Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 34- Pram’s Training and an Interruption

Chapter 34- Pram’s Training and an Interruption

[Keeno POV]

The easiest part of Pram’s pre-journey training was getting her Guild card registered in the adventurer branch and getting her a mace.  Turns out, there are several different kinds of bludgeoning tools available for several different purposes.  They ranged from hammers to morning stars, to flails, to cudgels.  There was even something that looked suspiciously like a steel baseball bat and one that was just a big rock on a stick.  Although I didn’t need one, I bought the baseball bat looking weapon while Pram got an iron cudgel that was heavy enough for her to do some damage, but light enough that she wouldn’t get tired from just carrying it around.

After getting all of the prerequisite shopping and quest accepting done, we left the city and went to the forest nearby.  Most of the quests we picked up were ones for gathering plants and exterminating small monster dens.  I had been making good use of the storage ring Fia gifted me, so it looked like we were traveling extremely light.  The usual gate guard waved both of us through after we explained we’d be back in a few days and we were off.

It took some time, but we finally made it to the forest.  We traversed to the place I usually went when I came here and I immediately started to set up a small base near my usual campfire spot.

“So, this is where you usually go when you trained and hunted out here?  It isn’t as deep into the forest as I imagined it would be.” (Pram)

“This is just one of the spots I frequent.  Speaking of, Huginn, Muninn, you know what to do.” (Keeno)

The two steelfeather ravens ruffled their feathers and took off from my shoulders.  They both flew in opposite directions and disappeared into the trees.

“They’ll be back in a bit to report on anything interesting or of note.” (Keeno)

“I see, so is this the part where I refresh my memory on setting up camp?” (Pram)

“We can do that another time, I want you to take some practice swings with your cudgel.  Get used to the weight, maybe smack a few things with it.  I’m not really sure how you use something like this, so what could it hurt?” (Keeno)

{A lot of things actually.  While I didn’t mention it earlier since I think a weapon like this fits Pram, they can be somewhat unwieldy when not used to it.}

“Then I’ll be careful, and if I hurt myself, I’ll just heal myself.” (Pram)

“Speaking of healing, Ama, isn’t it about time you let Pram use chantless magic?” (Keeno)

{She already can.  One of the perks of being a potential Apostle of mine is chantless magic and the ability to speak with me like this.  Of course, if she fails the Trial, refused it in the first place, or gives up, then she’ll lose these perks.}

“I’ve been meaning to ask why I could still hear you even though Miss Fiametta isn’t here anymore.” (Pram)

{I thought I explained this already?  Anyway, Keeno can teach you to process for chantless magic while you two are out here.}

“Ama, you are the literal Goddess of Magic.” (Keeno)

{Yes, but did you consider I want to see what you look like teaching?  Let me have my fantasies, Keeno!}

“…” (Keeno)

{Hehehehe.  I think I know what you just imagined.}

“Would you two please stop flirting!?  I’m right here!” (Pram)

{“No offence, but you are going to have to get used to it.”}

“…So, this is what Miss Fiametta was talking about. *sigh*” (Pram)

Pram just heaved an exasperated sigh and turned to start her training.  Like that almost a month of us going back and forth from the city and the forest to get Pram used to a life of travel and combat.  At first she wasn’t very proficient with her cudgel, but after being put in several somewhat dangerous situations with bigger animals and one or two bears she got a shaky handle on her weapon.  Today was our rest day before we made our final preparations to leave Solheim.  Pram went back to her home to say her farewells to her family while I was sitting on my bed waiting for the suns to rise so I could finally get to see Ama again.  The second the first ray of light breached the horizon, briefly lost consciousness.  When I came to, I saw Ama standing in front of me, and to say her wardrobe, or lack there of, made me nearly lose any reasoning I had.

{Well?  Why are you still dressed?  We only have a day, Keeno, we need to make the most of it.}

Those words blew the last bit of reasoning I had away.  I practically ripped my clothes off and leapt at Ama, pushing her down on a conveniently placed bed as my lips met hers.  Just as we were about to completely lose ourselves in passion, we heard someone appear behind us.

“Amaterasu, I have come to make a request.” (???)

Before I even realized what I was doing, I was behind the stranger with my Soul Weapons manifested, one against his neck, the other poised to kill a certain other part.  When I spoke, my voice was full of so much venom, you’d think I was the snake who kept Loki imprisoned.  I could also tell the temperature in the area was steadily increasing.

“Who are you and why are you here?  Answer me now, and I’ll make sure your death is only moderately painful.” (Keeno)

Once more, before I could even process what happened, the mystery man was gone and I was falling forward.  Ama caught me and glared at the intruder.

{Phobos, you have a total of two seconds before I burn you to a crisp for interrupting me and Keeno.  What do you want?}

“I came to ask you for two favors.  One, to release your punishment on the family named Fafnir, and two give a message to your Fated One that I’d like to speak with her.  But, seeing as she is present today, I shall ask her in person.” (Phobos)

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.  He actually spoke all of that within the time limit Ama gave him AND I perfectly understood what he said somehow.  It was then that the reality of the situation finally sunk in, and I hurriedly looked around for something to cover myself with only to find Ama was using her tails to cover us both.  I then looked back at the intruder, Phobos.

