KLRXO Stories

Chapter 123: Mom’s Mountaintop Quarantine_1

Chapter 123: Mom's Mountaintop Quarantine_1

By Klrxo

"Fuck me, Phil!"

Lori and her husband Phil frolicked under the blankets, kissing and caressing. "I need you," Lori whispered desperate.

"I'm trying hon," Phil said.

Lori's sexy bare foot and part of her silky leg emerged from the blankets, twisting around the lump in the blanket that was husband. "Oh my God, please Phil. I need it," she pleaded.

"Lori I'm trying, I really am." "Let me try sucking on it ." "That doesn't work."

"Let me try, it might this time."

Lori's cell phone went off. They both recognized the ringtone. "It's Alex," Lori said. "Just call him back."

"He should be playing in the game right now. Something's wrong." The blonde mother emerge from the blankets and grabbed her phone. "Alex?"

"Hey, Mom," her son said on speaker phone.

"Hey, is everything ok? Did they cancel the game?" Lori asked.

"No. I have bad news. We all had to take the rapid test before the game. I tested positive. I have COVID."

"Oh my God, sweetie, how?" Lori asked her 1 8 year old. Lori was a natural blonde. A real looker. Her friends told her she looked like the actress Elizabeth Banks, but with a little more meat on her bones, in all the right places.

"One of my friends, I guess. Two other guys on the team have it too."

By now Alex's father Phil was out from under the blanket also, showing obvious concern. "Have you shown any symptoms? Been feeling sick at all?" he asked.

"No, that's the thing, I feel fine," Alex said. "I wouldn't have even known I had it if coach hadn't made us get tested."

"So what's next? Did you call doctor Matson?" Lori asked in concern.

"Yeah, he said I have to quarantine for two weeks. I don't dare come back to the house though. I don't wanna get anyone there sick."

"Alex, this is your home. I'm sure Daniel wouldn't mind if you took his room in the basement . You'd be away from everyone down there."

"Why don't I just go up to the cabin for a couple weeks. There's plenty of food up there still, right?" Alex

asked. "Then I wouldn't have to worry about exposing anyone." Phil looked at his wife. "Makes sense."

Lori scowled. "No, it does not make sense. You're not spending two weeks alone in that cold cabin," she said.

"I know how to build fires Mom and there's enough cut fire wood to last a year up there. Trust me, I still have the calluses from helping dad chop it up."

"Alex, I'm not letting you spend two weeks completely alone up there. That's depressing." Lori said. "Mom, I'll be fine. I'll have food, netflix...what more does a guy need?"

"Company," Lori answered, "And have you forgotten there's no internet up there. There's hardly a cell signal. How on earth do you plan on using Netflix?"

"I'll download some content before I go up. Look, Mom, I'll be fine. I'll give you a call once I get to the cabin, ok."

"Let us know if there's anything you need, son." Phil said. "And please drive safe," Lori added.

"I will. Love you guys," Alex added, then hung up.

Lori looked over at her husband in shock. "My God, this is awful," she said.

"I knew something like this would happen. I'm sure the school will be rethinking the winter sports program now."

"Oh Phil, I hate the thought of him spending two weeks by himself," Lori said.

Phil laughed "Honey, come on. Two weeks in a cozy cabin away from the world. I'd gladly trade him spots."

"What if he gets really sick? You know how weak the cell service is up there. What if he needs to reach us and he can't?"

"Then he'll drive down and make a call. We do it all the time when we're up there," Phil said. "No, this is different . He has a deadly virus, Phil. Of all the times he shouldn't be alone it's now. I'm going up there," she said, climbing out of bed.

"You're joking, right ...and expose yourself to this thing. Honey, come on, it's unnecessary." "I don't care if I get COVID. I'm not an old woman. I'm healthy. I don't have any medical conditions that put me at risk," Lori said.

"Ok, but why take that risk if you don't have to?"

Lori's face was filled with worry and frustration. "I do have to. I do have to take that risk. My son needs me. If that sounds corny, I'm sorry. I'm going up to quarantine with him."

Lori packed her suitcase, which included some things of Alex's. After making arrangements for her younger kids, the blonde mother kissed her husband goodbye and made the two hour ride to their mountain cottage.

Alex was shocked to see lights coming up the driveway. He was even more surprised to see his mother's white jeep pull up. He came out on the porch, watched her get out of the vehicle and move towards him in her big winter coat . "Mom, what are you doing? You can't be here." "You're not spending two weeks up here by yourself."

"Mom, I'll be fine. Please don't come any closer. I don't want you to get sick."

"If I get sick I get sick. Mommy's here and we can battle this thing together," Lori said, stepping onto the porch.

"At least just let me put a mask on. We can stay six feet a part," Alex said, turning to go inside.

Lori stopped him, grasping his sweatshirt and moving in for a tight hug. "Absolutely not . I'm not gonna spend the next two weeks across the room from you."

Alex laughed. Even through her thick winter coat he could feel her big tit-cushions press against him. "This is not what you call social distancing," he said.

Lori grabbed the neck of his sweatshirt and yanked him down towards her waiting lips. "Fuck, social distancing," she said, then proceeded to plant a series of wet kisses on his lips. "Muah, muah, mauh, mmmauh!"

"Jesus, Mom," he giggled.

She let him go. "There, now I'd say there's a good chance you've shared your COVID with mommy. So la-di-da," she said.

"You're crazy, you know that ."

"I'm not crazy, I'm cold. Now can we go inside please," she said with a playful smile.

Alex followed his Mom inside and she went straight for the tiny kitchen. "It took me forever to get it warmed up in here," he said.

