be best for me, especially since...you know...I might want kids one day."

Valerie's eyes softened as she placed her hand on Zane's shoulder, offering comfort and understanding. "So what did the article say?" she asked gently.

Zane hesitated for a moment, torn between sharing more or keeping some things private.

"Well, apparently, wearing tight underwear like briefs can actually reduce sperm count and quality over time."

Valerie's mind raced with thoughts and questions, attempting to connect the dots between Zane's newfound curiosity and their own fertility struggles. She couldn't help but wonder if there was a deeper significance to his inquiry, beyond mere coincidence.

"Zane," Valerie began cautiously, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Is there a reason why you're asking about this? Does it have to do with your dad and me?"

Zane's eyes widened in surprise, his mind racing to process his mother's question.

"Mom, I...I didn't know you guys were trying to have another baby," Zane stammered, his voice tinged with guilt. "I'm sorry if I've intruded on something private."

Valerie's hand tightened on his shoulder, her touch reassuring. "No, Zane, you haven't intruded at all. In fact, your curiosity might have just shed some light on your father and I's situation."

Zane looked up at his mother in confusion, wondering how his inquiry about underwear could possibly be connected to their fertility struggles.

Valerie took a deep breath before continuing, her gaze never leaving her son's face. "Your father and I recently received some heartbreaking news from the doctor and it's been weighing heavily on us. We've been trying to have another baby for a while now, but it seems like each attempt is met with disappointment." Valerie paused, her voice filled with raw emotion. "We never told you because we didn't want to burden you with our struggles."

Zane's eyes widened as he took in his mother's words. The pieces of the puzzle started to come together, and he felt a sense of guilt wash over him. He had been so wrapped up in his own life that he hadn't noticed the pain that his parents were going through.

"I'm so sorry, Mom," he whispered, the weight of his words heavy in the air. "I had no idea."

He moved forward for a hug, letting out a small sigh as he felt his mom's giant, braless tits squash out against his chest beneath her nightshirt. "It's okay, Zane. We didn't want you to worry. But your question about underwear... It made me realize that sometimes the solution to our problems might be right in front of us."

Valerie couldn't help but feel the warmth of her son's heartbeat as she hugged him close, her thick nipples hardening on the peaks of her jugs. She could feel the strong muscles in his arms and the softness of his skin against hers. Valerie's intoxicating perfume lingered around them, along with a hint sweet pussy that wafted up from her shaved snatch.

Zane pulled away, looking at her with both concern and determination. "If there's anything I can do to help, I'll do it. You can't go through this alone."

Valerie squeezed his arm tightly, thankful for the support of her son. "I know you're busy with your job and getting ready for college, but just knowing that your care means the world to me."

She noticed her son's arousal; his boxers tenting outward from his growing erection. Zane tried to cover himself with his hands, blushing in embarrassment. "Shit, sorry," he mumbled awkwardly.

Valerie chuckled softly, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "It's alright, Zane. You're a young man with urges. It's natural to get hard like that."

"Yeah, I guess one disadvantage to wearing boxers is it they don't do much to hide your boners."

Valerie couldn't help but laugh at her son's attempt at humor. "Well, maybe you should start wearing briefs then, it might help keep things under wraps," she suggested, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Zane blushed even more, looking down at the front of his boxers and realizing just how much of the meat of his erection was visible through the gaping fly hole. He couldn't help but wonder if his mother was turned on by it. He had always found her incredibly attractive, and seeing her like this, wearing only a nightshirt that

barely covered her curves, was making his desire for her grow even stronger.

Valerie, on the other hand, couldn't help but be impressed by the size of her son's tent pole. He was growing up so fast, and while it was a bit strange to see him so sexually mature, she couldn't deny the attraction she felt for him. As a mother, she understood the natural instinct to protect and care for her children, but there was also a part of her that wondered what it would be like to explore the desires that sometimes bubbled to the surface. "Don't let the girls at school see you like that," Valerie grinned. "They won't be able to keep their hands off you."

Zane couldn't help but grin at his mother's teasing. "Yeah, well, I think I'll stick to my boxers for now. That's more my style," he said, trying to downplay his erection.

Valerie simply raised a playful eyebrow at her son's comment, but there was a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Suit yourself, young man," she replied, her tone barely concealing her amusement. She knew that she should tread carefully considering the situation, but the sexual tension between them was undeniable. "You don't need to hide it on my account, but I don't think your father would be too amused seeing that big thing stick out like that."

"True," Zane agreed.

"But hey, you know what they say... if you got it, flaunt it," said Valerie, thrusting her bosom out playfully and rocking her shoulders, making her ballooning, stiff-nippled tits rock back and forth.

"Damn, mom!" Zane exclaimed, his eyes wide as he stared at his mother's chest.

"What? You're not the only one with a little something extra to show off," Valerie chuckled, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Oh, I've noticed, trust me," the boy confessed.

"Of course, you have," she giggled, staring at his rigid crotch. "Why else would your purple headed soldier be standing at attention like that."

Valerie watched as her son's eyes devoured her body, a strange mix of warmth and embarrassment coiling in her stomach. She had always known that Zane was growing up, but seeing this side of him was quite a thrill. He was turning into a man right before her eyes, and she couldn't help but feel a strange sense of arousal. "How about another hug before bed?" she suggested.

"You read my mind."

Zane stepped closer to his mother, his erection bobbing stiffly beneath his boxers. He wrapped his arms around her, feeling the warmth of her body and the suppleness of her large chest pressed against his. Valerie returned the embrace, her rubbery nipples hard and sensitive against Zane's chest.

"You know, I've always been proud of you, Zane," Valerie whispered softly into his ear. "But tonight, I'm extra proud of how much you care for me and your dad. We're going through a tough time right now, and having your support means the world to us."

Zane pulled back slightly to look at his mother, her eyes teary and full of gratitude. "I'm sorry we kept everything from you," Valerie continued. "We didn't want to burden you with our struggles. But now that you know, we're not alone in this. You're a part of this too."

"I'm here for you both, Mom," Zane assured her, his eyes filled with determination. "And I promise to help in any way I can."

Valerie squeezed Zane tightly once more, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She knew that he would be a great support and they would face this challenge together as a family.

As they pulled apart, Valerie couldn't help but notice how close they had come to one another, their faces mere inches apart. She couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to kiss her son, to feel his lips against hers, their tongues touching, to let the forbidden desires that flowed through them take over. But she knew better than to act on such thoughts.

"Goodnight, Zane," Valerie whispered, her voice tinged with a newfound longing.