He was a tall man with orange hair, a well maintained, short-cut beard, and glowing amber eyes.  He was dressed in a very strange outfit that reminded me of Victorian-era noble attire minus the funny neck-ring thing.  He also held a large book in one hand with a working hourglass in the cover.

“Miss Keeno, up-and-coming Goddess of the Blue Sun and Death, I humbly request you change course from Falheim to Vanir in your quest to dismantle the Dead Zones.  Naturally, I don’t mean this as never go there, just not to go there first.” (Phobos)

I was again taken aback at his brazenness.  The audacity of asking me something after what he did.  Before I even had the chance to chew him out for anything, Ama spoke to me in my mind.

{Keeno, I’m going to project some illusory clothes on you.  Just get him talking.}


I slightly nodded my head to Ama and glared at Phobos.

“And why, exactly, should I do as you ask?  You certainly didn’t make a good first impression, so I have no reason to trust or listen to you.” (Keeno)

“Quite true, my new vulpine friend.  Then allow me to expand upon the reasoning for this request.”  He started to make exaggerated gestures like he was explaining something to actors in a play.  “For you see!  One of the greatest tragic stories of this world is taking place, with you, little vixen, being a leading actor!  I call this small tale in the tapestry of history the ‘Fall of the Falheim Dragon.’”

“Dragon?  ...Ah!  Because the name Fafnir?” (Keeno)

“Forsooth!  I was intrigued by the stories you told the gracious Amaterasu and her Apostle, so I asked a certain someone more details on the stories you told.  Alas, we stray from the topic.  If you and Amaterasu’s aspiring second Apostle head there now, those you wish to reunite with will meet a terrible fate and will fail to rise to the lofty positions the world needs them to reach.” (Phobos)

“So, you’re saying if I return to Falheim now, Sigurd and Emma will die?” (Keeno)

“That is correct.  And not just them, but the whole of the rebels.  Ah!  Such an inspiring story, though tragic for the would-be heroes.  A story where the villains triumph!  But!  Nobody likes a story with such an ending when the villains are so villainous and victorious!  So, I ask once more, change your course to Vanir, land of rain and wolves!” (Phobos)

{Phobos, before Keeno agrees to this, you remember our own agreement, yes?}

“…” (Phobos)

{Keeno, Phobos has kindly agreed to let you punch and/or kick him in the face.  I suggest you do so now to alleviate any frustration with him.  Of course, I have new frustrations I’d like to dole out as well, but this is more important.}

I smiled a very ‘sweet’ smile and moved out of Ama’s tails, now freshly adorned in illusory clothes.  I ran as fast as I could up to Phobos before pivoting on one foot and bringing my heel with all of my momentum up and hitting him in the jaw.  Sadly, this only caused his head to turn, but I didn’t let it bother me as I doled out several more punches and kicks until I was out of breath.  I moved back over to Ama and pulled her tails around me again.

“*ahem* Now that the previous agreement has been upheld, may I have your reply, Fair Keeno?” (Phobos)

“Fine.  I’ll agree to your request, but only because I want Sigurd and Emma to live.” (Keeno)

“Stupendous!  And the dazzling Amaterasu?” (Phobos)

{Why should I?}

“Would you not like seeing fools make even bigger fools of themselves?” (Phobos)

{…Tch.  Fine.  But it better be worth it.}

“Their ends shall be glorious and long deserved.”  Phobos turned around to leave but stopped and looked back over his shoulder.  “I thank you, family Okami.  Your agreement here shall lead to the best outcome for all individuals involved and the world at large.” (Phobos)

He then vanished.

“…Well, that ruined the mood.”

{He IS known as the mood-killer.}

“I should have stabbed him.”

{It wouldn’t have mattered.  You can’t really scratch him yet.}

“Tch.  And what was with all that over the top everything?”

{He takes his playwright act too seriously.  And despite what he said about tragedy and how it was great, he actually hates it.}

“So, he’s a dramatic hypocrite?”

{Sometimes.  He mostly just cares about the betterment of the world as a whole, and since his Authorities are what they are, he acts like that to mitigate the killjoy attitude he’d used to have.}

“Sounds so interesting.”

My voice was dripping with sarcasm.

“So…what do we do now that we don’t feel like doing anything steamy?”

{*sigh*  I don’t mind just sitting like this for a while.  No talking, just being close.  You need a break after all.}

“Hehe.  Guess I can’t hide anything from you, huh?”

{Nope.  I know you’re still stressed that you’re practically on your own, so just relax in my arms and tails.}

I nodded my head and leaned further into Ama’s embrace.

Chaos Realm:


Order: Payto, you know what comes next.

Yep.  Just let me get Phobos here so he gets the same treatment. *snap*

Phobos: Eh?  God of Chaos?  Why am I here?

You saw things that you shouldn’t have, same with me.  It’s time to pay the piper.

Phobos: I still fail to understand?  Wha…Ah.  I see…*sigh*  My title of mood-killer happened again, didn’t it?

Yep.  Now, face forward, stare at the silver tube Order is holding, and don’t blink.  It’s adjusted so that you remember the conversation and agreements, but not the actual event you witnessed.  Order, whenever you’re ready.

Order: *flash*

Phobos: …

Order: Good.


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