Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 56- Arrival in Vanir

Chapter 56- Arrival in Vanir

[Keeno POV]

It’s been a few months since we got on this ship to Vanir.  It wasn’t a very exciting trip, all things considered, since the barrier around the ship was of such high quality.  It practically obliterated any small water monsters that tried to attack the ship and the ones that somehow managed to bypass it were almost always killed by one of the sailors and a well-placed harpoon or trident.  Pram and I also got acquainted with most of the people on the ship.  The captain and his sailors were quite fun to talk to and interact with.  Most of the nobles, on the other hand, were less so.  Surprisingly, Aslan turned out to be one of the best on the ship.

His stalking of Pram stemmed from being a spoiled brat who’d never been told no before, but after interacting with him several times over the months, he turned out to be a decent person.  He also gave up on pursuing Pram after we both explained to him in detail that Pram liked women, and that she wasn’t interested in even trying to be with him.  Once that finally sunk in, he spent the rest of the time trying to at least befriend us.  It got to the point where, if we were ever in Odeen again, he would let us stay at his family’s mansion as important guests.

As for the other nobles, they were, to put it nicely, disgusting.  Ama and Pram had to stop me several times from killing most of them.  At times their pettiness, other times it was their general disdain for anyone that wasn’t a noble.  There were times when I couldn’t leave our room due to just how disgusted I was with them and the looks of their souls.  Such muddy blackness dripping with corruption was horrendous.  I knew the souls were like this when we got on the ship, but being around them for so long was…like it was back then.

Today was the day we’d be arriving at the port the ship was heading to.  Like on the day we boarded we were all asked to stay in our rooms while the boat docked.  I was sitting on the edge of my bed, staring out the window.  The sky was overcast and, from what I could see, many places here were various shaded of grey, white, or black.

“Ama.” (Keeno)

{Yes Keeno?}

“Those nobles are all going to die when I’m done in Odeen.” (Keeno)

{I know.}

“Pram.” (Keeno)

“Hmm?” (Pram)

“Don’t think less of me for wanting that.” (Keeno)

“Why would I?  I’ve seen what being around those things does to you, so getting rid of them will be a good thing, not just for you, but for the world.  The only reason the two of us stopped you every time you wanted to kill them so far is because it would hinder us.” (Pram)

Shortly after, the boat shook, and we heard the sound of a chain sliding through a hole and the splash of the anchor hitting the water.  A little while after that we were allowed to leave the rooms.  Pram and I got up and left the room after triple checking we didn’t forget anything.  We hurriedly made our way to the gangplank and were off the ship before the vermin that infested it did so.  We moved over and out of the way since we at least wanted to say our farewells to Aslan, who thankfully appeared shortly after we got off.  He moved over to us with a calm smile plastered on his face.

“Lady Okami, Lady Pram, it seems our smally journey together has ended.  While it saddens me to part ways with the two of you, we all have our business that takes president over feelings.  I wish the two of you luck in your endeavors and I hope we will meet again.” (Aslan)

“Same to you, Aslan.  And remember, no means no, not please stalk me.”  (Pram)

“I fear I shall never live that past transgression of mine down with you, Lady Pram.” (Aslan)

“It’s just some ribbing between friends.  I do the same thing to Okami all the time.” (Pram)

“She speaks the truth.  Though I do just as much to her.” (Keeno)

“Hehe.  I see.  Well, I must go converse with the captain and take care of my business here.  Until we meet again, my friends.” (Aslan)

And like that, he walked away.  Pram and I turned our backs and did the same, walking in the direction of the city proper.  The city here, while being basically monochromatic, was as lively as any other city we’ve been to, though there was also this kind of ‘air’ about the place that I couldn’t really place.