"Feels divine. I'm gonna make some hot tea. Want some?" "No, I'm good."

Lori put the kettle on, then stripped off her jacket and scarf. The swell of her large breasts stretched her thin cotton pullover sweater. "I brought you some clothes. You just have to be a sweetheart and bring my suitcase in for me."

"Oh awesome. Thought maybe I was gonna have to wear the same two outfits the whole time." "Oh and I urn...I brought something else I thought maybe you'd like to have with you," she said. "Let me guess, my PS4?"Alex asked, half-joking.

"No, nothing like that ."

"Damn," he muttered disappointingly.

"This is actually something I discovered last week, in your room." "Discovered?" Alex asked.

"Just so you know, I wasn't snooping. I was doing some dusting and rearranged some of your magazines and um, they kinda fell out of one."

Alex stared at his Mom with a look of horror. He knew exactly what she had found. "Oh I uhh, I can explain those."

Lori put her hands in the pockets of her form fitting denims, giving her son a cute, but awkward smile. "You don't have to explain anything. I'm a big girl, I can figure it out ."

"Sorry," Alex blushed.

"Uh huh," Lori muttered with quirky grin. "Anyway, it's with the other things I brought . I um... I do think we should talk about it, at some point ."

"Ok," Alex muttered, already dreading that conversation.

Lori pulled her phone out of her back pocket. "I better try to shoot a text off to your father, let him know I got here ok and that you already infected me," she said with a playful smile. "Hey, I told you not to come in. You infected yourself."

"Yup, mommy sacrificed her health so she could be here to take care of her baby. I should definitely get the Mom of the year award for this one," she joked.

Lori made dinner, which gave them a chance to talk about the virus and some of the symptoms

they might be experiencing while in quarantine. After they cleaned the dishes, she took a shower and unpacked her suitcase. "Hey, come get your stuff," she shouted.

Alex came in her room, pausing in the doorway when he saw what she was wearing. It was a black thermal sleepshirt. It was slim fit and fell to her middle of her thighs. Alex had been around alot of sexy girls, but he knew his mom had the most incredible legs and ass that he'd ever seen. Lori's bronze legs were shapely and strong and they seemed to always give off a glossy sheen. They tapered down to slender ankles and cute bare feet with pink painted toenails. Her blonde hair fell just below her shoulders and was a shade darker since it was still damp from her shower.

"Thanks for grabbing these things for me," he said, snatching his neatly folded clothes from her bed. "Well, I figured you didn't have much with you."

There were a few photographs sitting there too. He glanced at them uncomfortably. "You didn't have to bring those," he blushed.

"Why, you wouldn't miss looking at them?" she said with a little smile, while refolding one of her shirts. "I don't know, I guess."

Lori giggled. "You guess? Gee, thanks." "No, I mean, I would, but ..."

She scooped up the three photographs and sat on the edge of the bed, then patted the spot beside here. "Sit down here," she said softly..

Alex sat next to her, seeming a bit uncomfortable as Lori flipped through the three photographs. "We were at Driftwood Beach that day, right?"

"Yeah, last summer."

"That was the day I lost my sunglasses. Ugh, I remember being so pissed." "I still think somebody went through your bag," Alex said.

"Or those damn seagulls snatched them."

Alex laughed. "Mom they were sunglasses, not a French fry."

Lori slapped his leg playfully. "Well apparently the thieves weren't the only ones scoping things out that day," she joked, looking at the photographs of herself in a skimpy yellow bikini. "I guess I just thought it would be cool to get some pictures of you."

"Uh huh, I can see that," she said with a grin. "So were these the only ones you took, or just your three favorites?"

"No, I just took those three. It wasn't like I was stalking you on the beach taking a ton of pictures of you or anything."

"You really should find a new hiding spot for these. Had it been your father who found them, you would have had some answering to do," Lori said.

"Yeah, probably."

"No, not probably. Most definitely," she said with a giggle.

Sitting side-by-side they continued to study the three photographs. Lori focused on one that was just the top half of her body. The skimpy yellow bikini could barely contain her massive tits. "My boobs are just way too big," she said.

"Why do you think that?" Alex asked timidly.

"They take up like eighty-percent of this picture, that's why" she said, making her son laugh. "I'd say more like ninty-percent," Alex joked.

Lori slapped him on the leg playfully. "Brat ."

"Seriously though, Mom, they're nice. You should be proud of them."

She fed him a teasing smile. "Oh boy, sounds like I've created a boob monster." "Like a cool T-Rex, right?" Alex said smoothly.

Lori giggled and stood up. "Yup and we both know what the T stand for," she said. Facing him, she thrust her big boobs out . She was clearly braless beneath the top, her fat nipples poking out

. She rocked her shoulders teasingly, making her boobs swing back and forth a few times. "T for ta-ta's."

Alex's eyes were as wide as saucers. "Holy wow, Mom. Can you do that again?"

"Noo, take your pictures and get outta here. I need to finish unpacking," she said playfully.

Alex went upstairs to his room. It was tiny, but big enough for the bunk bed. He shared it with his siblings whenever they came up to stay, but now he had it all to himself. After putting the pics in his bag, he went back downstairs and threw another log on the fire. The teen replayed the image of his mom's "ta-ta's" rocking back and forth beneath her sleep shirt. She'd never done anything like that in front of him and it was pretty fucking amazing.

His mom's voice startled him as she entered the room. "We should take your temperature. How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine."

Lori padded over on bare feet and placed as thermometer in her son's mouth. "Well, it might take a couple days for you to show symptoms."