"Goodnight, Mom."

"The baby making factory?" Valerie asked her sister, Kaylee, as they spoke over coffee the next day.

"Yes, it's a place where local young men help women get pregnant, the natural way."

"You mean by fucking them?" Valerie asked in shock.

"That IS how you conceive a child naturally, Val," Kaylee giggled.

Valerie blushed at Kaylee's blunt response, her cheeks turning a shade of crimson. The idea of seeking help from the baby making factory seemed both scandalous and desperate, but Valerie couldn't deny the flicker of hope that ignited within her. She glanced down at her untouched cup of coffee, contemplating the possibilities. "It just seems so unconventional," Valerie mumbled, her voice barely audible over the chatter in the café.

Kaylee's eyes softened as she reached across the table, gently clasping Valerie's trembling hands. "Sometimes, Val, unconventional is the only path left to take. You and John deserve to experience the joy of parenthood once more."

A mixture of fear and excitement swirled within Valerie's chest. The baby making factory felt like a secret world—a hidden haven where dreams were given a second chance. But jumping into this uncharted territory came with its own set of anxieties. Would John be open to the idea? Could they navigate this unorthodox path to parenthood together?

"I'm not against the idea of letting a teenager pump a baby inside of me, I just don't know what John would think of the idea," Valerie expressed.

She knew she couldn't keep the conversation with Kaylee a secret. She owed it to John to be open and honest about her thoughts and feelings. That evening, as they sat side by side on the couch in their cozy living room, Valerie took a deep breath and turned to her husband.

"John, I need to talk to you about something," she began, her voice steady but tinged with nervousness.

John looked at his wife with concern in his eyes, his expression inviting her to continue. "What is it, Val?"

Valerie reached for his hand, seeking comfort in their connection. "You know how devastated I was after we received the news from the clinic. It's been weighing heavily on me."

John squeezed her hand gently, urging her to go on.

"I spoke to Kaylee today," Valerie said, taking a small pause before continuing. "She told me about a clinic called the baby making factory."

John's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he processed Valerie's words. "The baby making factory? What on earth is that?"

Valerie took a deep breath, her voice steady but filled with vulnerability. "It's a place where couples like us, who are struggling to conceive, can find help. Local young men offer their assistance to women who are trying to get pregnant naturally."

John's eyes widened in surprise, his grip on Valerie's hand tightening instinctively. "Local young men? You mean... they have sex with these women?"

Valerie nodded, her gaze fixed on their intertwined hands. "Yes, that's how it works."

For a moment, there was silence in the room as John absorbed the information. Then, he let out a shaky breath and looked into Valerie's eyes. "Val, if you're asking me to have sex with another man, I'm not so sure I can go along with that."

"I know," Valerie replied softly. "But Kaylee made a good point. Sometimes the path to parenthood isn't straightforward or conventional, and we have to be willing to explore other options if we truly want to expand our family."

John leaned back against the couch, deep in thought. Valerie could see the mix of emotions playing across his face—confusion, apprehension, and a touch of fear. She knew that this was a conversation that required time and understanding.

"Valerie," he finally said, his voice filled with tenderness. "The thought of you being with another man, even if it's for the purpose of conceiving a child, is something that horrifies me. But I also never imagined that we would face this kind of challenge either."

Valerie nodded, her heart swelling with gratitude for her husband's honesty. She reached out to cup his face in her hands, locking eyes with him. "I know this isn't an easy decision for either of us," she said

softly. "But we've always faced our challenges together, and I believe we can face this one too."

"I don't know. Allowing my wife to sleep with another man may be the greatest challenge I've ever faced."

"Kaylee and I would at least like to check this place out tomorrow and find out exactly how their program works, " said his wife.

John sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. His mind was racing with conflicting thoughts and emotions. The idea of Valerie being with another man was unnerving, but he couldn't ignore the longing in her eyes, the hope that shimmered beneath her vulnerability.

He looked into Valerie's eyes, searching for answers. "Are you sure about this, Val? About wanting to explore this option?"

Valerie nodded, her voice filled with determination. "I can't deny how badly I want to have another child, John. And if there's a chance that the baby making factory can help us achieve that, then I think it's worth considering."

John took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He knew how much having another child meant to Valerie, how it had consumed her thoughts and dreams for years. And as her husband, he wanted nothing more than to see her happy.

"Alright," he said finally, his voice laced with uncertainty. "Alright. Go check it out with your sister tomorrow and let me know what you find out."

Zane plopped down on his bed, exhausted from a hard day's work. He heard a gentle tap at his door and Valerie appeared in his

doorway. "Hey, kiddo," she said softly, concern etched across her face. "How'd things go at the pizza parlor today?"

"Busy as usual, but I got through it."

"You must be a little sore. Would you like to take a soak in the hot tub with me?" Valerie asked, her pretty eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Sure, my body is worn out, so a soak would probably do me some good."

"I'll meet you out there," Valerie said with a wink, and she disappeared from his doorway.

Zane met his mom on the back patio a few minutes later, his curiosity piqued by her playful demeanor. As they approached the hot tub, Valerie reached into her robe and pulled out a small vial. She handed it to her son, and he took it curiously, reading the label that read "Relaxation Mixture."

"Go ahead and pour some of this in the hot tub, Zane," Valerie instructed, her eyes wide with mischief.

Zane raised an eyebrow, but he quickly poured the contents of the vial into the steaming water. As the hot tub began to fizz and bubble, Zane couldn't help but grin at the sight. He was feeling more tingly inside than he had in a long time, and he couldn't help but wonder what was in that vial.

"A moment of relaxation can be just what the doctor ordered," Valerie said, her eyes soft and loving. She reached over and patted her son's arm. "Sometimes, it's good to let go of the stress and enjoy the moment. You've been working hard, and you deserve a break."

Zane climbed into the hot tub, sinking into the warm water and feeling his muscles loosen. He couldn't recall the last time he had truly relaxed, and he was grateful for the moment. As he soaked in

the water, he couldn't help but feel lighter, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

Valerie untied her robe and slipped it from her shoulders, making her boy's eyes widen at the sight of her skimpy turquoise micro bikini. The fabric was semi-sheer mesh, allowing Zane to see just a hint of the wide, darkened rings of her areolas.

"Wow, mom," Zane stammered, trying to hide his embarrassment at seeing his mother in such skimpy clothing.

Valerie let out a soft chuckle, her eyes sparkling with playful mischief. "Relax, honey, it's just the two of us," she reassured him, knowing that Zane's father would be mortified if he caught her wearing something like that in front of him.

