Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 48- Leaving the Well

Chapter 48- Leaving the Well

[Keeno POV]

My consciousness returned and I found myself laying down on Pram’s lap.  I was a bit disoriented and there was a dull ache in my head, but I was happy nonetheless to see Pram.

“…Well now, this is a surprise.  How long has it been since I was the one sleeping in your lap, Pram?  It’s usually the other way around.” (Keeno)

“Hehe.  Silly, I haven’t taken a nap in your lap in years.” (Pram)


“Guh.” (Keeno)


“No…but please stop yelling.  It’s not helping this headache.” (Keeno)

{Sorry…Pram, will you please?}

“On it.” (Pram)

Pram gently placed a hand on my head and started to use some healing magic.  A nice, calming warmth started to spread from my head to the places where it ached and a few seconds later the pain was gone.

“Thank you, Pram.  And Ama, I’m fine, really.” (Keeno)

{What exactly happened, Keeno?  You’ve been like that for a few days.}

I told both of them what happened in the Trial and what I learned by going through it.

{Damn these Divine Laws.  I want to come down there and hug you, Keeno.  The whole point of our connection like this is so that we can always be with each other at all times.  I don’t want to be forced to be unable to even talk to you.}

“Even if it would reveal Keeno’s identity around angels?” (Pram)

{I’ve been trying to figure out a way to talk while not being heard by them, though it hasn’t been going well so far.}

“Hehe.  Then once I figure out how to make Runes an actual thing, I may be able to help with that.  They ARE supposed to be a method to forcefully manifest your Will on reality after all, so they should have the power to do that.” (Keeno)

{Speaking of that, can you explain those in more detail?  I like the sound of them and the way you describe it in terms of our relationship.  What was it again?  Same, oppose, empower?}

“Yep.  It just has this…ring to it that makes me feel all giddy.” (Keeno)

{I get the same feeling.  Though I could also say that our opposing Authorities are also kind of perfect for us if you speak of our relationship.  I mean, Life cannot go without Death.}

“While I agree, that’s getting a bit too philosophical.  Look, our cute little Pram is all confused.” (Keeno)

I started patting Pram’s head.

{Use both hands Keeno, that way I can also be patting her head symbolically.}

I did as Ama said and used both of my hands to pat Pram’s head.  She looked like she wanted to protest, but before she could her expression melted into one of enjoyment.  As I was doing this, my ears twitched as I heard the familiar fluttering of feathers.  A second later Huginn and Muninn flew to us, landed, and started hopping around me.

“Hehehe.  I’m fine, you two.” (Keeno)

Huginn then hopped onto my leg and stared into my eyes.

“Caw squawk.” (Huginn)

“Yes, yes, I’ll reward you both for doing a good job of protecting Pram from all those scary things.” (Keeno)

“Um…what?  Nothing even came close to the cave.” (Pram)

{Pram, this is just where you nod and accept.  They are trying to get Keeno to spoil them, but in a roundabout way so they can try and maintain their pride.}

“Ah.” (Pram)

While Huginn was doing its best to exaggerate its achievements, Muninn was staring at my hands on Pram’s head in jealousy.  I chuckled a little and moved one hand to pat Muninn.  It closed its eyes in enjoyment before Huginn hopped next to its sibling and I started patting it too.  Once all pats were given, we stood up, Huginn and Muninn jumped into my tail, and turned to the Spirit of Knowledge that was watching over all of this silently.

“Thank you, Spirit.” (Keeno)

[There is no need for thanks from you, venerable sealed Goddess.  I hope that the knowledge my Lady’s Well has imparted to you will be helpful for you and the world.]

“It will definitely be useful.” (Keeno)

[Good.  I wish you and your companions well.]

With that, we left the Well of Knowledge and started heading back to the city at the base of the mountain.  Seeing as I woke up quite early in the morning, we didn’t have to set up camp.  A few hours of descending the mountain later, and we found ourselves back at the broken bridge.