"Uhm-hmn," Alex hummed, watching Lori's tits bobble heavily beneath her shirt as she moved. "If we're lucky we won't show signs at all. We're both healthy, but at least we're here to take care of each other if we need to," she said, removing the thermometer.

"Thanks, Mom. I didn't say it before, so I um, just wanted you to know that I appreciate you being here."

"I'll always be here and no thanks needed. I'm your Mommy and that's what we do. Your temp is a little

high. Why don't you get some rest . A good nights sleep would probably be the best thing for you." "Yeah, it's been a pretty long day," he said.

"That it has. Gimme a hug," she said, moving in for a tit-squasher.

Alex couldn't help but sigh out loud. The meat of his mom's tits felt immense as they flattened out on his chest . The hug went on longer than normal before she pulled back and gave him a smiling wink. "You ok, T-Rex?"

He gave her a blushing smile. "Yeah, I'm good."

She gave him a quick peck on the lips, a little sparkle in her eye. "Goodnight ."

The feel of her warm squishy breasts would play on his mind for the next hour while he squeezed and pulled at his erection. After squirting a hot load into his t-shirt, Alex drifted off to sleep.

Alex woke to the smell of bacon. He found his mom in the kitchen finishing breakfast prep. He watched her for a moment . She still wore the sleepshirt and her blonde mane was slightly disheveled from sleeping. He marveled at her smooth tan legs and could tell she was still braless by the way the hefty swell of her breasts shifted as she moved. "Good morning," she said as she spotted him gawking.

"Morning. Smells awesome."

"Thanks. Have a seat, I'll get you some breakfast," she said. Lori served her son, then sat down at the table with him to eat . "So what's the plan today?" Alex asked.

"Well, I thought we could relax a while, then after that we could relax some more, then later maybe do some more relaxing. How's that sound?"

"Sounds like a relaxing day," Alex said, making them both laugh.

"I'd say we could take a walk, but it's seriously too damn cold out there."

"Well, I guess two weeks of laziness it is," Alex said.

"Yes, glorious quarantine. I do need to take a shower. That'll kill like...twenty minutes," she said joking.

"Well when you're done I'll do a load of laundry. I don't wanna use up your hot water." "You're a sweetheart . Hey, since you're doing some laundry, would you mind throwing something of Mommy's in with your stuff?" she asked.

"No, no problem, Mom."

He helped his mother clean up, then Lori took a quick shower. Alex gathered his laundry, including the cum-stained t-shirt from the night before. He stopped at the bathroom. "Hey, Mom, did you have something you wanted washed?"

"It's right in on my bed, sweetheart. Thank you," she said through the door.

Alex stepped into her room and found one of her big white bras laying on her bed. His heart pounded excitedly as he lifted the bra by the thick strap. The cups were huge and adorned in delicate lace. He placed it on top of his pile and made his way down to the laundry room.

He opened the lid to the washer and stuffed his items in first . He grabbed the bra and looked it over with excited curiosity. There was a tag on the strap. It read 36J . He knew enough about tits to know that this was pretty damn big. Slowly, he lifted it up and buried his face inside one of the cups. He could smell his is mom's sweet perfume.

"Damn, Mom's big tit was just in this yesterday," he thought .

"Feel good?" A voice said from nearby, startling him. Lori smiled from the doorway.

Caught red-handed, Alex lowered the bra from his face. "Oh, I um... I was just getting ready to start it ." "My bras are very delicate. Make sure you run it on gentle cycle, okay."

"Got it," Alex said, fumbling with the dial.

Lori patiently stepped over next to him. She was wearing a short white satin kimono robe, which looked amazing against her tan skin. "Let me help," she said softly, setting the dials.

"Sorry, I usually just throw my stuff in and start it," he said. "Did you remember the pods?"

"Ohh," Alex muttered, reaching over to grab some pods to throw in.

Lori lifted herself up and sat on the dryer, watching her frazzled son "One or two?" he asked, showing her the pods.

Lori smiled. "They're kinda like boobs. Always two," she joked.

Alex blushed, throwing them in. He closed the lid.

"The bra goes in there too, sweetheart," the mother said patiently.

Alex forgot he was still holding the bra. He threw it in with the other items and started the washer.

Lori threw her arms up, making her boobs jiggle beneath the thin covering. "Yaaaay! You did it," she cheered jokingly.

"Time to do that relaxing thing now I guess," he said, but before he could pass, Lori extended one naked leg, making it impossible for him to get by in the tiny space.

"Hold on just a sec. You didn't answered my question," she said. "What question?"

"You had your face buried in my bra cup. I asked you if it felt good?" she asked candidly. "Yeah, of course"

"You practically had your whole head in there. I told you they were big," she giggled. "That much I knew already, Mom." Alex said.

"So first I find pictures of me in a bikini, then I find you playing with my bra. Anything else you might be trying to hide?" She said with an amused looked, taking an obvious glance down at his midsection.

"No," he muttered, clearing trying to hide his aroused cock with his hands. "Okay, but there's a rule if you wanna pass."

He looked at her sexy leg and bare foot blocking his path. "What do you mean rule?"

"If you want me to move so you can get by, you gotta put your hands on your head.," Lori said with a smile.

"Oh come on, Mom." "That's the rule."

"Fine," he muttered, putting both hands on top of his head.

Lori moved her leg and watched him pass, staring down at the tubular bulge in his shorts. "I knew you

were hiding something else," she said with a giggle. He fed her a timid smile. "You're mean," he joked.