"It's time for mommy to relax too," she continued. Zane got a good look at her crotch as she climbed into the hot tub with him. Through the semi-sheer fabric, he could barely make out her puffy outer labium and how the twin lips merged together in the center to form a deep cuntal cleft. Valerie sunk into the water next to her son, sighing from the feel of the heated water bubbling around them.

Zane couldn't help but notice how content his mother looked, her eyes closed and a smile on her face. He tried to relax and enjoy the moment as well, but his mind kept wandering. "Hey, mom, what was in the vial?" Zane asked, breaking the silence. "That stuff made the water fizzy."

Valerie opened her eyes, a knowing smile on her face. "Well, that was my little secret relaxation mixture. It's a combination of herbs and essential oils that's known to help relax both the body and the mind. I wanted to help you take some time to unwind and forget about your troubles for a little while."

Zane couldn't help but feel a little awkward as his mother spoke so candidly, but he couldn't help but appreciate what she was trying to do for him.

"So, you're saying it's like, you know, magic water?" Zane asked, not quite sure how to phrase his question.

Valerie chuckled, her tan skin shimmering from the iridescent glow of the hot tube lights. "In a way, yes. It's just a little something to help us both relax and enjoy the present moment."

Zane's eyes were glued to the sight before him – his mother's gigantic breasts, barely contained by the skimpy bikini top. The way they were slung creating a deep tit-cleavage that caught the light just right and seemed to shimmer with its own radiance.

Valerie couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and affection for her son as he took in the sight before him. She knew that seeing her sexy, huge-breasted body like this was likely a new experience for him, and she hoped it would help him to understand and appreciate the beauty and strength of the female form.

"You know, Zane, our bodies are amazing things," Valerie began, her voice soft and warm. "They're capable of so much, from growing new life to healing ourselves. And yes, they can be a source of tremendous pleasure and attraction as well. It's all a part of being alive."

Zane nodded, still unable to take his eyes off off her tits as they bobbled buoyantly in the churning water. "I... I never thought about it like that before," he admitted, his voice cracking slightly.

Valerie reached over and placed her hand on his arm, giving it a comforting squeeze. "It's normal to be curious, honey. But it's important to respect our bodies and treat them like the amazing, powerful things that they are."

Zane bit his lip, still feeling a little embarrassed by his curiosity. "So, are you going to... talk to me about all of that?"

Valerie raised an eyebrow, a playful grin spreading across her lips. "You want me to tell you about my sexual experiences, honey?"

Zane's face flushed red, but he nodded, unable to look away from the sight before him.

"Well, sweetheart," Valerie began, her voice low and sultry. "When I was your age, I was just starting to discover my own body and what it could do. I was curious and eager to learn more, just like you are now."

As she spoke, Valerie moved over and straddled her son's upper thigh beneath the water, bringing them even closer. She began to slowly caress Zane's bare chest beneath the bubbles.

Zane felt a sudden rush of wantonness, his heart beating faster at his mother's closeness. He met her gaze, and saw the desire mirrored in her eyes.

"I was curious about my sexuality," Valerie continued, her fingers brushing softly against her son's nipples, causing him to shudder. "And I was excited to explore the sensations it could bring me. But I also learned that it's important to be careful and to respect the boundaries of others. Just because I was curious about my own body, it doesn't mean that I should force anyone else to be involved in that exploration."

Zane nodded, still feeling the rush of arousal that her words and touch were causing in him. "I bet you had sex with a lot of guys when you were my age," he stated, knowing that if she was just as beautiful then as she was now she'd have guys lined up down the street to fuck her.

Zane's words hung in the air between them, and Valerie could see the curiosity and desire in his eyes. She could feel the heat between them, the tension that was building as they sat there, close and submerged in the hot, churning water.

"Well," Valerie began, her voice low and husky, her fingers still gently caressing her son's chest. "When I was your age, I did let a few guys explore my body. I was curious and eager to learn more about myself and about the pleasures that a man could bring me. And I was lucky enough to be with some really nice guys, who were respectful of my needs and made it really good for me."

Zane listened intently, his mind racing with the thoughts her words and touch were stirring within him. His cock was already fully erect beneath the water. "I bet you made it really good for them too," he brazenly whispered.

Valerie let out a soft laugh, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, honey, I CAN'T tell you everything right now," she teased, her fingers continuing to trace gentle circles on his chest. "But let's just say that I know a thing or two about satisfying a man."

Zane's curiosity was piqued, and he felt a growing sense of excitement and anticipation as he listened to his mother's words. He wanted to know more, to learn from her, to experience the pleasures that she had once given. "Can you give me an example of what you mean?" Zane asked, unable to contain his excitement as his mind raced with the possibilities.

Valerie smiled, a devilish glint in her eyes. "Well," she said, her fingers trailing down his chest and teasing the edge of his swim trunks, "one of my favorite things to do is to straddle a man's face, giving him a front-row seat to my most intimate area."

Zane's eyes widened at the thought, his cock throbbing even harder as he imagined himself beneath his mother, enjoying the sights and sensations that she had just described.

"I love to watch him savor every inch of me, moaning and groaning with pleasure as he devours my sweet, female fruit," Valerie added.

Zane couldn't help but feel a surge of desire and lust at his mother's words. He imagined her straddling his face, letting him plow his tongue through the fragrant folds of her cunt, her heavy breasts swaying above him. He imagined hearing her soft moans and feeling her silky skin against his face, as he pleasured her clit with his lusty licker.

Valerie slithered further forward, boldly straddling her son, resting her heated crotch on the bulge of his fuck-muscle. "After he had his fill of my taste, I would climb off his face and straddle him, just like I'm doing to you, and impale myself on his rock-hard cock," she whispered, staring into her son awestruck eyes. "I loved the way it felt to have him inside me, his thick, young shaft stretching me open and filling me to the brim."

Zane moaned softly, his eyes glazed over with lust as he imagined his mother riding him, their bodies moving together in perfect sexual harmony. His mind was racing, imagining all the things he could learn from her, all the pleasures they could share together.

"I would ride him so fucking hard," Valerie continued, her voice becoming more urgent and aroused as she began to subtly dry hump her boy's boner beneath the water. "My hips gyrating and grinding against his, my big tits bouncing up and down as I fucked him with all my might."

"Jesus, mom!" Zane gasped, more turned on than he'd ever been in his life. His face was only inches from the swell of her wet, nearly-naked tits and he stared into the deep, creamy canyon between her swaying melons.