‘Ama, is the Dead Zone here in the capital?’ (Keeno)

{Yes.  And I’ll save the two of you a trip to the guild, leave the city and go west.  Five days on foot and you’ll be there.}

‘Well, I hope it doesn’t rain on us.’ (Keeno)

{Oh Keeno.  It’s almost always raining in Vanir.  You’ve actually gotten quite lucky getting here on a day without rain.}

‘…’ (Keeno)

‘Can’t you just heat up the area around us like you did sometimes when we were little?’ (Pram)

“Pram, good job remembering that.” (Keeno)

“Well, if I didn’t, you sure wouldn’t, Okami.” (Pram)

“Hehehe.” (Keeno)

“Hehe.” (Pram)

Like that we left the port city and started to make our way to Vanir’s capital.

*Five days after the two arrived in Vanir proper*

[3rd person POV]

It was another stormy day in the capital of Vanir.  Thunder rang as lightning flashed overhead and fat raindrops poured down over the monochrome city.  People ran here and there, trying to make it to their destination as dry as they could.  All of this was a daily occurrence in this city.


In the distance the sound of clashing blades rang out.

*Clang, clang* *boom*

Sounds of magic attacks exploding.

*Saxophone music playing*

The sounds of music.

“Tch.  Come on, boys!  We got er on the ropes!”

In an alleyway near one of the entrances to the city, a fight was taking place.  A lone wolfgirl stood with her back against a wall, blood slowly dripping from a cut on her forehead and one of her arms hanging limp.  She was breathing heavily as her only open eye surveyed her surroundings.  Several men wearing suits, some with swords, some with staves, surrounded her.

The sound of saxophone music intensified.

“Well, well, well, who would have thought that we’d be the ones with the honor of ending the life of the last remaining member of the vaunted Falkyron Family.”


The wounded woman let out a low growl at the ones surrounding her.  The fire in her orange eye burned brightly.  In a flash of light and heat, the one that just spoke fell to the ground, his head following suit a moment later.  Unfortunately for the woman, two more people came out of the shadows to replace their fallen comrade.

“Careful, idiots, just because she’s injured doesn’t mean she can’t kill you.  She’s not called Light-Blade Freya for nothing.”

The group started to close in on the woman.  Seeing this she tried to prepare an attack, but a sense of searing pain shot up her leg, bringing her down to one knee.  Seeing this, those surrounding her closed in faster.

“Light of the Suns, become my swords and my body.  Bring me to speeds faster than sight and sound.  Fleeting Sunbeam.” (Freya)

The wolfgirl quickly glowed in an orange and blue light and, faster than any could react to, disappeared.


As soon as the orders were given, the people ran in every direction in order to find their quarry.  Meanwhile, on said quarry’s side, she finds herself falling limply to the ground, exhausted, in the path of a familiar duo.

*In another part of the city, shrouded in shadows*

[??? POV]

I look up and around me.  The grey city I’ve known all my life is no different than it was yesterday.  The rain falls, the sounds of people on the streets walking or running, the music of battle musicians plays.

“…Hungry……Hunt…smell of………blood……”

I stand from where I sat and pull the hood of my tattered red coat over my head, my ears peeking out from the shoddily cut holes on top.  As soon as I’m about to move from my spot, one of my friends passes in front of me.


Another one follows shortly after, until all of them are floating around me, their usual dull blue glow turning brighter.


I look in the direction they are facing and start to move.  I stalk over to the side of a building and jump.  At the apex of my jump, I stab one of my knives into the wall and start pulling myself up until I reach the roof.  Once I make it there, I look in the direction my friends are and start running.  I jump from roof to roof until I find myself near the walls of the city.  I clamber up the wall and sit, looking at everything outside the city.


In the distance I can see two people crouching down over something.  I tilt my head a little as I see this.

“…Will observe for now……”

Chaos Realm:

Luna: Things are getting interesting again.

Tamamo: I agree.

*Is dragged through the room by Order*

Luna: What’s his deal?

Tamamo: No idea.

Luna: Oh well, back to Keeno.

Tamamo: Endeed.


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