After showering and getting dressed Alex found his Mom in the living room putting her jacket on. "My text didn't go through last night, so I'm gonna drive down to the main road and give your father a quick call," she said.

"Do you want me to come?" Alex asked.

"I'll be fine, just keep the couch warm for us," she said with a wink.

Lori traveled two miles down the steep dirt driveway to the main road. Once there, she pulled off to the side and dialed her husband. "Hey babe," he answer.

"Hey, sorry, I sent a text last night, but it didn't go through." "That's what I figured. How's everything? Alex ok?" Phil asked.

"Yeah, he's fine. I'm just glad I can be here for him."

"Well, don't worry about things here. I'll make sure everything's taken care of."

"You're a sweetheart . I'm sorry I rushed out of there so quickly, I just knew I had that two hour drive," she said.

"No worries, when you get back, we'll finish what we started. I'll take care of you, I promise." Lori giggled a bit . "Hon, you don't need to worry about that right now, really."

"Of course I do. You're my wife and it's my job to take care of your needs. There's one other drug I haven't tried. My doctor mentioned it during my last visit . I'll call before you get back and have him write me a prescription."

Lori smiled. "Ok, that sounds fine."

"I love you. I'm gonna miss you guys."

"We'll miss you too. Don't worry about a thing ok. Alex and I will be fine."

"Ok hon, I know it's a pain in the ass, but drive down the mountain in a couple days and give me an update," Phil said.

"I will. Kisses."

"Kisses back. Bye babe," Phil said, then hung up.

When she got back to the cabin, Lori shed her winter gear and joined her son on the couch. They made small talk and she flipped through one of her women's magazines. Lori had her legs sprawled sideway on the cushions, wearing sexy gray yoga pants and a white fitted tank top.

Alex noticed right away how

much bigger her boobs looked in this top and the amount of cleavage that was showing.

"Whatcha reading, Mom?"

"Just an article. What about you?"

"A book, but not really into it. I thought I might watch a movie I downloaded." "Oh, what one?"

"Forgot the name. Some martial arts movie," he said. "Ohh, sound very manly," she said with a giggle.

"I would have passed it by, but my friends said it was pretty good."

Lori looked at her magazine, then back at her son. "Did you know that thirty-seven percent of all women enjoy shoe shopping over sex?"

Alex laughed. "That's an odd fact ."

"Isn't it though. I can't imagine a woman loving anything more than sex." "What kinda article are you reading over there, Mom?"

"It's just one on weird sex facts. Here's one for you. Let's see if you can get it? What is the current

number one aphrodisiac, reputedly?" Lori asked. "Hmm, dark chocolate," Alex answered.

"Nope, asparagus," Lori said with a grossed out look. "Of course, it would be a nasty vegetable."

Lori reached across to hand him the magazine. "Here, read me number three, see if I know it."

Alex smiled as he took the magazine. "Hold on, are we having a friendly competition here, to see who can get more answers correct?"

"Competition? You're out of your league, young man," she said, extending her leg and nudging him with one of her sexy bare feet . "I guarantee I know way more about this stuff than you do." "We'll see about that . What do I get if I win?" he asked.

She fed him an odd smile. "What do you want?"

"Hmmm." Alex hummed, pretending to think.

Lori didn't hesitate to share her intended reward. "If I win I want a back massage. Soft music, candles, hot baby oil. The works."

"Ok, umm..." Alex knew what he wanted, but he was afraid to ask. He was afraid of how she might react . "How bout if I win, we switch beds tonight and I get to sleep on that comfy queen? sized bed in your room. You have to take the bunk bed."

Lori giggled. "I would gladly agree, if I didn't think there was something you wanted more than that ." Alex played stupid. "Like what?"

She smiled at him slyly. "You tell me. I think you've made it pretty clear." "I don't know," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yes you do, but you're afraid to ask and I understand that . So here, I'll make it easier for you. If you win,

which you won't by the way, I'm confident of that. But if you do, I'll let you see my boobs," Lori explained. "You'd... Really, you'd do that?" Alex muttered, his heart racing.

"Well, I wouldn't have thrown it out there if I didn't, but don't get your hope's up there, T-Rex, because it's not gonna happen."

"I guess we'll see," Alex said, knowing he just had to win.

"Ok, so there are ten questions total," she said anxiously, "we're on number three."

Alex read a question from the magazine. "The average female orgasm lasts how long?"

"Hmm, the length of a female orgasm..." Lori said as she thought about it . "I mean a lot would depend on the type of orgasm. Vaginal orgasms typically last much longer than clitoral, but on average, I would say... thirty seconds??" she said, gazing over at him unquestioningly.

"Twenty seconds."

"Ohh, damn, I was close."

"Close, but no cigar, Mom," he said handing her the magazine.

"Ok, Mr. Sex expert, here's one for you. In a single ejaculation, a guy sends how many sperm swimming towards the egg? It gives an estimate here, so if your answer is within those numbers, I'll give it to you," Lori said.

Alex shrugged his shoulder, clearly guessing. "A hundred million?" "The answer is between thirty and seven-hundred million sperm."

"Yess!" Alex said, pumping his first in the air.

"Nice job. I certainly hope you don't know that because you count them as they squirt out?" Lori joked as she handed the magazine back.

"Ha, that would be quite a task. One to zero, my lead," he said with a smile. "Enjoy it, it won't last ."

"Speaking of lasting...the average sex session goes on for how many thrusts?"

Lori giggled. "I like the way you transitioned into that one. Hmm, is the answer precise or is there a range?"

"There's a range, so I guess if you're answers somewhere in that range, you got it ." "Hmm, thrusts. Sadly, the answer's probably not as many as it should be. I'm gonna say a hundred. A hundred thrusts," she said.