"I did warn you that little vial could relax the mind, didn't I?" she giggled.

"Don't think I was complaining," said Zane, his breaths coming in short, sharp gasps, "you just got me really excited, that's all."

He imagined himself underneath his mother, feeling her warm, wet pussy enveloping his cock, squeezing it with her maternal cunt muscles, as he thrust up into her with every ounce of sexual energy he had. He could feel his own cock throbbing and leaking pre-cum, desperate to be soaked with his mother's sweet nectar.

"Oh, trust me, honey, I can feel how excited you are," the mother cooed, giving his aching meat a meaningful nudge with her vulva. "And it definitely tells me one thing about you..."

"What's that?"

She leaned forward, mashing his face between her warm, spongy tits as she brought her lips to his ear. "That you love to fuck just as much as your mother does," she seductively whispered.

Zane couldn't believe what he was hearing. His mind raced with a mixture of shock, arousal, and excitement at the realization of his mother's secret desires. He felt his own cock throb even harder, his erectile meat straining against the grinding heat of his mother's pussy lips.

"Oh, mom," Zane murmured, his voice muffled by the churning water and the pounds of tit meat that was surrounding his face.

"Shhh, you'd have to say anything, sweetheart. Just relax and unwind," her soothing voice stated. As turned on as she was, Valerie couldn't help but feel a bit guilty by her scandalous behavior, especially with her husband just inside the house sleeping.

But the feeling was short-lived, as the warm water, the sensuous caresses, and the aphrodisiac had taken hold of them both, binding them together in a carnal dance that transcended their mother-son bond.

Valerie could feel Zane's teenage erection pulsating against her clit, the swollen head teasing her with promises of mind-numbing pleasure. She moaned softly and squeezed him tighter, their bodies aligning perfectly as they began to move in delightful, dry humping harmony.

"Oh my God," the boy uttered, his face shoved so far between her king-sized tits that he was kissing her breastbone. His big dick flexed on his crotch, threatening to burst right through his shorts.

Valerie knew if she didn't come to her senses soon, her teenager's trunks would be down to his ankles and he'd be splitting her twat with his love-hammer. "We should stop, Zane," she whispered into his ear, her voice shaky but determined. "I can't cheat on your father, especially with you."

Zane nodded slowly, his eyes fluttering open to meet his mother's. He could feel the heat radiating from her body, the raw desire that seemed to emanate from every pore. But he knew she was right. They had to stop.

Reluctantly, Valerie pulled away from her son, and they got out of the tub, their bodies leaving the tantalizing embrace of the warm water. Zane couldn't help but stare at his mom's delicious-looking bubble butt. The G-string of her bikini was tucked between her ass-

globes, so her wet, shimmering buttocks may as well have been naked in front of him.

They toweled off hurriedly, trying to ignore the fact that their hearts were pounding in their chests with desire.

"I'll see you in the morning, honey," said the mother as she awkwardly headed inside.

"Goodnight, mom," Zane replied, his voice shaking slightly with need. He watched her leave, his eyes lingering on the curve of her hips and the sway of her rounded ass-meat as she walked away.

The baby making factory was an unassuming building tucked away in a quiet corner of town. Valerie and Kaylee stood in front of the entrance, nerves knotting their stomachs. They exchanged a glance, their eyes filled with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. Taking a deep breath, Valerie pushed open the door, stepping into a world that held both mystery and potential.

The inside of the baby making factory was surprisingly bright and cheerful, with colorful walls adorned with pictures of smiling families. Soft music played in the background, creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Valerie and Kaylee approached the reception desk, where they were greeted by a friendly woman named Sarah.

"Welcome to the baby making factory," Sarah said warmly. "How can I help you today?"

Valerie took a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking. "My sister and I are here to learn more about your program. We've heard about this place as an alternative for couples who are struggling to conceive."

Sarah smiled knowingly. "You've come to the right place," she replied. "We understand that the journey to parenthood can be challenging, and our goal is to provide support and options for couples like you."

Valerie felt a glimmer of hope as she listened to Sarah's words. She had expected the baby making factory to be a cold, clinical environment, but instead, it exuded compassion and understanding.

"We offer a range of services tailored to meet your needs," Sarah continued. "From fertility consultations and treatments to our unique donor program."

Valerie exchanged a glance with Kaylee. The mention of a donor program piqued their interest. It was an option they hadn't considered before, but now it seemed like a viable path toward expanding their family. "Tell us more about the donor program," Valerie said, her voice steady despite the excited flutter in her chest.

Sarah nodded. "Our donor program is designed for women who may prefer conceiving a child the natural way. We have a pool of carefully selected donors who are willing to help couples like you. They undergo a rigorous screening process to ensure their health and compatibility with our clients."

Valerie's heart raced as she listened, her mind filled with equal parts excitement and uncertainty. It was a new and unconventional path, but the possibilities it held were too enticing to ignore.

"Do you have any information on the donors?" Kaylee asked, her curious gaze fixed on Sarah.

Sarah nodded and handed them a pamphlet. "Inside this brochure, you'll find detailed profiles of our donors. It includes their physical attributes, personal interests, and medical history. You'll have the

opportunity to choose someone who aligns with your preferences and values."

Valerie took the brochure in her hands, flipping through its pages. Each donor had a brief description and a photo, accompanied by information about their hobbies, education, and even their favorite books.

"This... this is incredible," Valerie murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "To have the chance to choose someone myself... it's like having a say in our child's genetic makeup."

Sarah smiled, her eyes filled with empathy. "We understand how important that aspect is for many couples. We want to provide you with as much control and peace of mind as possible throughout this process."

Valerie nodded, her fingers tracing the faces on the brochure. The idea of selecting a donor had never crossed her mind before, but now it seemed like a lifeline, a glimmer of hope. "What happens next?" Kaylee asked, her voice laced with anticipation. "After we choose a donor?"

Sarah explained the next steps in the process—how they would guide Valerie and John through selecting a donor, conducting medical and genetic screenings, and ultimately arranging the donation process itself. "The process of conception takes place right here at the baby factory, under the close supervision of our trained staff."

Valerie felt a surge of determination wash over her. This was their chance to take control of their fertility journey, to explore alternative options that they never thought possible.

When they got back in the car, she looked at Kaylee, gratitude shining in her eyes. "I'm so grateful that you found out about this

place, Kaylee," Valerie said, her voice filled with emotion. "I never thought we would be here, considering something like this, but I can't help but feel hopeful."

Kaylee smiled warmly at her sister. "I just want you to be happy, Valerie. I know how much having another child means to you and John."

