Kiss With Mr. CEO

Chapter 7 - Im not here to murder you

Chapter 7 - I'm not here to murder you

Did she call his boss Bumpkin?


Zhang Xin expressions were worth to take a snapshot as his hands trembled with anger. It seemed like he had a terrible itch somewhere and he couldn’t scratch it then no matter how much he wanted. He could only swallow down his anger.

"You recognized me?", Li Luxian said - his voice light and breezy. But that was merely a rhetorical question.

Chen Feng eased a little once identifying the person on at her doorstep and realizing that he was not a potential threat. At least it was not someone sent by Su Liwei.

"What are you doing here?"

Was he stalking her or something?

Clad in some branded formal suit, he definitely didn’t resemble any bumpkin now. Rather he gave off the vibes of a ’tycoon’. His disposition was impeccable-calm and incisive. His personality was thunderous, making one inevitably feel pliant and yielding in his presence.

But Chen Feng had seen a fair share of powerful men in her lifespan. So despite finding him there standing in a black suit giving off all ’I’m an important person and don’t mess with me’ vibes that would make a group of strangers to part willingly and give this man a clear passage, she still was not scared or nervous in his overbearing presence.

As Chen Feng eyed him with confusion, he made his way in her apartment despite not being invited in. And so followed his secretary and men behind him.

Chen Feng was left stupefied standing by the open door. She stared at them, dumbfounded.

Even if you are stalking someone, you should know the limits! Hey!

He walked in a regal and kingly gait to the center of her apartment. He seated on the main seat in a dignified manner crossing his one leg over other, utterly ignoring her as if the place belonged to him.

"What are you doing?", Chen Feng frowned.

"Taking a seat and making myself comfortable"

"Umm... I think can see that much for myself but...why?"

"Because it would be uncomfortable if we talked while standing"

Chen Feng: "..."

When that small frown adorned on Chen Feng’s face and unintentionally made her look cute. Li Luxian lips curled up into a smile. He had to admit that wife was beautiful. A rare beauty, one in millions indeed.

"Ms. Chen, please take a seat", Li Luxian said in a formal tune with a faint hint of mischief in his voice.

Asking her to take a seat in her own apartment!


"Who do you think you are to enter other’s places at your will and asking them to take a seat in their own homes?"

No one has ever talked to him in such manner before. Who did he think he was? He was Li Luxian! The great, almighty Li Luxian! Secretary Zhang stood up as if he had been poked with a hot pointed thing in his ass.

"Ms. Chen, let me introduce Mr. Li, the young master of the Li family and the heir to Li corporation"

"What?", Chen Feng’s eyes widened to their last extent as she looked from his subordinate to that bumpkin, then at the subordinate, then at the bumpkin.

"You must be joking. Right?"

Zhang’s face was stiff. Not looking like he was joking.

Li Luxian. Who was not aware of that name?

Her heart skipped a beat as her mind processed the Zhang Min’swords.

Without wasting another second, she took out her cell and typed his name on a Baidu with swift fingers. That familiar face popped out in the front. Chen Feng looked at the picture then at him.

It was really him!

She looked at the man sitting at her lowly and humble couch. His temperament was calm and poised. A noble aura extended in his vicinity, so intense that difficult to overlook. She felt dizzy. How could she had possibly not noticed it earlier!

"Ms. Chen are you alright? You look pale."

How could she be alright when someone like him was sitting in front of her after she had offended him!

"M-Mr Li", she said lamenting how unfortunate she was, "Why did you not tell me t-that night that it was you?"

"You didn’t give me a chance"

"Y-You could just have shouted it out when I grabbed you", Chen Feng stuttered as she took a couple of steps back.

This person was clearly not here to play cards with her.

She was considering to dash out of her apartment in the first chance. She stealthily slipped closer to the door. But her slight movements couldn’t evade Li Luxian incisive eyes. He gave a notion to his men. They slammed shut the door.

Only now had she noticed that it was not only him. There were at least five well-built bodyguards with him all dressed in black, gloomy color. She was in big, big trouble!

Chen Feng heart throbbed.

Now there was only death or Mr. Li.

"As I said you, you didn’t give me a chance. And the moment after I was grabbed, I was kissed and later when I tried to hint you, I was thrown with money and called a bumpkin"

Chen Feng wanted to bang her head in a wall and die from a hemorrhage right then and there. Not only she kissed Li Luxian, the tyrannical Li Luxian of the great Li family, but she also called him a bumpkin and threw some petty notes at him! Those crimes were enough to sentence her with a death penalty!

"Why do you look like you are about to cry? Ms. Chen, I’m not here to murder you"

"Then why are you here?", she summoned her courage to ask meekly.

If not for murdering her, why was he here? There was no other logical reason for him to be here...

"Why don’t you take a seat while we discuss it?"

With trembling legs, she walked to him and tok a seat, far, far away from him.

"Better", he commented coolly.

He grabbed a few papers from his secretary and carelessly threw them on the table.


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