"The answer is between a hundred and five hundred. You barely got it ."

"Woooo! Yay me!" Lori cheered, throwing her arms in the air. "Told you wouldn't keep that lead," she said, taking the magazine back.

"Ok, here's your question. Other than the bedroom, where is the second most common place people have sex?" Lori asked.

"Umm, the kitchen."

Lori burst out laughing. "Good answer, but no. Think about where you'd have sex if you had a house full of people, or if you were out on a date."

"Oh, the car?"

"Yes," the mother said.

"Damn, I should have got that," Alex said.

"Oh, why's that? Had plenty of backseat adventures have we?" Lori teased. "A few. What about you?" Alex bravely asked.

She laughed, as if reflecting on the times and also surprised that he would turn that the question back on her. "Lots when I was younger, but since being married, not so many. Your dad and I

do occasionally drive out somewhere dark and secluded though, just to keep things interesting." "Do you ever worry about getting caught?"

"Worry, no. The danger of getting caught is half the thrill," she said, raising an eyebrow. "So what your saying is I should be prepared to pick you and dad up from the police station one of these

days," Alex said, making his mom laugh.

"Well, any cop that arrests a married couple for having sex in their own vehicle suffers from a serious case of envy."

"True," Alex said, looking at the magazine. "The next question has a picture. You have to name that sexual position."

"Okay, let me see."

"Hold on, I'll cover the answer," he said, then reached over and showed her. It was a drawing of a woman sitting on a man's lap, facing him with her legs over his shoulders. "It's a multiple choice. I'll read the possible answers," Alex said.

Lori smiled confidently. "Don't bother. It's called the rocking chair." Alex looked at the answer. "The rocking chair position, you're right ."

"Of course I'm right . I know my sexual positions. Who's in the lead now, buster," she teased, "two to one." Alex handed her the magazine. "Not for long."

"Ok, what is the average length of a man's erect penis?" Lori asked with a little smile. "Twelve inches," Alex joked.

"Ha, wouldn't that be something."

"I'm joking of course. I think it's like six inches."

Lori nodded. "Between five and six inches, correct ." "Yess," Alex hissed.

Lori fed him a proud little smile. "So glad that my son's not just average," she sighed, handing him the magazine.

Alex blushed a little. "Why do you think that?"

"I saw that bulge you were trying to hide in the laundry room. It looked far from average," she said with a wink.

"I guess," Alex said timidly, then looked at the next question "Ok, here we go, two questions left and we're all tied up."

"Oh boy, the pressure's on," Lori said. "Let's have it ." "Another penis question," Alex said.

"Oh well then you might as well just give me the point . I am a penis scholar," she joked. "We'll

see about that . The most sensitive spot on a man's penis is called the what?" "Frenulum!" Lori shouted excitedly.

"Dang," Alex scowled, handing her the magazine. "Guess you are a penis scholar. I've never even heard of that word."

"Really? The frenulum is the sweet spot . Surely you must know where your sweet spot is?" Lori said with an awkward smile.

"Well, maybe. Are you talking about the tip of it?"

"Kinda. The frenulum is that little band of skin beneath the tip. It kinda works the same way as the skin beneath the tongue," Lori explained, curling her long up so her son could see. "This one's called the lingual frenulum."

"Oh I see. Damn, I hope the next question's a little easier or I'm screwed," Alex said.

"Well you're in luck, it's a true or false question, so you have a fifty percent chance of getting it ." "Alright, let's here it ."

"Ok, true or false, there are more nerve endings on a women's clitoris than on the tip of a man's penis?" "Oh man, I'm not for sure on this one..."

"Shall I go ahead and start getting ready for my massage then?" Lori said with a teasing smile. "Hold on, I'm definitely leaning more one way on this. I'm gonna say true."

"Are you sure?" "Yes."

"So that's your final answer?" she asked, giving him an anxious look. "Final answer."

She frowned. "You're right ."

"Yess!" Alex shouted, throwing his arms up. "Damn, I got lucky on that one. So it's a tie score and there's no more questions left . What do we do now?"

Lori tossed the magazine aside. "Well, we could either come up with a bonus question for each other, or..."

"Or what?" Alex asked eagerly.

"Or we could call it a tie, which means we both win and we both get rewarded." Alex got a big smile, his heart beating like a base drum. "I'm good with a tie."

"Me too, only because I know you. You'd find the hardest sexual question on earth for me and I don't wanna risk losing that massage."

Alex gave her a guilty look. "I would never do that ." "Uh huh, right," she said, playfully throwing a pillow at him. "Why don't we have some lunch, then we'll meet up in the bedroom for the big reward ceremony."

"Ha, you make it sound so formal. Do we have to sing the national anthem too?" Alex said, making his Mom laugh.

"Maybe we will," she said, "it'll be my version though." "How does your version go?"

Lori knelt on the cushions and leaned over towards her son, gazing teasingly. "Ohhh say can you see, my bra'aa slippin' off of mee," she sang.

Alex's heart raced as he watched his mom get up, giggling as she made her way to the kitchen. "Cute version, Mom."

"Bet you like my version better than the original."

Lori made some sandwiches and they ate. It was fairly obvious during lunch that both were quite anxious for what was coming after. "So give me ten minutes to get things prepared. Remember, I said I wanted the candles and soft music and all that, so I'm gonna set things up, you just get those magic hands ready."

"Sounds good," Alex said, his erection flexing with anticipation.

It seemed like forever before he heard his Mom call him. "Alex, Mommy's ready, sweetie."