“No.” (Pram)

“Was it really that bad last time?” (Keeno)

“No, at least not after I thought about it more, but what WAS bad was how your Soul Weapon nearly fell out after during our swing.” (Pram)

“Hmm.  Then let me try something.” (Keeno)

At the edge of the cliff, I wrote several Runes that would in theory grow some roots big and strong enough to hold our weight and act as a new bridge.  Once they were done, I tried pouring some mana into them, but nothing happened.  They didn’t even accept the mana.

“Well, I figured it wouldn’t have been that easy.  Guess I need to actually turn it into an Authority before it is even usable.” (Keeno)

{So those are Runes.  How very interesting.}

“So, do we backtrack and look for another way around?” (Pram)

“We could, or, I could just do this and ask for forgiveness later.” (Keeno)

I quickly grabbed Pram and did the same thing I did to get us over the gap the first time.

“KEENO!!!” (Pram)

“As an apology, I shall let you sleep next to me while using my tail as a hug pillow.” (Keeno)

“…Fine.  But not for only a night, until next Solar Convergence.” (Pram)

“Is that an agreeable proposition, Ama?” (Keeno)

{I’ll allow it this time, but Pram, I will get mad if your hands wander anywhere else other than Keeno’s tail.}

“I wouldn’t let them anyway!  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again now, my romantic feelings for Keeno are long gone, now I only see her as a best friend and part of my family!” (Pram)

“Ama, I know you are just getting your frustrations from worrying out, but stop messing with Pram like that, it’s just mean.” (Keeno)

{Alright.  Sorry Pram.}

“It’s fine.  Though I guess I need to find a lover soon if you are going to keep bringing this up when you get stressed.” (Pram)

“Don’t rush it Pram.  Now, on another topic, do we tell people that the curse is lifted?” (Keeno)

“Talk about an abrupt change of topic.  Anyway, the spirit asked we let the people figure it out on their own.  I don’t know why, but it said it would be better that way.” (Pram)

“I see.” (Keeno)

{Well, it works out for us, since if you spread the word about lifting the curse, then you two would be held up here by people celebrating, asking you to take care of more problems, and so on.  I know you two would just sneak out after getting fed up with it sooner rather than later, but it would leave the two of you in regret since I know you both like helping people.  Which, in my opinion is a good quality, but with at least part of Pram’s personality, is a little troublesome.}

“Why?” (Pram)

“Because you can’t save everyone, Pram.  And due to that, people will quickly start blaming you for all of their problems.  And thus, the phrase, die a hero or live long enough to become the villain comes to fruition.  It’s also why I find the concept of saints that aren’t actually all powerful disgusting.” (Keeno)

{Well, once Pram becomes the Apostle of Life, she could technically save everyone, but that’s also a bad idea.  But enough of this, even if I was the one to bring it up in the first place.  Just know that the spirit was right in wanting the two of you to not mention the Well’s recovery.}

“Wait, I still don’t get why my personality would be a detriment.” (Pram)

“Because your soul is still Pure, Pram.  It shines a bright white in the sea of grey and black.  Even if you know the truth behind things and understand that people foisting their unreasonable expectations on you is nothing more than idiocy and meaningless, it will affect you deep down.  Neither Ama nor I want that for you.” (Keeno)

“…” (Pram)

{Pram, while I know you want to ask more questions, this isn’t really the place to delve into soul talk.}

“Ok.” (Pram)

Like that we continued down the mountain.  By nightfall the city was in sight, and once we entered the walls, our small detour to the Well of Knowledge finally ended.

Chaos Realm:

Order: I’m glad Keeno is still the same as ever.

Naturally.  She’s tougher mentally than that, after all she had to be when she spent five years THERE.

Order: True.  I guess I need to do something for her next time she comes here as an apology for underestimating her.

I don’t think it’s necessary to go that far, but I won’t stop you either.

Order: I’ll think about what to give her then.

Hehe.  You’re so cute when you’re like that.

Order: *blushes*


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