Valerie reached out and squeezed Kaylee's hand, tears welling up in her eyes. "Thank you for always being there for me, for supporting me in everything. I couldn't ask for a better sister."

The two women remained parked there for a moment, basking in their sisterly bond and the hope that now flickered within them. Kaylee flipped through the brochure, looking at the pictures of the donors. "I must say, some of these young men are quite attractive," she commented, raising an eyebrow mischievously.

Valerie chuckled, grateful for the lightness that her sister brought to the situation. "Well, I suppose that's an added bonus, isn't it?"

They both laughed, making their heavy breasts jiggle, their worries momentarily pushed aside by the playfulness of the moment.

Kaylee flipped the page, then gasped suddenly.

"What?" her sister asked, staring over at her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Kaylee answered, trying to hide her shocked expression.

Kaylee's sister, Valerie, quickly grabbed the brochure out of her hands. "You're terrible at lying, Kaylee," she commented as she glanced at the page that had provoked such a strong reaction from her younger sister.

"Valerie, wait, you should—"

Kaylee stopped talking as her sister let out a sharp gasp, her eyes fixed on the picture of Zane, Valerie's son, in the brochure. Her surprise was evident as she blurted out, "Zane?! What on earth is a photo of Zane doing in here?"

Kaylee let out a confused laugh. "Your son is listed as a donor in the brochure," she said. "It looks like he's been busy making babies and not pizzas like he told you."

Valerie's mind was racing, the pieces of the puzzle slowly coming together. She knew Zane had been working extra shifts and odd hours , but she had never suspected this. The thoughts swirled in her mind, a mix of shock, confusion, and even a hint of betrayal.

"I can't believe he would do something like this without telling me," Valerie whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and hurt.

Kaylee reached over and placed a comforting hand on Valerie's arm. "You don't know all the details yet, Valerie. Maybe there's a reasonable explanation."

Valerie nodded, trying to steady herself. "You're right. I need to talk to him and find out what's going on before I draw any conclusions."

Valerie's heart pounded in her chest as she contemplated the conversation she needed to have with her son. The car ride felt longer than usual, each passing moment adding to her anxiety. After dropping her sister off and finally arrived home, Valerie found Zane in his room, seemingly unaware of the bombshell that was about to land on him.

Taking a deep breath, Valerie knocked softly on the door and entered. Zane looked up from his desk, confusion etched across his face. His resemblance to the picture in the brochure was uncanny—it was unmistakably him.

"Zane," Valerie began, her voice trembling slightly. "I need to talk to you about something... About this."

Zane's eyes widened as he saw the brochure in his mother's hand and his smiling profile picture. He stood up abruptly, a mixture of panic and guilt crossing his features.

"Mom, I can explain," he stammered. "I never meant for you to find out this way."

"So all this talk about working at the pizza parlor was a lie?"

"Yes, I'm sorry."

Valerie took a step closer to her son and looked into his eyes, a mix of concern and confusion. "Zane, why? Why would you do this without telling me?"

Zane's shoulders slumped, his face filled with remorse. "I didn't know how to tell you, Mom. I wanted to help couples who couldn't conceive naturally, and the money... it seemed like an easy way to make some extra cash."

Valerie felt her heart soften slightly at her son's explanation, but the shock of the situation still lingered. "You should have talked to us, Zane. This was a very unconventional job for you to take on, especially at your age."

Zane nodded, his gaze downcast. "I know, Mom. I didn't think it through. I thought I could keep it a secret and use the money to save up for college, but I never imagined it would come back like this."

Valerie sighed, a mix of frustration and understanding washing over her. She had always been proud of Zane's ambition and empathy, but this situation had caught her off guard. "You should have come to us, Zane. We're here to support you, no matter what."

His feelings of remorse quickly shifted to intrigue. "Hold on, how did you manage to obtain that brochure?" he inquired, fully aware that it was only distributed to individuals who expressed interest in the program. "Are you considering being a client there?"

Valerie hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much she wanted to reveal to her son. But looking into his eyes, she saw a mixture of vulnerability and curiosity, urging her to be honest with him.

"Yes, Zane," she admitted, her voice steady but tinged with uncertainty. "Your Aunt Kaylee, found out about the program and thought it might be something for your dad and me to consider."

Zane's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Wait, you and Dad are thinking about using a donor?" he asked, his voice laced with confusion.

Valerie nodded, feeling a knot form in her stomach. "Yes, we are. Like I told you the other night; we've been struggling with fertility issues, and this seemed like an option worth exploring."

Zane took a moment to process the information, his face contorted with conflicting emotions. "I... I had no idea the extent of dad's issues, I guess," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

Valerie approached her son slowly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's not something we've shared with many people," she admitted, her voice filled with compassion. "But you deserve to know, Zane. And now, more than ever, we need to have an open and honest conversation about this."

Zane looked up at his mother, his eyes filled with a mixture of regret and understanding. "I'm sorry for keeping this a secret from you, Mom," he said softly. "I didn't know your struggles with fertility were this serious, and I never thought our paths would cross in such a strange way."

Valerie smiled gently at her son, her heart swelling with a renewed appreciation for their bond. "Life has a funny way of surprising us," she said, her voice tinged with a touch of irony. "But it's how we navigate those surprises that defines us."

Zane nodded, finally meeting his mother's gaze. "So what now, Mom?" he asked earnestly. "Do want me to stop working there?"

"Well, no...but I do have a few questions for you."

"Ok," said Zane, preparing to be interrogated by his mother.

"Did you really take the donor job for money or was it just so you could have sex with a bunch of women?" Valerie asked.

Valerie's tone was sharp, cutting to the core of Zane's intentions. He looked away, his eyes darting to the floor as if trying to find an answer to her question in the worn-out linoleum tiles.

"I... I didn't think about it like that," Zane started hesitantly. He took a deep breath, attempting to find the right words. "I wanted to help. I knew there would be some benefit to me, but I didn't go into it with the intention to sleep with a bunch of women."

"So why did you get involved with this program then? I know you could have found other ways to make some extra cash, like working at the pizza place full-time," Valerie pressed further, her curiosity piqued by her son's uncharacteristic secrecy.

Zane's face softened, his expression contrite as he looked at his mother. "Mom, it's not just about the money," he said earnestly. "I genuinely wanted to make a difference in people's lives. Seeing how much joy and hope couples had when they found out I was their donor, it was... overwhelming, in a good way. It felt like I was helping them create something beautiful, something they couldn't achieve on their own."