Alex made his way across the cabin to the large bedroom. He stopped in the doorway and gasped out loud. Lori was standing near the bed in a long sexy white bridal-laced robe. She had one naked leg slightly bent at the knee and sticking sexily from the slit . Her little feet with pink painted nails were propped in 4-inch mules. Alex could see through the lace that she was wearing a matching white bra and panty set beneath the robe. She had clearly taken the time to fluff her hair up a little and he could smell her sweet perfume.

Lori had pulled the shades and lit some candles. The light beat of R&B music thumped from a small Bose speaker on her nightstand. Alex noticed a fluffy white towel draped across the bed and a stack of others nearby. However, his attention could drift away very long from his gorgeous mother. "Dang, you look amazing," the teen muttered.

"Thanks. I know it's not a real ceremony and it's just you and me, but ...I wanted to look pretty," she said sweetly.

"Well you've succeeded at that, but you always look pretty Mom."

"Aww, you're making me blush," she said, smiling at him adoringly.

"It's true." "Close the door and come over here," she said, waving him over.

After closing the door behind him, Alex came over and stood in front of her. With her heels on, they were now about the same height . "Since I have to take off my top anyway, to get my reward, I figured we might as well take care of yours at the same time."

Alex took a heavy anxious gulp. "Makes sense."

"So, you're not gonna tell any of your friends about this, right? This can just stay between us?" "Of course, I won't tell anyone, I swear."

"Good because I'm pretty sure your father would kill me, if word ever got back to him that I did something like this for you."

"Not a word, Mom. I promise," her son said reassuringly.

"Ok," she said, then reached down and untied the sash to her robe.

Alex watched wide-eyed as the flimsy robe slipped from her shoulders, down her curvy body and pooled at her feet . "Jesus," the teen muttered as he stared at all the breast meat oozing out tops of her lacy bra. Lori's tits were clearly enormous and the way they were stuffed inside the bra created the biggest, creamiest cleavage her son had ever seen.

She reached around and clasped the hooks, watching her son's reaction as the straps fell and the giant cups slipped from her breasts. The twin mounds bobbled heavily as they were released. Thick rubbery nipples protruded from large areola, which were fairly thick themselves and dotted with milk glands.

Alex's jaw dropped as he gawked. "Holy shit, Mom," he muttered. Lori giggled at his reaction. "I warned you they were too big." "They're not, they're um... they're beautiful."

"Thanks," she said, watching him stare.

Alex marveled at every detail. These weren't like the boobs of girls his own age. He could see the faint blue veins disappearing into a cleavage that could easily swallow his entire head. Her engorged nipples and rough-textured areola looked like they were made to be sucked and chewed on. These were true mommy-boobs, heaving with Lori's every breath.

Lori frowned. "I feel bad. I feel like you're getting the short end of the stick on this deal," "What do you mean?"

"Well, I get a half-hour massage and all you get is quick look at my boobs."

Alex couldn't tear his eyes away from her jugs. "I'm not complaining."

Lori giggled, making her breasts jiggle. "I know, but I still feel bad. I feel like maybe I need to sweeten the deal for you just a bit, to make things fair."

Alex looked his Mom in the eyes for the first time since she unclasped her bra. "Sweeten the deal?"

"Yeah, throw in a little something extra. That way I don't feel so bad while I'm getting that amazing massage you're about to give me."

"So what's the something extra?" Alex asked, his heart racing.

Lori smiled cutely, showing her perfect white teeth. "Do you wanna touch 'em?"

"Really? Yeah, um... sure," he muttered, then reached out and grasped her big boobs, gently giving them a squeeze. "Ohh, man," he muttered, amazed at how warm and squishy they were. "You can squeeze them harder, sweetheart . They're not gonna break," she said.

Alex took great big big handfuls of tit-meat and squeezed somewhat harder than before. Lori closed her eyes, gently sighing as her son mauled her tits for a full minute.

"Jesus," the teen muttered in delight, making his mom's eyelids flip open. "Do you like how Mommy's boobs feel?"

"Do I ever," he answered, continuing to squeeze away. "So do I get a half-hour, you know, since I'll be doing you for that long?"

Lori burst out laughing, making her titties tremble in her son's hands. "I said a little something extra.

"That's a lot something extra."

"Can I just go five more minutes then?"

Lori nodded. "Fine, five more minutes. We wouldn't want you to feel cheated, now would we? Why don't we try it with you sitting behind me on the bed. I think might like that way even more." Alex plopped onto the bed, his erection clearly tenting out . He watched his mom step towards him, this time focusing on her panty covered cunt. Her white bikini-style panties moulded snuggly around her snatch. She turned, giving him a great view of her meaty ass before sitting down between his legs at the edge of the mattress. "There we go. Now reach around and try it this way," she said.

The teen reached under her arms and latched onto her boobs, feeling their immense weight. He sunk his fingers in and kneaded firmly, watching his handiwork over his mom's shoulder.

Lori bit her bottom lip, clearly becoming more aroused by the second. "Better?" she asked. "For sure," the teen answered, going to town on her boobs. He squeezed and tugged on her nipples, making his Mom gasp. "Is that ok?" he asked, afraid he was hurting her.

She closed her eyes and nodded. "That's fine."

Soon Alex was completely mauling her tits, pulling and squeezing the meat of her jugs. He pressed both mammoth tits together as hard as he could, making her rubbery nipples stick out obscenely. He held her boobs together like that, his fingers sinking in, then glanced at his mom's face. Lori panted lightly, her eyes were still closed and it seemed as though she might be enjoying it . "Too rough?" he asked.

She peeked over at him and smiled. "If I get uncomfortable, I'll let you know."

He went back to town on them, cupping them aggressively, pinching and pulling her thick engorged nipples between his fingers. He knew it had been longer than five minutes, but he didn't care. He simply couldn't get enough of his mom's huge jiggling jugs.

Lori finally peered over at him and giggled. "I'm pretty sure your five minutes was up like five minutes ago, T-Rex."

"Sorry," Alex sighed, easing his grip.

"We don't want you getting tired out . I need those strong hands for that back massage." He reluctantly released her boobs. "Thanks for the extra time," he said.

Lori got up and handed him a bottle of hot babyoil. "Oil me up, messier." she joked, then sprawled out on her tummy on the bed.

Alex stood there looking at her with a raging boner. His mom's body looked amazing laying there with her legs slightly spread. The def focal point was the succulent half-globes of her meaty mommy-ass. The panties were snug, so he could see alot of ass-cheek. The backs of her tan legs looks so strong and smooth. Her big tit-cannons bulged out from the sides, squashed against the mattress.

The hot mother peeked up at him with an eager smile. "Ready when you are, honey." "Oh, sorry," Alex muttered, snapped from his lustful trance.

He knelt beside her on the bed and after squirting an ample amount of oil on her back, he began to give her a massage. His mother's skin was completely unblemished and silky smooth. He worked her muscles the best he knew how.

"Mmmnn, that feels divine," Lori whimpered, enjoying the feel of her son's strong hands working her over.

After awhile, Alex moved down her lower back, marveling at the way her hips flared out . "This is

truly what they mean by an hourglass figure," he thought .

While working that area over, he stared at her amazing half-moons, wondering how it could be that a woman could have such a perfect ass and perfect tits also. His boner throbbed almost painfully. The way his mother was sighing and whimpering wasn't helping either.

Alex stopped for a moment, deciding to press his luck. "I don't really wanna get oil on your panties, Mom. Did you wanna take them off?"

Lori giggled. "Got Mommy out of her bra, now you want her out of her panties too?" "Well, I know oil doesn't come out of clothes very easy."

"Mm, I'm so relaxed right now. I don't know if I can even move," Lori said. "Want me to just skip your lower back?"

"Mm no, no skipping. If my panties are in your way just take them off."

Alex's heart skipped a beat . "Ok," he muttered, then hooked his thumbs under the elastic waistband.

The teen felt like a kid opening a gift on Christmas morning. He peeled her bikini-style panties over her buns, down her curves legs and off. For a moment he just knelt there staring in absolute awe.

He could hardly believe the naked body laying there was his own beautiful mom. Her lush figure was everything he ever fantasized about . Almost on instinct, he reached down and squeezed the head of his erection through his shorts.

"Mmm, where are those magic hands?" Lori asked.

Alex went back to work, kneading her lower back. Inevitably, his hands drifted down where her naked meaty buttocks began to flare out . He mustered up some courage. "I can get your butt and your legs too if you want?"

"Oh sweetie, you don't have to. You've probably massaged me more than a half-hour already anyway." "I don't mind though."

Resting on her forearms, Lori smiled back at him. "You're a sweetheart . If I let you spend more time massaging me, I'm gonna feel like I owe you again."

"You mean like more time touching your boobs?" Alex said anxiously.

"Yeah, that...or maybe I could wash this oil off and we could snuggle under the blankets for awhile, maybe take a little nap together."

"Naked you mean?"

Lori giggled. "No not naked. How bout just ALMOST naked," she said. "I'm down with that."

"Sounds like we have a deal," Lori said, laying back down. "So get back to work, mister."

Now that he had the green light to massage her ass, Alex went to town. He squeezed and kneaded her meaty buns, working the hot slippery oil into her ass-flesh.

"Mmnn that feels good," Lori purred.

Alex pressed his luck, letting his fingers slip down into her ass-crack. When she didn't say anything, he dragged his slippery thumb gently across the ring of her butthole. He felt his mom's body tense, but still she said nothing, just gasped lightly.

He wanted more than anything at that moment to bury his face between her buns and lick her ass until she couldn't stand it, but he knew he couldn't take it that far. That would be crossing the line from "massage" to something else entirely.

After more ass-groping, the teen moved down to her legs. The room was dim, so he could only faintly see the shaved outer lips of her mons as he rubbed her smooth strong mommy-legs. He took his time, listening to her cute gasps as he worked his way down to her sexy feet . He massaged them thoroughly. Alex didn't necessarily have a foot fetish, but the site and feel of his mom's perfect little bare feet made his head swirl and his dick leak a substantial amount of precum.

"How was that?" he asked, eager to move on to next stage of reward-giving. "Oh my God, that was beyond wonderful," Lori sighed.

"I did ok then?"

"Oh sweetheart, you did better than ok. You have me so relaxed right now, some snuggles and a nap sound absolutely divine," Lori said, bringing the towel up and around her body as she stood. "Sounds pretty good to me too."

"I should hope so, since it's your reward, for going above and beyond the call of duty," she said with a wink. "Why don't you use the kitchen sink to wash up. I'm gonna take a quick shower and then we'll rendezvous back in here in ten minutes."

"Got it," Alex said.

Alex washed up and put a few more logs on the fire. He could hardly sit still he was so excited. Massaging his mom's body, especially her giant tits was the biggest rush of his life and he knew if it got any better he'd probably be creaming in his shorts.

When he went back to his mom's bedroom her door was closed so he knocked lightly. "Mom?"