Valerie's eyes softened as she listened to her son speak. She could see the sincerity in his words and the passion that fueled his actions. It wasn't just about the financial gain; Zane had found a deep sense of purpose in this unconventional job.

"I never expected it to turn out like this," Zane continued, his voice tinged with remorse. "I should have been more open with you and Dad from the beginning, but I was scared. Scared of how you would react, scared of what it would mean for our family."

Valerie sighed, reaching out to hold her son's hand. "I understand, Zane," she said softly. "Sometimes, fear can cloud our judgment and make us do things we wouldn't normally do. But you have to remember that we're a family, and families stick together through thick and thin. We're here for you, no matter what."

Valerie pulled her son into a warm, tit-squashing embrace, holding him tightly as if trying to convey all the love and understanding she felt in her heart. As they stood there, embracing each other, Valerie couldn't help but wonder how many women had clung to him this way while he pounded his penis into them at the baby making factory.

"So,not to pry or anything, but how many women have you helped at your new job?"

"Oh, you know, just a few hundred," Zane replied nonchalantly, not even flinching at the awkward question.

Valerie's eyes widened and she quickly pulled away from him. "A few hundred?!" she asked in shock.

Zane burst out laughing. "I'm kidding. I've only helped out six so far."

"Brat!" Valerie exclaimed, giving him a playful swat on the arm.

"I had you just for a second," her son snickered.

"Were they younger women? Moms my age? I'm curious."

"Mostly women your age who's husband's couldn't get them pregnant," Zane answered.

"So, of the six that you helped, did they all get pregnant?"

"Yes. That is the goal of the program, mom," her son proudly replied.

"So you're telling me that I'm a Grandmother and didn't know it?"

"I guess 'technically' that's true. I never really saw it that way"

"How did you even find out about a job like that?" his mother asked.

Zane shrugged. "It was kinda by accident. I was scrolling through a dating app, and there was an ad for it. It seemed like an opportunity to make some easy money, so I applied."

Valerie's eyebrows furrowed. "A dating app? What dating app was this?"

Zane grinned. "Tinder."

"Tinder? That's where women go to meet prospective partners, not sperm donors!"

"Well, I guess not everyone on there is looking for love," Zane quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

Valerie's face softened. "Tell me about the process. Are you having sex with these women clients multiple times?" she asked, preparing to be shocked.

"Well, women hardly ever get pregnant the first time, mom," he answered.

"That's true. It took your father and I months to finally get pregnant with you, " Valerie asked, her voice tinged with disbelief and a bit of jealousy as she sat down on the edge of his bed.

Zane nodded. "It's kind of like being a professional baseball player – you need to get up to bat multiple times in a game to score the home run, right?"

Valerie chuckled at the analogy. "I suppose that makes sense," she said, then fed him a teasing look. "Though I can't help but wonder how many at-bats you get in a day."

Zane hesitated for a moment before answering. "A half-dozen, maybe?"

Valerie's eyes widened. "A half dozen?!" she exclaimed. "Goodness gracious, Zane!"

"It's a job and you have to have the right tool and know how to use it. I suppose that's why they hire younger donors like me."

"I guess you're right," his mother said, looking at him with adoration. "Young men in their prime do have a lot of sexual stamina and shorter refractory periods."

"A higher sperm count too," added her son. "They test us for that regularly."

"Yes, the more sperm the greater chances of pregnancy. Your dad's sperm count is under 15 million per milliliter of semen, which means the odds of it fertilizing my egg are very low," Valerie shared.

"The staff who tested me said I'm producing over 1.2 billion sperm per day," Zane bragged.

"Wow, no wonder you're so good at what you do," said his mother, gazing at him in awe and adoration.

"They told me my size helps too. That if you have a longer penis your sperm doesn't have to swim as far."

"Oh, is that why you took the job, because you knew you'd just have this HUGE advantage?" Valerie teased.

Zane laughed at his mother's remark, but it was true - his oversized dick did give him an advantage, and he knew it. However, he couldn't help but feel a bit sheepish as he realized he'd never had this conversation with his mother before, at least about himself. But contrary to his initial fears, she seemed more accepting and understanding than he could have ever imagined.

"No, Mom, it wasn't just about that. But I guess it does add a certain...unique element to the whole thing," he admitted, a hint of red creeping up his cheeks.

Valerie smiled at her son, a smile that was full of joy but also a hint of humor. "I suppose it does," she said, and the two shared a moment of mutual understanding. "But don't worry, I won't tell your father. He's only average-sized, and already feeling inadequate enough just not being able to get me pregnant, " Valerie added, in a light-hearted tone.

"So, are you serious about using the baby making factory to help you get pregnant?" Zane asked.

"I understand it may not be the norm, but personally, I believe conceiving a baby naturally is the most logical option," replied the mother.

"I agree," said Zane with a sheepish grin. "and the most enjoyable option too."

"Sounds like someone enjoys the baby making process as much as his mother does," she winked.

"Probably more."

"I doubt that. I have a pretty insatiable sexual appetite," Valerie admitted, while staring into his eyes.

"You'd love the baby making factory then. Not to make it about sex, but that's pretty much all that goes on there."

Valerie chuckled, intrigued by the information. "I'll just have to take a look at the material they gave me and give it some serious thought. It's good to know though that I have someone on the inside who can answer any questions I have, and help ease my anxiety about it."

"Sure, mom, anything I can do to help, and thanks for being so cool about me working there."

Over the next two days, Valerie read over the information packet to the baby making factory several times. If she were honest, of all the donor bios, Zane's bio sounded the best to her as a potential suitor. The only problem was they were mother and son.

She looked over the other donors again and several of them seemed hopefully, but she just kept coming back to her own son's bio, reading the information for the hundredth time.

Zane Shotwell, an 18-year-old, stands at a height of 6'1" and weighs 180 lbs. He has brown eyes and brownish-blonde hair, passed on through his Italian heritage. His penis measures at 9-3/4 inches in length and 5-3/8 inches in circumference. Zane consistently produces 344 million sperm per ml of semen and is capable of achieving multiple ejaculations in a single session. In his free time, he enjoys playing soccer, video games, indulging in pizza, and spending quality time with his family."

Valerie's fingers ran over the smooth paper, her nails tapping lightly against the surface as she reread the statistics about her son's physique and abilities.

Zane's bio also included a section about his education and work experience, which only made Valerie more proud. He had straight A's in high school and plans to attend college in the near future. At the bottom of Zane's bio page was a review section and Valerie's heart tingled as she read them over.

"When I found out my husband was infertile I was devastated. However, the Baby Factory gave me hope. My sessions with Zane were nothing short of amazing! He was polite, charming and his sexual stamina was astonishing. When I found out he had gotten me pregnant I was overjoyed. I highly recommend this clinic.

– Tina."

"Great staff! Great Sex! (Zane ) Great results! Five Stars from this happy mom!"


My husband was skeptical and naturally jealous, but with a baby now on the way we BOTH know that we made the right decision. Zane is a superstar!


As she continued to read through the bios of other potential donors, Valerie couldn't shake the feeling that Zane was the best match for her. Her mind was a storm of conflicting thoughts and emotions, torn between societal norms and her own desires that burned like a wildfire within her. She couldn't escape the idea of creating a child with her own son, the perfect combination of genetics and love. It was a forbidden fruit, but one that seemed so irresistible.

"Am I crazy?" Valerie asked her sister over the phone, hoping she would validate her decision. "I mean, I'm talking about making a baby with my own son."

"Honestly, Val, I don't think it's crazy at all. You're just trying to ensure the best possible outcome for yourself and your future child," Valerie's sister reassured her.

"But isn't it just a little... weird?" she asked hesitantly.

Her sister chuckled. "We've all heard the age-old saying about the business being family-owned, right? Well, what's more family-owned than having your son produce your next child?"

Valerie pondered her sister's statement. "You're right. The baby will carry our family's DNA instead of that of a complete stranger," she added thoughtfully.

"The most awkward part will be having sex with Zane. Have you given much thought to that?"

"How could I not? Like I told you, we nearly fucked in the hot tub the other night, so I don't think the idea of having sex with me is anything he'll shy away from."

"True. I've seen the way he stares at your tits," chuckled Rylee. "I'm honestly surprised that HE hasn't brought up the idea of being your donor by now."

"I'm more worried about how John will react, honestly," said Valerie with a concerned expression. "He'll either see the brilliance in the idea, like I do, or murder me for even considering it."

"Then why tell him and risk him overreacting?"

"Rylee, I can't just not tell him. I'll have a baby growing in me soon and he'll know it's not his."

"I don't mean don't tell him you're using the clinic, just don't tell John that Zane works there and that the two of you will be fucking like rabbits in order to get you pregnant. Tell him you chose one of the other donors."

Valerie couldn't help but giggle at her sister's suggestion. "That might just work," she said, a mischievous grin spreading across her face, "and he'll be none the wiser."

She continued to mull over the idea, weighing the pros and cons of making a child with her son. While Zane's bio did seem incredibly impressive, she couldn't help but wonder if the potential for emotional complications outweighed the benefits. And what if her husband eventually found out the truth?

It was a risky decision, but Valerie couldn't shake the idea of having her next child with her son, especially since she'd gotten so sexually excited by him recently. With her sister's encouragement and advice, she decided to move forward with the plan, choosing Zane's bio as her selection.

"So, this is the guy you're choosing, huh?" asked Valerie's husband, looking over one of the bios in the brochure. "This is the guy who's gonna be the father of my child?"

Valerie had meticulously selected a charming 19-year-old, but now she needed to persuade her husband to agree to the plan. "John, YOU will be the father of our child. The young man is simply a sperm donor. Please keep that in mind, my love."

John studied the donor's bio, his brows furrowed in concern. "This is a bit strange, Valerie. I mean, we're choosing a sperm donor like we're shopping for a car or something."

"I know, the process is a bit unorthodox, but that's just how they do things."

John turned the page in the brochure and noticed that a page had been ripped out. Little did he know that his son's donor profile had once been there. "What happened to that page?" he asked.

"The receptionist at the factory told me to rip it out," his wife lied. "She said that donor was no longer with the company."

"Are you sure about this one?" he asked, turning back to the boy his wife had chosen.

Valerie smiled, hoping to put John at ease. "Yes...positively sure. I'm selecting the guy who I think will produce the healthiest child for us."

"And what if the donor wants to know the child or even wants a relationship with them later in life?"

Valerie paused, considering John's concern. "I understand your worry. But this is a one-time transaction. The donors are bound by confidentiality agreements. They won't be able to come forward and reveal their identity, ever."

"Valerie, you're gonna be having what could be lots of sex with this kid. How am I suppose to be ok with that?"

"Sex, yes, but please try not to see it as just that. It's more like a business transaction, and that's all."

John frowned, clearly still not convinced. "So you're telling me that after you've had sex with this kid, you'll never see him again?"

"That's the idea, John. That's how it works." Valerie replied, trying to sound as certain as possible.

"And if anything goes wrong, if the baby is sick, or something else happens, who do we turn to for help?"

"John, I've researched this and the donors are thoroughly screened. The chances of anything going wrong are slim to none. Besides, we'll have regular check-ups and appointments with the doctors at the clinic."

"I'm still not convinced this is really the best option for us," John muttered, clearly still not fully on board.

Valerie let out a deep sigh, realizing at this point it was necessary to use guilt as a motivator. "John, I can't take the blame for your health problems. I've put in so much effort to find the best solution for both of us, and yet you seem to be resisting every step of the way," she said passionately, her eyes brimming with emotion.

John stared at his wife, his heart breaking at the sight of her so emotional. He realized that this was a decision that came from a place of love and concern for their family's health. He took a deep breath, swallowing his pride and reluctantly agreed.

Valerie couldn't believe her husband had finally agreed to her plan. She wrapped her arms around him, grateful for his love and understanding. "I'm so happy that you trust me to make the best decision for our family."

"I trust you, Valerie. Let's just hope that this works out for the best," John replied, his face softening.

Valerie proceeded to fill out the necessary paperwork, choosing her son as the donor, her heart pounding with excitement and nerves. She knew this was the right decision for her family, and she wouldn't let anything stand in her way. After some thought, she decided to keep it a secret from Zane and surprise him on their special day.

With the paperwork complete, Valerie scheduled an appointment at the factory on the day she knew she was starting her ovulation cycle. The wait in the reception area seemed endless, until a woman who appeared to be twenty years her senior finally emerged. The busty staff member had a warm and welcoming smile. "Hello Valerie, I'm Avah. I will be guiding you through the conception process here at the baby making factory."

"Pleased to meet you, Avah," said the mother, exchanging a handshake.

She led the mother through the clinic, showing her where the lab was where they tested the sperm. As they walked, Avah explained, "You know, Valerie, our team is dedicated to bringing happiness to families like yours for the past 20 years. We've had a lot of experience and we have a 99% success rate for our clients.