"Almost ready, honey," Lori said from the other side.

The teen waited anxious until she gave him the word. "Ok, you can come in," she said softly.

The room was still dim, the candles still burning. Lori had pulled the blankets partway back and was standing near the bed. "Oh wow, Mom," Alex muttered, looking her over.

Lori was adorned in a sexy black lace babydoll featuring a breathtakingly deep V-neck, revealing her huge cleavage. The lace cups had delicate floral details. A mesh asymmetrical hem fell just below her crotch, showing off all her naked legs. The black lace was transparent enough to show that she wasn't wearing panties. Alex could clearly see the cute V of her shaved mons.

Lori's hair was still damp and slicked back from her shower. She smiled at her gawking teen. "How this for almost naked?" she asked.

"It's, uh...well, damn," the boy muttered, unable to put it into words.

Lori giggled at his reaction. She put on her best seductive face. "Come get snuggly-wuggly with Mommy?" she said in a cute tone.

She stepped over to him gracefully and gasped the bottom of his t-shirt . "You have too many clothes on though. Mommy said 'almost naked,' remember?" she said, pulling his shirt up and off.

Then she crouched down and unzipped his fly. Alex looked down his disbelief and watched his Mom shuck his shorts. His erection was in full force and Lori's eyes went wide when she saw the almost obscenely large bulge in his briefs. She peered up at him with an odd smile. "Did I do that?" she asked jokingly.

"Yeah, pretty much," the teen blushed.

Lori stood back up, took his hand and led him to bed. Alex had a clear view of her bare buttocks through the gown and watched it undulate teasingly atop her sexy legs as they crossed the room.

Lori crawled into bed, pulling her son in too and covering them up. She immediately snuggled up to him, draping an arm and a leg across his body and squashing her big boobs against the side of his chest . "Mmm, this is nice," she said, nuzzling in close.

"Sounds like your enjoying this reward as much as I am, Mom," Alex said.

Lori lifted her head, gazing down into his eyes. "Oh I know and that's not fair, is it?" "What do you mean?"

"I got my reward earlier and it was incredible. Yours should be equally pleasurable, not to me, but to you. Alex smiled as he felt her hard nipples poking into him. "Oh, trust me, I'm enjoying every second of it ."

"Yeah, as the giver, once again. Yes it was your reward earlier, but you pretty much gave me a boob massage, then you gave me a full body massage. I think for once today you should be the receiver, don't you?" Lori asked.

There was no way Alex was going to disagree. "I guess. What amlon ?" he asked with a mischievous grin. Lori gave him a knowing smile in return. "Well it's not a handjob if that's what your thinking." "I didn't really think you would" Alex said, inwardly disappointed.

"Now that I've told you what I won't do, do you wanna hear what I will do?" "Sure," he muttered.

Lori gazed in his eyes, speaking in a seductive tone. "I WILL lay my boobs across your chest . I WILL lick your neck. I WILL say really naughty things to you. And I WILL do all those things while you stroke yourself off. Does that sound like enough for now?"

Alex gulped in disbelief. "Yeah, definitely," he said. Lori smiled. "I thought so."

"So how naughty?"

"How naughty what, sweetheart?" Lori asked.

"You said you'd say naughty things. How naughty?" he asked, already rubbing his throbbing pecker through his briefs.

Lori smiled salaciously. "Really fucking naughty."

Alex shivered with anticipation. It wasn't often he heard his mom use the F word, especially in a sexual way. He had a feeling she was gonna absolutely blow his mind.

"So what are you waiting for big boy. Pull your hard dick out and start stroking," she said candidly. Alex didn't have to be asked twice. He quickly fished out his prick and started beating off.

Kneeling beside him, Lori slid her mesh covered tits onto his chest, slowly moving her lips to his neck. "You made Mommy feel so good earlier. Mommy wants to make you feel good too," she said, then buried her face in his neck.

Lori planted a few kisses, then whipped her strong experienced tongue out and lashed it across the most sensitive parts of his neck.

"Ohh shit, Mom!" Alex whimpered, his body jerking upward in pleasure.

"Yess, baby!" Lick, lick. "Beat that dick!" Lick. "Beat that big dick while you think about fucking hot girls," lick, lick.

"Daamnn," the teen moaned, beating his meat with full length strokes. His precum provided plenty of lube.

Lori paused from licking to look into her son's wild eyes, her pretty face hovering only a few inches above his. "Mmmnn, feeling all that hot pussy on your dick while you suck their big titties," she said in a sexy tone.

"Ohhh shit," Alex moaned, feeling his cock flex in reaction to her words.

"Pounding their cunts," Lori cried, before planting a series of neck licks. "Slapping their asses," lick, lick, lick. She suddenly slid up until his face was in her cleavage. Lori pressed her tits together and Alex found his face wedged in a pocket of tit-meat . "Smothering your face between their big fucking titties."

And just like that Alex was done-for. "Uuugghhh, shit!" he cried out as hot cum erupted from his dick. Lori slid down a little so she could watch his face while he came. "Yess, cum for Mommy!"

Alex whimpered as he experienced the strongest orgasm ever. "Yes baby, shoot your fucking load out and show Mommy what a big man you are," Lori urged.

Her words kept the teen writhing as more and more cum fired out of his piss-slit . Finally, he made the final squeeze and his body relaxed. "Ohhh wow," he sighed.

Lori giggled, watching him recover. "Were those words nasty enough for you, sweetie?" Alex was still trying to catch his breath. "Yess," he gasped.

"Good, now that we're even, we can do some snuggles and a nap," she said, cozying back at his side.


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