Valerie couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and hope within her. "That's excellent. It sounds like I've come to the right place."

"You have. Now, let's get you prepared for your special day," Avah said, leading Valerie to a private room and closing the door for privacy. "I understand your donor happens to be someone very close to you."

"Yes, he's my son, Zane."

"Zane is a great kid, and very handsome. The clients he's helped have done nothing but rave about him."

Valerie spoke with confidence, "I am happy to hear that. I have always been proud of Zane and I believe I made the right decision by choosing him."

"Here at the facility for creating life, we have a strict policy of not judging others. In fact, it is even more meaningful when a child is brought into this world by two people who share a deep connection."

"Have you had other mothers and sons create children together here?" Valerie curiously asked.

"Indeed, yours is not the first mother-son pairing to conceive at our clinic, and I'm sure it won't be the last."

Avah conducted a thorough assessment of Valerie's basal body temperature and hormone levels. This confirmed that Valerie had

begun her ovulation process as planned. "It looks like you're as fertile as a turtle," Avah assured the mother.

"That's good to hear," said Valerie with an anxious smile.

"In a few minutes, I'll move you over to one of our breeding suites, where Zane will be joining us. He'll be ejaculating two loads of semen inside of you, back to back and then we'll elevate your hips for one hour to allow his sperm to soak into your cervix."

Valerie was a bundle of nerves. "I understand. It's just a bit overwhelming to think about sharing such an intimate moment with my son."

"I completely get it, hun, but let me assure you that our priority here is to ensure that your experience is as comfortable and stress-free as possible. You're in good hands."

The mother's expression was a mix of gratitude and anxiety as she spoke. The upcoming moment felt surreal; she was about to do something incredibly primal with the son she had raised since birth.

"What that said, it's important to note that you, the client, are in charge of these sessions. We are firm believers here that female orgasm plays a important role in the baby making process. Your cervix dilates and releases special proteins when you're aroused and climaxing that assist with fertility. "

"So you're saying I should try to enjoy myself while we're at it? Even if it's with my son?"

"Absolutely, Valerie. We encourage our clients to feel relaxed and comfortable while engaging in sexual intercourse. Your satisfaction is just as important as the end result."

"Alright, I think I can handle that," said Valerie, still shaking with nerves.

"Having said that, I will need to pass along a few instructions to your donor, so he has some basic information on how to make this experience exactly what you want."

"Alright," said Valerie with a willing nod. "What do you need to know?"

Avah smiled warmly and replied, "First, let's talk sexual positioning. Some clients prefer missionary to ensure deep penetration, while others opt for doggy style for a more... direct approach. Ultimately, the decision is yours, and Zane will work your body in any way we instruct him to."

Valerie nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. "I think missionary might be best for me. I'd like for him and I to have eye to eye contact, at least the first time we do this."

"That's completely understandable," Avah reassured her. "Now, as for your orgasm, Zane will need to know if you prefer clitoral or internal stimulation, as well as your preferred speed and rhythm of his thrusts. We'll also need to know if you have any specific fantasies or kinks that you'd like him to indulge in, if any."

Valerie considered this, a blush rising to her cheeks. "I... I think clitoral stimulation works best for me, and maybe some gentle but rhythmic thrusting at first and faster and harder as we approach orgasm. I don't really have any specific fantasies or kinks...although I do have very sensitive nipples, so I really like having them sucked on."

"That's perfectly fine, Valerie, and Zane will do his best to please you, I have no doubt," Avah said, her eyes warm and understanding. "One last question for you."

"Yes, ask away."

"How do you feel about engaging in oral sex during this process?"

"Oral sex?" Valerie repeated the word, uncertain of where this conversation was heading.

"Yes," Avah confirmed, "oral sex is a valuable aspect of the conception process, as it can aid in cervical stimulation and increase the likelihood of conception."

Valerie's face flushed, her heart racing as she considered the implications of this proposal. Oral sex with her son? It seemed unimaginable, yet necessary for the success of the procedure.

"Hmm, I'm learning all sorts of new things today."

"It's completely up to you, Valerie," Avah continued, "but I must say, our clients have reported a significantly higher success rate when oral sex is incorporated into their sessions."

Valerie hesitated, her mind racing with the idea of engaging in such an act with her son. Yet, she knew that if this was the key to giving her family the child they so desperately wanted, she couldn't deny it.

"Okay," Valerie said softly, "so are you talking about him going down on me, me going down on him, or...both?"

Avah smiled, giving Valerie a pat on the back. "Good question, Valerie. For some clients, it's best for the donor to perform oral sex on the client. Others prefer the opposite. And, of course, some clients are open to both. It's really up to your comfort level. We're here to make sure you're completely satisfied during this process."

Valerie bit her lip, mulling over the options. She knew that if this was what it took to make her dream come true, she needed to put aside any reservations and do what was necessary.

"I think... I think I'd like to try both," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Alright, my dear," Avah replied. "It's completely up to you, and we'll make sure that Zane is fully prepared for whatever you're comfortable with. We always want to make sure you're going to have the best possible experience and the highest chance of success."

Valerie nodded, still feeling a bit overwhelmed by the prospect of things.

Avah then proceeded to give Valerie a detailed explanation of the process and what she and Zane could expect in terms of sensations and events. Valerie listened attentively, her mind still reeling from the enormity of it all.

"Are you ready to prepare for the breeding suite now?" Avah asked, once she had finished her explanation.

Valerie took a deep breath, preparing herself for what was to come. "Yes, I think I am."

Avah moved to a wardrobe and opened it, revealing an assortment of sexy negligee. "Before you and Zane engage in sexual intercourse, you'll really wanna get the sperm in his balls brewing by letting him see you in something sexy."

Valerie decided on a alluring robe. After getting completely naked, she slipped it on. The peach colored mesh robe hugged Valerie's skin, revealing tantalizing hints of her curves through the sheer material. The intricate lace trim bordered the edges, adding a touch of elegance and sensuality. The robe flowed down to her knees, showing off her smooth, toned legs. The low-cut bodice teased at her enormous cleavage, accentuated by the satin waist belt cinched tightly around her waist. The matching G-string peeked out from underneath, adding a playful touch. Her high heeled mules elongated her legs and added a seductive sway to her walk.

As Valerie followed Avah down the hall, heels clicking delicately on the surface, she couldn't shake the feeling of nervousness and excitement mixed together in her stomach. The thought of what was about to happen with her son filled her with both anticipation and fear. She wondered if she could truly go through with it, but she knew that the outcome was too precious to give up on.


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